August 06, 2008 Japanese IPv6 Update Hiroshi Esaki, Ph.D. Executive Director, IPv6 Promotion Council of Japan Professor, The University of Tokyo Board member, WIDE Project Board of Trustee, ISOC Dr. Masaki HIRABARU has passed away on July 29th, 2008. • • • • Born in 1960 (48 years old) The first chair of JPNIC operational committee One of founders of WIDE Project A lot of contribution to APAN community Summary / Agenda 1. Special Task Force has been established, to come up with the depletion of IPv4 address resource. – SIer (System Integrator) will play the critical role – Establish a testbed, including the application players 2. “Green IT” projects; Sensor network to contribute to the “Earth” and it’s “Environment” using ICT technologies 3. Update of IPv6 Ready Logo Program by IPv6 Forum – USA has been serious ! Japanese MIC formed study group • Mission: “How to achieve smooth IPv6 introduction” • Some interesting discussion and analysis 1. There is no free lunch ! All must pay money on IPv6. 2. Squeezing out the global IPv4 address from existing network looks so hard…. JPNIC had got less than 2% of address space….. 3. IPv4 address exchanging market may generate the company accounting issue, since IPv4 address may become as an asset. 4. Broadband Internet consumes a lot of global IP(v4) addresses 5. RIPE is large IPv4 address consumption as well as BRICs area. 6. The largest sacrifice is business/service deployment for new companies and for legacy companies 7. Contents provider and system integrator should join 8. Translator between large clouds will not work….. Put it at the edge, e.g., SOHO router and iDC Japanese MIC formed study group • Mission: “How to achieve smooth IPv6 introduction” • Some interesting discussion and analysis 1. There is no free lunch ! All must pay money on IPv6. 6. The largest sacrifice is 2. Squeezing out the global IPv4 address from existing network deployment looks sobusiness/service hard…. JPNIC had got less than 2% of address space….. for “new” companies and the company 3. IPv4 address exchanging market may generate accounting since IPv4 address may become as an asset. forissue, “legacy” companies 4. Broadband Internet consumes a lot of global IP(v4) addresses 5. RIPE is large IPv4 address consumption as well as BRICs area. 7. Contents provider and system 6. The largest sacrifice is business/service deployment for new integrator should/must join, see companies and for legacy companies Google’s IPv6 site should join 7. Contentsthe provider and system integrator 8. Translator between large clouds will not work….. Put it at the edge, e.g., SOHO router and iDC Japanese MIC formed study group • Mission: “How to achieve smooth IPv6 introduction” New • Some interesting discussion and analysis 1. There is no free lunch ! All must pay money on IPv6. 2. Squeezing out the global IPv4 address from existing network looks hard…. JPNIC had got less than 2% ofNAT address space….. 8.soWe will need carrier-class 3. IPv4 address exchanging may generate the company boxes in the market network. accounting issue, since IPv4 address may become as an asset. But, serious technical issue will 4. Broadband Internet consumes a lot of global IP(v4) addresses occur, the number 5. RIPE is large IPv4 regarding address consumption as well as of BRICs area. TCP sessions……… 6. The largest sacrifice is business/service deployment for new companies and for legacy companies 7. Contents provider and system integrator should join 8. Translator between large clouds will not work….. Put it at the edge, e.g., SOHO router and iDC New IPv6 Glue on the Root • A/F/H/J/K/M have add AAAA record • February 04, 2008. – A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. – F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. – H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. – J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. – K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. – M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 2008/6/13 2001:503:ba3e::2:30 2001:500:2f::f 2001:500:1::803f:235 2001:503:c27::2:30 2001:7fd::1 2001:dc3::35 Copyright (C) 2008 Internet Initiative Japan Inc. 7 Source; Mr,Y.Matsuzaki of IIJ New A vs AAAA Linier scale, not log-scale 2008/6/13 Copyright (C) 2008 Internet Initiative Japan Inc. 8 Source; Mr,Y.Matsuzaki of IIJ New Number of source node for Queries 2008/6/13 Copyright (C) 2008 Internet Initiative Japan Inc. 9 Summary / Agenda 1. Special Task Force has been established, to come up with the depletion of IPv4 address resource. – SIer (System Integrator) will play the critical role – Establish a testbed, including the application players 2. “Green IT” projects; Sensor network to contribute to the “Earth” and it’s “Environment” using ICT technologies 3. Update of IPv6 Ready Logo Program by IPv6 Forum USA has been serious ! Why we go to new continent ? • Contribution of revenue by ICT industry in the GDP is less than 10%. • More than 90% revenue in GDP is come from non-ICT industries. • Almost all the companies, including non-ICT industries, depends on ICT technology on their corporate operation. • How to use the ICT defines the marketing power and operating power of companies. “Live E!” Project -- Sensor network for the earth – Sharing the any information for innovations Replaying the deployment of “yet another” information infrastructure based on the “internet architecture” How to use the sensor network e.g., saving energy in building system • Huge operational cost and preserving the Earth 1. Energy saving – Large energy“Global” (e.g., gas, electricity) is now agenda,cost – About 30% energy saving has achieved ! while there is an economical benefit and • Proprietary technologies incentive for private companies. – Large complex has more than 200K monitoring and 2. Integration controlling points of separated sub-systems, e.g., – Each systems use differentlightening, technology security, IT. Air-conditioning, Let it with open TCP/IP technology (i.e., IPv6) • COP3 by United Nation – 10%-30% energy saving Large number of sensors/actuators, they do not care about the 1. and Improve portfolio 2. version Increase asset of IPvalue 13 Life-time cost in Building System Life time portfolio (in office building) Yearly portfolio (in office building) Design cost Repair General and Administration Expenses Construction cost Maintenance Utility cost (ex., Electricity) 21% Repair & Renew Depreciation and amortization Cleaning Maintenance Out-sourcing Electricity 22.4% Tax for Fixed Oil, Asset Gas Water The University of Tokyo pays $60M/year on Electricity !!! Source : 14 Business in FY2007 and 2008 • 2007 – Integration with Digital Home Appliances – TV set by Panasonic works as window for facility control and management in residential area – Live E! WS at APNG Camp (Aug.2007) • 2008 – Beijing Olympic Game 2008 – Live E! WS at APNG Camp (Next Week @AIT BKK) – Energy Saving Field Trial in the University of Tokyo Beijing Olympic 2008 Main Stadium District Lighting System Control by IPv6 Facility Manage & Control Operated by Matsushita Electric Works (MEW) Lightening Management & Control - Using IPv6 based Facility Networking - Area Management System, i.e., not single facility but multiple facilities - 1.4kmx2.4km with 18,000 lights - 340 IPv6-based control nodes - 10% Energy saving Special Project at the Univ. of Tokyo “Green ICT Building” • Building No.2, Hongo Campus New – Targeted reduction; • 15%=$4M USD (in 2012), 50%=$30M USD (in 2030) – 12 floor high, R&D and R&E activities – Established October 2005, Start of Operation in March of 2006 – More than saving energy – Forming R&D consortium Participants • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Kicked-off on June 09, 2008 IPv6普及高度化推進協議会 エコーネットコンソーシアム(予定) 鹿島建設 株式会社 株式会社 インターネット総合研究所 株式会社 ウィルコム 株式会社 NTTファシリティーズ 株式会社 竹中工務店 株式会社 ディー・エス・アイ 社団法人電気学会 社団法人電気設備学会 株式会社 東芝 株式会社 日本アジルテック 株式会社 日立製作所 株式会社 三菱総合研究所 株式会社 山武 株式会社 ユビテック グリーンIT推進協議会 New • • • • • • • • • 慶應義塾大学 東京大学 シムックス株式会社 ダイダン株式会社 T&Y 松本コーポレーション 東京都 ・ 東京都環境科学研究所 特定非営利活動法人LONMARK JAPAN 日本AMD 株式会社 日本電気 株式会社 • ファシリティ・ネットワーキング相互接続コン ソーシアム 富士通 株式会社 松下電器 産業株式会社 松下電工 株式会社 三菱商事 株式会社 横河電機株式会社 WIDEプロジェクト 渡辺電機工業 株式会社 • • • • • • • Participants • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • New • • • • • • • • • 慶應義塾大学 東京大学 シムックス株式会社 ダイダン株式会社 T&Y 松本コーポレーション 東京都 ・ 東京都環境科学研究所 特定非営利活動法人LONMARK JAPAN 日本AMD 株式会社 日本電気 株式会社 • ファシリティ・ネットワーキング相互接続コン ソーシアム 富士通 株式会社 松下電器 産業株式会社 松下電工 株式会社 三菱商事 株式会社 横河電機株式会社 WIDEプロジェクト 渡辺電機工業 株式会社 Kicked-off on June 09, 2008 IPv6普及高度化推進協議会 エコーネットコンソーシアム(予定) 鹿島建設 株式会社 株式会社 インターネット総合研究所 株式会社 ウィルコム 株式会社 NTTファシリティーズ 株式会社 竹中工務店 株式会社 ディー・エス・アイ 社団法人電気学会 社団法人電気設備学会 株式会社 東芝 株式会社 日本アジルテック 株式会社 日立製作所 株式会社 三菱総合研究所 株式会社 山武 株式会社 ユビテック グリーンIT推進協議会 • • • • • • • Participants • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • New IPv6普及高度化推進協議会 エコーネットコンソーシアム(予定) 鹿島建設 株式会社 株式会社 インターネット総合研究所 株式会社 ウィルコム 株式会社 NTTファシリティーズ 株式会社 竹中工務店 株式会社 ディー・エス・アイ 社団法人電気学会 社団法人電気設備学会 株式会社 東芝 株式会社 日本アジルテック 株式会社 日立製作所 株式会社 三菱総合研究所 株式会社 山武 株式会社 ユビテック グリーンIT推進協議会 • • • • • • • • • 慶應義塾大学 東京大学 シムックス株式会社 ダイダン株式会社 T&Y 松本コーポレーション 東京都 ・ 東京都環境科学研究所 特定非営利活動法人LONMARK JAPAN 日本AMD 株式会社 日本電気 株式会社 • 渡辺電機工業 株式会社 Stakeholders on Facility Business; - Developer, e.g., landlord - General Contractor/Con”s”tractor - System Integrator - System Designer • ファシリティ・ネットワーキング相互接続コン ソーシアム - ICT Vendor • 富士通 株式会社 - Component vendor, e.g., sensor • 松下電器 産業株式会社 • Body 松下電工 株式会社 - Standardization • 三菱商事 株式会社 - R&D organization, e.g., University • 横河電機株式会社 • WIDEプロジェクト - Local government, e.g., Tokyo グリーン東大工学部2号館システム構成 Integration of legacy systems 中央変電室 I/F Web配信 Visualization New 端末 Analysis ルータ 学生 端末 教授 施設 端末 端末 Data Center Reaction / control ルータ IPv4/6 BACnet /WS LON BX 動態 サーバ PC DU WEB Savic 山武 EHP 三菱電機 キャンパスネットワーク 無線LAN BCRN AP CSV GHP 三菱重工 N-MAST 松下電工 集中検針 愛知時計 DU BCRN DU BCRN AP AP PLC 動力監視制御 Air Condition Air-Condition 代表EHP監視、 (EHP) (GHP) Lightening 電力計量 Integration with IP 電力量 水道量 CT 電流 (200V) ID ID ID AP コンセント 電力監視 動態管理 電源制御 入退室管理(セキュリティ) (100V) Additional System Security System Innovation of Metropolitan Design Principle Summary / Agenda 1. Special Task Force has been established, to come up with the depletion of IPv4 address resource. – SIer (System Integrator) will play the critical role – Establish a testbed, including the application players 2. “Green IT” projects; Sensor network to contribute to the “Earth” and it’s “Environment” using ICT technologies 3. Update of IPv6 Ready Logo Program by IPv6 Forum – USA has been serious ! IPv6 Forum IPv6 Ready Logo Program Phase-2 Update A p M r. ay '05 Ju . ' n 05 Ju . '0 A l. ' 5 u 0 Se g. 5 p '0 O . '0 5 c N t. ' 5 o 0 D v. ' 5 ec 0 Ja . '0 5 Fe n. ' 5 0 M b. ' 6 a 06 A r. ' 0 p M r. 6 a '0 Ju y. '0 6 n 6 Ju . '0 A l, ' 6 u 0 Se g, 6 p '0 O , '0 6 c N t. ' 6 ov 06 D .' ec 0 Ja . '0 6 Fe n. ' 6 0 M b. ' 7 0 a 7 A r. ' 0 p M r. 7 a '0 Ju y. '0 7 n 7 Ju . '0 A l. ' 7 u 0 Se g. 7 p '0 O . '0 7 c N t. ' 7 ov 07 D .' ec 0 Ja . '0 7 Fe n. ' 7 0 M b. ' 8 a 0 A r. '08 p 8 M r. ' 0 Ju ay 8 n '0 Ju e '0 8 ly 8 '0 8 Phase-2 Logo Approved Devices (as of July 14th 2008) 140 120 40 167 160 Core-Total IPsec-Total MIPv6-Total 100 80 60 26 20 0 5 Phase-2 Logo trend by nation(core) (as of July 14th, 2008) 60 USA has been “serious” 60 50 51 40 30 21 20 19 10 0 7 JP TW KR CN IN US CA DK FR DE IT PH Phase-2 Logo ratio by nation (as of July 14h 2008) DK 1% DE 1% FR 1% IT 1% CA 2% US 35% JP 31% TW 14% PH 1% KR 4% IN 2% CN 11% JP TW CN KR IN PH US CA FR DK DE IT Phase-2 Logo statistics by Country (IPsec) (as of July 14th 2008) JP TW IN US CA CA 4% JP 36% US 44% IN 4% TW 12% ASIA 52% NA 48% Summary 1. Special Task Force has been established, to come up with the depletion of IPv4 address resource. – SIer (System Integrator) will play the critical role – Establish a testbed, including the application players 2. “Green IT” projects; Sensor network to contribute to the “Earth” and it’s “Environment” using ICT technologies 3. Update of IPv6 Ready Logo Program by IPv6 Forum Thank you IPv6 Promotion Council of Japan: e-mail: [email protected] Live E! Project e-mail: [email protected] 30
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