
32 次の各組の英文中で、★の空所には☆の下線部と同じ発音の単語が入る。それぞれ☆の下線
1) ☆ She had bright blue eyes.
★ A strong wind (
) all day long yesterday.
2) ☆ He threw a rope to the drowning girl.
★ The explorer went on (
) the jungle.
3) ☆ Tell me the best way to learn English.
★ Did you (
) the package?
4) ☆ Taro won first prize in the speech contest.
★ My family is a large (
5) ☆ In most birds the male is bigger and more brightly colored than the female.
★ I'll send you the book by (
→ 1 blew(<blow:吹く/★昨日は一日中強風が吹いていた。)
2 through(⇒~を通って、threw<throw:投げる/☆彼は溺れかけていた女の子にロープを投げた。
3 weigh(:重さを量る/★その小包を量りましたか。)
4 one(won<win:勝ち取る/★私の家族は大家族です。)
5 mail(male:オス/☆ほとんどの鳥は、オスの方がメスよりも体が大きくて、明るい色をしている。)
33 次の英文の(
1) Last Sunday was (
① much
) a beautiful day that we took a drive in the country.
② so
③ such
④ very
2) The soccer game was so (
① excite
② excited
) that I stayed up late last night.
③ exciting
④ excitement
→③。⇒ excite:興奮させる(動詞)⇒excited, exciting は共に形容詞だが、前者は人を主語に、後者は
物を主語にとる。⇒I was excited at the news.(その知らせに興奮した。)/It was an exciting game.
Mother sounded (
① happily
) when I said, "I'm coming home for Christmas."
② happiness
③ happy
④ like happy
4) Our plane (
) off from Narita two hours late, so we missed our flight in Hong Kong.
① jumped
② left
③ put
→④。take off:離陸する⇔land:着陸する
(jump off:飛び降りる、put off:延期する)
5) I have an American friend named Tony. (
① When
② Long
④ took
) he stays in Japan, the better his Japanese gets.
③ More long
④ The longer
→④。《the+比較級, the+比較級:~すればするほど、ますます~》 *get:~になる
6) Ted is looking forward (
① to go
) abroad after graduation.
② going
③ to going
④ go
→③。look forward to+名詞or動名詞:~するのを楽しみにする。
7) She's good at cooking, but her sister can (
① seldom
② hardly
) cook.
③ almost
④ ever
⇒ hardly は準否定語で『ほとんど~ない』(=scarcely),
seldom は『めったに~ない』(=rarely)
8) A:“Hello, Susan. Is Mike there?"
① Wait
) on, please. He'll be back in a minute."
② Keep
③ Come
④ Hold
→④。hold on:(電話を)切らないでおく。
34 それぞれ括弧内の語を並べ変えて意味の通る英文を完成させなさい。ただし、文頭に来る語
“( do, think, what hotel, you, the best, is ) in the city?"
“I think Royal Hotel is probably the best."
→ ( What hotel do you think is the best ) in the city? 「その町で一番いいホテルはどこだと思い
⇒ Do you think ~? の誤答が多いが、Yes/Noで答えられない疑問文は普通、疑問詞が文頭に来る。
The police haven't found any clues.
The thief seems to have ( to, gloves, not, leave, worn ) any fingerprints when he broke in.
→ … have ( worn gloves not to leave ) any fingerprints ~
たらしい」⇒ to不定詞の否定は 《not to~:~しないように》
* clue:手がかり、 thief:どろぼう、 seem to have pp:~したようだ、 wear-wore-worn、
fingerprint:指紋、 break in:(どろぼうが)押し入る
That seemed ( a, idea, good, such, that ) I jumped at it at once.
→ … such a good idea that ~.「それはすばらしいアイデアだと思われたので、私はすぐそれに飛び
32 次の各組の英文中で、★の空所には☆の下線部と同じ発音の単語が入る。それぞれ☆の下線
1) ☆ She had bright blue eyes.
★ A strong wind (
) all day long yesterday.
2) ☆ He threw a rope to the drowning girl.
★ The explorer went on (
) the jungle.
3) ☆ Tell me the best way to learn English.
★ Did you (
) the package?
4) ☆ Taro won first prize in the speech contest.
★ My family is a large (
5) ☆ In most birds the male is bigger and more brightly colored than the female.
★ I'll send you the book by (
33 次の英文の(
1) Last Sunday was (
① much
) a beautiful day that we took a drive in the country.
② so
2) The soccer game was so (
① excite
② excited
Mother sounded (
① happily
③ such
④ very
) that I stayed up late last night.
③ exciting
④ excitement
) when I said, "I'm coming home for Christmas."
② happiness
③ happy
④ like happy
4) Our plane (
) off from Narita two hours late, so we missed our flight in Hong Kong.
① jumped
② left
③ put
5) I have an American friend named Tony. (
① When
② Long
6) Ted is looking forward (
① to go
) he stays in Japan, the better his Japanese gets.
③ More long
④ The longer
) abroad after graduation.
② going
③ to going
7) She's good at cooking, but her sister can (
① seldom
④ took
② hardly
④ go
) cook.
③ almost
④ ever
8) A:“Hello, Susan. Is Mike there?"
① Wait
) on, please. He'll be back in a minute."
② Keep
③ Come
④ Hold
34 それぞれ括弧内の語を並べ変えて意味の通る英文を完成させなさい。ただし、文頭に来る語
“( do, think, what hotel, you, the best, is ) in the city?"
“I think Royal Hotel is probably the best."
The police haven't found any clues.
The thief seems to have ( to, gloves, not, leave, worn ) any fingerprints when he broke in.
That seemed ( a, idea, good, such, that ) I jumped at it at once.