任 駆 461 OUEST O, て0■DED AT,揺 R言 コ 1融再E CITY OF iOS ANOEES 苺 車 譜齢 ぷ縦 CA」FORNい 11撲十 ,9脱APR 4」 :: 崎 ciT▼a FRk hAILヨ OX 距 E 田 /′ Y a c r t , J o no f 0rdl nrnce of .' Pufsurrt to ordlngnce Ef tntent.lon ilos. l5r,29Z rfld l59r36l, rnct aftef no!lces lerE posted rs requfrei by lEr and tbe s.td 0.df!rnccs Here pubilshed, the iornelt ionsiderad t h ! e v l d e D c er u b r l t t e d r e g . r d i n g 6 ! l d v a c a i l o t r n . t d e t e r ! i l e d th{! sild pnblic strc:t sholld 5c rrcrted subJect to the condi!iorli oF vacrlfon having b€en coaplied rlth, fb:rafore, fron rl I of ihe .vtdence iubnltt.dr ttre Corncll ftnds thrt tlope5!reet bltreer 23rd Slreet aaa iOani Boulevrrd proposrd tof y!crtlon ln th! srld 0rdlnrnces of Intentton ls snnecesslrt for. prareat of prospectiyr public stteet putpos!! ! and t b e p r r g l c u l r r p s r " - i D n s0 f t h e D U b l l s r ! r ! . ! r h l c h a r e t o b e y a r a t e d r e r e d e s c n i b e db y r r f e r e n c e I n i a t d D i d l n a r r e s of ln!entlon end are descrlbed herlln rs lollors; 1 Thrt portton of lioge'StreEt, G0 feet rldei !nd of varlable-rtdth, !i 3hernon the nap of pafctl Hap L.A. t{0.4959, recorded ln Eook 157, prges 68 and 59 of Prrcel l{rps.'ln thr 0ffice of the County lecorder of Los AngrleSCosntt, bounded northe.rtcr'lt b.y r llne connectlng the iouthersterli tcralnrrs -ol thE-scralght,not!hrrsterly lloi of Ptrcrl A, srlil prrcel Hrp L.A,11o.4959, rtth the nodthrssterl, corrar of Lot 5'l of the Longs!feel Tract, as pef lap racoided fn Book lD. prge 7I of Hlseellrnaous Records, in the 0fflce of srld-Counlt Recorder, rnd boundedsouthJester'lJ b-ytic southersterly prolinqa-tlon of the t!r.fght southxestcrly llne of parcel E, sejA' Prrcel nao L.A. il;.4959, fhe Cltt Clerk shall €er!lft thir Resolution.nd afftx the C!ty ieal, rnd shrll tralsnlt a sealedcopt of thlr R e s o l u t l o n t o t h e S t r e e t 0 p ! n l n g a n d l l i d e n l a g D l v l s ' l - o no f t h e Eureru of Englneerlrg foa r.cofdrU{on ln !ha 0fflce of the c o u n t y R e c o r d e r o f t o s A f l g e l ! s C o u r l J u p o n c o D p l ir n c e , i t h t h r condftlons for the vacation. r l ト ト ト ュ Description: Los Angel es,CA D00切 Order: 166673 Comment: "卸 卜Yea,DOcrD イ98aイ 2イイ0イ Pagerイ TransmittalNo. 5 oF2 尋 範顕幾理2 規 ・ ・ 統 =鷲 r l 卜 r i l ≡ . ⋮ ド そ . 縦 科 すほ試ぷ Vttet郎堺 生a路 雄cH ttd l花 糞理替ぷ粘 u:│::11:it::iを hと i:'告 :rs. by 〕 t脈 ,::せ :岳 if:!::::il:)と 3Sffthと 材 芋 想 占 EL IASは RT IHE2,Ctty Cle二 ltty rRti:in七 常 :'z:景 :t:1聯 ,gユ 歓R,° 8J望 ゃ 名 そ 二 を と キ TGI.NEN.ICIRLIN Ho. 80-5527 C o u n c lt ' i l l e ,<R,rf. Rld 3'aq? 88口 421461 , ・ ど Description : Los An gel es,CA DOC″ 閉enF‐Yeaた orderi166673 comment: DoOrD ィ98a42イ イ6イPager 2 0F2 免 ・ キ ギれ │ `│ │― 4 , Indicates public ttghr ● │ TI TLE: dams B lvd. WORX oRDER NO, v C O T I N C I LF I I E NO.8O-_ C O U N CDIILS T . 9 f f i ENGR. DIsT. re l DI STRICT MAP L2O-2G TransIIlittal No.5 . , ︲ ト ー l ︱ ヽ, i! ■ド・ , , 出 i ︲ 1軒l of lⅢ ! ヨ y t p b e v 4 c 4 t e│古
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