WETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK - ACTIVITEITEN 2014 CONGRES / ACTIVITEIT DATUM SPREKER(S) ONDERWERP ONDERZOEK EFCAP 7-9 mei 2014 Mireille Bakker, Kirsten Smeets Conduct disorder & aggressive behaviour; developmental pathways & treatment approaches CU2 / TOA Eunethydis 21-24 mei 2014 Anoek Sluiter-Oerlemans, Nanda Lambregts-Rommelse, Jan Buitelaar, Wincke Frankx diversen NeuroImage / BOA Eunethydis 21-24 mei 2014 Jan Buitelaar ADHD Debate Parent Training vs. medication therapy NeuroImage / BOA Eunethydis 21-24 mei 2014 Madelon Vollebregt Working Memory Training in Young Children with ADHD: a Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial WORM IMFAR 14-17 mei 2014 Anoek Sluiter-Oerlemans Identifying Unique and Shared Pre- and Perinatal Risk Factors in Simplex Versus Multiplex ASD and ADHD Families NeuroImage / BOA ADHD Plus! 4 juni 2014 Jan Buitelaar, Nanda LambregtsRommelse ADHD & Comorbiditeit, Autisme & ADHD diversen Executieve Functies 5 juni 2014 Dorine Slaats Dagvoorzitter diversen Kirsten Smeets Op dit symposium won Kirsten Smeets de PHD award "Best laptop presentation". Aan deze award is een prijs verbonden ter waarde van € 250,-- te besteden aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek. TOA Neurocognitive and genetic factors in ADHD across ages and generations: Proceedings on the internediate phenotype model by including adolescents and their parents. NeuroImage Andrieke Thissen Jolanda van der Meer Behavioral and Cognitive Profiling in Autism Spectrum Disorder and AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Spider, NeuroImage, Boa 11/12 september 2014Mirjam Pijl Does the Brief Observation of Social Communication Change (BOSCC) help in moving forward in measuring change in early autism intervention studies? Diane 3 december 2014 Shared and unique underpinnings of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Pre-/perinatal antecedents and cognitive deficits in the context of familial risk BOA RIHS 11 juni 2014 PROMOTIE 19 juni 2014 PROMOTIE COST ESSEA PROMOTIE 3 september 2014 Anoek Sluiter-Oerlemans
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