COME TO WORSHIP - Gospelmusic.NL

Tekst en Muziek: Elisa Krijgsman
English lyrics: Belinda van de Loo
©2008 Small Stone Media t/a Reli Music Productions
Lord, we have gathered.
Lord, we have come to meet with You.
Our hearts are hungry,
anticipating more of You.
Though our words may seem so simple,
be enthroned upon our praise.
Lord, we worship You
in spirit and in truth.
We're astounded by Your mercy,
we're amazed to find such grace.
Lord, we give ourselves
completely unto You.
We have come to bring You worship
and to celebrate Your grace.
We declare Your majesty
here in this place.
And the only motivation
for the things we say and do.
We've come to worship,
come to worship You!
Zing een nieuw Lied is een initiatief van Small Stone Media om kerken, gemeenten en groepen
nieuwe liederen voor hun samenkomsten aan te bieden.