Samenvatting van de aanvraag Basisgegevens Soort aanvraag Naam instelling Contactpersoon/contactpersonen Verplaatsing bestaande opleiding Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein Aanvrager College van Bestuur Drs. P.C.A. van Dongen Contactpersoon hogeschool S.C.M. Nijemanting Stafbureau CvB/beleidsafdeling Contactgegevens Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein College van bestuur, voorzitter Drs. P.C.A. van Dongen Larensteinselaan 26a 6882 CT Velp GLD 026-3695749 Postbus 9001 6880 GB Velp GLD Sharon Nijemanting MSc Onderwijskundige Larensteinselaan 26a, kamer A308 Postbus 9001, 6880 GB Velp 0317–486313 [email protected] Algemene beschrijving van de opleiding Naam (Nederlands en evt. Engels) Graad Inhoud (korte beschrijving programma) Voedingsmiddelentechnologie, Food Technology Bachelor Food Technology will train students to get a management job in the food industry, a job that is characterized by a combination of commercial and technological aspects. Students will acquire the analytical skills to analyse a wide range of problems, develop a flair for devising solutions and set up projects and arranging their funding and practical implementation. The approach will be geared to trigger innovations when possible and stimulate the sustainable change. Food Technology has two majors: 1. Food Innovation and Management will train students to get a management job in the food industry, a job that is characterized by a combination of commercial and technological aspects. To innovate products and processes it is necessary to know the physical, chemical, microbiological and sensorial properties of the concerned products. Inrichting van de opleiding (indicatie curriculum per jaar) 2. Food Safety and Health will train students in management and research positions in the Food industry in the field of design and implementation of Safety management systems and research and development positions in the field of safe and healthy food. Year 1 Semester 1 Term 1 Term 2 Semester 2 Term 3 Food Product 5 EC Food Analysis 10 EC Finance & Projects 5 EC Sector analysis 5 EC Term 4 Innovation in Food and Business 5 EC Food Development 5 EC Introduction Applied Research 5 EC Management Systems and microbiology 5 EC Agribusiness and Management 5 EC Professional Behaviour and communication A 5 EC Professional Behaviour and communication B 5 EC Year 2 Placement 15 EC Applied Research 5 EC Food Ingredients Theory 5 EC Concepts of a business plan 5 EC Products and Process Technology 5 EC Professional Behaviour and communication C 5 EC Manage your own business 5 EC Food Safety 5 EC Professional Behaviour and communication D 5 EC Year 3 Product Development 30 EC Half year practical placement food innovation 30 EC Year 4 Minor 30 EC Studielast Vorm van de opleiding (voltijd, deeltijd, duaal) Gemeente waar de opleiding wordt gevestigd Doelgroep van de opleiding Croho (sub)onderdeel en motivering Geplande startdatum opleiding Indien nadere vooropleidingseisen worden gesteld; voorstel daartoe; Indien capaciteitsbeperking wordt ingesteld; hoogte en motivering. Thesis for food innovation management 30 EC 240 credits voltijd Rheden Het BRIN-nummer van Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein is 30HD en het isat nummer van de opleiding is 34856. 1 september 2015 Wettelijke nadere vooropleidingseisen (Staatscourant). n.v.t.
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