クジラ類とその餌生物である 魚類との関係 • 松田裕之(横浜国立大学) 10/20/04 http://risk.kan.ynu.ac.jp/matsuda/2004/041114f.ppt 1 http://risk.kan.ynu.ac.jp/matsuda/2004/041114f.ppt Overview • • • • • 鯨害獣論 上位捕食者激減説 生態系モデル We can get more fish 単純さを求めよ.しかし,それを信じるな 10/20/04 2 鯨類の摂食量と漁獲量 10/20/04 3 鯨類の初期資源量と現在 10/20/04 4 鯨類乱獲の歴史 南氷洋における鯨類の捕獲量の推移 捕獲頭数 50000 40000 30000 20000 マッコウ ナガス 10000 ニタリ シロナガス ザトウ 0 1931/32 10/20/04 Ref: 41/42 51/52 61/62 71/72 年 ミンク 81/82 91/92 森光代作図 5 謬説:クジラ害獣論 • • • • Fallacy of whale-fishery competition as reason for culling whales 鯨はカタクチイワシ、中深層性ハダカイワ シなどを大量に摂食 必ずしも漁業とは競合しない 大昔より鯨類全体としては減っている たくさんいるミンク鯨 を食べよう! 資料:日本鯨類研究所 10/20/04 file: Institute for Cetacean Research 6 http://risk.kan.ynu.ac.jp/matsuda/2004/041114f.ppt Overview • • • • • 鯨害獣論 上位捕食者激減説 生態系モデル We can get more fish 単純さを求めよ.しかし,それを信じるな 10/20/04 7 Whales Before Whaling in the North Atlantic • DNA多様性 解析:大西洋 の鯨類は商業 捕鯨以前より ずっと少ない (差>累積捕 獲数) 10/20/04 Population abundance (thousands) Roman J & Palumbi SR (2003) Science 301:508-510 Historical Current 600 300 Humpback Fin Minke 8 日本のマイ ワシ減少 期? ペルーカタクチイワシ豊漁期 Fishing Down!漁業下落 mean trophic level Pauly et al. (左Science1998:279:860; 右2002 Nature 418:669) Marine areas ? inland areas Fig. 1. Global trends of mean trophic level of fisheries landings, 1950 to 1994 (左), 1970 to 1997(右) 10/20/04 9 大型魚類の生物体量97-99%減少説 (Jennings & Blanchard 2004 J Anim Ecol 73:632) • We propose a method, based on macroecological theory, to predict the abundance and size-structure of an unexploited fish community from a theoretical abundance–body mass relationship (size spectrum). • We suggest that the current biomass of large fishes weighing 4–16 kg and 16–66 kg, respectively, is 97·4% and 99·2% lower than in the absence of fisheries exploitation. The results suggest that depletion of large fishes due to fisheries exploitation exceeds that described in many short-term studies. 10/20/04 10 Marine Ecosystems Concerns 海洋生態系への懸念 R. A. Myers & B. Worm (2002) Nature in press. “Rapid worldwide deple-tion of large predatory fish communities” …We conclude that declines of large predators that initially occurred in coastal regions, have extended throughout the global ocean, with potentially large consequences on ecosystems. Top predators are good indicator of ecosystems. 10/20/04 11 Nature Myers論文への国際的 なマグロ研究者の反論 • John Hampton, John R. Sibert, and Pierre Kleiber Effect of longlining on pelagic fish stocks - tuna scientists reject conclusions of Nature article http://www.spc.int/OceanFish/Docs/Researc h/Myers_comments.htm 10/20/04 12 http://risk.kan.ynu.ac.jp/matsuda/2004/041114f.ppt Overview • • • • • 鯨害獣論 上位捕食者激減説 生態系モデル We can get more fish 単純さを求めよ.しかし,それを信じるな 10/20/04 13 Catch of demersal marine fish has not grow since 1970s (FAO1996) 10/20/04 http://www.fao.org/WAICENT/FAOINFO/FISHERY/publ/sofia/fig5e.asp 14 Catch of pelagic fish has still been increasing anchoveta sardine Atlantic herring 10/20/04 chub mackerel http://www.fao.org/WAICENT/FAOINFO/FISHERY/publ/sofia/fig4e.asp 15 http://risk.kan.ynu.ac.jp/matsuda/2004/041114f.ppt Overview • • • • • 鯨害獣論 上位捕食者激減説 生態系モデル We can get more fish 単純さを求めよ.しかし,それを信じるな 10/20/04 16 オットセイ駆除は、メルルーサを減らす可 ベンゲラ海域生態系の食物網 能性の方が高いだろう(Yodzis 1998) (Yodzis 1998, 宮下・野田『群集生態学』2003) 鳥 オットセイ 鯨類 鮫 鮪 メルルーサ 鯵 鯖 片口鰯 細菌 10/20/04 浮植 浮小動 分解者 17 群集生態学の最も重要な知見と は? • Indeterminacy in indirect effects of community interactions (Yodzis 1988); • From sensitivity analysis, the total effect between species is positive or negative even though process errors exist in growth rate; • The “vulnerability” is not common for all species, and changes with conditions (evolutionary ecology). 10/20/04 6 5 4 3 1 2 18 “...in a complicated food web structure, indirect Twoofphenotypes whales-fisheries effects culling topof predator (whales) on abundance of competition target fish isidea either positive or negative,...” By Yodzis 2001 Trend Ecol Evol Whales destroy the ocean. Fisheries destroy the ocean. By Japan Gov. 10/20/04 19 , aisclassic this illusion? Wasp-waist is dream... birds seals sardine/anchovy tunas lantern fish pelagic copepods krill deep sea .... Only 5 to 10 percent of us succeed of the weightloss industry • Anyway, we need to investigate how to fluctuate the total biomass of small pelagics. 10/20/04 20 I still recommend eating small pelagics • Catch of small pelagics is still much smaller than consumption by top predators. • Total biomass of top predators decreased in the 20th century. • Some species when it is rare is overfished. • Eating small pelagics is definitely smaller impact on eating higher trophic levels. 10/20/04 21 http://risk.kan.ynu.ac.jp/matsuda/2004/041020p.ppt Species replacement among pelagic fishes 10/20/04 22 updated after Matsuda & Katsukawa (2002 Fish Oceanogr 11:366) Cyclic Advantage Hypothesis for “sardine-anchovy-chub mackerel cycles” The next dominant is anchovy – The second next is chub mackerel sardine mackrel Anchovy, Pacific saury, jack mackerel Matsuda et al. (1992) Res. Pop. Ecol. 34:309-319 10/20/04 23 Possible combination between regime shift and species interactions • When sardine increased, water temperature differed between off Japan and off California (McFarlane et al. 2002). • A possible answer: “Temperature does not solely determine the sardine's stock dynamics.” • Climate change is a trigger for species replacement (Matsuda et al. 1992). 10/20/04 24 Global regime shift drives synchronicity • We consider a cyclic-advantage model: Nij’ = c+Ni exp[rij(t)–ai1Ni1–ai2Ni2–ai3Ni3] • for species i (=1,2,3) in region j (=1,2); • rij(t) positively correlates between species (i) and between regions (j). • sr: inter-regional correlation in rij(t). 10/20/04 25 Simulated effect of “regime shift” sr & correlation between species ss small sr • If sr is small, no synchronicity; sardine increased off Japan and sardine/anchovy increased off California independently. intermediate sr and large sr large sr and ss 10/20/04 • If sr & ss are large, sardine increased off Japan almost when some species increased off California (incomplete synchronicity); • If sr is large and ss is small, sardine increased both off Japan and California simultaneously. • Which is true? 26 Sardine-anchovy-mackerel cycle hypothesis ... • is falsifiable because the next dominant is predictable. • encourages multiple species management (target-switching; Katsukawa & Matsuda 2003 Fish Res 60:515) • does not predict when the next replacement occurs (depending probably on regime shift...) 10/20/04 27 http://risk.kan.ynu.ac.jp/matsuda/2004/041114f.ppt Overview • • • • • 鯨害獣論 上位捕食者激減説 生態系モデル We can get more fish 単純さを求めよ.しかし,それを信じるな 10/20/04 28 Seek simplicity, but distrust it –Begon, Harper & Townsend (1986) "Ecology: Individuals, Populations and Communities“ 反対の立場: • Seek complexity, and trust it. Include all factors and data into the model There are two types of models: • Eye-opening (“目からうろこを落とす”) • Mystifying (“人を煙に巻く”) 10/20/04 29 http://risk.kan.ynu.ac.jp/matsuda/2004/041020.ppt Seek simplicity, but distrust it • 必要最低限の要因を考慮した数理モデル を考える • 観測誤差と過程誤差を考慮する • Simple model with errors は反証可能(よ く考えてみれば成り立たないシナリオ,前 提だけを排除する) 10/20/04 30 What is target-switching in fisheries? • Fishery that focuses its effort (fi) on a temporally abundant species or stock i. fj Bi / SBj. •It saves rare stock, increases total catch. Constant Harvest Ratio 7 1 10 6 4 10 Yield Biomass 6 Positive Switching 6 8 10 8 10 6 6 3 10 3 10 6 6 6 10 6 10 6 6 2 10 6 4 10 2 10 6 4 10 6 6 1 10 6 2 10 1 10 6 2 10 20 20 10/20/04 7 1 10 6 4 10 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 20 20 40 40 60 60 Katsukawa & Matsuda (2003 Fish. Res) 80 80 100 31 「単純で誤差を含むモデル」SMwE の利点 SMwE • • • • • Complex models 合理的な結果ならば直感的 • 直感的に説明しにくい に説明しやすい モデルの自由度(細工の余 • 多くのパラメタの値を 地)が少ない 最尤法などで推定 非現実的な前提だけを排除 • 過去のデータを過適 する 合overfitting 多様な前提や予想を受け入 れる • 将来を一意的に予想 リスク分析に有効である する 10/20/04 32 未知のことと不可知のことを弁 える(KUU, CoML’s slogan) • • • • • Seek a falsifiable testable hypothesis; Avoid type II I errors (orthodox science) (precautionary principle) Predict likely future future Certify “maximum” what is unlikely Expect case Preparean theoptimistic worst case (risk management) Design to test hypotheses in Give upmanagement testing hypothesis; the future (adaptive management) 10/20/04 Census of Marine Life: http://www.nagisa.coml.org/ 33 Recommendations #1 1. Do fishing down in food items!! • Eat small pelagic fishes 2. Eat more fish, not use as fish meal!! • Feed cows on grass, not corns (“Beyond Beef”) 3. Reduce discards before and after landings (our dishes); 4. Establish food market of temporally fluctuating pelagic fishes 10/20/04 34 Recommendations #2 5. Switch a target fish (species replacement) 6. Conserve immatures • & Save a chance of multiple reproduction 7. Monitor “ecosystems” (not only target) 8. Improve technology for selective fishing 9. Conserve both fishes and fisheries; • 10/20/04 unsustainable agriculture and forestry are problems rather than small pelagic fisheries 35
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