
謹啓 平素より格別のご高配を賜り、誠に有難く御礼申し上げます。
取るとともに、万全を期すために、2 月 10 日以降、一部のレストラン等の店舗で休業や営業
本日、港区みなと保健所から当社の従業員食堂を運営している外部業者に対して、2 月 20 日
から 3 日間の営業停止処分が下りました。当ホテルといたしましても、この度の事態を真摯に
ます。詳細は「臨時休業と営業時間変更のお知らせ」をご覧くださいませ。 謹白
平成 27 年 2 月 20 日
総支配人 遊川 剛正
About the Incident of Food Poisoning in Staff Facilities in the Hotel
To All Our Valued Guests
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and patronage
of our hotel. Recently, several employees of Dai-ichi Hotel Tokyo presented with symptoms of
ailments. We immediately notified the local Minato Health Department in Minato Ward and
placed the affected employees on suspension under the direction of the Health Department.
To ensure that we took every possible measure, we suspended operations or changed the business
hours of some of the restaurants and stores within the hotel, starting February 10, 2015.
Upon completion of its investigations, the health department issued an order today to the external
contractor to whom we entrust the operation of our staff canteen to suspend its business for three
days from February 20, 2015. We take this situation very seriously and will make a companywide
effort to enhance our health management framework, including strengthening the supervision of
contractors. We reiterate that we kindly ask for your continued support and patronage.
With regard to the stores and restaurants that are currently closed, after fully verifying safety we
will gradually resume their operations. For more details, please refer to the Notification of
Temporary Closing and Change of Business Hours.
February 20, 2015
Dai-ichi Hotel Tokyo, Dai-ichi Hotel Annex
Norimasa Yukawa, General Manager