授 業 科 目 名 学科 (科目区分) 英語表現法 I 三学科共通 (総合基礎教育科目) 担 当 教 員 職・氏名 非常勤講師 ライアン S. 必修・選択 の別 学年 開講 時期 単位 数 先修条件 指定科目 科目等 履修生 選択 1 前期 1 非該当 可 授 業概要 The goal of this course is develop students’ English fluency. The focus of the course will be on speaking and listening. Students’ will work in pairs or small groups and practice the model conversations or information gap exercises. There were also be listening tasks that reinforce the language targeted for each chapter. Students’ who have a positive attitude and are not afraid of making speaking mistakes will gain the most from this course. 一般目標 Developing English speaking and listening ability 到達目標 To communicate more confidently and effectively with English speakers in international settings. 授業計画 回 日付 授業項目・学習課題 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 26. 4.16(水) 1•2 26. 4.23(水) 1•2 26. 4.30(水) 1•2 26. 5. 7(水) 1•2 26. 5.14(水) 1•2 26. 5.21(水) 1•2 26. 5.28(水) 1•2 26. 6. 4(水) 1•2 26. 6.11(水) 1•2 26. 6.18(水) 1•2 26. 6.25(水) 1•2 26. 7. 2(水) 1•2 26. 7. 9(水) 1•2 26. 7.16(水) 1•2 26. 7.23(水) 1•2 修得していなければなら ない一定の他の科目 教 参 科 考 図 授業外学習など to advanced grammatical structures and shall include: 1. Asking for information: Could you tell me…? 2. Describing things: It’s made of…It looks like.. 3. Making requests: Would you mind…? 4. Asking for permission: Do you mind if…? 5. Making excused/giving reasons: Why didn’t you../I’m sorry but… 6. Giving opinions: I my opinion/what do you think about…? なし (80%) (20%) • Students who fail to attend 2/3 of the total classes will receive a 0 for a final score. 書 書 Fifty-Fifty. Book 2. Pearson-Longman. ISBN 978-962-00-5666-6 履 修 上 の 注 意 学 メ 生 へ ッ セ ー e-mail・研究室 (連絡先) 担当 We will finish as many units as student ability allows. Language functions are linked 1. Mid-term & Final Exam 2. Daily participation 成績評価方針 評価方法 および基準 学習内容・学習方法 の ジ 1.An English-Japanese dictionary may be useful 2. Our textbook corresponds to about the 450-550 TOEIC level. [email protected]
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