NISL NEWS 29 - The Netherlands International School Lagos

The Netherlands International School Lagos
13 A/B Walter Carrington Crescent
Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria
Telephone: +234 813 864 8489/08082211745
E-mail: [email protected]
Lagos, 11thof April, 2014
Easter Break
Monday 14th – Friday 25th of April
Birthday calendar
Victoria Backx
29th of April, Reception Class
From the Principal
The sun is shining and the birds are chirping, the Easter holiday is on our doorstep and with that comes a
well-deserved break.
The second term has been a busy one. There have been many opportunities for the children to show off
their learning to their parents and we are pleased to see the students so proud of their work. Behind the
scenes the team and the Board have been busy on many different projects. Things look very promising
and at a later stage we are looking forward to sharing the teacher and class line-ups for next school year,
as well as plans for the renovation of the school.
Today we all enjoyed the joyful and fun Easter atmosphere as well as celebrating new life with the tiny
chicks. Many thanks to our parents for the generous contribution of the ingredients for our delicious
breakfast – what a treat! A big thank you to our local staff, the team and specially the Easter committee;
juf Claske and Miss Pam for a wonderful celebration to end the term.
Wishing the NISL community a safe journey abroad or a pleasant stay in Nigeria. Happy Easter, relax, and
see you all back at school on Monday the 28th of April.
Gerard Veneman
Ebola Virus
Although not confirmed in Nigeria, please find attached an information document about this virus. It is
important to keep informed and be aware of what measures to take should we need to.
After School Activities
A reminder that there will be ASA on Monday 28th and Tuesday the 29th of April. There will be no ASA for
the rest of that week due to Labour Day holidays. The first full week of ASA will be from the 5th of May.
- Great education for our children! -
Today we welcomed a happy band of children to school all wearing their home-made colourful Easter
hats. We enjoyed each and every one and are so proud of them all for their creative work. Our Easter
breakfast was a yummy success and we are very grateful to our kind Mums for helping out with all of
those treats! Later in the day we got to show off our festive bonnets on the catwalk before dashing
around frantically looking for Easter eggs. Hunting, eating and play time done, all that is left is to say
Happy Easter holidays everyone!
Parent Board Meeting
We would like to invite you for the next Parent Board Meeting to be held at NISL on May 12th at 08:00
The board would like to inform the parents of the following information before the meeting:
- Great education for our children! -
1. The Board has presented the proposed property development plans for the school to the
Principal and teaching staff, who have in turn provided valuable input which is being
incorporated into the plans. These updated plans will be presented at the Parent-Board Meeting.
2. As this is a frequently asked question; the Board would like to confirm that all Year groups in the
English Stream, from Reception to Year 5, will be accommodated at NISL in the next school year.
Klas van de week groep 5/6/7
Een oud leren etui….dat vertelt een mooi verhaal.
En dat verhaal kregen we te horen van meester Gerard. Hij bezocht onze groep en vertelde over zijn
herinneringen, herinneringen aan vroeger. Ook herinneringen van anderen, van je ouders en van jezelf
kwamen vaak terug in de IPCunit over “Jong en oud”. Foto’s uit de kindertijd van onze ouders, waren
echt lastig om te herkennen. Om de opdrachten van de unit voor tekenen en knutselen goed te kunnen
maken, moesten we de juiste technieken en materialen kiezen. Best lastig…sommige kinderen kozen verf
om een portret “ jong/oud te maken, maar moesten de conclusie trekken, dat ze toch beter uit de voeten
konden met kleurpotloden of stiften.
Tijdens een gymles deden we een conditiecircuit, waarin we onszelf meten …hoe vaak we onszelf kunnen
opdrukken, hoe ver we vanuit stilstaand kunnen springen enz. We meten hierna onszelf nog een paar
keer en gaan de prestaties vergelijken met die van kinderen uit de jaren 50. Zijn wij beter dan zij ? Of
konden de kinderen vroeger betere resultaten halen ?
De afgelopen weken hadden we op de woensdagen juf Evelien in de groep. Zij gaf verschillende lessen,
die zij voor haar opleiding moet doen. Leuk om haar bij ons in de klas te hebben.
Elke dinsdag luisteren we nu naar een boekbespreking, die één van de kinderen heeft voorbereid.
Leuk…want het is soms echt een tip, zelfs een beetje reclame om dat leuke boek zelf te willen lezen ! Op
vrijdag zijn de spreekbeurten aan de beurt. Er zijn al verschillende onderwerpen besproken : “ de politie”,
“ walvissen en dolfijnen”, “ chocolade “, “ het wereld natuur fonds”en “ Turkije”. Na de vakantie staat ons
vast en zeker weer een interessant onderwerp te wachten.
- Great education for our children! -