情報工学専攻 中村 遼 7/19(日) 7/20(月) Network Research ( 9:00~12:30) (14:00~17:30) 7/21(火) Opening Plenary Backbone Committee e-Culture ( 9:00~10:10) (10:30~13:20) (14:00~17:30) 2 7/22(水) Live Solar Eclipse Broadcasting Network Engineering APAN Banquet ( 9:00~11:30) (11:40~17:30) (18:30~22:00) 7/23(木) Network Security General Assembly ( 9:00~10:30) (14:00~15:30) 3 4:30wake up 6:30arrive at Fukuoka Airport 7:25take off 8:30arrive at Kansai International Airport 13:05 take off 20:50 arrive at Kuala Lumpur International Airport 21:50 check in at Berjaya Times Square Hotel 2:00go to bed 4 6:30wake up 8:00breakfast 9:00Network Research 12:30 lunch 14:00 Network Research 18:00 go shopping at 7-ELEVEn (about 30 minutes) 21:00 go to bed 5 Network Visualization and Management “Collecting inside information to visualize network status” by Dai Mochinaga (Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc.) “The personalized measurement service in perfSONAR” by Abay Wo (NCHC) “Experiment of deploying perfSONAR at SC08” by Yasuichi Kitamura (NICT) “The advanced implementation of network management system with fault detection in TWAREN hybrid network” by Ming-Chang Liang (NCHC) 6 SNMP obtains information from nodes one by one. Disclosing information leads to improved End-to-End visibility i-Path Offering end-to-end visibility Observing privacy Respecting disclosure policy 7 To monitor the network performance, various measurement techniques are developed. However, all is too network administrator centric. Users have no idea how their application will behave until they actually use them. Personalized Internet measurement service in perfSONAR architecture perfSONAR :web service-based infrastructure for collecting and published network performance monitoring. It integrates network measurement tools and archives. discovery, authentication and authorization, data manipulation, resource protection and topology. 8 In Japan, APAN-JP started the perfSONAR service and SPARC started the perfSONAR service especially for supporting the demonstrations at SC08. SPARC developed the weather map for this demonstration. perfSONAR could be sure to provide the monitoring data without setting the special boxes or without looking for the collaborators. 9 TWAREN (TaiWan Advanced Research and Education NEtwork) is a hybrid network composed of several types of network service including Layer1 (Light-Path), Layer2 (VLAN, MPLS-VPN and VPLS-VPN), Layer3 (research networks peering and transit) and Layer7 (SSL VPN) ISSUE The use of multiple protection and backup scheme has caused some problems. The best way to solve the problem is to start the backup scheme before the problems happen. => prediction scheme fault detection method Dynamic threshold calculation method Automatic trend detection method 10 Network Control “The Design Motivation and Objectives for Fast Congestion Notification (FN)” by Mohammed M. Kadhum (Universiti Utara Malaysia) “Networking Performance Evaluation for Multimedia Sharing among Networked Tiled Display Nodes” by Vinay Ramachandra (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology) “Service Provisioning in terms of Performance for IPv6 Based Communication” by Raja Kumar M (Universiti Sains Malaysia) “Utilization and Performance Analysis of SIP6” by Cansheng Fan (Tsinghua University) 11 In computer network, the goal is that obtain or provide the highest performance at the lowest cost. Controlling the congestion at the gateway leads to better performance of the network. TCP connection needs sooner congestion signal sending. Congestion in packet switching networks is related to buffer overflow event. Fast Congestion Notification (FN) Combined (aggregate) buffer arrival rate control Actual queue size control Early congestion detection & notification based on prediction Definition & treatment of congestion at different severity levels 12 Multi-display monitors are arranged in tile fashion We compare the networking performance of selected transported protocols: TCP, parallel TCP, Reliable Blast UDP (RBUDP) Parallel TCP creates multiple TCP connections and delivers partitioned payload in parallel over these connections. RBUDP eliminates TCP’s slow-start and congestion control mechanisms Between RBUDP and parallel TCP, parallel TCP provides better performance for this case. 13 Need to enhance network performance to support bandwidth intensive multimedia contents, interactive and real time applications We present and discuss on how the IPv6 header size can be reduced using customized IPv6 header for LAN traffic The header size reduction result in reduced bandwidth utilization, improved latency and increase throughput 14 Network and applications of IPv6 have been widely deployed and used around the world, but the real utilization is far from research In CNGI(China Next Generation Internet) project, SIP6 is one of the key applications. This paper analyses the utilization and performance of SIP6 SIP6 :IPv6 based SIP platform user distribution, IPv6 address distribution, and platform performance Although the registration of new users keeps growing, the online users grow much slower Invalid registration and users lost every day 15 Wireless Communications “Frame aggregations in the wireless LANs : A review paper” by Anwar Saif (University Putra Malaysia) “A Proposal of Green Wireless LAN System Based on Dynamic Power Supply Control” by Ryo Nakamura (Kyushu University) “Development Of IPv6 Network With Location Assisted Transfer For Real Time Applications” Nur Haliza Abdul Wahab (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) 16 The overhead consumes most of channel utilization time compared to the actual payload Frame aggregation techniques They enhances the performance by packing multiple frames in one large frame They are proposed for the next generation networks and being adopted by 802.11n drafts benefits lead to better throughput compared to short frame reduce the overheads by using only few overheads for large number of packets 17 Question & Answer Q1) When many users concentrates an AP, it seems to be difficult to turn off the AP. I think that the Power Saving Mode is more effective. A1) In general, Power Saving Mode is a function for wireless mobile station because an AP always keep watching the request from the station. Therefore, by controlling the AP directly, we aim at the power saving. Q2) Advertised APs have some functions that causes turning off the AP to be difficult. How about that? A2) I have little idea about recent APs. So I will study about that. 18 This paper present the development of IPv6 network test bed that supports location tracking system which is purely software based with minimum hardware dependent. The proposed location tracking will be based on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) A device switching can be done to switch session from one device to another in order to provide roaming in an IPv6 19 Sensor Network “An Efficient Clustering Algorithm with Transmission Range Extension for Wireless Sensor Networks” by Wibhada Naruephiphat (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center) “An Adaptive Energy-efficient Multi-hop MAC Protocol for Sensor Networks” by Kien Nguyen (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) 20 Clustering algorithm is one of the energy-efficient techniques to improve the network lifetime in wireless sensor networks. We present Limiting member node Clustering(LmC) algorithm to limit the number of member nodes The simulation results show that the performances of clustering algorithms improve when the transmission range of a base station Is extended. 21 When there is no traffic in the network, multi-hop MAC wastes energy by keeping the radios on during a long listen period. This paper proposes the ARMAC(adaptive routing-enhanced MAC) protocol, which can avoid such wastage. In ARMAC, a node can adjust the duration of the listening period according to the traffic road The simulation results in, in comparison with RMAC, ARMAC improves energy efficiency yet keeps the same end-to-end latency. 22 5:30wake up 8:00breakfast 9:00Opening Plenary 10:30 Backbone Committee 12:30 lunch 14:00 e-Culture 21:30 dinner 23:00 go to bed 23 10:30 GDLN (Global Development Learning Network) 11:05 IMPACT (International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber Threats) by Jagdish Singh 11:40 TLPW (TransLight/PacificWave) by John Silvestar (PacificWave & USC) 11:55 TransPAC by Jim Williams (TransPAC & Indiana University) 12:08 Exploring new R&E network reach from Japan to South Asia, the Middle East and Africa by Kazunori Konishi (APAN-JP ) 12:15 TEIN3 Upgrade by David West (DANTE) 24 Coordinated by the World Bank, the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) is a partnership of over 120 recognized global institutions (Affiliates) in over 80 countries that collaborates in the design of customized learning solutions for individuals and organizations working in development. They usually feature a combination of learning techniques, such as expert panels, case based learning and action plans, as well as information and communication tools, used in face-to-face, videoconferencing and e-learning events. Ref) http://www.gdln.org/ 25 What is IMPACT non-profit organisation focued on uppper end of cyber threats international and multilateral in nature public-private partnership Activity global response centre centre for training and skills development highly specialised training,seminars etc centre for security assurance and research Network Early Warning System(NEWS) Electronic Secure Collaborative Application Platform for Experts(ESCAPE) IMPACT Gobernment Security Scorecard (IGSS) Kaspersky, Symantec, Microsoft centre for policy and international cooporation Ref) http://www.impact-alliance.org/ 26 Pacific Wave TransLight/PacificWave distributed exchange supporting the interconnection of research and education network on the west coast of the US with connection points in LA, Sunnyvale, Seattle, and extension to Tijuana. upgrade PW backbone to 100G links in 2011-2012 support increased BW to Australia/New Zealand increased number of 10G links to land on PW 100G US domestic links to connect to PW by 2011 Trans-Pacific 100G by 2014 Ref) http://www.pacificwave.net/participants/irnc/ 27 TransPAC2 a high-speed international Internet service connecting research and education networks in the Asia-Pacific region to those in the US National Science Foundation (NSF) efforts to provide fundamental network infrastructure to support international e-science collaborations among researchers worldwide The primary goal of TransPAC2 is to increase research and educational (R/E) collaboration between the United States and Asia. Ref) http://www.transpac.org/ 28 デジタルシルクロード構想(Digital Silk Road) アジア クラウド・コンピューティング環境 | 次世代高機能IX-------超高速通信網---------共同利用施設 29 The third generation of the Trans-Eurasia Information Network (TEIN3) provides a dedicated high-capacity Internet network for research and education communities across Asia-Pacific currently connects 11 countries in the region, and provides direct connectivity to Europe’s GÉANT2 network. Bangla Desh - BdREN Bhutan - Royal Univer sity of Bhutan India - ERNET Nepal - NREN Pakistan - PERN SriLanka - LEARN 30 14:00 Tangible Sports in Virtual World by Yong-Moo Kwon (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) 14:28 Multilingual community site for NGO volunteers powered by machine translation and human support by Toshiyuki Takasaki (Kyoto University) 14:50 Youth Mediated Communication Model : New Challenge to Bring Youths for Better World. Phase I Agriculture by Yumiko Mori (NPO Pangaea, President) 15:14 Empowering the Rural Communities with ICT : Telecenter Transformation Process by Norizan Abdul Razak (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) 31 NGO Pangaea Found in 2003 in Japan Staff: 5 core staff, 250 volunteers( 160(Japan), 90(outside Japan) ) Participants: 3,500 (9-15 years old) Issues Languages: Multilingual communication in NGO Tool introduction: IT skill spectrum of volunteers is in wide range NGO consists of diverse stakeholders internationally It is almost impossible to gather all volunteers at the same time in one location for a training session Solution Machine translation combined with Community dictionary Human correction of machine translation result 32 Issue ICT has found users in cities, but not so in rural area Literacy rate of grown ups (those in workforce now) is still low Cost for PC is still high Solution <in Thailand> Great possibility for utilizing youth instead of adults Need to encourage youths for participation Link between experts and youths is the key 33 1945 telecenters in all states in Malaysia To upgrade the community ICT literacy level To provide access to the Internet To increase participation of the community in the e-government, ecommerce and online activities To empower the rural and marginalized communities socially and economically via the use of ICT Enculturation of E-Culture Issue Maintenance Latest technology 34 16:08 ELAN software for sign language research by Ho Koon Wei (Sign Language Interpreter Ms. Lucy Lim) 16:36 Towards developing networking ecenomy : E-entrepreneurship program for Malaysia women by Jalaludin Abdul Malik (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) 16:49 Promoting eCulture Among ASEAN Youths by Faridah Noor Mohd Noor (University of Malaya) 17:09 Culturemondo Network X APAN eCulture WG by Yu Hsin Charles Chuang (Culturemondo Asia-Pacific/TELDAP) 35 Sign Language Besides the old method of recording sign language (video player), a few tools have been developed to study sign linguistics. SignStream E-LAN Some claim that sign languages are a form of written languages ELAN a professional tool for the creation of complex annotations on video and audio resources 36 The Women Internet Entrepreneurship program an identified need of rural communities to market and sell their products and services making full use of the Internet infrastructure available in their area To enhance the women’s capabilities and skills in ICT so as to participate in the e-marketplace more effectively 37 ASEAN Youth Workshop To introduce e-culture To create culture awareness among ASEAN youths To initiate youths to participate in capturing their culture in eculture Activity A social network (Ning) Voluntary registration by participants A call-out/invitation to ASEAN students via official channels for participants 38 7:00wake up 8:00breakfast 9:00Live Solar Eclipse Broadcasting 11:40 Network Engineering 12:30 lunch 14:00 Network Engineering 18:30 APAN Banquet 24:00 go to bed 39 Malaysia time (Japan Time) 08:00~ (09:00~) start 09:24~09:30 (10:24~10:30) Wuhan (武漢) 09:35~09:40 (10:35~10:40) Shanghi (上海) 09:55~10:00 (10:55~11:00) Amami (奄美) 超臨場感コミュニケーション産学官フォーラム(URCF) 4K超高精細全天映像伝送システム 4K = 3840×2160≒800万画素 10:25~10:30 (11:25~11:30) Iwo Jima (硫黄島) 情報通信研究機構(NICT),宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA),国立天文台(NAOJ) 40 11:50 P2P management by Wang Jilong (Tsinghua University) 12:25 Experiment of high-performance data transfer between ITER and Japan by Naoki Tanida (The University of Tokyo) 14:05 Networking for e-Science by Hsin-Yen Chen (ASGC :Academia Sinica Grid Computing) 14:30 TEIN3 Updates by David West (DANTE) 14:44 Joint research projects among APAN members by Kazunori Konishi (APAN-JP) 15:10 Update from ERNET by Dipak Singh (ERNET India) 41 P2P is a network without management mechanism like Internet Problem the use of bandwidth other Copyright Security Dirty Information Requirements ISP (Internet Services Provider) P2P Traffic control accounting government copyright, content, security User performance, security 42 To support data intensive computational science, we have proposed and offered data transfer system in long distance We aim to achieve high performance and friendly data transfer. On a shared network (i.e. not a dedicated line), interference with other traffic must be avoided Pacing is effective for Bandwidth bottleneck in the middle of the network Too small buffer sizes of the intermediate switches Friendliness with background traffic on shared line SSD is suitable for data transfer over file system 43 Definition “e-Science is about global collaboration in key areas of science and the next generation of infrastructure that will enable it.” (by John Taylor, http://www.e-science.clrc.ac.uk) Information & Communication Technology pushes, e-Science apps pulls Objectives Support research by e-Science, on data intensive sciences and applications require cross disciplinary distributed collaboration Example Earthquake Sensor network Seismic Wave Simulation 44 7:00wake up 8:00breakfast 9:00Network Security 11:50 check-out 12:30 lunch 14:00 General Assembly 15:40 depart from the hotel 16:30 arrive at Kuala Lumpur International Airport 17:00 dinner 20:40 take off 45 9:00 IMPACT's Role in Bridging Cyber security Research with Governments by Jagdish Singh (IMPACT :International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber Threats ) 9:40 Traffic Identification and Control : Not Just About P2P Anymore? by Kostas G Anagnostakis (A*STAR, Singapore) 46
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