Visualization of Seismic Wave Propagation -Dense Seismic Network and Computer Simulation地震波伝播の可視化ー高密度観測と計算機シミュレーションー Takashi FURUMURA 古村孝志 Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research, University of Tokyo Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo 東京大学総合防災情報研究センター/東京大学地震研究所 High-density seismic network and the Earth Simulator 2. Earth Simulator Supercomputer 5120 CPU, 40TFLOPS, JAMSTEC 1. Nation-wide seismic network K-NET, KiK-net, 1800 Stations, NIED Large-scale computer simulation of ground motion FDM Simulation of equation of motions .. U p Source and Structural models Western Tottori Earthquake in 2000 xp x U yp y U zp z U fp U U y p q x z pq pq x y z q p Yagi and Kikuchi (2001) Large-scale parallel simulation 領域分 地下構造デル Ground motions from the Western Tottori earthquake in 2000: Observation and Computer simulation 鳥取県西部地震の高密度地震観測とシミュレーション Dense seismic network and Ground motion 高密度地震観測地面の揺れ Furumura et al., 2003 Computer simulation of Ground motion コンピュータシミュレーション Large-scale computer simulation of ground motion地震動計算 2.FDM Simulation of equation of motions .. U p 1.Source and Structural models Western Tottori Earthquake in 2000 xp x U yp y U zp z U fp U U y p q x z pq pq x y z q p Yagi and Kikuchi (2001) 3.Large-scale parallel simulation 領域分 地下構造デル Long-period ground motion from large earthquake大地震の長周期地震動 Observed ground motion from Dense, nation-wide seismic network, 1800 stations. 高密度地震観測(1800点)で見る揺れ Tomakomai 苫小牧 2003 Tokachi-oki (M8.0) 2004 Chuetsu (M6.8) 2008 Iwate-Miyagi (M7.2) Tokyo 東京 2004 Off Kii-Peninsula (M7.4) 2004 Chuetsu Earthquake: Computer Simulation 中越地震の計算 Long-period ground motions developed in the center of Tokyo basin ; amplification and focusing of seismic waves in thick sediments 関東平野の堆積層で長周期地震動が強く増 幅されることを計算から確認 Simulation Observation Furumura and Hayakawa (2007) Validation of simulation model for Nankai-Trough earthquake 南海トラフ地震のシミュレーションモデルの検証 東金 Togane 煤書き地震記録紙 Smoked paler record Togane Simul ation Obser vation Tokyo 大手町 計算 東金 観測 東南海地震 Furumura et al. (2008) Integrated Simulation for Disaster Mitigation 連成計算の Buildings Oscillation 建物の揺れ For mitigating earthquake disasters expecting for future Nankai Trough Earthquakes, integration of computer simulations such as for building oscillation and tsunami simulation is necessary 災害予測には、建物震動・津波 シミュレーションとの連成が必要 Tsunami Simulation 津波シミュレーション Ground Motion Simulation 地震動計算 Future Nankai-Trough M8 Earthquake 南海トラフ巨大地震 Large M8 earthquakes occur at the Nankai Trough at interval of about 100 years, and next event should occur in 30 years 今後30年以内に、次の南海・東南海M8地震発生 揺れの予測 Expecting disasters from the Nankai-Trough earthquake 南海トラフ地震の影響 Real-scale shaking-table tests demonstrating significant impacts of long-period ground motions to high-rise buildings 実大震動台実験による、長周期地震動の超 高層ビルに与える影響 Movie: courtesy from the real-scale shaking table test of NIED 防災科学技術研究所 Integrated Simulation Seismic Wave and Tsunami地震と津波の連成計算 3 Propagation of tsunami is also calculated by FDM simulation of NS. equations 津波伝播も、3-D NS方程式のFDM 計算により評価 Sea surface 3-D N-S equations 2 1 Initial tsunami on sea surface calculated by FDM simulation of N.S. equations 初期津波(水面上昇)は、3-D NS 方程式のFDM計算により評価 Seafloor deformation is estimated by FDM simulation of eq. motions 海底地殻変動は、3D運動方 程式のFDM計算により評価 Furumura and Saito (2008) 2u 2u 2u u u u u p u v w 2 2 2 g x t x y z x y z x 2v 2v 2v v v v v p u v w 2 2 2 g y t x y z y y z x 2w 2w 2w w w w w p u v w 2 2 2 g z t x y z z y z x Equation of Motion in 3D xx xy xz fx, x y z yz yy yz y u fy, x y z xz yz zz z u fz. x y z u v w 0 x y z Seabed x u pq (exx eyy ezz ) pq 2 epq Furumura and Saito (2009) 3D Model Ground motion and Tsunami Simulation: 1896 Meiji-Sanriku Earthquake 1896年明治三陸地震 Ground motion simulation Tsunami Simulation 連成 Coupling P S Ground motion 地震動 Rayleigh Tsunami 津波 Furumura and Saito (2009) Large-scale parallel simulation using super-parallel computers 超並列スパコンによる大規模シミュレーション (A)Vector-type super computer ベクトル型スパコン Parallel Speed-up : Ground motion Simulation 地震動シミュレーション: 並列計算効率 Actual Performance 実効性能 > 50% Actual Performance 実効性能 ~ 8% New Earth Simulator 新地球シミュレータ(2009) (131TFLOPS) Earth Simualtor 地球シミュレータ(2002) 40 TFLOPS (B)Scalar-type Super ocmputer スカラー型スパコン Peta-flops “Keisoku” Computer京速計算機(2012~) (10PFLOPS?) T2K Opeen Super computer u Tokyo)東大T2K u u p u g (Univ. 2008 (140TFLOPS)
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