English Skill Workshop < MO&YJ > W12, 6/29/2015 Venture 3, Week 3 Today’s Agenda (June 29th) Time Topic Objectives 9:00-9:10 Grammar (10:40-10:50) We will go over today’s grammar. 9:10-9:25 (10:50-11:05) We will do small talk. Small Talk Directions Materials Booklet pp.2-3 Booklet p.4 9:25-9:40 (11:05-11:20) Small Talk Q&A We will ask questions. 9:40-9:55 (11:20-11:35) TOEIC 1 We will make questions.. Booklet p. 5 9:55-10:00 (11:35-11:40) TOEIC 2 We will try to choose Q-word. Booklet p.5 10:00-10:10 (11:40-11:50) TOEIC 3 We will make choose answers Booklet p.6 10:10-10:25 Assessment (11:50-12:05) preparation We will practice for the assessment. Booklet p.7 10:25-10:30 Feedback and (12:05-12:10) close Useful Phrases ❀Can you give me some comments for my announcement presentation? ❀What answer do you have for this question? ❀Could you share your answer to us? 1 English Skill Workshop < MO&YJ > W12, 6/29/2015 9:00-9:10 / 10:40-10:50 Grammar 受動態 * 「~する」という動作を行うものを主語にした表現を能動態と呼ぶのに対し、動作を受けるもの を主語にした表現を受動態と呼ぶ。 * 受動態は《be + 過去分詞》 の形で表し、動作を行ったもの(動作主)を述べる場合《by + 動 作主》で後ろに置く。 例文 Lisa punched Bart. (リサはバートを殴った。)[能動態] Bart was punched by Lisa. (バートはリサに殴られた。)[受動態] by + 動作主の省略 《by + 動作主》は省略されることが多い。省略されるのは以下のような場合である。 動作主が We, You, They, People など一般的な人である場合。 例文 We can see stars at night.[能動態] Stars can be seen at night (by us). [受動態] (夜になると(私たちは)星が見える。) ※ 星を見ることができるのは特定の人物ではないので、受動態にしたときに述べる必要 はない。 郡動詞の受動態 take care of(~の世話をする)、look for(~を探す)など 2 つ以上の語がまとまって 1 つ の動詞の働きをするものを、郡動詞と呼ぶ。郡動詞を受動態にするときは、そのまとまりを 1 つの動詞としてあつかう。 例文 My sister takes care of the cat.[能動態] The cat is taken care of by my sister. [受動態] (その猫はケイコに飼われている。) ※ take care of は 1 つの動詞とみなすので、バラバラにしない。 by 以外の前置詞を使う受動態 例文 The news surprised all of us. (その報せは我々全員を驚かせた。)[能動態] All of us were surprised at the news. (我々は皆、その報せに驚いた。)[受動態] ※ 知らせが我々を驚かせたという動作というよりは、我々は驚いていたという感情をあ らわしている。 2 English Skill Workshop < MO&YJ > W12, 6/29/2015 be composed of ~から成る be satisfied with ~に満足している be covered with ~で覆われている be scared of ~を恐れている be worried about ~を心配している be at disappointed ~に失望している be known to ~に知られている be excited ~に興奮している about[at] be made from ~から作られている(原料) be interested in ~に興味がある That wine is made from grapes. (そのワインはぶどうから 作られている。) be made of ~で作られている(材料、 be crowded with 材質) ~で混雑している That desk is made of wood. (そのワインは木でできて いる。) be bored with[by] ~にうんざりしている be tired of be tired from ~に飽きている ~に疲れている 形式主語 it を用いた受動態 例文 People say that he is a millionaire.[能動態] (That he is a millionaire is said (by people).) It is said that he is a millionaire. [受動態] (彼は億万長者だと言われている。) ※ that 節は主語にするには長すぎるので、形式主語の it を置いて、that 節を後に まわす。 It is believed ~だと信じられてい It is る that… that… It is that… know ~だと知られている thought ~だと思われている It is considered ~だと考えられている that… 3 English Skill Workshop < MO&YJ > W12, 6/29/2015 9:10-9:25 / 10:50-11:05 Small Talk Small Talk Topic 12 < Let’s talk about yourself> < Passive Voice(受動態)> Goals: use “Passive Voice” For example: Talk about yourself, how things are done, your feeling about things, etc Examples of questions 1. What do you thing about ~? (~についてどう思う?) 2. How ~ is made? (~ってどうやって作られるの?) 3. Can you tell me your thoughts about ~? (~についてのあなたの考えを教えてくれる?) 4. Where is ~ seen? (~はどこで見られるの?) 5. When is ~ taken/ brought/ eaten? (いつ~は盗られた/買われた/食べられたの?) 6. How do you make ~? (~はどうやって作るの?(レシピなど)) Follow-up questions 1. Why do you think ~? (なんで~だと思うの?) 2. 3. 4. 5. Can you tell me more details about ~? (もうすこし細部にわたって教えてくれる?) How about ~? (~はどう?) Is it true that ~is made of ―? (~はーで作られてるって本当?) How did you know about that? (なんでそれを知ってるの?) Comments 1. I’m interested in ~, too! (私も~に興味あるよ!) 2. You know a lot! (あなたよく知ってるね!) 3. Is that real? (それ本当?) 4. I think you should know that, too! (それ知っておくべきだと思うよ) ⋆ Make 2 questions to other groups. 1. 2. 9:25 - 9:40 / 11:05-11:20 Small Talk (Q&A) Leader of leaders: “Okay, let’s move on to the question times. I would like to ask questions to Group #.” <Questions> Group #, please ask question to group #. After each questions. PLEASE ask “Was there any mistakes? Is my grammar correct?” “Thank you. Let’s move on to group work.” 4 English Skill Workshop < MO&YJ > W12, 6/29/2015 9:40–9:55 / 11:20-11:35 TOEIC 1 Leaders: “Okay, let’s move on to the next topic. The next topic is TOEIC. We will practice making questions.” Everyone: Please stand up and write your answers on the board. Here are some answers. Please make questions. There are many different possible Qs. Ex: Q: ? A: She lives in Shiga. → Where does Anna live? 1. Q: ? A: He likes classical music and jazz. 2. Q: ? A: Mr. Lee comes from China. 3. Q: ? A: The film was two hours long. 4. Q: ? A: Yuki arrived yesterday. 5. Q: ? A: He is watching the baseball game. 6. Q: ? A: It is my pen. 7. Q: ? A: I came to school by bus. 8. Q: ? A: Because I want to talk to foreign people. “What are the questions? In groups write the questions on the board. This is a race!” Everyone: When you are finished, look at the other groups questions. Can you make corrections to their work? How about other group’s work? Let’s look at different answers together. (終わったら、違うグループの質問も見てみましょう) 9:55-10:00 / 11:35-11:40 TOEIC 2 Leaders: “Okay, let’s move on to the next topic. The next topic is also TOEIC. We will practice making questions.” Everyone: Look at the answers below. What kind of question do they answer: Who / What / When / Where / Why / or How? Check your answers. If you have time, make a full question for each answer. (横に質問句を書きましょう) (Write the correct Q-word next to the answer. For example, # 1 is “Where”) Long-term parking is available at the facility on Jones Road. Where If you have a question about a previous order, press “star two”. You may now place your orders from 10:00am to 4:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays. These shots would cost ten dollars if you got them at a health department, twenty-five dollars at a clinic, and forty dollars or more if given by a private doctor. 5. The cause of the blaze remains a mystery although, according to the owners, a previous 1. 2. 3. 4. fire here was caused by faulty electrical wiring. 5 English Skill Workshop < MO&YJ > W12, 6/29/2015 10:00-10:10 / 11:40-11:50 TOEIC 3 Leaders: “Okay, let’s move on to the next exercise. We will match answers and questions. Everyone: We will do this activity in our groups. Can you match the answers to the 8 questions below? a. In a few minutes b. He returned the books. c. He is called John. d. Stay on the phone. e. Three hours per kit. f. Two g. Leaving a vehicle unattended. h. A parking-permit. I. A small bonus j. I’ve been employed here for three years. k. I like to eat corn flakes in the morning. l. It tastes sweeter. m. One day n. About three meters o. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. p. Conference hall answer 1. When will the man return to the office? 2. What is the caller told to do? 3. How many DVD’s are enclosed in each kit? 4. Which of these is not permitted? 5. What does the employee of the year receive? 6. Why should corn be harvested in the morning? 7. How long is the special price being offered? 8. Where is this talk being given? 6 English Skill Workshop < MO&YJ > W12, 6/29/2015 10:10-10:25 / 11:50-12:05 Assessment preparation Leaders: “Okay, let’s move on to the next topic. We will practice our announcements. Please take out your announcement paper.” Everyone: It is time to present your announcements to your group mates. We will practice listening and speaking. Be sure to give comments to your teammates. Speakers: Important things to remember: 1) Before you speak, look around the room, smile, and breathe deeply. 2) 3) 4) Speak loud and clear. Make eye-contact with everyone. Get feedback comments from your listeners. (チームメイトから発表の評価コメント をもらいましょう) Listeners: Important things to remember: 1) Please listen quietly. 2) Pay attention to the speaker. 3) Give the speaker feedback comments after they finished speaking. (発表者にコメ ントや改善点などを伝えましょう) 4) Don’t forget applause! (拍手も忘れずに) 10:25-10:30 / 12:05-12:10 Feedback Leaders: “Okay, well done everyone. That’s it for today. Next week’s leader is <student’s name>. <student’s name> please prepare for next week’s lesson before class. Thank you! See you next week!” Next week (July 6th) is your assessment week. ✰Don’t forget: To bring your announcement paper. To memorize your announcement. (During the test, you can not have your paper.) To practice and rehearsal. 7
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