Council recommends Missions as World Heritage site

10 de mayo de 2015
SBA lanza sitio web
bilingüe para apoyar a
empresarios hispanos
Por Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
UNESCO will announce whether San Antonio’s missions are added to the list of World Heritage
sites this June. (Courtesy photo)
Council recommends
Missions as World
Heritage site
By Lea Thompson
[email protected]
San Antonio’s missions already
attract millions of tourists each
year, but that number could grow
thanks to the International Council on Monuments and Sites’ recent recommendation to classify
them as a World Heritage Site.
The council’s recommendation will be considered during
the upcoming session of United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) held in Bonn, Germany. UNESCO will release
their final list of newly approved
sites in June.
San Antonio’s missions were
nominated for the World Heritage
status in 2014, but the missions
were integral to the creation of
the modern-day city and would
be the first site in Texas to receive
World Heritage status.
“The missions predate the
founding of the city,” Shanon
Miller, Office of Historic Preservation Director, said. “There are
few places in the world that are
so close to each other, and we’re
able to establish these incredible
communities while developing
the associated land. There’s really
kind of an intact connection between them that makes it unique.”
According to a Bexar County
study, gaining World Heritage
status would add anywhere from
$44 to $105 million to the San
Antonio economy annually and
possibly see the creation of hundreds of new jobs.
Although the council won’t
announce its final decision until
June, local officials consider the
recommendation a positive sign.
“This recommendation is truly
‘monumental’ and reflects years
of good work by so many,” Congressman Lloyd Doggett said in a
statement issued this week. “Our
recent Missions park expansion
has advanced this effort, and now
all of our local Congress members are joining together to seek
support from the Ambassador
of each country on UNESCO’s
World Heritage Committee. That
final approval will give us even
more to celebrate next month.”
La Semana Nacional de la
Pequeña Empresa se celebró del
4 de mayo al 8 de mayo, y por tal
motivo un miembro del gabinete
del presidente Barack Obama
estuvo de visita en San Antonio.
Se trata de María Contreras
Sweet, la Administradora de la
Administración de los Pequeños
Negocios (SBA, por sus siglas
en inglés), quien visitó UTSA
el 6 de mayo.
Durante su visita, Sweet anun­
ció el lanzamiento de un sitio
web en español que podrá ayudar a los miles de empresarios
hispanos en los Estados Unidos
a comenzar y a desarrollar sus
pequeños negocios.
Según las Cámaras de Comer­
cio Hispanas de los Estados
Unidos, hay más de 3,2 millones
de negocios de hispanos en el
país, los cuales aportan más de
$468 millones a la economía
estadounidense cada año.
Además, el Censo de los Estados Unidos indica que más de 37
millones de personas hablan el
español en casa, equivalente a 12
por ciento de la total población
del país.
“Estamos aquí para rebajar los
obstáculos y poder destacar a
todos los empresarios”, aseguró
Para entrar al portal de SBA
en español, ingrese a www. El sitio contiene más
de 2,000 páginas digitales que
ofre­cen información sobre cómo
conseguir consejos, contratos y
María Contreras Sweet, administradora de SBA, visitó UTSA el
miércoles 6 de mayo por la tarde para anunciar el lanzamiento
de una página web en español con recursos para empresarios
hispanos. (Foto, Natalie Bobadilla)
“Lo que es muy importante y
sobresaliente de este esfuerzo
es que todo es gratis”, explicó.
Para los empresarios que
necesiten asesoría personal,
el sitio web los conecta con
oficinas y centros que ofrecen
recursos bilingües.
Uno de esos sitios es el Centro de Desarrollo de Negocios
Pequeños en UTSA. Este centro provee consultas, ofrece
entrenamientos sobre cómo
desarrollar un plan de trabajo y
cuenta con otros servicios que
benefician a los empresarios y
a las personas que aspiran ser
El presidente de UTSA, Ricardo Romo, está particularmente
orgulloso de este recurso y de
los empresarios en San Antonio.
“Los negocios pequeños son
un negocio muy grande para san
Antonio”, expresó Romo. “Los
negocios pequeños cuentan con
más de 35,000 establecimientos
en la ciudad y son una de la
razones por que hay tanto desa­
rrollo de trabajo”.
Henry Cisneros, el ex Secretario de Vivienda y Desarrollo
Urbano, también estuvo presente
durante la visita de la administradora y enfatizó que el sector
de los pequeños negocios es la
fundación de la economía de los
Estados Unidos.
“Dos de cada tres trabajos en
este país son creados por el sector de las pequeñas empresas”,
indicó Cisneros.
La administradora añadió
Vea SBA en la pág. 3-A
Eilan goes blue during SAHA partnership program aims
to improve Eastside community
Lung Force Week
By Lea Thompson
[email protected]
thority (SAHA) announced their
Local officials discussed the
partnership with local officials importance of the Resurgence
and organizations, which will Collaborative program, which
provide resources to individuals hopes to give individuals the
The San Antonio Housing Au- under probation.
See SAHA on page 3-A
By Lea Thompson
[email protected]
The Eilan Hotel and Spa will
turn blue in honor of Lung Force
Week (May 11 to 17), to promote
awareness and treatment of lung
disease in San Antonio. Lung
disease has profoundly impacted
the lives of staff members at
Eilan’s Sustenio, including the
restaurant’s Executive Chef John
Herdman and General Manager,
Robert Fagen, who both have
lost parents to the disease.
“I think a lot of people assume
that if you have the disease you
earned it, but that’s simply not
true,” Fagen said. “People take
lung health for granted and we
often think that asthma and
things like that are pedestrian
things to deal with and it’s not,
your lungs are important to the
core of your health.”
Although Fagen’s father was
a smoker, Robert himself struggles with a 46 percent lung capacity, and notes that thousands Eilan Hotel and Spa at La Cantera will offer patrons a “Blue Bay
of Americans who struggle with Martini” during Lung Force Week, with drink proceeds benefiting
lung disease are not actually the research and treatment done by the American Lung Associa- L to R: Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff, Mayor Ivy Taylor and District Attorney Nico La Hood
are part of the team working to improve opportunities for families and community members inSee Lung on page 3-A tion. (Courtesy photo)
volved with the justice system. (Photo, Lea Thompson)
Comentarios... La otra cara de Estados Unidos
Estados Unidos no es solo
Apple, Google,
Hollywood y
También es
Jorge Ramos Baltimore, Ferguson y muchas
otras ciudades donde algunos
policías, en lugar de cuidar y
proteger, maltratan y matan.
Vengo de un país donde la
gente tiene miedo a la policía. En
México, muchos saben que cuerpos de policías están vinculados
con los criminales y que no se
pue­de confiar en ellos. En Estados Unidos también hay personas
que desconfían de su policía local, aunque por razones distintas;
le temen por discriminación y por
abuso de autoridad.
Los injustificables saqueos
y robos ocurridos hace unos
días en Baltimore han distraído
la atención sobre el verdadero
problema en muchos lugares de
Estados Unidos. El problema se
llama brutalidad policial. ¿Las
víctimas? Afroamericanos, hispanos, inmigrantes y miembros
de minorías. Y por supuesto
que están enojados (pero no por
eso se vale quemar farmacias y
robar zapatos tenis de centros
Los abusos de la policía en
Estados Unidos forman parte de
una larga lista. El pasado mes
de febrero fue terrible para los
La policía de Pasco, Washington, disparó y mató a Antonio
Zambrano-Montes después de
que el trabajador agrícola les
arro­jó unas piedras.
El mismo mes en Gravepine,
Texas, Rubén García Villalpando
fue abatido después de una persecución policiaca.
Y en Santa Ana, California,
Ernesto Canepa –quien tenía
dos empleos y criaba a cuatro
hijos– perdió la vida a manos de
la policía. Todas estas víctimas
estaban desarmadas.
Estos casos prácticamente,
pasaron desapercibidos para los
medios en inglés. Pero sí reflejan
la tensión entre las autoridades y
la comunidad latina en el país.
Escucho frecuentemente quejas de que policías detuvieron
a un inmigrante o a un hispano
solo por el color de su piel o
por su a­cento. Así, una simple
infracción de tránsito se puede
convertir en la pérdida de un
auto, en una orden de deportación
o en el fin de una vida.
Los afroamericanos, sin embargo, han sufrido desproporcionadamente el abuso de los
cuerpos policíacos. Hay casos
muy dramáticos y cargados de
publicidad, como el de la muerte
del joven Michael Brown en
Ferguson, Missouri, y el del
estrangulamiento de Eric Garner
en Nueva York. Pero muchos
otros afroamericanos han muerto
a manos de la policía.
Baltimore es una ciudad dividida racial y económicamente,
y ni siquiera el hecho de que su
alcaldesa y su comisionado de
policía sean afroamericanos la
ha hecho más hospitalaria para
esta minoría.
Una investigación del diario
The Baltimore Sun encontró que
desde el 2011 más de 100 personas han demandado y ganado a
la ciudad por acusaciones de brutalidad policial y por violaciones
de sus derechos civiles.
La ciudad ha tenido que pagar
casi 12 millones de dólares en
pagos a víctimas y en gastos
No es fácil ser afroamericano
o hispano en las calles de Baltimore.
El pastor Ángel Nuñez, quien
lleva más de dos décadas ayudando a inmigrantes en la ciudad, me dijo en una entrevista
que “muchos latinos han sido
maltratados, han terminado en la
cárcel; ha habido muchos abusos
y de eso no se reporta casi nada.”
Tiene razón.
La impunidad policiaca es un
grave problema. Los policías que
matan injustamente pocas veces
acaban en la cárcel.
De los miles de casos de agentes que han matado a alguien
durante un operativo policial
a nivel nacional desde el 2005
a la fecha, solo 54 han sido
acusados formalmente, según
una investigación del periódico
The Washington Post. Y luego la
mayoría de esos policías fueron
encontrados inocentes o se les
retiraron los cargos.
Es decir, un policía que mata
casi nunca se tiene que enfrentar
a la justicia. Esto explica las
enormes protestas en Baltimore
tras la misteriosa muerte de un
joven de 25 años, Freddie Gray.
Lo que sí sabemos es que estaba
desarmado y que murió por las
lesiones que sufrió durante la
custodia policial.
El viernes, seis policías fueron
acusados en relación con la
muerte de Gray, lo que ha hecho
surgir la esperanza de que que
la justicia se aplicará en este
caso. Pero muchos habitantes de
Baltimore sospechan que en este
caso, como en muchos otros,
nada ocurrirá.
Los incendios y los robos en
Baltimore, al igual que policías
que matan a miembros de minorías, no son parte de la imagen
que muchos tienen de Estados
Unidos. Fuera de aquí, para
muchos Estados Unidos es el de
las supercarreteras, los malls, los
inventos tecnológicos, el ejército
más poderoso del planeta y un
gran experimento de libertad.
Pero basta que un policía te
detenga para poner a prueba ese
La elección del primer presidente afroamericano –Barack
Obama– no significó la llegada
de una sociedad post-racial. Claro, existen avances incuestiona­
bles pero todavía hay enormes e
hirientes diferencias raciales. Y
para comprobar eso basta salir a
caminar por una de las calles de
(¿Tiene algún comentario o
pregunta para Jorge Ramos?
Envíe un correo electrónico a
[email protected]. Por
favor incluya su nombre, ciudad
y país).
Just a Thought: It is Mother’s Day
Today we
Day. It is the
day we honor
our mothers
and motherhood, materSteve Walker n a l b o n d s ,
and the influence of mothers in society. It is
celebrated on various days in
many parts of the world, most
commonly in spring in April or
Here in the United States it is
designated as the second Sunday
in May, which turns out to be the
May 10 this year. Last year it fell
on May 11.
The modern holiday of Mother’s Day was first celebrated in
1908, when a woman named Anna
Jarvis held a memorial for her
mother in Grafton, West Virginia.
She then began a campaign to
make “Mother’s Day” a recognized holiday in the United States.
It took until 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson signed a
proclamation naming the second
Sunday of May as a day for “public expression of our love and
reverence for the mothers of our
country.” This year we celebrate
the 101th anniversary of Mother’s
Day in the U.S.
When we think of the sacrifice
many of our mothers, who have
nurtured us all through our life,
we can’t help but be thankful to
them and for them.
Look at many of our successful
leaders in San Antonio who have
been significantly influenced and
guided by their mothers. When
you think of former Mayor and
now HUD Secretary Julian Castro
and Congressman Joaquin Castro,
you immediately think of their
success and the influence that their
mother Rosie Castro has made in
their lives. Both are graduates of
Harvard Law School and Stanford
University. Rosie herself is welleducated and making a difference
in the community on her own.
Then we have mother Millie
Duran, Founder of the La Prensa
Foundation which has raised millions of dollars for scholarships.
Just a few weeks ago, the Foundation hosted their annual Scholarship Gala. Millie is the wife of La
Prensa Publisher Tino Duran and
mother to sons David, Steve, and
Tino Jr., plus two daughters Barbara and Nina. Nina now serves
as an adjunct instructor at San
Antonio College.
According to history Jarvis,
the founder of “Mother’s Day,”
became very disappointed with its
commercialization by the 1920s.
Her mission was to honor her
mother with an official Mother’s
Day, not commercialize it in her
words. Obviously it became so
popular it was eventually adopted
by numerous other countries and
is now celebrated all over the
In Mexico for example, the
government of Alvaro Obregon
imported the Mother’s Day holiday from the US in 1922, marking
May 10 every year as Mother’s
Day, with the newspaper Excelsior holding a massive promotional campaign for the holiday
that year.
In this tradition, in the early
1920s, Hallmark Cards began creating and producing Mother’s Day
cards so each person could offer a
gift, card, or remembrance toward
their mothers, grandmothers, and/
or matriarch figure on that special
Mother’s Day.
We have come a long way in
one hundred years celebrating
Mother’s Day. Just a suggestion
would be to give your mother a
“Happy Mother’s Day” card if
you haven’t already, and perhaps
take her out to dinner to a nice
As always, what I write is “Just
a Thought.”
Steve Walker is a Vietnam
Veteran, former journalist and
Justice of the Peace.
You can count on me
me and my office on Facebook,
By State Senator Jose Menendez Twitter, and via email so that I can
hear directly from you in your own
As your State Senator in the words on the issues you care about
26th District of Texas, I work most. You can send your thoughts
hard every day in making certain directly to
that my focus and the focus of my Menendez4Texas, www.twitter.
staff is on the families we work com/Menendez4Texas, www.
for, not the special interests. You,
and your family are my top prior- or [email protected].
ity and I wanted to make sure you We also have a toll-free
were fully updated on some of the number to access our capitol ofservices my office can provide, as fice, 1.888.279.0648
well as how to get in contact with
Honorary Resolutions
my office. You can count on me
When you have a celebration,
to do the right thing and get the we want to know so that we can
job done for you, your family, and help make the celebration even
your neighborhood.
more memorable and special. One
Legislative Priorities
privilege I have as a Senator is the
As we wind down this legisla- ability to offer Honorary Resolutive session it is more important tions to honor things like 50th
than ever that I hear from you wedding anniversaries, retireabout the issues that are the most ments, landmark birthdays, busiimportant to you. Unlike some ness openings, and commemorapoliticians, my goal is to be the tions. The process is very straight
voice for your values and priori- forward: contact my office and
ties, not the special interests and provide us with some background
big money PACs. During this information, then we will draft the
critical time in the session we are Honorary Resolution, and either
often on the floor and in commit- I or my staff will appear at your
tees for 12 hours or longer and it celebration to formally present it.
is not always possible for me to Let us help you make your next
get to the phone. That is why we family or professional celebration
invite everyone to engage with a special time.
Constituent Services
Whether you are wanting to find
business startup resources, need
help with child support, are having
trouble with state licensing, or any
other state business, we can help.
I have taken great care to put in
place smart, experienced staff in
both the Capitol and two district
offices so that when you or a loved
one is in need, you can count on
us to take care of you. Call the
District Office at (210)733-6604.
Event Attendance
If you, your business, your
neighborhood association, or
your community group is having
an event and would like to have
me provide welcome remarks or
a legislative update, we are happy
to join you. Dell Computers was
started in a dorm room. Apple
was started in a garage. The next
big business could be right here
in San Antonio and I want to help
amplify your voice, help you kick
off your new enterprise, and support local job growth. Nearly 75
percent of all San Antonio jobs
are created by local and familyowned businesses. I consider it a
top priority to help promote small
business startup and expansion
and am always excited to support
it in any way.
Veterans Assistance
Although many veterans assistance programs are administered
and governed by the federal government, in the past few years I
have worked hard to expand the
role of the state in supporting
veterans and their families. My
office can help you understand all
of the state benefits and programs
that are available, as well as place
you in contact with the correct
congressional office if your issue
is more federal than state. When
our veterans come home and leave
the ranks, their service to our
nation comes to an end and our
service to them begins. Veterans
not only risk their lives and their
health for us, but they are a vital
part of San Antonio’s culture and
economy. We are veteran-friendly
and consider it an honor to help
our veterans and their families
access information and services.
As you can see, we offer a
robust set of services and your
satisfaction is our top priority.
Please do not hesitate to contact
my office if we can be of any assistance. You can count on me to
work hard and get the job done for
you and your family.
10 de mayo de 2015
Calendario de la comunidad
SUNDAY JAZZ AT THE WITTE - Spend a relaxing Mother’s
Day afternoon listening to jazz under the pecan trees of the Will
Smith Amphitheater. Blankets and lawn chairs welcome. In case
of rain, event will move indoors to Prassel Auditorium. Museum
galleries close at 5 p.m. Sunday Jazz included with museum general admission. Admission is free for Witte and KRTU members.
Sunday, May 10, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Witte Museum, 3801
Broadway St.
Antonio State Hospital is hosting a single-day health event. Take
part in Free Health Screenings by the Baptist Health System, blood
pressure readings, calculation of BMI, total cholesterol, glucose
and calculation of 10-year risk for heart disease and stroke. Thursday, May 14, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the facility’s Community
Activity Center, 6711 S. New Braunfels.
SAISD TEACHER JOB FAIR - SAISD will conduct initial
interviews for certified teacher candidates. The District will also
be interviewing for counselors, librarians, nurses, speech language
pathologists, and coaches. Applicants need to apply in advance
online at For more information, call SAISD’s
Department of Human Resources at (210) 554-8500. Job Fair to be
held Saturday, May 16, from 8 a.m. to noon (Elementary grades)
and 1 to 4 p.m. (Secondary grades) at the Henry B. Gonzalez
Convention Center, Ballroom B, 200 E. Market St.
O’liva is celebrating their upcoming opening (Summer 2015) by
starting a new but familiar tradition. The Blessing of the Olive
traditionally takes place in Spain at the onset of the fall harvest,
but in Texas the olive trees are blooming now! Saturday, May 16,
from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Spanish Governor’s Palace Courtyard, 115
Plaza de Armas.
OPERATION KIDSAFE – Operation KidSafe is a free and
private safety event for families. There will be lots of activities
for kids! Parents will take home the only record of the visit. Tips
to start a family safety action plan are also included. For more
information, call (830) 609-0057. Saturday, May 16, from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m. at Service King Collision Center, 4978 IH35 South in
New Braunfels, TX.
SA YOUTH - Have you quit school and can’t get a job? SA Youth
is enrolling young adults ages 16 to 24 who need a lift up and a
second chance and who will commit to 35 hours a week. Our free,
award-winning youth build program offers 9 months to a year of
GED Prep, leadership and paid workforce training of up to $400
a month. Get the education you deserve. Call (210) 223-3131
extension 219 or visit 1422 East Grayson across from Fort Sam
Houston. Success awaits you. Call (210) 223-3131.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Animal Care Services (ACS) is
looking for volunteers to assist with administrative duties, pet
adoptions and in the vet clinic and kennels. Volunteer opportunities are available seven days a week through SA Volunteers, the
City’s volunteer program, at the ACS main campus at 4710 Hwy
151, off-site adoption events and several PetCo and PetSmart cat
adoption centers.
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La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at
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10 de mayo de 2015
Best of S.A. food scene San Antonio unites for
at Culinaria 2015
National Prayer Day
By Lea Thompson
[email protected]
If San Antonio is a food city
on the rise, then Culinaria’s
Festival Week (May 13 to 17)
is your guide to the best dishes
that local restaurants and chefs
have to offer.
Now in its 12th year, Festival
Week is back with great paired
dinners on Wednesday, May 13,
at Bliss, Boiler House Texas
Grill and Wine Garden and the
newly opened Southerleigh Fine
Food and Brewery. Attendees
can also opt for paired menu
options on Thursday, May 14,
at Arcade Midtown Kitchen,
J Prime Steakhouse and Stella
Public House, located at Blue-
If you’re looking for familyfriendly food events, check out
Culinaria’s food truck event at
the Alon Market on Military
Drive on Thursday evening.
From 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., you can
enjoy great dishes and drinks
from mobile eateries like SayShe-Ate, Wheelie Gourmet, Duk
Truk, and Crepe Nation. Tickets
cost $10 for adults, $5 for minors
and children under five are free.
The “Best of Mexico” dinner
returns to La Cantera this year
with tempting bites from local
restaurants like El Machito and
El Mirador (7 p.m. to 10 p.m.,
$50 per person), and a special
Tequila Happy Hour (5:30 p.m.
to 6:30 p.m., $35 per person).
Head downtown to the Grotto
on Saturday night for the Bubble
Room Grand Tasting (6 p.m. to
10 p.m.) and the Grand Tasting
(7 p.m. to 10 p.m.), also at the
Culinaria finishes the week by
pairing great food with tequila
during a special dinner hosted
by Chef Johnny Hernandez and
Jeret Peña (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.,
$125 per person). If you’re
searching for something more
casual but equally filling, stop
by the Pearl from 1 p.m. to 4
p.m. for the classic “Burgers and
Beer” event. Tickets for adults
cost $45, students are $25, and
minors are $10. Children under
5 get in free.
to learn more about upcoming
events or to purchase tickets.
By Christina Acosta
When the topic of religion
arises, many like to keep the subject under the radar. There was
an exception this past Thursday,
as people of all faiths put their
opinions at rest to unite for a
peaceful National Day of Prayer
at City Hall.
More than a hundred people
gathered and sang along to gospel music performed by the 210
Church and a City Choir on the
steps of City Hall and joined
hands for personal prayers to
be heard.
After the Star Spangled Banner and recitation of the Pledge
of Allegiance, the crowd stood
in silence as Mayor Ivy Taylor
took to the podium. The mayor
addressed the National Day of
Prayer City Proclamation declar-
ing, “For the past 64 years on
May 7, America has celebrated
National Prayer Day. But today
marks the 30th annual National
Prayer Day here in San Antonio.”
She then went on to recite the
prayer as everyone bowed their
Father Jimmy Drennan of St.
Margaret Mary Catholic Church,
united people of all faiths by
preaching, “We hear those who
are treated unjustly and we echo
their cry. Lord our God, we seek
to understand the call you have
given us… to look for the power
of love you have given us, for
hate accomplishes nothing.”
After Father Drennan’s speech
many chanted, “God is good, All
the time, God is good.”
National Prayer Day at City
Hall included many speakers.
People came for different reasons. Susan Mendez, an avowed
Christian, decided to be there
today for the people of San
“I decided to take a stand on
Christian faith and for the people
of San Antonio. A lot of change
has started. There is unity and
there are plans to help the city
come together.”
Catholic follower Katrina Lopez decided to show her love of
God for personal reasons.
“I have struggled with depression and anxiety for several
years now. But because of God’s
presence, my mind is starting to
clear up. I dedicate this day to
God for giving me the strength
to get up every day and smile.
God is good!”
With a closing prayer and
song, National Prayer Day can
be seen as a day not only to pray,
but to accept people of all faiths.
Culinaria 2015 will offer attendees some of the best food experiences that San Antonio has to offer.
(Courtesy Photo)
(continued from page 1-A)
According to the American
Lung Association, lung cancer
kills more than than two times
the number of all other cancers
combined, yet it receives less
research and treatment funding than other publicly recognized organizations dedicated to
eradicating diseases like breast
cancer, prostate cancer or skin
“Eilan Hotel & Spa’s giant
archway will light up in blue
all next week because that’s the
color used to represent Lung
Force,” Fagen said. “We’re hoping to draw awareness about the
American Lung Association’s
efforts in lung disease research
and prevention.”
Sustenio hosted a complimentary Cinco de Mayo celebration
to advocate for lung health
awareness this past week and
plans to hold a special Lung
Force Week luncheon for local
doctors and patients who are
fighting against lung disease in
San Antonio.
Patrons can stop by Sustenio
during Lung Force Week for a
tools they need to re-enter society. Located next to the Probation Field Office at the Barbara
Jordan Center, the program was
recently funded by a $600,000
grant from the Department of
Justice to reduce the Eastside
area’s crime rate while improving local safety.
The partnership is the first reentry program in Texas to offer
free comprehensive resources to
the community.
“We’ve been throwing way,
way too many people in jail
and crushing lives and ruining
families and not giving people a
chance to be a productive member of society,” Bexar County
(viene de la página 1-A)
que es importante apoyar a los
emprendedores porque toman
muchos riesgos para crear trabajos.
Como un último mensaje durante su visita, Sweet aconseja a
la comunidad de San Antonio a
que compren sus regalos del Día
de la Madre, del Día del Padre y
de las graduaciones en pequeños
Durante los cinco días de la
Semana Nacional de la Pequeña
Empresa, la administradora visi­
tó Miami, Los Ángeles, San Antonio, Nueva York y cerró con
broche de oro en la Casa Blanca,
donde destacados empresarios
de péquenos negocios fueron
reconocidos por sus contribuciones a la economía del país.
La Prensa. Léelo,
pásalo y
(continued from page 1-A)
Judge Nelson Wolff said. “You
want to help people and give
people hope.”
According to local officials,
repeat offenders are a problem
in communities throughout the
country, but one that San Antonio can begin addressing by
providing individuals with the
tools they need to succeed in life.
“We’re not doing enough to
stop that 75 percent repeat offender rate, we have a broken
door in our community justice
system and it needs to stop,” District Attorney Nico LaHood said.
“Things like these are where it
In the past, people had to
“Blue Bay Martini,” a fresh and
fruity blue cocktail that raises
lung health awareness, with the
proceeds going to Lung Force
“We’re just doing little things, People of all ages came for different reasons and faiths to celebrate National Prayer day at City Hall.
but the more we talk about lung (Photo, Christina Acosta)
health and show our support, the
more awareness it has,” Fagen
added. “The hotel staff has rallied around this on every level,
and it means so much to people
affected by this.”
The Eilan Hotel is located off
La Cantera Parkway at 18603 La
Cantera Terrace.
travel throughout the city to
meet with probation officers or
legal consultants, which could
be hard for individuals and their
The Resurgence Collaborative
Center will provide those resources in one place while working with 13 local nonprofits to
help an estimated 500 residents
transition from the Justice system to the Eastside community.
The center offers people access
to programs that tackle issues
like substance abuse, anger management and family violence.
The Resurgence Collaborative Center is located at 2803 E.
Commerce Street.
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10 de mayo de 2015
TOYOTA Motor Manufacturing, BIG RED DOG begins
new project for UTSA
Texas invests in Alamo Colleges student living
Foundation Scholarships
By Alyssa Walker
By Deborah M. Martin
Alamo Colleges Foundation thanks TOYOTA Motor
Manufacturing, Texas for 12
months of generous donations,
which are preparing students for
career readiness through GED
programs at Alamo CollegesPalo Alto College, and supporting more students to enroll
in Automotive Technology and
STEM-related programs at Alamo Colleges-St. Philip’s College and Alamo Colleges-Palo
Alto College, as well as transfer
into education programs at
Texas A&M University San Antonio. A recognition ceremony
will be held May 19 during
the Alamo Colleges Board of
Trustees regular meeting, in the
Alamo Colleges Killen Center
Boardroom at 201 W. Sheridan.
“Alamo Colleges is grateful
for TOYOTA Motor Manufacturing, Texas, to invest in the
education and advancement of
our community,” said Alamo
Colleges Chancellor Dr. Bruce
Leslie. “San Antonio’s aspirations as a city depend on education. This partnership aligns
with that notion and represents
a true win-win situation by
helping us build a high-skilled
technology workforce that will
position the San Antonio area
for prosperity and a brighter
Specifically, TOYOTA
Motor Manufacturing, Texas
(TMMT) donated $86,000 for:
• Scholarships and testing
vouchers to help 103 students
successfully complete the General Education Development
(GED) program in English
and Español at Palo Alto College Adult Learning Academy.
These individuals are preparing
to enter a college or a career
track in the fall.
• A new Toyota Dealer Technician Workforce Pipeline
Scholarship to support local
high school students enrolled in
Career/Technology Education
Automotive Technology Programs, who are also employed
as service center interns at
Gulf States Toyota dealerships.
Funds will enable six students
to enroll in the Automotive
Technology program at St. Philip’s College. Though a manufacturing operation, TMMTX is
investing in this education and
economic development pilot
program with the dealerships
to strengthen the supply chain
and ultimately the workforce of
San Antonio.
• The annual Palo Alto College Celebración event that raises funds to meet requirements
for a U.S. Dept. of Education
Title V Matching Endowment
Grant for scholarships.
• Scholarships to support
ten graduates of Brackenridge,
Burbank, Lanier, Kennedy
and Memorial High Schools,
located in the City of San Antonio’s City Council District
5. To qualify, students must
be attending or plan to enroll
in Automotive Technology
or STEM-related programs at
either St. Philip’s College or
Palo Alto College.
• Scholarships for two stu-
dents to attend Palo Alto College full-time toward graduation in a STEM-related field,
then transfer to Texas A&M
University-San Antonio for
completion of the junior and
senior years toward teacher
certification. Upon bachelor
degree completion, the scholarship recipient will return to
teach a STEM-related course
in one of six school districts
located in the southern region
of San Antonio, making this a
full-circle investment.
“TMMTX is proud to be collaborating with Alamo Colleges
Foundation.It is through our
continued effort of support,
we hope to inform and educate
teachers and students of the importance of career readiness and
STEM, specifically relating to
manufacturing,” said Mario Lozoya, Director of Government
Relations and External Affairs.
“Our efforts touch the entire
K-12 to adult learning process.
TMMTX continues to educate,
collaborate and advocate with
our ‘backyard partners.’”
BIG RED DOG, a local civil
engineering company, has teamed
up with 210 Development Group
and Catamount Constructors once
again to build a new student housing apartment complex – Vitre. BIG
RED DOG services for this project
include entitlement support and site
development construction documents that include utility coordination, site grading and construction
phase services.
The apartment complex is slated
to begin construction in fall of 2015
and estimated to be completed by
July 2017. Vitre will feature unique
amenities, close proximity to UTSA’s downtown campus and VIA’s
multi-modal center, making it easy
to commute to several downtown
facilities such as businesses and
entertainment venues. The student
housing complex will be located at
700 W. Commerce St.
Graduate engineer at BIG RED
DOG San Antonio, Taylor Allen,
says working with 210 Development Group to build the 242-unit
student housing complex will provide students and faculty new living
options near the downtown campus.
“There was not official student
housing for the UTSA downtown
campus until now,” Allen said.
“Staff and students who work and
learn at UTSA will now have living
options within walking distance to
campus. 210 Development Group
has a vision to make a significant
impact in San Antonio’s urban
renaissance and are spearheading
projects in all parts of the urban
core with unique design challenges
that come with urban infill and
adaptive reuse. Incorporating the
historic Maureaux Building and
adding residential and retail space
are in line with the City’s ‘Decade
of Downtown’ goals and we’re
happy to be part of the design team
that gets to help make their vision
a reality!”
In addition, this marks the second new market rate multi-family
project downtown for BIG RED
DOG and 210 Development Group,
following the Peanut Factory Lofts
near the west side of San Antonio.
“We are most excited about
melding the iconic Maureaux Building with contemporary-inspired
supplementary construction to
shape a new landmark for an area
of the west side that has long been
ignored and underutilized,” says
Paige Shinn, Director of Marketing
for 210 Development Group.
BMW 228i convertible 2015
Este convertible es un vehí- con frenado automático y detecHD y una interfaz USB / iPod.
Una serie de paquetes están culo compacto, y los adultos ción de peatones.
En carretera
disponibles e incluyen lavafaros, no se ajustan cómodamente a
En carretera responde con un
El nombre serie 2, se basa en
asientos delanteros con calefac- menos que sepan compactarse a
excelente control del cuerpo,
la racionalización de BMW de
ción y un volante con calefacción. sí mismos.
Motor y trasmisión
una dirección precisa y aplomo
las designaciones del modelo
El paquete de asistencia al
El 228i tiene un motor turbo de imperturbable en las curvas, Poreservando los números impares
conductor lanza en sensores de
para sedanes de 4 puertas y los
estacionamiento delanteros y cuatro cilindros de 2.0 litros que cos vehículos a cualquier precio
pares para los de 2 puertas.
traseros y una cámara de vista produce 240 caballos de fuerza y tienen este compuesto en ambos
255 libras-pie de torque.
extremos del espectro.
La serie 2 se dio a conocer en el
Una transmisión automática de
La transmisión automática de
auto show de Detroit del 2014, seEl paquete Technology añade
una pantalla de mayor resolución ocho velocidades es estándar en ocho velocidades es otro punto
a destacar, respondiendo rápide 8,8 pulgadas de pantalla, un el convertible.
Todos los modelos de la Serie damente y sin problemas a los
controlador iDrive mejorado con
una pantalla táctil y el BMW 2 tienen una función de parada y comandos.
arranque automático, que apaga
Con la capota baja, los ruidos
Remote Services.
el motor cuando se está parado del viento son como música para
Diseño de interiores
los oídos. Por su aerodinámica,
En el interior, la calidad de los para ahorrar combustible.
el viento no pega tanto en la cara,
materiales es muy buena, aunque
Los equipos de seguridad in- como en otros convertibles.
tiene un diseño discreto que será
inmediatamente familiar a los cluyen frenos de disco antibloqueo en las cuatro ruedas, control
El Audi A3 Cabriolet es su
fans de BMW.
El sistema de información y de tracción y estabilidad, airbags competencia más directa, tiene un
entretenimiento iDrive de BMW laterales de los asientos delante- precio más bajo, es más cómoda y
controla una de las dos pantallas ros, airbags de rodilla delanteros un poco más versátil para el día a
y airbags laterales de cortina de día, sin ese toque de performance
del BMW.
La versión base de 6.5 pulgadas larga duración.
equipo deBenefits
seguridad available
opDel lado americano el nuevo
401K & El
o la más nítida de 8,8 pulgadas
de pantalla ancha del paquete cional incluye sensores de apar- Ford Mustang, con su refinamienEmployment
is contingent
upon passing
delanteros y traseros,
to haceaque sea un sustituto del
más plausible que nunca.
Mientras que el sistema
mandatory drug screen and Background
En el interior, la calidad de los materiales es muy buena, aunque tiene un diseño discreto que será se ve bien y responde rápidamen­ sistema de alerta de carril de
Pero si lo que buscas para todo
inmediatamente familiar a los fans de BMW. (Foto, cortesía)
te a los comandos, he encontrado salida y un sistema de mitigación tipo de excelencia, es difícil evitar
in Person
con frenado la conclusión de que el BMW
que a menudo requiere un poco de colisión
más de clics y giros de la rueda automático.
Donop Road 228i convertible es el auto a batir
El paquete de asistencia al en la categoría.
para acceder a las funciones
Precio: Desde US$ 38,850
Plus trae
deseadas en comparación con conductor
Consumo: 23 mpg ciudad, 34
MMI de Audi o interfaces de de alerta de cambio de carril y un
sistema de mitigación de colisión mpg carretera
COMAND de Mercedes.
Por Enrique Kogan
guido por el auto show de China.
Estilos y opciones
El BMW Serie 2 viene como
coupé o descapotable con capacidad para cuatro personas.
Los convertibles están equipados de forma similar a los coupés,
y cuentan con arcos antivuelco
automáticas pop-up y una capota
de lona de accionamiento eléctrico que es negro por defecto.
Viene de serie con llantas de
aleación de 17 pulgadas, faros
automáticos, faros antiniebla,
limpiaparabrisas con sensor de
En materia electrónica incluye
conectividad Bluetooth, interfaz
de la electrónica iDrive de BMW
con una pantalla de 6,5 pulgadas y
un sistema de sonido con 10 bocinas con reproductor de CD, radio
Now hiring for the following positions:
• Steel Fitter • Material Handler
• Welder
• CDL Driver
Top wages based upon Experience
Estamos contratando para los siguientes posiciones:
• Steel Fitter
• Welder
• Material Handler
• CDL Driver
Salarios basado en Experiencia / 401K & prestaciones médicas
Interesados se les hara un examen de drogas obligatorio y verificación de antecedentes.
Aplique en Persona
Now hiring for the following positions:
• Steel Fitter
• Welder
• Material Handler
• CDL Driver
Top wages based upon Experience / 401K & Medical Benefits available
Employment is contingent upon passing a mandatory drug screen and
Background check.
Apply in Person
13165 Donop Road
Elmendorf, TX 78112
10 de mayo de 2015
A mi madre querida en
el Día de las Madres
Hoy Día de las Madres, oh, madre
yo te doy las gracias por darme la
A Dios le doy gracias por tenerte
a ti
y espero te alegres por tenerme
a mí.
Que el Señor te deje vivir muchos
que nunca permita que yo te haga
un daño.
Que él te bendiga con mucha salud
que nunca permita que yo te haga
un daño.
Te pido perdón si te ofendí
no fue mi intención de pagarte así.
Yo te quiero mucho y le pido al
que me de la fuerza de mostrarte
mi amor.
Hoy tú eres la niña y yo la mamá
es un privilegio que Dios nos da.
Que Dios lo quiso, ¿qué se puede
Yo le pido fuerzas para hacer mi
Si alguna vez me desvelo contigo.
Cuando yo era niña, tú lo hiciste
Y mientras tus hijos podamos
será mejor juntos y no estar aparte.
Qué buenos recuerdos me vas a
y espero sean buenos los que te
has de llevar.
Te felicitan los que están presentes
Y hablo también por los que están
Feliz Día de las Madres, mamita
Yo te doy las gracias por darme
la vida.
Por Elena M. Cárdenas
“Mother’s Day Wishes
from La Prensa staff”
Milyanka (Millie Duran)
The Lord brought you to me to help
me pick up the remaining pieces of
my life.
What a gift from the heavens you
have been.
Tino Duran
Quiero desearles a mi madre, tías,
abuelita, hermanas y primas. Un
hermoso Día de Las Madres
Wishing my mother, Minerva Castillo, sisters Pearl Benavides, Theresa
Monsivais, and daughters, Lisa Ann
Guerra, Kimberly Parvin and Felicia
Cortez, a Happy Mother’s Day
Love and Hugs,
Happy Mother’s Day to my wife,
Lydia and daughters Rosario, Jennifer, Sandra and Olivia
A Jewish proverb says it all, “God
couldn’t be everywhere, so he created mothers.”
My mom, Antoniette, is one such
mom. Always one step ahead of me
and always knowing whatever I was
up to at any moment. I am the person
I am because of her. The best of my
love to her this Mother’s Day.
There’s another individual who
has been a mother to me since I took
ill. She has cared for and nursed me
24/7. She always rides shotgun and
has never let me down. I love, you
Susana. Thank you for being in my
life. I love you.
Joe Sandoval
Thank you for always being there
for me momma! I love you so much.”
Alyssa Bunting
Happy Mother’s Day to the best
Grandma ever! We love you more
than bean & cheese. We can’t wait
to take you on vacation!
Cayden, Camden and Madison
Happy Mother’s Day to my mom
Rosie, my grandmas Abigail and
Consuelo, my tías, and all the other
amazing ladies who have shaped
my life!
¡Feliz Día de las Madres a mi
mamá Alma, mi suegra Idalia y en
especial a mi esposa Gabby! Las amo
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Decisión sin precedentes
Por Humberto Caspa
[email protected]
“Escucho sus clamores por
justicia, no paz”, puntualizó
Marilyn Mosby, procuradora
estatal de la ciudad de Baltimore. Una vez de hacer
las explicaciones pertinentes,
Mosby, de raíces afroamericanas, imputó a los seis policías
que fueron involucrados en la
muerte de Freddie Gray.
De haber sido una procuradora o un procurador anglo, lo más
probable es que estas acusaciones nunca se hubieran llevado a
cabo, a pesar de que tres de los
seis imputados no son de origen
europeo-norteame­r icano. Y es
importante recordar que Mosby
no fue nombrada por el gobernador del estado de Maryland
sino que tuvo que ser elegida
por el electorado de su distrito.
Lo anterior nos lleva a concluir que, en Estados Unidos,
las cuestiones de “raza” todavía
cuentan. Y en estas condiciones, los grupos minoritarios
normalmente son los llamados
a perder dentro de una cultura,
costumbres, leyes dominadas
por la gente de origen europeonorteamericano.
Esta protección a este grupo
étnico-nacional no es natural,
ni mucho menos es una coincidencia del destino.
Los europeos-norteamericanos siempre han tratado de
mantener una hegemonía frente
a los grupos minoritarios en
la sociedad norteamericana.
Esto explica el hecho de que
los puestos de trabajo en las
dependencias públicas del Estado –municipales, estatales y
federales—, especialmente los
más remunerables, están colmados por las etnias dominantes
A pesar de que en muchas
ciudades y distritos hay una
población mayoritaria de minorías étnicas, en sus instituciones públicas está el grupo
dominante. Esto sucede en los
departamentos de policías, en
las universidades, los colegios
comunitarios, los distritos escolares; en general, en la mayoría
del sector público.
Más aún, si el jefe de estas
instituciones públicas es de
ascendencia europeo-norteame­
ricana, este a menudo trata no
solamente de resguardar el
mismo orden étnico, sino que
sus decisiones tienden a proteger a los de su grupo social.
En la ciudad de Ferguson,
Missouri, Thomas Jackson,
jefe de policías de ascendencia
europea-norteamericana, hizo
lo que pudo para distorsionar
y beneficiar al policía Darren
Wilson, quien disparó varias
veces contra Michael Brown,
un joven afroamericano que,
minutos antes, había robado
unos cigarrillos de una pequeña
tienda comercial.
A unos tres meses del trágico
incidente, un jurado dominado
por europeos-norteamericanos
decidió no imputar cargos
penales contra Wilson, a pesar
de que hubo prueba de abuso
de autoridad en la muerte de
Brown. Nueve de los doce
jurados fue de ascendencia
Sin embargo, la decisión del
jurado fue prácticamente condicionada por Robert McCulloh,
procurador del contado de Saint
Louis y también de ascendencia
europea-norteamericana. En
vez de imputar cargos contra
Wilson, permitió que un jurado
decidiera en base a leyes que,
estructuralmente, favorecen al
grupo dominante. “No juzguen
a los jurados, juzguen a la ley”,
dijo McCulloh sarcásticamente.
Entonces, la decisión de la
procuradora Mosby de acusar
a los seis policías implicados
en la muerte de Freddy Gray en
Baltimore crea un precedente
significativo en la sociedad
El hecho de pertenecer a un
grupo minoritario, muchas ve­
ces permite al servidor público
a ver una situación legal en
forma más objetiva. Nuestras
instituciones públicas necesitan de más diversidad étnicanacional para que no ocurran
Humberto Caspa, Ph.D.
es profesor e investigador de
Economics On The Move.
Crestwood Estates
offers family-focused
manufactured homes
If you’re looking for an affordable and peaceful place to
call home, Crestwood Estates
could be the place for you.
This manufactured home
community prides itself in
being a family-friendly gated
neighborhood with the feel
of country living within city
“We’re only 15 minutes
away from downtown, but
since we’re outside loop 410,
there are a lot of green areas,”
says General Manager Alma
Located on the Southwest
side of San Antonio, residents
can enjoy close proximity
to Texas A&M San Antonio, Palo Alto College, the
Toyota plant and several flea
markets. Easy access to major highways like interstates
410, 37, 281 and 35 is also a
According to Flores, most
residents are families with
children. School buses conveniently pick-up and dropoff students inside the gated
community at a designated
bus stop and there’s even a
playground for all youngsters
to enjoy.
Just recently, they hosted a
Día De Los Niños event that
featured a food truck, waterslide, moonwalk and a raffle
that allowed a lucky winner
to choose between a new bike
and one month’s free rent.
The biggest perk you can
find at Crestwood Estates
though, is the ability to make
the dream of homeownership
a reality.
Flores says one of the ways
they do this is by doing background checks, rather than
credit evaluations.
“Our down payment is low
and we have low monthly
payments,” Flores added.
Monthly house payments
start at $450, but rent goes as
low as $265 for a singlewide
manufactured home and $285
for a doublewide.
In terms of space, homes
can be as compact as a threebedroom, three-bath 1,200
square foot singlewide and
as spacious as a 4 bedroom,
2 baths 2,200 square foot
It’s also important to note
that all homes are fairly new,
the older models were built
in 2012 and they’re currently
manufacturing new ones to fit
your needs.
Moreover, residents can
enjoy concrete streets and
parking as well as on-site
management and City of San
Antonio water and sewer
The mobile home park
is pet friendly with certain
restrictions, but for the most
part, your furry family members are also welcome.
Crestwood Estates is located at 12800 Applewhite
Rd. #101 San Antonio, Texas
78224. For more information
call (210) 628 – 1314.
Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs
License No. [RBI – 36671].
This article was paid for by
Crestwood Estates.
10 de mayo de 2015
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10 de mayo de 2015
UT Health Science Center receives new funding for health care in the Rio Grande Valley
By Catherine Duncan
The University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio
was one of seven organizations
announced by Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas
Inc. (MHM) to take part in Sí
Texas: Social Innovation for a
Healthy South Texas.
As a sub-grantee, the UT
Health Science Center San Antonio will receive $846,530 over
two years, with a match possibility that could bring the total to
The money is part of a $13 million investment made by MHM
to support innovative models addressing the health care concerns
of South Texas.
The grant will fund primary
care behavior health services
through the Family Health Center
in Edinburg. While the School
of Medicine at the UT Health
Science Center San Antonio applied for the grant and is initially
receiving the funding, this program will be transitioned to The
University of Texas Rio Grande
Valley as of September 1, 2015.
Sí Texas is a project powered
by the Corporation for National
and Community Service’s Social
Innovation Fund (SIF) to support
proven approaches to addressing
critical social issues.
MHM’s investment is made
possible by a grant in 2014 from
SIF to help strengthen the channel
of state and local governments
and service providers to implement Sí Texas: Social Innovation
for a Healthy South Texas.
One of seven organizations
serving the Rio Grande Valley,
the UT Health Science Center
San Antonio/UTRGV project
was introduced as part of the
inaugural cohort of sub-grantees
of Sí Texas — a five-year project
intended to stimulate improve-
ments in behavioral health and
chronic disease in South Texas.
“This project continues our
tradition of support for the health
care of the community. We’ve
been present in South Texas
for more than 30 years through
the Family Medicine Residency
Program in McAllen,” Carlos R.
Jaén, M.D., Ph.D., professor and
chair of the Department of Family
and Community Medicine at the
UT Health Science Center San
Antonio, said. “This grant from
Methodist Healthcare Ministries
provides another step in our longlasting collaboration and partnership within the Rio Grande Valley
for the benefit of these patients
and communities.”
Francisco Fernandez, M.D.,
founding dean of the School of
Medicine at the UT Rio Grande
Valley, said UTRGV and its
School of Medicine are pleased
to share in this collaboration with
six other organizations focusing
their efforts on improving the
health of the citizens of the Rio
Grande Valley.
“What the Si Texas Project
plans to achieve aligns perfectly
with the mission of our university
and School of Medicine, which is
to connect science with the community and improve health care
in the Valley,” he said. “I can’t
think of a more strategic way to
utilize these funds for the benefit
of this historically medically underserved area. We are grateful
for this very generous grant.”
The health care program created by this grant will replicate
the successful Primary Care
Behavioral Health model championed by Drs. Kirk Strosahl
and Patricia Robinson of Mountainview Consulting Group. In
partnership with them, Deepu
George, Ph.D., project director
and assistant clinical professor of
family and community medicine
with the UT Health Science Cen-
ter San Antonio, and his team will
implement both onsite and offsite
training to help both programs
improve their abilities to offer
integrated behavioral health care
to local residents.
The purpose of the grant is
three-fold: to provide a model for
best practices; to increase access
to care; and to, by implementing
an integrated behavioral health
model, prepare young physicians
to think about the health care of
tomorrow as an integrated, interprofessional endeavor.
After an open, competitive application process, the inaugural
cohort of sub-grantees received
awards ranging from $250,000
to $2 million. The sub-grants are
intended to amplify existing, integrated behavioral health models
that will develop proven methodology to carry services to communities with high rates of poverty,
depression, diabetes, obesity and
associated risk factors.
“We are thrilled these seven
organizations emerged as the
trail blazers that will help test
strategies that prove to be the
most effective, as evidenced by
an evaluation of their models,
to address these health issues,”
MHM President & CEO Kevin
C. Moriarty said. “As a grant
maker and direct service provider
in this region, we are grateful
to the Social Innovation Fund,
a program of the Corporation
for National and Community
Service, for recognizing that the
best way to encourage innovation
and to learn what truly works to
solve a problem is to invest in it
through organizations that know
the communities and the populations they serve.”
The Sí Texas Project, through
its sub-grantees, will attempt
to build an intricate network of
cross-sector partnerships that will
lead region-wide improvements
in those conditions.
Foster care myths debunked Alzheimer’s Disease: Overcoming
By Rachel Rogoff
Have you ever thought about
becoming a foster parent but were
not sure if you qualified? With over
4,500 children in foster care in San
Antonio, the need for foster homes
is greater than ever. Foster care
and adoption is a family decision;
whether you are a two-parent household or single-parent household, this
is a major life decision that can take
months or years to decide. Many
parents or families may not take
the initial step to become a licensed
foster family because of the number
of unanswered questions that can be
attributed to myths or misperceptions about foster care.
Let’s start squashing foster care
You have to be married to foster.
In fact, you can be married,
single, cohabitating or partnered as a
foster parent. The Children’s Shelter
proudly serves all types of families.
No matter your household composition, we ask that you provide a safe
and loving home willing to commit
to the trauma-informed care of chil-
dren in need of a temporary home.
You have to be a stay at home
parent to foster.
Although some foster children
could benefit from a stay-at-home
parent, it is not a requirement. We
have current foster families with one
or both parents who work outside of
the home. There is assistance available to qualifying foster care parents
to help with child care.
Foster children all have behavior problems.
Children in foster care have
sustained trauma due to their abuse
and neglect, but they thrive in a
consistent and nurturing environment. Educational, therapeutic, and
medical resources are available to
children in care who may need additional assistance.
You cannot foster if you are
over 50 years of age.
There is no age limit for fostering.
In fact, some of our most dedicated
foster parents are retired or those
with adult children. Families bring a
wealth of knowledge and experience
to caring for abused and neglected
children. However, you can begin
fostering as young as 23 years old!
There is no support for foster
In addition to monthly foster care
reimbursement, foster children are
automatically eligible for free school
lunches, Medicaid, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP). The Children’s Shelter
assigns a skilled foster care specialist
with each prospective family. The
foster care specialist meets with the
family and guides them through the
entire licensure process. Additionally, The Children’s Shelter has
on-site support of a therapist and
psychiatrist, medical services, dental
care, free foster care training, annual
family events and through a grant
by the Beaumont Foundation, The
Children’s Shelter is able to provide
$300 dollars a year towards the
purchase of new clothing and shoes
per foster child.
For more information about becoming a foster parent, please call
(210) 212-2590 or join us for one
of our bi-monthly inquiry meetings.
The schedule for the meetings and
other foster care information may
be found on our website at www.
stigma and why it’s important
Alzheimer’s Association
Facing stigma is often a primary
concern of people living with Alzheimer’s and their care partners.
Those with the disease report being misunderstood because of the
myths and misconceptions others
have about the disease.
“If we’re going to find a cure,
and we’re going to get the research
and support that we need behind
us, we need to have people coming
out and not be ashamed of their
diagnosis,” says Joan U., a person
living with Alzheimer’s.
Why we need to fight Alzheimer’s stigma
Stigma is the use of negative
labels to identify a person with a
disability or illness. Stigma around
Alzheimer’s disease exists, in part,
due to the lack of public awareness
and understanding of the disease,
preventing people from:
• Seeking medical treatment
when symptoms are present
• Receiving an early diagnosis or
any diagnosis at all
• Living the best quality of life
possible while they are able to
do so
• Making plans for their future
• Benefitting from available
• Developing a support system
• Participating in clinical trials
Stigma and lack of awareness
also impacts Alzheimer’s disease
research. The government funds
Alzheimer’s research at lower rates
than other diseases, even when the
cost of caring for Alzheimer’s disease is significantly higher.
The experience of Alzheimer’s
Stigma and stereotypes are
significant obstacles to well-being
and quality of life for those with
dementia and their families. Here
are some examples of the stigma
you may experience:
• A diagnosis may test friendships. Friends may refuse to believe your diagnosis or withdraw
from your life, leaving a feeling of
abandonment or isolation.
• Relationships with family may
change. Family members may not
want to talk about the disease,
perceive you as having little or
no quality of life, or may avoid
interacting with you.
• Others may approach your care
partner to ask about you rather
than asking you directly how you
are doing.
• The reaction of some friends
and family to your diagnosis may
prevent you from seeking help
from others.
Conversations About Dementia
F R I D AY, M AY 1 5 , 2 0 1 5
8:00AM to 4:30PM
R e g i s t ra t i o n o p e n s a t 7 : 3 0 A M
The Whitley Center @ Oblate School of Theology
285 Oblate Drive, San Antonio TX 78216
Dr. Maria C. Carrillo
Chief Science Officer
Medical & Scientific Relations
Alzheimer’s Association
Join us as we discuss research, diagnosis,
resources and treatments.
The Summit is aimed at both family caregivers and
healthcare professionals.
CEU’s will be provided.
Sponsorship opportunities are available.
Please contact the Alzheimer’s Association at
(210) 822-6449 or [email protected]
24/7 HELPLINE: 800.272.3900
Nuestro grupo de apoyo es para todos los sobrevivientes
de derrame cerebral, familiares y personas que los cuidan.
Aquí, usted recibirá el apoyo, la educación y el ánimo de
personas que entienden por lo que usted está pasando.
Jueves, 14 de Mayo, 5-6 p.m.
Tema: Como enfrentar, sobrellevar y sanar
en la recuperación de un derrame
Estacionamiento gratis • Aperitivos ligeros
Llame al 210-743-1364 para más información
University Health System - Robert B. Green Campus
903 W. Martin St. • 5˚ piso, Foundation Room
10 de mayo de 2015
San Antonio, acompáñanos en nuestra
É n!
DE 2 P.M. A 7 P.M.
Para celebrar nuestro 110 aniversario, vamos a
presentar un tour de agradecimiento y San Antonio
va a ser una de nuestras paradas en el camino.
Vamos a tener el museo móvil interactivo de H-E-B,
muestras gratis, regalos, música y más.
To celebrate our 110th Anniversary, we’re hosting
San Antonio - 1942
an appreciation tour. And we’re making McAllen
En 1942, H-E-B abrió su primera tienda
dirección en Main
Avenue. En este mismo año introdujo
We’ll have the interactive H-E-B
Mobile Museum,
comidas congeladas a sus clientes y
comenzó a instalar aire acondicionado
free samples, giveaways, music
and more.
en todas sus tiendas en Texas. En 1985,
H-E-B trasladó su oficina central en
Corpus Christi al histórico Arsenal en
San Antonio. El Arsenal fue construido
en 1859 para proveer municiones a los
fuertes de la frontera de Texas. También
sirvió como un depósito de suministros
durante la guerra civil y las dos guerras
mundiales. En 1991, H-E-B introdujo por
primera vez a los residentes de la ciudad
del Álamo el concepto de Marketplace.
Esta tienda de 93,000 pies cuadrados
fue la precedente de las tiendas Central
Market que los clientes disfrutan ahora.
one of our stops along
the way.
en San Antonio con
©2015 HEB, 15-0545
10 de mayo de 2015
Dive! Dive! Dive!
Week In
Be prepared, free
agency is coming
Why pay when you can go online?
During Wednesday night’s Clippers/Rockets game viewers got
more than just a half time update
during TNT’s Halftime Report.
When Shaq broke into his usual
run with Kenny Smith to the big
screen, the big man took a big fall
and ended up on the studio floor.
Social media came alive!
Meerkat and Periscope are causing headaches for the
world of professional sports. Last weekend’s Mayweather/
Pacquiao fight saw users of these apps streaming the fight.
The same fight that HBO and Showtime were charging
$100 a pop for each Pay-Per-View. Attorneys will probably get very rich off this controversy.
Gregg Popovich: “Le faltó ayuda a Tim Duncan”
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
By Jessica Duran
[email protected]
With a tough series loss to the
Los Angeles Clippers, the Spurs
franchise now has to focus on offseason business. With only a handful
of players still on contract heading
into next season, the franchise will
have a busy summer ahead of them.
The Spurs have not been in a
situation where they needed to sign
more than two key players for the
last few years. Spurs fan-favorites,
Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili, Kawhi
Leonard, and Danny Green are all
among the free agents this year.
With this unsettling news, the Spurs
are going to be faced with seeing an
almost “new-look” team.
While even Coach Gregg Popovich has questioned his own return,
he has made it clear that he would
love to return to the team and not
retire. As far as Duncan and Ginobili
go when it comes to retirement, it
depends on Duncan. The Spurs have
a good shot at seeing a return from
Duncan with a smaller contract.
Duncan loves to play and after this
year, now at the age of 39, he doesn’t
look like he is slowing down.
As for Ginobili, it’s a different
story. He loves to play the game and
is a highly competitive player but he
is also a guy who loves his ‘family
very much. Ginobili has said many
times that he has thought throughout
the season about being with his kids
instead of playing. He’s a family
man, and maybe it is time to take
a step back and enjoy his family.
Retirement or not, Ginobili has had
a tremendous career. Winning four
NBA Championships, and a Sixth
Man of the Year award plus an
Olympic gold medal, he has made
this organization, San Antonio, and
Argentina proud. After recently
stating a return if Duncan returns,
his future is up in the air.
For the young superstar Kawhi
Leonard, he has had an up and
down year. Struggling with multiple
injuries including an eye infection
that has not fully healed, Leonard
has still made a tremendous impact
for the Spurs. The former Finals
MVP won the Defensive Player of
the Year Award. Leonard is a force
to be reckoned with in this league.
With the money saved in the cap
room for the Spurs, they can offer
him a max contract. Leonard loves
the city of San Antonio and loves
playing for the Spurs.
With the circus juggling of players to fit in the Spurs cap room where
does that leave Danny Green? Green
has had another solid year as a starter
and role player. Although having
neither a fantastic or horrible year,
the big question is whether he should
get paid more or not. With the Spurs
eyes focused on Duncan, Leonard,
Ginobili, and other free agents like
Lamarcus Aldridge from Portland
and Marc Gasol from Memphis,
Green might get left in the dark. No
one knows for sure if he has proved
his value yet. Green’s future with the
team is truly up in the air.
As for other free agents on the
Spurs roster, look for a return from
Aron Baynes, Cory Joseph, and
possibly Matt Bonner. As for Marco
Bellineli and Jeff Ayers, their time
might be up here in San Antonio.
“Estoy orgulloso del trabajo
que realizó Tim Duncan durante
la serie de cuartos de final contra
Clippers de Los Ángeles. Duncan
fue el más consistente en la ofensiva y defensiva. Pudo capitanear
el equipo una vez más de acuerdo
a nuestro plan de juego. Sin embargo, cabe anotar, que no se le dio
la ayuda suficiente para continuar
adelante en el oeste. Siento que le
fallamos a Duncan en darle mayor
ayuda. Timmy me sigue impresionando por su profesionalismo
y disciplina sobre la cancha”, expresó Gregg Popovich, entrenador
en jefe del pentacampeón Spurs
de San Antonio, en su rueda de
prensa sostenida ante los medios
que cubren la fuente.
Popovich, al día siguiente de su
arribo de Los Ángeles, California,
convocó a su rueda de prensa
anual con motivo de fin de temporada, en la cual guió a los Spurs
a la conquista de 55 victorias por
27 derrotas, sumando a su foja
personal 1,022 triunfos por 457
derrotas, en un lapso de 19 años
dirigiendo a la franquicia Silver
& Black.
La serie Spurs vs. Clippers se
fue a toda la ruta hasta el séptimo
partido (que se jugó en el Staples
Center de Los Ángeles).
San Antonio con 3 victorias, por
2 de Los Ángeles, tuvo la oportunidad de clasificarse a semifinales
en su propia casa el AT&T Center,
donde el jueves 30 de abril se jugó
el sexto cotejo, teniendo la ventaja
de ser el anfitrión ante su propia
base de seguidores. Clippers con
su plan de juego no hizo quedar
mal al estratega Doc Rivers, quien
después de 2 horas con 45 minutos
estuvo celebrando la victoria con
lo que logró empatar la serie 3-3.
Duncan, en su turno en el pódium, reconoció que los Clippers jugaron un gran partido dominando
el segundo tiempo del encuentro
ganado con marcador de 102 a 96,
asegurando que el séptimo partido
la prioridad era ganarlo.
Las cosas no salieron como
Duncan lo deseó en el séptimo
Clippers con cerrado marcador
Tim Duncan, alero estelar y capitán de los Spurs, captado pensativo durante la serie contra Clippers de Los Ángeles, que forzó la
serie hasta el séptimo partido en cuartos de final del oeste. (Foto, Franco)
se volvió a imponer ganando con
pizarra de 111-109, pasando a disputarle la semifinal a los Rockets
de Houston, al que victimaron en
su primera cotejo celebrado en el
Toyota Center con marcador de
117-101, con ello Clippers dejó
ver su clase triunfadora en el oeste.
“Spurs tiene una gran organización, con uno de los mejores
entrenador de la NBA al frente.
Gregg Popovich ha hecho de los
Spurs una franquicia de mucha
disciplina. En nuestra serie se jugó
buena calidad de baloncesto, hubo
acciones de todas, culminándose
con un ambiente deportivo y sin
faltas que lamentar. La disciplina que mostraron jugadores de
ambos equipos es lo que más me
gustó y ahora no queda más que
seguir adelante”, apuntó el estratega angelino Doc Rivers.
Tim Duncan, al final de la serie,
tuvo alicientes palabras para el
capitán rival, el guardia estelar
Chris Paul, quien jugó gran parte
del séptimo partido dolido de la
pantorrilla izquierda, malestar
muscular que no le impidió realizar un espectacular disparo triple
desde casi media cancha faltando
segundos para expirar el tercer
periodo, y luego repetir la hazaña
al comienzo del cuarto tiempo.
Paul cerró su labor contra Spurs
anotando 27 puntos, dos los cuales
fueron los que selló su triunfo.
“Chris Paul es un competidor
increíble, duro de darse por vencido, con su liderazgo Clippers
irá lejos”, añadió Duncan, quien
a la vez descartó reservar opinión
sobre si regresará a la duela en la
siguiente temporada. Por igual
opinó sobre su compañero, el
guardia argentino Manu Ginóbili,
sexto hombre del Spurs. Duncan
dejo entrever que la persona que
aportará la noticia sobre el retorno
de ambos será el propio entrenador en jefe Gregg Popovich.
Ginóbili, tras la eliminación de
Spurs, dijo que su retiro lo estaría
evaluando con su familia, dándose
tiempo para ver qué es lo que le
espera en el futuro.
“Reconozco que a mi edad (38
años) ya me es difícil corretear
rivales de 23 años; sin embargo,
me tomaré el tiempo necesario
para ver si debo seguir jugando
baloncesto”, comentó Ginóbili.
Posteriormente, en su natal Argentina, Manu dio pormenores sobre
la continuación de su brillante
carrera por las canchas de Europa
y Estados Unidos, indicando que
en un límite de un mes tomará la
decisión de retornar a la cancha o
hacerse a la idea de una vez por todas retirarse como jugador activo.
“Todavía no hemos considerado si Tim Duncan y Manu
Ginóbili se quedan con el equipo.
Hay muchos agentes libres en el
plantel. Dentro del margen legal,
y a su tiempo daré la información
oficial, por lo pronto me rehuso a
proporcionar todo tipo de información al respecto. Todo a su de-
bido tiempo, y en fecha próxima”,
exhortó Popovich.
El capitán Duncan, de 39 años
de edad, nativo de St. Croix, Islas
Vírgenes, con estudios superiores
en Wake Forest University, fue
seleccionado por Spurs durante
el 1997 NBA Draft como número
uno en la primera ronda.
En la pasada temporada, la cual
fue su número 18 (consistente de
82 partidos), tuvo marca personal
13.7 puntos, 9.1 rebotes y 3.0
asistencias por partido, ello debido
a que se le estuvo administrando
sus minutos de acción.
En la serie del playoff de cuartos de final en el oeste, Duncan,
en lo que puede ser su última
participación en postemporada,
dejó marca personal de 7 partidos
jugados, 35.7 minutos de acción,
11.1 rebotes, 3.3 asistencias, 1.29
en robo de balón. 1.43 en bloqueos, 1.0 en perdida de balón.
3.7 en faltas, y 3.3 en pérdidas de
asistencias por partido.
Trio of Roadrunners earn All-Conference USA honors
By Jordan Korphage
UTSA Roadrunners Megan
Low and Randee Crawford
earned first-team All-Conference USA honors, while Kendall Burton was a second-team
selection and she claimed a spot
on the All-Freshman Team, the
league announced on Wednesday.
With her second consecutive
All-C-USA honor, Low became
just the second player in program history to earn first-team
all-league laurels three times.
The Spring native was named to
the Southland Conference’s top
squad as well as its Freshman
of the Year in 2012 before last
season’s C-USA honor.
Low is hitting .354 this spring
with 38 runs, 51 hits, 10 doubles, a pair of triples, 16 homers
(3rd in C-USA) and 40 RBIs.
The senior first baseman ranks
second in C-USA with 113 total
bases, third with a .785 slugging
See Free agency percentage and fourth with a
page 2-B .513 on-base percentage. Low,
Meagan Low, Randee Crawford and Kendall Burton. (Courtesy photos)
who set the school’s career
walks record earlier in the season, was pitched around most
of the campaign and she coaxed
a single-season record 41 free
passes. In conference action,
Low paced the squad with a .379
batting average to go along with
five doubles, a triple, six homers
and 15 RBIs.
Crawford picked up her first
all-conference honor after she
hit .281 in the regular season
with a league-leading 18 homers
and 62 RBIs. The sophomore
designated player added five
doubles for a .635 slugging percentage, which ranks seventh in
the circuit. During C-USA play,
the Livingston native hit .286
and led the conference with 11
homers and 30 RBIs, which included a two-homer and schoolrecord eight-RBI game against
No. 25 UAB on March 22. Both
of her multi-homer games came
in conference play and she hit a
round-tripper in each of her last
three league contests.
In all, Low and Crawford are
the most potent duo in C-USA
as the pair combine for 34 homers and 102 RBIs. Additionally,
this is the second consecutive
season that the Roadrunners
have placed two players on the
league’s top squad after Low
and Jori Fox took home the
honor in 2014.
Meanwhile, Burton became
the first UTSA freshman to earn
all-conference honors since Low
in 2012. The Missouri City native’s .372 batting average is
tied for tops on the squad and
it is tied for 10th in C-USA.
The outfielder ranks third in the
circuit with 112 total bases and
68 hits, while her school-record
seven triples pace the league
and rank eighth in the nation.
In all, she ranked second on the
team with 25 extra-base hits (12
doubles, seven triples, six homers) and she totaled 40 RBIs out
of the leadoff spot in the batting
order. Burton hit .341 during CUSA play and paced the league
with nine doubles and three
triples in those contests.
La Prensa de San Antonio
10 de mayo de 2015
Stars select Dearica Hamby Dale Earnhardt Jr. logró sexta
Victoria Sprint Cup en Talladega
Special to La Prensa
San Antonio Stars select forward
Dearica Hamby from Wake Forest
University with the No.6 pick in the
2015 WNBA Draft presented by
State Farm. The Stars also acquired
Alex Montgomery from the New
York Liberty in exchange for ninth
overall pick.
Additionally the Stars selected
Dragana Stankovic with the 30th
overall pick, and Nikki Moody
with the 33rd overall selection. A
6-foot-3 forward, Hamby is the
all-time leader in points scored for
Wake Forest. In her senior season,
she averaged 20.3 points and 10.7
rebounds in 35.8 minutes on the
way to earning All-ACC First-Team
honors. She was the first Demon
Deacon to lead the ACC in both
rebounds and points per game in
2014-15. Overall in her collegiate
career, Hamby played in 129 games,
averaging 14.0 points and 7.9 rebounds in 28.8 minutes.
“When we made the trade to get
the sixth pick, this was a player we
were hopeful would be available,”
said Head Coach and General
Manager Dan Hughes. “This is obviously very exciting to us. She is a
combination of a lot of things. First
of all she is very hard-working, has
a high degree of athleticism and has
scored at some incredible rates. She
is an incredible good fit for us so we
feel very fortunate she was there.”
“I’m so excited,” said Hamby.
“I am ready to learn, ready to work
and ready to play for the Stars. I am
going to bring everything I have to
the team.”
Montgomery, a 6-foot-1 guard/
forward, was originally selected
10th overall by the New York
Liberty in the 2011 WNBA Draft.
In 2014 Montgomery played in 34
games, averaging 5.3 points, 3.9
rebounds and 1.0 assists in 21.9
minutes. Overall in her WNBA
career, Montgomery has played in
124 games, averaging 4.2 points,
Por Mark McCarter
Nascar Wire Service
San Antonio Stars selected forward Dearica Hamby. Hamby is
the all-time leader in points scored for Wake Forest University.
(Courtesy photo)
3.3 rebounds and 1.0 assists in 16.2
minutes. Montgomery has shot 38.3
percent from the three-point line in
her career.
“With first-round picks we had
a chance to add a veteran player,”
said Hughes. “Alex has a chance
to be a very good defender and she
has incredible ability to stretch the
floor and take three-pointers. We
will work with her and give her an
opportunity to grow in other areas.
She’s been in the league for four
years and I think that experience also
fits in nicely with our team.”
A 6-foot-5 center from Serbia,
Stankovic currently plays in Hungary with UE Sopron and averages 9.8 points and 5.1 rebounds in
16.0 minutes. While with Sopron,
Stankovic teamed up with Stars
guard/forward Kayla McBride during this past WNBA offseason.
“We are very high on Stankovic,”
Hughes said. “She played with McBride in the offseason and we had
a chance to know quite a bit about
her. She’s a young player, but one
that has a lot of potential.”
Moody started 30 of 31 games for
Iowa State last season, averaging a
career-best 14.1 points, 6.8 assists
and 3.6 rebounds per game. The
5-8 guard was a WBCA Honorable Mention All-American and
a WBCA All-Region Nominee in
2015. Over her collegiate career,
Moody averaged 11.3 points, 6.0
assists and 3.8 rebounds in 32.7
minutes over 125 games.
“We wanted to add another point
guard to this training camp and
I’ve watched Nikki play for years,”
said Hughes. “She’s played for a
great coach and she has been a very
consistent performer at the point
position. We are excited to see her
compete with the group we have in
training camp.”
The Stars tip off the 2015 season,
presented by CHRISTUS Santa
Rosa Health System and HE-B, in Phoenix against the defending champion Mercury on June
5. The Stars 2015 home opener will
take place on June 14 at the Freeman
Coliseum against the Tulsa Shock
at 3:30 p.m. Ticket plans for the
upcoming season are now available
at or contact a Stars
representative at (210) 444-5090 for
more information.
The San Antonio Stars are one of
four professional sports franchises
owned and operated by Spurs Sport
& Entertainment (SS&E) - the San
Antonio Spurs (NBA), the Rampage
(AHL), and the Austin Spurs (NBA
Development League).The 2-15
season will mark the team’s 13th
year in San Antonio, as the Utah
Starzz relocated to the Alamo City
in 2003. In operation since 1997, the
WNBA- which features 12 teamsis the most successful women’s
professional team sports league in
the world.
Es difícil decidir qué es mejor:
la pasión que Dale Earnhardt Jr.
siente por el Talladega Spurspeedway o la pasión que los
fanáticos de Talladega sienten por
Dale Earnhardt Jr.
En una tarde gloriosa, Earnhardt Jr. terminó con una orden
de una palabra para su equipo y
los aficionados en las tribunas:
“¡A celebrar!”.
Earnhardt Jr. recién había cruzado la meta con 0.159 segundos
de ventaja sobre su compañero de equipo en Hendrick Motorsports,
Jimmie Johnson,
para llevarse la
victoria en la
de la NASCAR Sprint
Cup; su 6ta
victoria en
esta pista y su
boleto casi seguro para el Chase
por la NASCAR Sprint
Cup, competencia que podría
ser su quinta consecutiva.
Paul Menard finalizó tercero
seguido por Ryan Blaney, Martin
Truex Jr.
El líder de la Clasificación de
Pilotos, Kevin Harvick, se quedó
en el octavo escaño, tras recuperarse de accidente al inicio de
la carrera.
La victoria de Earnhardt Jr.
llegó apenas 24 horas después de
que el propio piloto reconociera
su responsabilidad para cumplir
un buen papel en la casa de sus
fanáticos: “Tengo que salir a
liderar”, dijo Earnhardt Jr.
Y eso fue exactamente lo que
hizo: 67 de las 188 vueltas para
ser exactos, para poder llegar a
Victory Lane (Callejón de la Victoria), y empezar una emocionada
“Esto es muy emocionante.
No había ganado aquí desde
hace mucho tiempo (noviembre,
2004), además, el cumpleaños
de mi padre fue hace un par de
días. Hoy todo va bien conmigo.
No sé por qué siento que no lo
merezco. Es demasiada alegría y
emociones”, dijo Dale.
A diferencia de muchas carreras recientes en Talladega,
las últimas 24 vueltas fueron
esencialmente en
de uno
en final,
primero con un
grupo de 10 autos y luego otro
de 20.
“No sé qué fue lo que creó eso,
que nos llevó a todos ir (en línea)
por arriba”, dijo Johnson.
“No pasa siempre, pero hoy fue
uno de esos días”, apuntó el piloto
Jimmie Johnson.
Cuando apareció la bandera
blanca para indicar la última vuelta de la carrera, Johnson intentó
separarse del grupo con Blaney
pegado en su defensa trasera y
con Denny Hamlin, ganador de
la carrera el año pasado.
“Sabía que iba a esperar hasta
el final y eso fue lo que hizo. No
quise echar a perder las cosas para
los dos. Intentó adelantarse, pero
no lo logró”, apuntó Earnhardt Jr.
Cuando los líderes se acercaban
a la meta, Carl Edwards perdió el
control y ocasionó que otros autos
se estrellaran entre sí contra el
muro exterior, pero eso no interrumpió la carrera, y Earnhardt
Jr. empezó la celebración de su
“Todos están felices en Talladega. Así que todo está bien”,
dijo Truex Jr.
La carrera contó con un solo
“Big One”, el gran accidente de
la jornada que ocurrió en la vuelta
47, cuando Trevor Bayne fue
adelantado por la derecha por Menard, al tiempo que Kurt
Busch se le acercaba
por la izquierda.
Fue un “problema
doble”, dijo
Bayne más
tarde, quien
perdió el
control de su
Ford No. 6
y se estrelló
contra el
muro exterior llevándose con él
a otros 14 autos. Ese
accidente dejó fuera de
competencia a Kasey Kahne,
quien había empezado desde
la primera fila, también a Kyle
Larson y Greg Biffle, y en su última
carrera en reemplazo de Kyle Busch,
y David Ragan en el Toyota No.
18. Fuera de eso, la jornada fue
relativamente tranquila, con solo
seis banderas amarillas, hasta que el
auto de Austin Dillon se incendió en
la vuelta 156. Jeff Gordon también
tuvo un día de frustraciones tras ser
castigado por exceso de velocidad
en los pits – la segunda vez en cinco
carreras–, lo que arruinó sus posibilidades de haber sido el triunfador.
Tras el castigo, su jefe de equipo
(de Gordon), Alan Gustafson trató
de animarlo para que “pusiera todo
lo que tenía para el resto de las 26
vueltas”, pero para entonces, sus
compañeros de equipo en Hendrick,
Earnhardt Jr. y Johnson, ya tenían la
carrera controlada.
Sardelich shines as Rattler Softball
Wins Heartland postseason crown Ginóbili admite que vive un momento
By Chad Peters
Nicole Sardelich became St.
Mary’s all-time hits leader last
week, a historic moment that paled
in comparison to what she had in
store for the rest of the Heartland
Conference Tournament championship game. Sardelich blasted a
go-ahead RBI double off the leftfield wall in the top of the eight
innings to spur the Rattlers past
rival St. Edward’s 2-1 in extras
at the Softball Stadium inside the
The Park at St. Mary’s University.
Two innings earlier, Sardelich
sent a solo shot over the right field
wall that evened up the game at 1-1
to help No.7 ranked Rattlers (42-9)
secure the postseason championship to go along with their regularseason co-championship.
It was an MVP-worthy performance for the Heartland Conference Player of the Year, who
earned Tournament Most Valuable
Player honors after batting 3 for 4
with two RBIs, a home run and a
run scored. Ace Vianna Gutiérrez
Touchtone-a top 10 finalist for the
NFCA National Player of the Year
award- was just as sensational,
scattering four hits over eight
innings and allowing just one
unearned run to improve to 25-4
on the season.
The victory marked the Rat-
tlers’ fifth over St. Edward’s this
season, as StMU improved to 5-0
on the season against its “Battle
of the Saints” rival. Hanna Fields
recorded the fourth of the Rattlers’ four hits in the game, going
1 for 2 with a walk. Fields joined
Sardelich and Gutiérrez Touchtone
on the All-Tournament Team,
as did pitcher Hope Russell and
outfielder Taylor Vidrine.
St. Mary’s, the league’s cochampions of the regular season,
has now won the regular-season or
postseason title 14 times in the last
15 years. With the championship
victory, the Rattlers earned an automatic bit to the NCAA Division
II South Central Regional.
de incertidumbre y sopesa retirarse
Free agency...(continued from page 1-B)
One player who is under contract the mistake of giving him a major to trade him away. As the highest
whose future with the team is un- contract before fully developing, paid Spur, having made 11 million
clear is Tiago Splitter. After making the Spurs are stuck with deciding last year, the Spurs are likely to
do a sign and trade with him. This
is where Lamarcus Aldridge and
Marc Gasol come into play. As
two of the big name free agents
this year, the Spurs will likely
make an attempt to go after one
or the other. Splitter, while he has
been in San Antonio, has had just
two solid seasons. Although being
slowed down by injuries, he’s not
yet bounced back from them like
the Spurs have liked.
With interest from Aldridge and
Gasol, the Spurs can’t pass up a
chance to get a big superstar to play
alongside possibly Duncan and
Boris Diaw. Although in a tough
race to land one of the players, the
Spurs have one pitch line that some
teams can’t tell them. Do you just
want to get paid and have a small
chance of a possible championship
or do you want to get paid and have
a tremendously great chance at
glory with a Championship?
Whatever the future holds for this
team, the Spurs franchise and fans
are in for a long and bumpy summer. All we know is that next year
we’re coming back strong and with
a vengeance. Clippers, that means
we’re coming after you. Until next
season, Go Spurs Go!
El jugador argentino Emanuel Ginóbili. (EFE)
EFE - El argentino Emanuel
Ginóbili admitió que atraviesa
“un momento de incertidumbre”
en su carrera tras la temprana
eliminación de los San Antonio
Spurs en la primera fase de ‘playoffs’ de la NBA a manos de Los
Ángeles Clippers.
“Dejar de hacer lo que hiciste el 100% de tu vida adulta
es un momento único, que da
un montón de incertidumbre.
Seguro que no tengo procesado
el retiro, porque uno tiene un
momento de dudas, porque por
momentos creo que es el tiempo
y en otros que no”, sostuvo Manu
en su habitual columna del diario
‘La Nación’ de Argentina.
El argentino de 37 años, ganador de cuatro títulos en la NBA
con los Spurs (2003, 2005, 2007
y 2014) expresó que se tomará un
mes para definir si sigue jugando
al baloncesto.
“Es cómo lo sentís o cuánto te
cuesta armar el bolsito para ir a
cada una de las ciudades o jugar
cinco partidos en una semana.
O jugar 85 partidos en 165 días.
Así que es un momento de incertidumbre”, expresó el jugador
más importante en la historia del
baloncesto argentino.
“Pop dijo que nos quería a Tim
y a mí en la próxima temporada.
Son palabras que me hacen las
cosas más difíciles. La verdad es
que si en la franquicia hubiesen
manifestado que no me querían o
que era momento de reconstruir y
que querían un equipo más joven,
me hubiesen facilitado la tarea
enormemente”, dijo con respecto
a las expresiones del técnico de
los Spurs, Gregg Popovich, tras
la eliminación.
“Hoy es momento de estar con
la familia al 100%. Many me dijo
que la determinación la tengo
que tomar yo y que ella me va a
acompañar en lo que decida. Que
le parece bien lo que haga. Así
que me la dejó más complicada,
pensé que iba a ser una decisión
de equipo”, dijo con respecto a
una conversación con su mujer.
“Voy a esperar este mes y ver
cómo me siento. Si me siento
como un exjugador o no. Si empiezo a extrañar o cómo lo siente
mi cuerpo. Es un momento único,
nunca estuve en esta situación”,
finalizó el jugador que cumplió
su duodécima temporada en San
10 de mayo de 2015 La Prensa de San Antonio
Real Nacional vs. Leones Negros a la final en Liga Soccer de Los Altos
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
Jonathan Sandoval y Ángel Aldape, delantero y defensa del equipo
Real Nacional, fueron los autores de la victoria ante Club Deportivo Talgua. Sandoval, quien en semifinal hizo gol de chilena,
anotó dos goles, uno de ellos el que fincó el triunfo. (Fotos, Franco)
Este domingo, Día de las Madres,
la Soccer Liga de Los Altos (SLDA),
que preside su fundador señor Juan
Padilla, estará de manteles largos
celebrando la premiación a los
mejores equipos y futbolistas individuales en las categorías de Primera
División, y Primera A (de ascenso).
La temporada de invierno se vio
bastante bien representada con equipos que se estuvieron disputando la
supremacía de la tabla general que
los llevó a su respectiva clasificación
de la liguilla.
La división mayor en la jornada
dominical pasada registró triunfos
del equipo Leones Negros que –sin
sudar el uniforme– eliminaron al
Deportivo Atlético.
La planilla del consistente club
Real Nacional, comandado por la
terna de Enrique Carreto y Edgar
Lira (ambos patrocinadores y directivos), se agenciaron su boleto a la
gran final (contra Leones Negros),
derrotando al duro rival Club Deportivo Talgua, que dirige Miguel
Ángel Perdomo Caballero.
Real Nacional había eliminado
en semifinal al Deportivo Juvenil
con marcador de 3-1 goles. Ante
Talgua, sus goleadores fueron el
delantero Jonathan Sandoval, quien
anotó 2 goles, y 1 del defensa Ángel Aldape, quien en la temporada
anotó 14 pepinazos. Sandoval, ante
Juvenil, anotó un espectacular gol al
estilo “Chilena”. Por Talgua anotó el
primer tanto el delantero Ángel José
Perdomo. El segundo gol lo ejecutó
Ever Escalanta, quien cobró tiro de
penalti, tras haber recibido contundente empujón dentro del área chica.
El arquero Luis González del Real
Nacional finalizó con gran actuación
atajando tres disparos a gol. Los
rivales desperdiciaron tres goles ya
que sus disparos fueron a parar en el
travesaño de la cabaña resguardada
por Luis González.
“La premiación va a ser como
se acostumbra (6 p.m.). Habrá
trofeos para amabas divisiones, así
como el donativo económico para
el campeón de la primera división.
En la siguiente temporada la bolsa
económica será de mil dólares al
nuevo campeón”, detalló el presidente Padilla. Directivos de equipos
que deseen registrarse en la temporada larga de LSDA pueden obtener
información llamando al teléfono
(210) 426-4305.
El horario de la gran final se ha
fijado para las 4 p.m. en la cancha 2
de Levi Strauss Park.
El delantero Ángel Josué Perdomo, del Club Deportivo Talgua,
anotó el gol que les quitó la blanqueada contra Real Nacional. Su
disparo a la portería rival fue ejecutado en línea al ras del césped,
lo que le valió ser aplaudido por sus compañeros y seguidores.
Red Sox eliminó a Cardenales y Astros ganó el primero a O’s
Por Sendero Deportivo
El club de béisbol categoría
veteranos Red Sox (11-3),
comandados por el beisbolista
Pedro Espinoza, en su serie de
semifinal eliminó en dos partidos a Cardenales (9-5) de Saúl
Navejar, para avanzar a la final
del playoff en Liga Regional
Veteranos Carramán.
Red Sox con pizarra de 6
a 1 carreras ganó el primer
partido con pitcheo del lanzador derecho Willie Martínez,
quien superó al zurdo Moisés
El segundo partido Red Sox
lo ganó por paliza de 11 a 1
carreras, encuentro en el que
sobresalió el trabajo del serpentinero derecho Charlie Zapata,
que contó con salvamento de
Martínez, quien en el octavo
episodio dominó con las bases
Red Sox anotó 13 carreras por
1 de los pájaros rojos.
La derrota fue para el abridor
derecho Ángel Martínez apodado “El Veracruz”, quien fue
relevado por Pedro “El Caballito” Espino y el coach José
Luis Alarcón “Pichón”.
Los semifinalistas Astros,
que dirigen Jaime Guerrero y
José Montes, actual monarca
del playoff, ante O’s del timonel Omar Ramírez con pizarra
de 14-2 ganó el primer partido
de su serie a ganar 2 de 3 encuentros.
La victoria en la lomita de
los disparos fue para el derecho
Chris Lee, quien superó al rival
Ricardo Cabello.
Astros (12-2) y O’s (9-5)
decidirán su pase a la final este
sábado 9 de mayo jugando el
segundo partido en el horario
de las 12 p.m. De acuerdo al
presidente Gonzalo Carramán,
si Astros no gana, entonces se
jugará el tercer partido a las
3:30 en el diamante Colt 45
Baseball Field.
“La serie se ha retrasado por
la lluvia, pero Red Sox está en
buena forma de juego. Tenemos
pitcheo para salir adelante en la
final del playoff con nuestros
lanzadores Will Martínez, Charlie Zapata, Calixto Moreno
y George Freeman. En bateo
defensivo todos son buenos con
el madero al hombro, por lo que
no vemos ningún problema para
hacer una buena serie ante el
rival que nos toque de Astros y
O’s”, dijo el timonel Espinoza.
“Esta es una serie que hay que
ganar. No estamos confiados de
ganar el segundo partido, pero si
ello se da, pues estaremos listos
para enfrentar a Red Sox. Tengo
pitcheo y bateo para darle pelea
y como campeón estamos forzados a defender el título”, apuntó
el manager Jaime Guerrero.
El presidente Carramán invita al público para se reserve
y acuda al tradicional Torneo
Veteranos 4 de Julio, en el
que ya se tiene confirmado a
los equipos visitantes Eagle
Pass con sus directivos Rudy
“Lefty” Rodríguez, Roy Salinas
y Jesús “Chivo” Lechler, y El
Paso Toyos del manager Oscar
Arellano. Los otros dos equipos
serán de Liga Carramán.
Pedro Espinoza, manager y jugador de Red Sox, saludó a Saúl El trabuco equipo de Red Sox se clasificó a la final del playoff
Navejar y José Luis Alarcón “Pichón”, manager y coach de eliminando en dos partidos a los Cardenales. Red Sox cuenta con
el mejor pitcheo de la liga de Veteranos Carramán.
Cardenales respectivamente. (Fotos, Franco)
Recordando al beisbolista Armando Marín Marlins ganó clásico
Por José I. Franco
[email protected]
El beisbolista Armando Marín,
nativo de la carbonífera región
Nueva Rosita, Coahuila, México,
lamentablemente se nos adelantó
en el viaje sin retorno, tras perder
la batalla contra maligno cáncer en
la garganta.
Marín escribió su propia historia
en el rey de los deportes a nivel amateur jugando en diversas plazas de la
República Mexicana, y en el béisbol
categoría Abierta y Veteranos de la
región de San Antonio,
Amistades allegadas proporcionaron la noticia del fallecimiento de
Armando Marín, entre ellos el también beisbolista coahuilense Ventura
Díaz, quien lo acompañó hasta horas
antes de partir al terreno celestial.
“Pese a su estado físico, Armando, en sus últimos días de vida,
no perdió su carácter de bromista,
siempre estuvo de buen humor. Mi
familia Díaz Álvarez le da sentido
pésame a los deudos del buen amigo
Armando Marín”, expresó Ventura
Manuel Cisneros, operador del
estadio Colt 45 Baseball Field,
consternado por la noticia, dio el
pésame a familiares de Armando
Marín, recordándolo como un ejemplar deportista y persona dedicada a
otras actividades del béisbol, entre
ellas ampáyer, colaborador en la pinta
del terreno de juego, promotor del
béisbol categoría abierta y veteranos.
“Armando Marín como pelotero
fue dedicado en el desarrollo del
béisbol y como amigo siempre fue
leal, gustaba convivir alegremente.
A lo mejor Diosito ‘necesitaba’
un ampáyer y por ello lo mando
llamar. Descanse en paz”, dijo
Gonzalo Carramán, en la primera
edición de Liga Regional Veteranos
Carraman en el año 2012, nombró
como padrinos a Ventura Díaz
y Armando Marín, tomando en
El equipo Marlins se adjudicó
apretado triunfo ante Águilas de La
Sauceda con pizarra de 4 a 3 carreras y ganó así el clásico dominical
en Tex-Mex Independent Baseball
League, jugado en el estadio del
Rosedale Park.
En otros resultados, Juggernauts
apalearon 11-1 a Desperados.
Tecolotes ganó su tercer partido al
hilo venciendo 14-4 a Rough Riders.
Este domingo Día de las Madres,
la jornada se jugará en los siguientes
A las 9 a.m. Rough Riders vs.
12:30 p.m. High Sox vs. Des-
4 p.m. Águilas vs. Juggernauts.
Descansan Tecolotes.
Por este conducto el presidente
Gilberto Rodríguez da sus condolencias a la familia del beisbolista Armando Marín, quien fue el padrino
de la temporada de otoño-invierno
Marín lanzó la primera bola y
recibió placa de reconocimiento por
su trayectoria en el béisbol.
“Agradezco todos los consejos y
enseñanzas que Marín me dio tanto
en el terreno de juego como en lo
personal. Se le va a extrañar”, apuntó
Chalo Carramán en el año 2012 nombró padrinos de temporada
a Ventura Díaz y Armando Marín (a su izquierda). (Foto, Franco)
cuenta la brillante trayectoria de
ambos en el béisbol y como amigos.
“Desde que comencé a jugar
béisbol en San Antonio, ya miraba al señor Marín, activo en
todo lo que él podía hacer por el
mejoramiento de nuestro deporte
favorito. Armando hizo mucho
por el béisbol, lo cual siempre se
le agradeció y reconocimos en vida
sus aportaciones. Como jugador
él siempre estaba dispuesto para
reforzar equipos, es así como yo lo
recuerdo”, apuntó Chalo Carramán.
Armando Marín lanzó la primera bola el domingo 12 de octubre
en Tex-Mex Independent Baseball League, que lo nombró padrino
de temporada otoño-invierno 2014 y 2015. (Foto, Franco)
Liga Dominical Potranco
Este domingo en el estadio Potranco con el partido a las 4 p.m.
Rileros y Titanes se estará jugando
el clásico beisbolero con motivo del
Día de las Madres.
“Vamos aprovechar para tener
Mariachi y bocadillos para celebrar
a las madres y ver un buen partido
de béisbol”, dijo Juan Sánchez, coordinador del torneo abierto.
A las 10 a.m. en el estadio Arthur
Bain van Diablos vs. Westsiders.
Don Lupe Flores, Armando Marín (Q.E.P.D.), Manuel Cisneros
A la 1 p.m. se miden Tucanes
Armando Marín, tercero de pie sonriendo, con amistades durante y Ventura Díaz, en partido celebrado el 4 de mayo de 2014 en vs. Piratas.
En resultados de otros partidos,
el Torneo Cuatro Pilares de Palaú, en el que trabajó de ampáyer. Colt 45 Baseball Field.
los Rieleros ganaron a Piratas con
pizarra de 5-4. Diablos doblegaron
6-2 a Titanes.
Bravos desplumaron a Tucanes
con score de 16-4.
En categoría Veteranos el fin de
semana de Memorial Day 23 y 24
de mayo, una selección competirá
en torneo amistoso en Terán, Nuevo
León. Se contará con la participación
de equipos de Houston, Saltillo, y
Terán como anfitrión.
San Antonio irá representada por
los directivos Saúl Navejar y Juan
La Prensa de San Antonio
10 de mayo de 2015
Cardinal Rodriguez speaks of gestures, manners
of Pope Francis in directing the Church
By J. Michael Parker
Today’s Catholic
His Eminence Óscar Andrés
Rodríguez Maradiaga, SDB, archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras,
challenged seminarians in formation at Assumption Seminary to
be modern-day apostles with the
missionary heart of St. Paul, never
tiring of doing good, as Jesus did,
wherever they find people in need.
Cardinal Rodríguez, a member
of the Council of Eight Cardinals
who advise Pope Francis on matters of governance of the church,
came to San Antonio April 27 at the
invitation of Archbishop Gustavo
García-Siller, MSpS, to be the final
speaker in Assumption Seminary’s
year-long Centennial Lecture Series. The cardinal himself found
enthusiastic encouragement as he
spoke during an afternoon news
conference at the seminary and
again in an evening presentation
capping the institution’s Centennial
Lecture Series at Oblate School of
Theology’s Whitley Theological
Center on “The Church Today and
Implications for the Priesthood”.
Cardinal Rodríguez is no stranger to the Alamo city, having visited
the South Texas archdiocese many
times and worked closely with
then-Archbishop Patrick Flores
on the relief efforts for Honduras
after Hurricane Mitch ravaged the
Central American nation in 1999.
He has been a global voice on such
issues as migration, human trafficking, and other issues important
to Pope Francs and the Catholic
He stated at the outset of his
address that for the past 40 years,
he has been a moral theologian,
first in Guatemala and currently
in his native Tegucigalpa, and has
remained in frequent contact with
“I love to be among seminarians,
to listen, know and experience their
feelings,” he declared. “The seminary is a treasure; it’s the greatest
gift of God to a diocese. It’s the
heart of the diocese, and we see
these 100 years of Assumption
Seminary as a period of fruit. More
than 800 priests have been formed
in this seminary.”
Although he travels to Rome
often, the cardinal vowed, “I will
never stop teaching,” and then
quipped, “unless ‘Dr. Alzheimer’s’
gives me a special reason,” prompting the audience to roar with laughter. He said the days he teaches
are days of re-creation -- “to try to
re-create my faith, to re-create these
young people who want to follow
Christ in the priesthood. For me,
the seminary is like a garden where
I can find peace and a lot of joy.”
Cardinal Rodríguez appropriated themes from Pope Francis’
apostolic exhortation Evangelii
Gaudium (“The Gospel of Joy”),
pointing out that it summarizes the
meaning of a new mental attitude,
an affective disposition, a pastoral
criterion; a way of being, thinking
and feeling that is new.
“This ‘joy of the Gospel’ must
inspire and inhabit all action within
the Church as well as action directed outwards. It is simultaneously a
centripetal and centrifugal movement. This exhortation presents a
global panorama of the world and
the challenges the Catholic Church
faces as it moves forward in response to today’s men and women,
to move outward and meet them,”
he explained.
“We must not allow ourselves
to be robbed of what is most important,” the cardinal declared,
referring to “Our mission, our
missionary enthusiasm, our joy
of evangelizing, and therefore our
hope, our community, the Gospel,
brotherly love and missionary
He said he loves to speak with
young people about the heart of St.
Paul, and used a modern-day metaphor to express what is needed in
today’s evangelization. “One day,
St. Paul was not feeling well, so he
went to his cardiologist,” the cardi-
nal said, again leaving the rapt audience in laughter. “The cardiologist
put a stethoscope up to his heart.
What did he hear? The heart of St.
Paul was not beating like this…”
and tapped the microphone twice
and twice again, simulating the beat
of a normal human heart. He continued, “…but like this ‘Woe is me
if I do not preach the Gospel! Woe
is me if I do not preach the Gospel!’
That was his missionary heart,” the
cardinal explained as the audience
erupted once more in laughter and
then sustained applause.
Noting what St. Paul did, traveling an estimated 30,000 kilometers
“without a car, a jeep, an airplane,
a helicopter or even a horse, and all
the many dangers he faced -- one
day he received a crown of flowers;
by the next day, he was half-dead
because they were stoning him,”
the cardinal observed that Paul never became disappointed because, he
said, “‘Nothing -- nobody -- could
take me out of the love of Christ.’”
Then he commented that in today’s Church, “We are a little ill.
We have missionary cardiac insufficiency,” the prelate said as the delighted audience roared with laughter yet again. “That’s the diagnosis.
What do we need? When a person
is ill with cardiac insufficiency, he
goes to the doctor, who puts in a
small device called…” The audience responded, “Pacemaker.” He
repeated, “Pacemaker,” adding,
“With a Pacemaker, the heart is
again very strong. We need a missionary Pacemaker,” he declared,
and again his listeners responded
with laughter and applause. “We
need to ask the Holy Spirit to put
in us a missionary Pacemaker like
the heart of St. Paul to come back
to be missionaries. Woe to me if I
do not preach the Gospel! ‘I cannot
rest peacefully because this day I
did not evangelize.’ Oh, oh, oh, that
is not a missionary attitude. We do
not allow ourselves to be robbed of
our mission,” the prelate reiterated.
He noted that Pope Francis has
said that one of the temptations of
pastoral agents is to allow oneself
to be robbed of one’s missionary
enthusiasm, falling prey to “a desire
for power or human glory at all
costs, rather than giving their lives
to others in mission,” and reminded
them that firecrackers burn out and
become useless.
Cardinal Rodríguez said that he
loves to have his chauffeur stop
his car by churches when Mass is
ending, and he studies the faces of
emerging parishioners.
“If they come out with the joy
of having celebrated Easter every
Sunday, this is a good measure
of whether we’re doing well or
if we’re mistaken. Yes! The joy
of evangelization!” But he asked,
“How can we evangelize if we have
the face of Good Friday? Francis
is repeating this very frequently.
I say to my priests, ‘I see a lot of
you always doing this (frowning).
It seems that for breakfast you’ve
had pure lemon juice and tails of
scorpions.” Another roar of laughter told him his point had hit home.
Observing the pope’s admonition not to let ourselves be robbed
of hope, the Honduran prelate
reminded listeners that the Church
is not a species moving toward
extinction, like many rare bird
and animal species shown on the
Discovery Channel.
“Some want to say that the
Catholic Church is disappearing;
seminarians are disappearing;
priests are disappearing. No way!
Nobody will take hope away from
us, because the Church is not a
human entity; it comes from the
Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is
not on a holiday or taking a very
long siesta,” the cardinal asserted,
prompting more laughter from the
audience. “He is always acting,
always working. He is the Lord
and Giver of Life, and he continues
giving life everywhere.”
Quoting Evangelii Gaudium,
Cardinal Rodríguez said, “Let us
ask the Lord to help us understand
the law of love. How much good
it does us to love one another, in
spite of everything! Saint Paul’s
exhortation is directed to each of
us: ‘Do not be overcome by evil,
but overcome evil with good. Let
us not grow weary in doing what is
right.’” Here he interjected a comment to the seminarians clustered
in the front rows of the auditorium,
referring to the last admonition:
“This is the phrase you have to put
in your room before going to bed.”
He pointed out that Pope Francis
has called for a Church “moving
outward.” He asserted, “We don’t
need our beautiful seats to be ‘a
church seated,’ and resting in peace
-- like the cemeteries,” eliciting still
another roar of laughter from listeners. “A church moving outward is
the manifestation of generous availability for action, an enterprising
attitude; as though one were open
to begin a march, a hike, or a long
He reminded the audience of
Pope Francis’ well-known metaphor of “pastors who smell like
sheep,” commenting that “there is
no better expression than this to describe pastoral work; we cannot be
armchair priests; we cannot reduce
the priesthood to a few functional
hours in an office or in the confessional. We cannot allow ourselves
to be made into religious bureaucrats or salaried officials who
fulfill their daily quota of work and
reach certain quantifiable goals.
To be a pastor who smells like the
sheep is theologically demanding
and profound. The origin of this
concept can be found in the very
incarnation of Christ, who takes
on all aspects of humanity while
remaining God. A priest or bishop
cannot limit his pastoral action to
the formal, rigid and strict setting
of his parish, his office, the altar or
the sacristy. A pastor who smells
like his sheep moves outward to
encounter humanity in its context;
he visits families, opens the parish
to young people, risks touching the
hand of the poor with the flesh of
his hands, without prejudices, racism, phobias or misgivings.”
Cardinal Rodríguez told a humorous anecdote of an Italian
bishop who invited youth just
before Holy Week to gather at a
Marian shrine and recite the Rosary. When he went to the shrine,
he found only two women, and
he prayed the Rosary with them.
Walking home afterwards, he saw
a bar full of young people.
“Moved by the Holy Spirit, he
went into the bar,” the cardinal
said, to the delight of his audience,
“and sat down with them. Can
you imagine a bishop in his holy
vestments sitting in a bar? There
was a terrible silence. But then a
beautiful dialogue began, and it
lasted for two hours. This bishop
left very tired but very happy, and
was applauded by the many young
people in the bar. Maybe he had a
smell of beer on him, but when he
saw another bar, he went inside.
I admired him because he wasn’t
discouraged by finding only two
people praying the Rosary; he
went where his sheep were, and he
smelled like the sheep. We need to
be there, not waiting in the rectory
for people to come to us -- they
will not come. It is necessary to go
to them.”
Speaking of mercy and its way of
healing wounds, the cardinal again
quoted Pope Francis’ words to the
clergy of Rome in March 2014:
‘“Priests should be moved by their
sheep, the way Jesus saw that the
people were tired, exhausted sheep
without a shepherd. Jesus has the
heart and viscera of God. Isaiah
describes this attitude often. God
is full of tenderness for the people,
especially toward those who are
excluded, toward sinners and
the sick for whom nobody cares.
Therefore, patterned on the image
of the Good Shepherd, a priest is
a man of mercy and compassion,
who is close to his people and
serves everyone.”
The entire article By J. Michael
Parker for Today’s Catholic may
be seen online at
“Me siento como un mantenido”
Por Carlos Rey
En este mensaje tratamos el caso
de un hombre que “descargó su
conciencia” de manera anónima en
nuestro sitio
y nos autorizó a que lo citáramos,
como sigue:
“Perdí mi empleo. Trabajaba
en un banco internacional. Lo
tenía todo. Pero ahora solo mi
esposa trabaja y yo estoy con el
mundo por los suelos, ya que nadie
contrata a una persona de cuarenta
años, a pesar de que puedo dar toda
la experiencia que tengo.
“Me siento como un mantenido
por mi esposa. Quiero trabajar,
y siento que Dios me ha abandonado, ya que ahora sobre todo
me han detectado diabetes. Para
escribirles he tenido que utilizar
una lupa, ya que por esta enfermedad mi visión ha sido afectada
considerablemente. ¿Dios me ha
Este es el consejo que le dio mi
“Estimado amigo:
“¡Cuánto sentimos que haya
tenido que sufrir estos problemas
recientes en su vida! Perder el
empleo ya es terrible, pero perder
la vista es algo devastador. ¡Con
razón que está con el ánimo por
los suelos!
“Para muchos, la diabetes tipo
2 es reversible. Si usted tiene
sobrepeso (como sucede con la
mayoría de los que padecen de
diabetes tipo 2), le instamos a
que busque ayuda de inmediato.
Muchos obtienen los mejores resultados cuando se unen a un grupo
de apoyo en el que los miembros se
ayudan mutuamente a mantenerse
motivados. Hay incluso grupos en
la Internet que ofrecen apoyo e
información. Con tal ayuda, usted
puede perder peso, prolongar su
vida y tal vez revertir su diabetes
a fin de controlarla y de reducir
los factores de riesgo de complicaciones.
“Si tiene hijos, entonces lo
animo a que ponga su mayor
empeño en cuidarlos, participar
en sus estudios y actividades,
y cocinar y hacer el aseo a fin
de asegurar que toda su familia
tenga un hogar maravilloso. Ya se
considera anticuada la distinción
entre “el trabajo del hombre” y
“el trabajo de la mujer”. Todo
trabajo —sea médico, técnico o
de apoyo humano— puede hacerlo
un hombre o una mujer y tiene el
mismo valor. Hay casos en que
tiene más sentido económico que
sea el padre quien cuide del hogar
y de los hijos. Aun cuando usted
y su esposa no tengan hijos, usted
puede poner su granito de arena de
todos modos al mantener la casa en
excelentes condiciones y cocinar
para los dos.
“Es posible que usted no pueda
volver a trabajar en su profesión. Si
le queda tiempo cada día después
del que invierta siguiendo nuestro
consejo, le sugerimos que busque
un lugar en el que pueda donar
sus servicios como voluntario.
Con el conocimiento que tiene de
las finanzas, tal vez pueda ayudar a las personas que necesitan
consejo en cuanto a cómo hacer
un presupuesto y cómo invertir
mejor su dinero. Tal trabajo como
voluntario pudiera aun resultar en
un empleo remunerado....
“Dios no lo ha abandonado. Lo
cierto es que Él está muy cerca de
usted ahora mismo y quiere tener
una relación personal con usted.
El Hijo de Dios, Jesucristo, murió
en la cruz para que usted pueda
sencillamente orar en sus propias
palabras y pedirle que entre en su
corazón y transforme su vida. Él
le dará la sabiduría, la ayuda y la
fuerza necesarias para que su vida
sea productiva y satisfactoria”.
“Dame entendimiento para
seguir tus preceptos, pues quiero
meditar en tus maravillas”
Salmo 119:27
5400 Daughty @ Evers Just
inside Loop 410, 680-0111
Raúl C. García, Pastor
8:30 A.M. Spanish Service
11:00 A.M. English Service
Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M.
Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M.
Bible Centered Preaching
Active Youth and
Children’s Programs
Spanish & English Services
508 Paseo de la Villita
(210) 226-3596
Sunday Worship
11:00 A.M.
Cleo Edmunds, Pastor
San Fernando Cathedral
Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm
Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol
5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass)
Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised);
10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English);
5:00 pm (Bilingual)
Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm
115 Main Plaza
Downtown • 227-1297
10 de mayo de 2015
La Prensa de San Antonio Nonprofit to honor Good Samaritan
By Kathleen Judson Dove
Good Samaritan Community
Services (GSCS) is humbled
and excited to honor its second
recipient of the Good Samaritan
Award to San Antonio Business
Leader and Philanthropist, Max
The Good Samaritan Award
recognizes an individual who
lives out the deep truth of the
Parable of the Good Samaritan: love God and love your
neighbor. GSCS has identified
Navarro as this year’s recipient because of his willingness
to go above and beyond in a
spirit of leadership to positively
impact his neighbors and his
“We are so pleased to honor
Max because he is a product of
Good Samaritan Community
Services,” GSCS CEO Jill Oettinger said. “Even after all of his
success around the world, he has
never forgotten his roots, and
continues to give back and support others striving to overcome
obstacles to reach their goals.”
Navarro founded Operational
Technologies Corporation (OpTech) in 1986, which has been
recognized throughout the years
with numerous industry awards.
Navarro has the distinction of
three White House appointments
and service on the National
Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Committee, is a St.
Mary’s University trustee, and a
member of the U.S. Department
of Commerce’s Industry Policy
Advisory Committee for Trade
Policy Matters (IPAC). He currently serves on the board of
directors at GSCS, and was a
founding member of the Scholars Committee, which helps
outstanding GSCS high school
graduates reach their college
Newest San Antonio Corner Store presented
donation to The Children’s Shelter
By Melissa Ludwig
Corner Store celebrated the
grand opening of its newest store
on San Antonio’s West Side with
giveaways and a ribbon-cutting
ceremony on Thursday. The store
is located at 1303 Callaghan Rd.
At the ribbon-cutting, Gary
Skillern, Zone Manager for CST
Brands, Corner Store’s parent
company, presented The Children’s Shelter with a check for
$5,000 to show the company’s
commitment to the community.
“At Corner Store, we want to
be team players in the communities we serve,” Kim Lubel, President and CEO of CST Brands said.
“Our Team Members (employees)
build strong relationships with
customers, and we are excited to
meet and get to know the wonderful people in the neighborhoods
surrounding our newest San Antonio Corner Store.”
Officials from the San Antonio
Chamber of Commerce and representatives from The Children’s
Shelter, a nonprofit that provides
refuge to abused and neglected
children, attended the ceremony.
Patrons who visited the store from
9 a.m. to 12 p.m. walked away
with free samples of fresh-baked
Fresh Choices sausage kolaches
and cookies, and a free Coca-Cola
Freestyle fountain drink or Cibolo
Mountain coffee and coupons.
This year, CST Brands plans
to add 35 to 40 new-to-industry
stores to its network of more than
1,000 Corner Stores throughout
Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas,
Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona and
California. More than half of
CST’s U.S. stores are located in
Texas, one of the fastest-growing
states in the nation.
The Children’s Shelter benefited from the grand opening of the newest Corner Store. (Courtesy photo)
Pre-K 4 SA student artists celebrate
by saying “Gracias San Antonio”
By Rachel Benavidez
Pre-K 4 SA students are celebrating a year of learning and
exploration with an original art
show and sale that says “thanks”
for the community’s continued
support of early childhood
education. The show called
“Gracias San Antonio”, will be
displayed from May 22 - 26 at
Cinnabar Gallery in the Blue
Star Arts Complex. Art pieces
will be auctioned online and all
proceeds will support service
project(s) in the community that
will be voted on by Pre-K 4 SA
students as part of the program’s
civic engagement curriculum.
Each piece in the show was
created by a 4-year-old student
from Pre-K 4 SA’s four Education Centers. The young artists
were asked to reflect on the
school year and express their
thoughts, interests and what
they have learned about San
Antonio’s history and culture.
“Art expression is a language that we learn very young.
Through this voice, the children
are crafting a message that is
heartfelt, and exercising one
of the most important lessons
of the academic year: to say
‘thank you,’” said Pre-K 4 SA
CEO Kathy Bruck. “Pre-K 4
SA focuses on creating a strong
foundation for a lifelong learning process,” Bruck said. “Gracias San Antonio incorporates
creativity, problem-solving,
decision-making and the importance of giving back to our
Cinnabar Gallery, located at
1420 S. Alamo St., Ste. 147,
will host the second annual
AVANCE celebrates Mother
of the Year Luncheon
By Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
More than 400 individuals
gathered at the Valero Energy
Corporation on Friday to honor
two outstanding women as a part
of AVANCE – San Antonio’s
major annual fundraiser.
The fundraiser, known as
Mother of the Year Luncheon,
helps support AVANCE’s programs. These programs are
focused on fostering Latino
parent education and childhood
development; they’re unique
in the sense that they integrate
all aspects of home, school and
community life.
To keep these programs moving forward, the annual luncheon
gathered some of San Antonio’s finest corporations to raise
funds and simultaneously honor
two women who exemplify the
values instilled in AVANCE
Retired Sr. Vice President of
Community Affairs at USAA
Barbara Gentry was selected
by the
AVANCE – San Antonio
Board of Directors to receive
the Chairman’s Award for her
extraordinary volunteer service.
During her time at USAA,
Gentry administered USAA’s
charitable contributions program
and served as president of the
USAA Foundation as well as
president of the USAA Educational Foundation.
Moreover, Gentry has been
involved with AVANCE for
nearly two decades.
“She has not only helped us
maintain the program throughout the years, but has helped
other people to learn about the
Barbara Gentry received Alyssa Mares was recognized as
the Chairman’s Award at the AVANCE Graduate HonAVANCE’s annual luncheon. oree. (Courtesy photo)
(Courtesy photo)
program as well because of her
When she had her first child,
role with other organizations she was feeling overwhelmed,
throughout the city,” Executive even more so because she didn’t
Director Rebecca Cervantez said. have any close family members
A community leader that ex- in San Antonio to guide her.
emplifies strong family values
“If the baby cried she cried,
and civic responsibility is se- if the baby slipped she slipped,”
lected for the Chairman’s Award Cervantez said.
ever year. Some of the past
Soon enough, the new mom
honorees include Rosie Castro, came across an AVANCE flier
Lila Cockrell, Edith McAllister, offering free parenting classes.
Charline McCombs and Joci
More than three decades later,
Cervantez says AVANCE inAs for the second award, a spired her to succeed in life and
group of AVANCE employ- empowered her to be the best
ees, who for the most part are mom she could be. Her daughter,
AVANCE graduates themselves, Lluvia, became a journalist and
selected AVANCE graduate after a stint at La Prensa de San
Alyssa Mares as the Graduate Antonio, she moved on to New
Mares graduated from the
As the 2015 Graduate HonAVANCE parent education oree, Mares will serve as positive
program in 1984 and changed role model for parents currently
the trajectory of her life for the enrolled in the program.
The cupboard is getting bare
at the Animal Care Pet Pantry
By Lisa Norwood
It’s a program aimed at helping local pet owners struggling
to feed their companion animals
in these tough economic times.
Now, the Animal Care Services’
Pet Pantry is running low on supplies and the shelter is in desperate need of donations.
Run solely on community
donations, the ACS Pet Pantry is
only open as supplies are available. The program is seeking any
new or gently used pet related
items including food, litter, towels and newspaper. Cat food and
pet nursing supplies are especially needed right now, including
puppy and kitten formula, feeding
bottles and heating pads.
Donations of pet food or other
items can be made at any time
during regular business hoursMonday to Friday from 11 a.m. to
7 p.m. and weekends from 11 a.m.
to 5 p.m. The shelter is located at
4710 State Highway 151 near the
San Antonio Food Bank.
The Animal Care Services Pet
Pantry currently has about 100
In FY14, the ACS Pet Pantry
• 26,678 lbs. of dog food
• 4,955 lbs. of cat food
• 5000+ cans of dog and cat
Pet of the week
If Goliad could have a theme song, it
would be Boys Just Want To Have FUN!
Happy-go-lucky and super handsome
describe this cool guy perfectly! He is a
1 year old Rottweiler mix who is full of
energy and is looking for a forever family
who has experience with large pups. He
adores those he loves and enjoys learning
all about life. Goliad was found as a stray
but is ready for a home to call his own.
His playful side is always evident and
he would do great as a walking/running
partner! He walks well with a gentle lead
and knows these commands: sit, down,
leave it, and watch me. Goliad is known
as a fetch master and he gets along well
with others like him, so if you have pups
at home, bring them to the SAHS to meet this gorgeous dude today! Please remember
to spay/neuter your pets to help ensure every dog and cat born has a home waiting for
them. San Antonio Humane Society, Connecting Friends for Life.
Pre-K 4 SA student creating an art piece. (Courtesy photo)
“Fostering an appreciation
for the arts from an early age
is worth advocating,” Susan
Oliver-Heard, owner of Cinnabar said.
Pre-K 4 SA will begin its
third academic year in August.
Applications for the 2015-2016
school year are being accepted
through August online at www. or by calling (210) 206-PREK (7735).
Adoption fees for Dogs:
25 pounds & under - $99
26 pounds & over - $65
*Adoption fees may vary
This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip,
de-wormer, flea and heartworm prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam
within the first 5 days of adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA
animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch Pet Insurance, and a starter bag of Hill’s Science
Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San Antonio Humane Society at 4804
Fredericksburg Rd. or call (210) 226-7461.
CLEAN, $13,025.
(210) 860-1642.
Need a Baker specializing in Mexican
Bread & Cookies.
Good working environment. Please call
(210) 226-2979 or
apply in person at
2200 W. Martin.
--------------------Reliable Paving está
buscando marcadores de pavimento/
Montadores de metal
de armazón liviano/
soldadores. Trabajadores de asfalto para
la pala, la máquina de
acostar, la máquina
de paver. Aplicar en
persona de lunes a
viernes de 1:00 p.m. a
4:00 p.m. Estamos localizados en 1903 N.
Peyco Arlington. In
Business since 1982.
--------------------Reliable Paving is
looking for the following: Parking lot
stripers. Light gage
metal/metal erectors.
Asphalt workers for
paving machine.
Shovel & rake man.
Apply in person Monday - Friday from 1
p.m. to 4 p.m. We
are located at 1903 N.
Peyco Dr. Arlington,
Texas 76001. In Business since 1982.
--------------------Solicito mecánico,
carpintero, electricista, nivelador, y
yardero de México
para trabajar en un
rancho. (210) 3620875
--------------------Need help to clean
carport. Also renting
house in Valley Hi
area, 4 bedroom. Call
(210) 685-1679 or
(210) 537-7944.
--------------------¿Cansado de su
economía? Empresa
líder busca 2 personas
que quieran ganar
dinero extra. Irma
(210) 264-1340.
--------------------Panifico Bake Shop:
solicito personal para
panadería, panadero
y ventas. 602 N.W.
24th Street Informes
(210) 639-6241.
--------------------Drivers: Non-CDL.
Great Hourly Pay/
Benefits. Paid Training! No Exp. Necessary. San Antonio
Region! Background/
Drug Screening. Apply
--------------------Se necesitan 2 carpinteros con experiencia en gabinetes.
Interesados (210)
--------------------Omni La Mansión y
Mokara Hotel & Spa
Están buscando empleados para el departamento de limpieza.
¡Varias posiciones
están disponibles!
Calificaciones: •Por
lo menos un año de
experencia es preferible • Conocimientos
básicos de inglés •
Habilidad de levantar objetos pesados.
Para aplicar, por favor visite la página
Nuestro horario de
oficina para aplicar
son: lunes a viernes
10:00a.m. a 3:00
p.m. Para más información, por favor llama (210) 518-1021.
--------------------Panadería y taquería
necesitan cajera,
cocinero/a y ayudante
general. 223 Palo
Alto. Favor de llamar
(210) 416-8985.
We pay cash for
houses, fast, any areas
and any condition, 25
yrs. Experience. Privacy assured! Call
John (210) 300-4000.
La Prensa de San Antonio
--------------------Conviértete en propietario de una casa
hoy, sin verificación
de crédito. Casa están listas para entrar
y vivir. Por favor de
contactarnos al (210)
648-2262 para más
Own and operate your
own floral and/or gift
shop in the downtown
San Antonio area for
as little as $795 per
month, $95 equipment rental fee per
month, plus $1,600
of existing floral inventory. This shop is
located four blocks
from the newly developed River Walk and
Pearl Brewery areas.
We are leasing floral
sections and selling
most of the floral
tools and materials
needed to run and
operate a full service
floral shop. We also
own a professional
floral school so we
can train you for as
little as $800 and in
one month you will
be ready to open your
own business for just
slightly over $2000.
If you are interested
or you know of someone who might be
interested in owning
and operating their
own floral or gift
business, please call
(210) 229-9204 or
(210) 772-2900.
--------------------Rento departamento personas mayores, solicito remedios caseros para
curar diabéticos.
(210) 362-0875.
--------------------Apartamento de renta, para una pareja.
(210) 432-5619.
--------------------Renta, ¿quiere ser
dueño? No tiene SSN
o crédito, pero trabaja, yo te puedo ayudar. (210) 323-0901.
--------------------Departamento de una
Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a mixed beverage
permit by Blue Ribbon Hospitality Inc DBA Osteria Della Nonna to be located at 105 North Alamo
San Antonio Bexar County Texas 78205. Officers
of said corporation are Andrew C Paparella, President and Mary C Overby, Secretary.
recámara $450.00
mensuales más
depósito (210) 8623873 o (210) 5342757.
FOR SALE • 315 Arrid • Owner to Owner • 2BED 1 BATH
(House needs work)
Across the street
from Southside Lions
Park $54,000•$3,000
Down • $595 Month.
Includes Tax & Insurance . Call John (210)
--------------------FOR SALE • 838
Keats (Southside)
• Owner to Owner•
Extra Large Lot
Down • $850 Month
Includes Tax & Insurance. Call John (210)
--------------------Burial Lot, Mission
Park South, San Antonio, $1,600. Call
(210) 967-3405
--------------------Crestwood Estates.
Lotes para su mobile
home y mobile homes
en venta, nuevas y
seminuevas, pagos
accesibles. Angie
Rdz. (210) 716-9097.
--------------------Crestwood Estates le
ofrece mobile homes
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Abby Rubio (210)
--------------------Crestwood Estates
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Llame a 3B’s Services. (713) 494-0084.
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Miraculous Prayer
Dear Heart of jesus, in
the past I have asked
for many favours, this
time I ask for a special
one (mention favour).
Take it dear Heart
of Jesus and place
it within your own
broken heart where
your Father sees it.
Then in his merciful
eyes it will become
your favour not mine.
Say this prayer for
3 days and promise
publication and your
favour will be granted
no matter how imposible
Prayer to the three
Beloved Archangel
Gabriel, Archangel
of purity and resurrection, I love you
and bless you and
thank you for what
you mean to me. Load
these my decrees and
provide me your cosmic love your help, I
thank you.
Beloved Archangel
Michael, on behalf of
the divine presence
of God in me and all
of humanity, I invoke
your presence and
your legions of Blue
Angels to protect me
and my loved ones, I
thank you.
Beloved Archangel
Raphael, Archangel of
healing of consecration, I love you and
bless you, seal me
in your flame healing and help me to be
aware only of perfection.
Divino Niño
Niño amable de mi
vida, consuelo de los
cristianos, la gracia
que necesito, pongo
en tus benditas manos,
Padre Nuestro...
Tú sabes mis pesares,
pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los
turbados y alivio al
corazón mío, Dios te
salve María...
Y aunque tu amor no
merezco, no recurriré
a ti en vano, pues eres
el Hijo de Dios y auxilio de los cristianos,
Gloria al Padre…
Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño
Santo! que jamás se
oyó decir que alguno
te haya implorado sin
tu auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza,
humilde y arrepentido, lleno de amor y
esperanza este favor
yo te pido.
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
O most holy heart of
Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore
you, I love you, and
with lively sorrow
for my sins I offer
you this poor heart
of mine. Make me
humble, patient, pure
and wholly obedient
to your will. Grant,
Good Jesus, that I may
live in you and for
you. Protect me in
the midst of danger.
Comfort me in my
afflictions. Give me
health of body, assistance in my temporal
needs, your blessing
on all that I do, and the
grace of a holy death.
Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St.
Jude, faithful servant
and friend of Jesus,
the Church honors
and invokes you universally, as the patron
of difficult cases,
of things almost despaired of, Pray for
me, I am so helpless
and alone.
Intercede with God
for me that He brings
visible and speedy
help where help is
almost despaired of.
Come to my assistance in this great need
that I may receive the
10 de mayo de 2015
consolation and help
of heaven in all my
necessities, tribulations, and sufferings,
particularly - (make
your request here) and that I may praise
God with you and all
the saints forever. I
promise, O Blessed
St. Jude, to be ever
mindful of this great
favor granted me by
God and to always
honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully
encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
Prayer to the Infant
of Atocha
You are the powerful
Savious of all people,
protector of the invalid and almighty doctor
of the infirm. Holy
Infant, we honor you.
Here you say three
Our Fathers, Hail
Marys, and Glory be
to God.
To remember this day
I pray to you to answer
my requests. Holy Infant of Atocha I ask
you with all my heart
to help me. Please be
with me in thought
and spirit when I find
my peace and that you
will be with me in the
Heavens of Bethlehem. Amén
eyes it will become
your favour not mine.
Say this prayer for
3 days and promise
publication and your
favour will be granted
no matter how imposible
Divino Niño
Niño amable de mi
vida, consuelo de los
cristianos, la gracia
que necesito, pongo
en tus benditas manos,
Padre Nuestro...
Tú sabes mis pesares,
pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los
turbados y alivio al
corazón mío, Dios te
salve María...
Y aunque tu amor no
merezco, no recurriré
a ti en vano, pues eres
el Hijo de Dios y auxilio de los cristianos,
Gloria al Padre…
Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño
Santo! que jamás se
oyó decir que alguno
te haya implorado sin
tu auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza,
humilde y arrepentido, lleno de amor y
esperanza este favor
yo te pido.
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Divino Niño Jesús,
D.N. De La Garza
Miraculous Prayer
Dear Heart of jesus, in
the past I have asked
for many favours, this
time I ask for a special
one (mention favour).
Take it dear Heart
of Jesus and place
it within your own
Novena To
broken heart where
St. Jude
your Father sees it. Most holy Apostle, St.
Then in his merciful Jude, faithful servant
10 de mayo de 2015
and friend of Jesus,
the Church honors
and invokes you universally, as the patron
of difficult cases,
of things almost despaired of, Pray for
me, I am so helpless
and alone.
Intercede with God
for me that He brings
visible and speedy
help where help is
almost despaired of.
Come to my assistance in this great need
that I may receive the
consolation and help
of heaven in all my
necessities, tribulations, and sufferings,
particularly - (make
your request here) and that I may praise
God with you and all
the saints forever. I
promise, O Blessed
St. Jude, to be ever
mindful of this great
favor granted me by
God and to always
honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully
encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
Doy gracias a San
Judas Tadeo por el
milagro recibido.
Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con la fe
de mi alma, a buscar
tu sagrado consuelo
en mi difícil situación,
no me desampares de
las puertas que se me
hacen de abrir e mi
camino, sea tu Brazo
Poderoso el que las
abra para darme la
tranquilidad que ansío (tres peticiones
difíciles). Súplica que
te hace un corazón
afligido por los duros golpes del cruel
destino que lo han
vencido siempre en
la lucha humana, ya
que sin tu poder divino no intercede en
mi favor sucumbiré
por falta de ayuda.
Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias
dulce Jesús (rezar
quince días empezando viernes). Publicar antes de los ocho.
Confío en Dios Padre
y en su misericordia
divina, por eso pido
a Él que ilumine mi
camino y me otorgue
la gracia que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por
oírme. Mande publicar y observe lo que
ocurrirá el cuarto día.
Oración a Maria
Rosa Mystica
Oh María, Rosa Mística, Madre de Jesús y
también Madre nuestra! Tú eres nuestra
esperanza, nuestra
fortaleza y nuestro
consuelo. Danos desde el cielo tu maternal
bendición en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo
y del Espíritu Santo,
Rosa Mística, Inmaculada Virgen , Madre
de la gracia, en honor
de tu Divino Hijo, nos
postramos ante Ti,
para implorar la misericordia de Dios. No
por nuestros méritos,
sino por la bondad de
tu Corazón maternal,
pedimos ayuda y gracias, con la seguridad
de ser escuchados.
(Rezar un Avemaría?)
Rosa Mística, Madre
de Jesús, Reina del
Santo Rosario y
Madre de la Iglesia,
Cuerpo Místico de
Jesucristo. Te pedimos para el mundo
destrozado por las
discordias, el don de
la unión, de la paz y
de todas las gracias
que pueden convertir
los corazones de tantos hijos tuyos. (Avemaría?)
Rosa Mística, Madre
de los apóstoles, haz
florecer alrededor de
los altares eucarísticos, numerosas vocaciones sacerdotales
y religiosas, que con
la santidad de su vida
y el celo ardiente por
las almas, puedan extender el Reino de tu
Hijo Jesús por todo el
mundo. Derrama, Oh
Madre sobre nosotros
tus dones celestiales.
Salve, Oh Rosa
Mística, Madre de la
iglesia, ruega por nosotros.
San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo
apóstol San Pedro.
Singularísimo príncipe de los discípulos
del redentor, primer
vicario de Jesucristo
en su Iglesia Católica,
confesor de sus dos
naturalezas, divina
y humana, sencillo
pescador a quien dio
el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de
su templo militante;
por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus
excelentes virtudes y,
especialmente a la de
tu Santísima Sombra,
pues con ella se libra
el que con devoción
implora tu amparo
a tu sombra se libra
el caminante, con tu
sombra se auxilia al
que sorprende el malhechor, tu sombra refrigera al afligido, al
enfermo y a cuantos
te piden favor.
¡Oh! Sombra prodigiosa por cuya intercesión obró el Señor
tantos favores y tan
admirables prodigios, permíteme, Pedro Santo, que a tu
sombra los pecadores
alcancen el perdón de
sus culpas, para que
arrepentidos se alisten
en las banderas de la
gracia y a tu sombra
no pierdan el derecho
que tienen a la gloria.
Oración a Santa
Clara de Asís
Gloriosa Santa Clara
de Asís, por aquella
fe inquebrantable que
te hizo servirte de las
cosas terrenas buscando las del cielo,
por aquella esperanza
firme con que venciste todas las dificultades que se oponían
a tu santificación, por
aquella caridad pura y
ardiente que te movió
en todo los momentos de la vida, yo te
suplico con humilde
confianza que intercedas ante Dios y me
obtengas su favor en
lo que te pido (hágase
la petición) y esperanza firme y caridad
ardiente para con
Dios y el prójimo.
Padre nuestro, Ave
María y Gloria.
Oración a la
Virgen de Juquila
Madre Querida,
Virgen de Juquila,
Virgen de nuestra
esperanza, tuya es
nuestra vida, cuídanos de todo mal. Si en
La Prensa de San Antonio 7-B
este mundo de injusti­
cias, de miseria y pecado ves que nuestra
vida se turba, no nos
abandones. Madre
Querida, protege a los
peregrinos, acompañamos por todos los
caminos, vela por los
pobres sin sustento
y el pan que se les
quita retribúyeselos.
Acompáñanos en
toda nuestra vida y
libéranos de todo tipo
de pecado. Amén.
Doy gracias a la Virgen de Juquila, por
los favores recibidos.
Rece los 9 días esta
oración y publíquela
al noveno día, nueve
Ave Marías durante
nueve días. Pida tres
deseos. Uno de negocios, dos imposibles.
Al noveno día publique esta oración y
se cumplicará aunque
no lo crea.
Prayer to the Infant of Atocha
You are the powerful
Savious of all people,
protector of the invalid
and almighty doctor
of the infirm. Holy
Infant, we honor you.
Here you say three Our
Fathers, Hail Marys,
and Glory be to God.
To remember this day
I pray to you to answer
my requests. Holy Infant of Atocha I ask
you with all my heart
to help me. Please be
with me in thought
and spirit when I find
my peace and that you
will be with me in the
Heavens of Bethlehem. Amén
Miraculous Prayer
Dear Heart of Jesus, in
the past I have asked for
favors. This time I ask
you this very special one
(mention favor). Take it
dear Jesus and place it
within your own broken
heart where your father
sees it, then in your merciful eyes it will become
your favor not mine.
Amen. Say this prayer
for 3 days, promise å and
favor will be granted.
Never known to fail.
Divino Niño
Niño amable de mi
vida, consuelo de los
cristianos, la gracia
que necesito, pongo
en tus benditas manos,
Padre Nuestro...
Tú sabes mis pesares,
pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los
turbados y alivio al
corazón mío, Dios te
salve María...
Y aunque tu amor no
merezco, no recurriré
a ti en vano, pues eres
el Hijo de Dios y auxilio de los cristianos,
Gloria al Padre…
Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño
Santo! que jamás se
oyó decir que alguno
te haya implorado sin
tu auxilio recibir. Por
eso con fe y confianza,
humilde y arrepentido, lleno de amor y
esperanza este favor
yo te pido.
Pedir la gracia que
se desea y decir siete
Divino Niño Jesús,
Novena To
St. Jude
Most holy Apostle, St.
Jude, faithful servant
and friend of Jesus,
the Church honors
and invokes you universally, as the patron
of difficult cases,
of things almost despaired of, Pray for
me, I am so helpless
and alone.
Intercede with God
for me that He brings
visible and speedy
help where help is
almost despaired of.
Come to my assistance in this great need
that I may receive the
consolation and help
of heaven in all my
necessities, tribulations, and sufferings,
particularly - (make
your request here) and that I may praise
God with you and all
the saints forever. I
promise, O Blessed
St. Jude, to be ever
mindful of this great
favor granted me by
God and to always
honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully
encourage devotion to
you. Amen.
Para los casos más
Ante ti vengo con la fe
de mi alma, a buscar
tu sagrado consuelo
en mi difícil situación,
no me desampares de
las puertas que se me
hacen de abrir e mi
camino, sea tu Brazo
Poderoso el que las
abra para darme la
tranquilidad que ansío (tres peticiones
difíciles). Súplica que
te hace un corazón
afligido por los duros golpes del cruel
destino que lo han
vencido siempre en
la lucha humana, ya
que sin tu poder divino no intercede en
mi favor sucumbiré
por falta de ayuda.
Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias
dulce Jesús (rezar
quince días empezando viernes). Publicar antes de los ocho.
Confío en Dios Padre
y en su misericordia
divina, por eso pido
a Él que ilumine mi
camino y me otorgue
la gracia que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por
oírme. Mande publicar y observe lo que
ocurrirá el cuarto día.
ery blessing, I adore
you, I love you, and
with lively sorrow
for my sins I offer
you this poor heart
of mine. Make me
humble, patient, pure
and wholly obedient
to your will. Grant,
Good Jesus, that I may
live in you and for
you. Protect me in
the midst of danger.
Comfort me in my
afflictions. Give me
health of body, assistance in my temporal
needs, your blessing
on all that I do, and the
grace of a holy death.
La sombra de
El Espíritu Santo
Ven, Espíritu Santo,
llena los corazones de
tus fieles y enciende
en ellos el fuego de tu
amor. Envía, Señor,
tu Espíritu y todo será
creado. Y renuevas la
faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios,
que ha enseñado a los
corazones de los fieles
Prayer to the Sacon la luz del Espíritu
cred Heart of Jesus Santo, concédenos el
O most holy heart of don del mismo EsJesus, fountain of ev- píritu seamos siempre
siempre del bien y
gozar de su consuelo.
Por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amen.
Oración a la
Virgen de Juquila
Madre Querida, Virgen de Juquila, Virgen
de nuestra esperanza,
tuya es nuestra vida,
cuídanos de todo mal.
Si en este mundo de
injusti­cias, de miseria y pecado ves que
nuestra vida se turba,
no nos abandones.
Madre Querida, protege a los peregrinos,
acompañamos por
todos los caminos,
vela por los pobres sin
sustento y el pan que
se les quita retribúyeselos. Acompáñanos
en toda nuestra vida y
libéranos de todo tipo
de pecado. Amén.
San Pedro
¡Oh! Felicísimo
apóstol San Pedro.
Singularísimo príncipe de los discípulos
del redentor, primer
vicario de Jesucristo
en su Iglesia Católica,
confesor de sus dos
naturalezas, divina
y humana, sencillo
pescador a quien dio
el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de
su templo militante;
por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus
excelentes virtudes y,
especialmente a la de
tu Santísima Sombra,
pues con ella se libra
el que con devoción
implora tu amparo
a tu sombra se libra
el caminante, con tu
sombra se auxilia al
que sorprende el malhechor, tu sombra refrigera al afligido, al
enfermo y a cuantos
te piden favor.
¡Oh! Sombra prodigiosa por cuya intercesión obró el Señor
tantos favores y tan
admirables prodigios, permíteme, Pedro Santo, que a tu
sombra los pecadores
alcancen el perdón de
sus culpas, para que
arrepentidos se alisten
en las banderas de la
gracia y a tu sombra
no pierdan el derecho
que tienen a la gloria.
The Alamo Colleges is receiving sealed bids/proposals prior to 2:00 PM Local
Time, unless otherwise indicated, on the dates shown.
CSP 15A-021
Deadline: 6/2/15
For more information, contact Sr. Purchaser, Terry Loomis, at 210/485-0056
CSP 15A-023
Deadline: 5/14/15
For more information, contact Sr. Purchaser, Nikki Smith, at 210/485-0132
Bids/proposals to be delivered as follows:
By U.S. Mail or Courier Service:
Alamo Colleges
Purchasing and Contract Administration Department
1819 N. Main Ave., Box 693
San Antonio, TX 78212
By hand delivery by Bidder/Offeror:
Alamo Colleges
Purchasing and Contract Administration Department
1743 N. Main Ave, Bldg. 41, Room 101
San Antonio, TX 78212
Bids/proposals received will be publicly acknowledged in the Conference Room
#401 at the hand delivery address. Specifications are available by visiting Alamo
College’s website
¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio
personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté
interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave
que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283
Hola soy un hombre de 50 años y
deseo conocer una mujer de 30 a
60 años, solteras, casadas, viudas
o divorciadas sin compromiso.
Soy muy romántico y cariñoso.
No se arrepentirán.
----------------------------Soy señor joven de 63. Me
veo más joven. Estoy retirado.
Busco una dama de peso entre
los 175 a los 220. De estatura
de 5’3’’ para arriba. De edad
entre los 30 a 60 años. No tomo
ni fumo, soy cristiano.
----------------------------Soy un hombre de 68 años. Mido
5’2’’ pulgadas. Peso 150 libras.
Católico de buenos principios
y sin vicios. Busco una damita
que sea hispana, no más de 5’
pies de altura, no más de 110
libras, blanca y de ojos de color.
Que sea buena y tenga buenos
principios y católica. No más de
55 años de edad. Gracias.
----------------------------47 años. Mexicano. 5.8. 235
libras. 9 años de viudo. 2
hijos de 18 y 19 años. Busco
una mujer sincera, honesta y
hogareña que quiera algo serio.
De 40 a 50 años. El físico no
me interesa. Que sea de México
o de aquí, Estados Unidos, de
San Antonio TX o de afuera, sin
----------------------------Busco un hombre que sea
sincero, solo, que no tenga
compromiso. De 60-65 años,
que sea mexicano, que sea
alegre, que le guste el baile, cine
o reuniones familiares. Yo soy
una mujer divorciada. Tengo
59 años. Soy muy alegre, buen
carácter. Soy blanca, mido 5.2
----------------------------Hola, soy una mujer sola y viuda
sin compromisos. Busco un
hombre que tenga más o menos
mi edad, de 68 a 70 años. Soy
blanca, ojos café, pelo café.
Mido 5’5’’. No me importa
si el hombre es más bajo que
yo, no más que sea bueno y le
guste lo que a mí me gusta. Si
es moreno está bien, no más que
sea buena persona conmigo. Yo
ya tengo mucho de estar sola sin
compañero, por eso yo busco un
buen hombre. Yo sé que muchos
hombres están solos a la edad de
nosotros. Necesitamos un cariño
de veraz. Si hay alguien que le
guste mi carta, pues conteste.
Estaré esperando una buena
persona para mí. Su amiga.
----------------------------Soy un caballero de 59 años
solo. Soy alto, mido 6 pies,
pelo negro, moreno claro. Peso
normal. Soy buena persona. Te
ofrezco mi atención, mi amor.
Sé valorar. Te doy toda mi alma.
Busco una dama. 45 a 55 años,
sola, sin niños, que su talla sea
12 o 14, peso normal. Que sea
buena persona, cariñosa, que
desee una relación seria.
----------------------------Soy un hombre de 68 años. Vivo
solo, tengo mi apartamento, mi
carro, estoy retirado y trabajo.
Busco una señora para una
relación seria, no importa el
físico. No juegos, ni pasatiempo.
Si buscas lo mismo escríbeme.
No te arrepentirás.
----------------------------Soy una mujer de 45 años de
edad y soy divorciada, amable y
cariñosa. Estoy en busca de un
hombre bueno de 45 a 50 años
que busque algo muy serio. Si
te interesa, mándame tu carta. conocer un hombre de 68 años,
alto 5’8”, de peso entre los
Te espero.
D-230 178 a los 185. Que sea: fiel,
sincero, honesto, de buenas
----------------------------Hola, soy un caballero de 48 costumbres, buen carácter,
digno, que hable como hombre
años alto, mido 1.87, algo
y que no tenga vicios con las
blanco, cuerpo normal, muy
drogas, atractivo, educado, de
aseado, trabajador, no tengo buenos principios, respetuoso
vicios, me gustan los deportes, y de buenos sentimientos. Que
leer, salir a comer, ver alguna sea de Estados Unidos, de San
película en casa y divertirme Antonio TX. Si hay alguien
sanamente. Busco dama sincera, que tenga todo esto: escríbeme,
cariñosa, sencilla y de nobles porque yo tengo todo esto.
valores para una bella relación
----------------------------seria y duradera, la edad no
importa, solo que desee ser feliz. Caballero buscando una dama
C-231 de 63 para arriba. Quizás poder
convertir un sueño en realidad. Mi
----------------------------salud: excelente. No fumo/tomo.
Soy una mujer de 68 años,
Visiones: ir a la playa, fotografía,
Latina, 5’3”, 142 libras,
viajes a ríos, la pesca, flora,
morena clara. Yo tengo buenos
fauna, lugares históricos, leer un
sentimientos y soy honesta. Me
buen libro. Soy adaptable. Speak
gusta la música y las diversiones
English? No un requerimiento.
sanas. Me gusta la verdad, la
Aquí esperando
dignidad de las personas. Deseo
La Prensa de San Antonio
diferente a todas...
Igual a ti
Oficina: 210-270-8914 Cabina: 210-270-7500
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Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, San Marcos, Uvalde,
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10 de mayo de 2015
10 de mayo de 2015
Rotary Club SA South entrega becas a nueve estudiantes
Texto y fotos por
Roberto J. Pérez
El martes 5 de mayo Rotary
Club San Antonio South en su
reunión mensual tuvo dos moti­
vos importantes para celebrar: la
entrega de becas por mil dólares
cada una a 9 estudiantes con altas
calificaciones e informar que este
club fue nombrado el mejor en el
Distrito 5840 gracias a los mérito
de su trabajo durante un año,
como el aumento de membresía.
Presidió la ceremonia Rosie
Ramírez, presidenta del club, y
al término de la ceremonia de en­
trega de becas, Janet Livingston,
gobernadora del Distrito 5840,
anunció el premio al mejor club
de su distrito y entregó el Torch
Award en reconocimiento a los
miembros del club y su directiva.
Rosie Ramirez, presidenta Rotary Club SA South, y Janet Livingston, Governor Rotary Dist. 5840.
Rosie Ramírez entrega medallas a nuevos miembros: Tom Shaw y Belia González McDonald.
Grupo de estudiantes becados por Rotary Club of San Antonio South.
Miana Zapata (Somerset HS).
Valeria González (Somerset HS).
Paige Plate (East Central HS).
Michelle Jane Gambo (East Central HS).
Kevin Khamphoumanivong (Sam Houston HS).
Oscar Nava (East Central HS).
Nadia Rae Esquibel (East Central HS).
Sabra Williams (East Central HS).
Jessica Jaksik (East Central HS).
10 de mayo de 2015
En el tercer partido de cuartos de final entre el pentacampeón Spurs y el visitante Clippers de Los
Ángeles, en el AT&T Center, el capitán Tim Duncan felicitó a su compañero Kawhi Leonard, a
quien frente de la afición entregó el trofeo Kia NBA Defensive Player of the Year.
Kawhi Leonard, delantero estelar de los Spurs, recibió el trofeo 2014-15 Kia NBA Defensive Player
of the Year, presentado por R.C. Buford gerente general de Spurs y el ejecutivo Percy Vaughn,
Kia Motors America Vice President, Eastern Sales Operations. (Fotos, Franco)
San Antonio, en partidos de cuartos de final Conferencia del Oeste entre los Spurs y Clippers de
En el gimnasio de los Spurs el cuerpo de entrenadores y jugadores presenciaron emocionados la Los Ángeles, fue presentado al mundo mediante los partidos que se transmitieron por la cadena
ceremonia de presentación del trofeo “Kia NBA Defensive Player”, que le fue otorgado al alero televisiva ESPN, así como por TNT y ABC. En la foto, narradores y fans en emotiva acción.
californiano Kawhi Leonard.
El selecto grupo de Spurs Super Fans tuvo la oportunidad de El presentador de eventos Chuck Cureau estuvo animando el am- La dinámica porra “The Ice Girls” del equipo Rampage de San
presenciar de cerca entrenamiento y tomarle fotos a sus jugadores biente, durante el playoff, con música del Deejay Quake, quien por Antonio, con su espectacular coreografía en la pista de hielo, demedios sociales complació a espectadores con sus temas favoritos.
favoritos en la serie contra Clippers.
spidieron la temporada y playoff Rampage vs. Barons.
El Mariachi Internacional Mujer de Los Spurs cantó el Himno Nacional en el tercer partido de la
serie del playoff Spurs vs. Clippers. La Living Flag (Bandera Viviente) fue sostenida por elementos
del Alpha Company 232nd Medical Battalion. Este popular mariachi se ha ganado la preferencia
del público y la gerencia general de Spurs Sports & Entertainment por su estilo único en la interpretación de este género musical latino.
Los Spurs, el único equipo que ostenta cinco trofeos Larry O’Brien en su vitrina del AT&T Center,
se ha ganado el derecho cívico de ser el club de baloncesto más influyente en el estado de la estrella
solitaria. Por su importante récord, la gerencia general en la serie de cuartos de final del oeste
optó por diseñar la bandera estatal con su logotipo en forma de espuela. La mascota The Coyote
presento el lábaro estatal en la cancha con jugadores prestos a entrar en acción.
10 de mayo de 2015
Desfile en Edgewood en honor de la Batalla de Puebla
Texto y fotos por
Roberto J. Pérez
La comunidad de Edgewood
Independent School District pre­
sentó el desfile anual “Cinco de
Mayo Parade” en la que partici­
paron niños y jóvenes de las
escuelas de este distrito al igual
de maestras y padres de familia.
El acostumbrado desfile escolar
se inició a las 10 de la mañana
desde las oficinas del distrito en
Commerce y 34th Street en un
recorrido hasta la academia de
artes de Edgewood en Cuellar
Las diferentes escuelas par­
ticipantes presentaron un carro
alegórico en el que se conducía
la Maestra del Año.
El 5 De Mayo se conmemora el
triunfo de la Batalla de Puebla en
1862 cuando un improvisado ejér­
cito mexicano derrotó a las tropas
invasoras del ejército francés, el
más poderoso de su tiempo.
Cientos de opciones. Más ahorros cada día.
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Para ver qué medicamentos genéricos califican para este programa, visita o habla con tu equipo de la farmacia de H-E-B y ahorra hoy mismo.
*30 días de suministro en un régimen de mantenimiento comúnmente prescrito o en la etapa crónica de la terapia. Lista sujeta a cambio en
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©2015 HEB, 15-0567
10 de mayo de 2015
Mother’s Day on a Budget: $50 and under
By Lea Thompson
[email protected]
under $25.
All three locations
Mom can look forward to
getting her drink on at Stone
Werks from 10 a.m to 2 p.m.
thanks to the special $2.75
price for mimosas, Bloody
Marys and sangria on Sunday.
They’ll also have a special
brunch menu.
312 Pearl Parkway, 210354-4644
Chef Jeff White is serving up
his usual brunch plates in ad­
dition to five new menu items
like the tender house brisket
served with biscuits and gravy
($14) and the lemon ricotta
pancakes served with lemon
curd and topped with raspberry
Chantilly cream ($14). Boiler
house will also be offering
bubbly drinks and mimosas
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
611 NW Loop 410, 210377-4653
The newly opened restaurant
is going all out for Mother’s
Day with a huge brunch from
11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Families can
enjoy smoked salmon, herb
roasted potatoes, a raw bar,
an omelet station and a huge
assortment of petit fours and
small pastries. Adults eat for
$39.95, seniors pay $24.95
and kids 12 and under eat for
Mother’s Day is the perfect
time to show your love for
Mom and your favorite brunch
foods. La Prensa found a few
restaurants throughout the city
with brunch options under
$50 if you’re celebrating on
a budget.
290 E Basse Ste 105, 210332-5149
Urban Taco proves that it’s
never been a better time to
be a mom. Bring your mom
to Urban Taco on Sunday
and treat her to a free brunch
meal- whether that’s chilaqui­
les, Eggs Benedict or break­
fast tacos. The offer is good
with a minimum purchase of
$20. Mom can also celebrate
herself with Urban Taco’s $5
340 E. Basse Road, Suite
101, 210-444-9547
Max’s makes the most of
the day from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. with special dishes like
the crab cake Benedict and
their updated version of the
classic “Steak and Egg” plate
with roasted prime rib served Celebrate this Mother’s Day with special brunch dishes like the Eggs Benedict at Boiler House.
over jalapeño cheesy grits for (Courtesy photo)
10 de mayo de 2015
Newsies ready to deliver in S.A.
By Natalie Bobadilla
[email protected]
In his 38 years as a stage actor, Steve Blanchard has done
some wild things. Packing up
his bags and embarking on a
national tour with his wife and
two-year-old daughter, however, tops them all.
When Blanchard auditioned
for the touring production of
Disney’s “Newsies”, his wife,
Meredith Inglesby, a stage actor
herself, was at home taking care
of their baby, Wren.
After Blanchard’s audition,
Disney’s executive team took
their time calling the next person. Contrary to Blanchard’s
belief, they weren’t talking
about him, but rather, they were
discussing the possibility of also
hiring Inglesby.
“They knew we had a baby
and they thought we might want
to be together, so they asked me
to come in for an audition an
hour later and now here we are,”
Inglesby told La Prensa.
Blanchard earned the role of
publishing giant Joseph Pulitzer
while Inglesby plays his corky
secretary, Hannah.
This isn’t the first time
they’ve shared a stage though.
Their love story actually began in 2005 as characters on
Disney’s Broadway musical,
“Beauty and the Beast.”
“I played the Beast, she played
Babette and that’s what happened,” Blanchard said. “The
Beast ran away with Babette.”
They married in 2009 and
once again shared cast credits
on the touring musical, “Little
House on the Prairie.”
Newsies is different from
their past projects as a couple
in the sense that now they have
a small addition.
“With a baby you’re constantly planning ahead for sitters and
cribs,” Blanchard explained.
“It’s very different than when
you travel alone.”
Touring with a two-year-old
may be more of a struggle, but
the couple agrees that watching
little Wren grow-up and being
there for her first words makes
it all worth it.
Plus, the family gets to visit
museums and different attractions during their time off.
“It’s such a blessing getting
to see the world and being together,” Inglesby said. “It’s so
much fun and super tiring, but
we’re enjoying everything.”
Soon, they’ll be able to add
San Antonio to their pile of
family vacation photos.
From Tuesday, May 12
through Sunday, May 17, the
Tony Award-winning musical
will transport audience members from the Majestic Theatre
to the streets of New York in
Through a blend of highenergy dance moves and catchy
tunes, the fast-paced musical
follows the story of newspaper
delivery boy Jack Kelly, played
by Dan DeLuca, and his fellow
newsies, most of whom are orphaned and homeless.
The problem arises when
publishing giant Pulitzer hikes
up the newspaper prices at the
expense of the newsies, who
have to pay for the newspapers
before they sell them.
As Blanchard explains, the
musical depicts the courageous
story of David and Goliath.
The delivery boys, of course,
represent David and Pulitzer
channels Goliath.
In defense of Pulitzer though,
Blanchard claims he wasn’t
nearly the villain they portray
him to be.
“I think he sees himself in
Jack Kelly, which is why he’s
so hard on him,” Blanchard
After doing some thorough
research on his character,
Blanchard has great respect
for him.
“He was a real go-getter,”
Blanchard said. “He came to
this country not speaking the
language, he taught himself the
language and established an
While on stage the news
boys are fighting the good fight
against Blanchard’s character,
backstage they adore his little
girl and help take care of her.
“It’s like she has 20 older
brothers now,” Inglesby said.
“The cast has been incredibly
The national tour launched in
October 2014 and has performances booked as far as 2017.
To catch one of the eight
performances during the San
Antonio premier, visit www. or
w w w . m a j e s t i c e m p i r e . c o m . Steve Blanchard plays Joseph Pulitzer and his wife Meredith Inglesby plays his secretary, Hannah,
Tickets start at $35.
in the touring production of Newsies (Photo, Deen van Meer)
2nd International Music Festival by
Musical Bridges Around the World
Presentarán obra teatral
homenaje a Cri Cri
Por Patricia Pérez
By Rudy Arispe
The 2nd Annual International
Music Festival presented by Musical Bridges Around the World
(MBAW) returns to San Antonio
and will include seven performances
by world-class jazz, folk and ethnic
musicians and dancers from May
14 to 24 at three venues: Carlos
Alvarez Studio Theater at the Tobin
Center for the Performing Arts, 100
Auditorium Circle; San Fernando
Cathedral, 115 Main Plaza; and the
Ruth Taylor Recital Hall at Trinity
University, One Trinity Place.
Mayor Ivy Taylor will officially
open the 2nd International Music
Festival at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May
14 at San Fernando Cathedral.
All concerts are free and open to
the public (limited seating, subject to
availability) and will be followed by
an artist “Meet & Greet.” MBAW
members can RSVP to guarantee
seating. This year’s performances
Thursday, May 14, 7:30 p.m.
“Latina” San Fernando Cathedral - “Latina” embodies a journey
of self-discovery by Cristina Pato &
Co., exploring heights and hurdles
of the life and migrations of a Latin
woman. In 2004, Jean Bechhofer
of the BBC said, “Cristina Pato, the
Galician Bagpipe diva, is renowned
for her dramatic performances, but
what counts is her skill and familiarity with that octopus of an instrument, the gaita.”
Friday, May 15, 7:30 p.m.
“Time, Place, Action” Carlos
Alvarez Studio Theater - Featuring Vijay Iyer: MacArthur Genius
Fellow, Harvard Music Professor
and Grammy nominated jazz pianist
with the award-winning Brentano
String Quartet of the Yale School of
Music. Best known as a jazz pianist,
Iyer has released 17 albums, and in
2012 was named jazz artist of the
year by Down Beat magazine.
Saturday, May 16, 7:30 p.m.
“Colombia Unbound” San Fernando Cathedral – Born in Bogota, Edmar Castañeda has taken
the world stage by storm with the
sheer force of his virtuosic command. From the German newspaper,
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,
“the Colombian plays the harp unlike anyone else on earth. His hands,
seemingly powered by two different
people, produce a totally unique,
symphonic fullness of sound, a
rapid-fire of chords, balance of melodic figures and drive, served with
euphoric Latin American rhythms,
and the improvisatory freedom of a
trained jazz musician...”
Sunday, May 17, 3 p.m. “Home
Within” Carlos Alvarez Studio
Theater - Syrian composer and
clarinetist Kinan Azmeh and SyrianArmenian visual artist Kevork Mourad will share “Home Within,” a
multimedia project to honor 100,000
victims of the civil war in Syria.
Mourad has shared the stage with
world class musicians such as YoYo Ma and performed globally from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art to
the Chess Festival of Mexico City.
“Home Within,” created with Kinan
Azmeh, has been touring Europe
and North America for the past year.
Wednesday, May 20, 7:30 p.m.
“Viva España” Carlos Alvarez
Studio Theater - Entreflamenco,
founded by Antonio Granjero in
1998 in Madrid is “...the Baryshnikov of Spanish Dance” according to WQXR of New York City.
Carolina Betancourt of Texas Art
Magazine wrote, “Granjero lays it all
on the line and with every complex
footwork combination, turn and
finger snap, he shows you exactly
who he is and how flamenco breaths
Acompaña a Cri Cri en su travesía por el bosque de camino a la
gran ciudad, donde se encontrará
con personajes maravillosos que
lo inspirarán y que le ayudarán a
descubrir qué hacer para convertir
sus sueños en realidad.
Ven a ver “Alcanza tus sueños”
y encontrarás las motivaciones
que te ayudarán a realizar tus
propios sueños. Sí, el grillito
cantor pudo hacerlo, ¡tú también
lo lograrás!
“Alcanza tus sueños” es una
obra de teatro musical y cuenta
con una adaptación de Patricia
Lemppaf, quien como autora
te unge a que te traces metas
Lemppaf escogió cuidadosamente cada una de las canciones
y los complementa con diálogos
con mensajes profundos, pero
graciosos y de fácil entendimiento para todo público. En “La
Patita” les dice a las jovencitas
de forma poética:
–Viaja mucho Patita… Visita
muchos jardines e imprégnate del
perfume de la flor –.
Tú que acabas de brotar de
niña a joven y bella mujer, cultiva
tu intelecto, tu alma y tu espíritu
y adquiere una buena educación
y así aseguraras tu futuro y el de
los tuyos.
Este es solo un ejemplo de lo
que encontrarás en esta obra que
cuenta con la participación de
25 personas, quienes actuarán
en escena y recrearán personajes
maravillosos que te harán bailar y
cantar las más celebres canciones
del inmortal grillo cantor.
La dirección artística está a
cargo de Marla Moore, quien
tiene más de 30 años de experiencia y quien estudió en la academia
de teatro Artes interpretativas de
la ANDA.
Las coreografías están cargo de
Marla Moore, Lissa Bengtson y
Patricia Lemppaf. Lissa Bengtson
es la directora del International
Folk Culture Center en Our Lady
of the Lake University y Patricia
Lemppaf, fundadora y directora
de la Alianza Latinoamericana;
es además promotora cultural y
escritora de cuentos infantiles.
El director de escenografías es
Fernando Pintor, quien creará la
magia con escenografías maravillosas que serán el complemento
perfecto para la presentación de
los diferentes cuadros musicales.
Henry Puente es el facilitador
y creador de utilería y accesorios
escenográficos. Mr. Puente es
director del Virginia Gil Community Center de San Antonio
Parks & Recreations y cuenta con
la ayuda y los talentos administrativos de Roberta Martínez,
quien además lo asistente en la
decoración de escenografías.
ALASARTE cuenta con el
apoyo de la ciudad de San Antonio, representada por Félix Padrón, Director del Departamento
de Desarrollo Cultural Creativo,
quien apoya esta y otras muchas
expresiones artísticas.
Univisión también se une a
este esfuerzo y Mónica Navarro
nos engalanará con su excelente
En el magnífico auditorio del
Instituto de México se llevará a
cabo esta obra y agradecemos a
la cónsul Nuria Olascoaga por
la facilitación de tan excelentes
Es de importancia relevante
mencionar el apoyo que recibimos para la realización de “Alcanza tus sueños”, de parte del
cónsul José Antonio Larios,
Director del Consulado General
de México y del Instituto Cultural
de México.
“Alcanza tus sueños” es un
homenaje que la Alianza Latinoamericana (ALASARTE) y su
tropa de teatro “Sueños” realiza
en honor de Francisco Gabilondo
Soler “Cri Cri” (El grillo cantor),
en celebración del Día del niño.
Te esperamos el sábado 16
de mayo a las 2 de la tarde en
el Instituto Cultural de México.
Para más detalles favor de llamar
al (210) 385-3877 o visita ALASARTE.COM
within him. At times he is so forceful and unrelenting that audience
members can feel the power behind
the golpe…”
Thursday, May 21, 7:30 p.m.
“Argentina Espectacular!” San
Fernando Cathedral - After soldout, standing-ovation performances
at the Celebrity Series of Boston
and Lincoln Center, composer and
bandoneon player par excellence,
JP Jofre will make his Musical
Bridges Around the World debut
with music by Astor Piazzolla, his
own acclaimed compositions and
a world premiere tango-ballet piece
with Grammy award nominated
the St. Petersburg String Quartet
and renowned Argentinean dancerchoreographer Claudio Asprea from
Buenos Aires.
Sunday, May 24, 6 p.m. “African Rhythms” Ruth Taylor
Recital Hall, Trinity University
- Pianist Randy Weston grew up
surrounded by some of the greatest
musicians in jazz. But it is his deep
connection to Africa that inspired his
personal style of music. “The music
of Africa is music that is totally in
tune with the universe and the earth
and the sky,” he says. “This music is
totally in touch with Mother Nature.
Mother Nature is always improvising — it’s cold, it’s hot, it rains, it
snows... this music is in touch with
the universe.”
“We believe that exposure to the
world’s cultures will change perceptions,” said Anya Grokhovski,
MBAW artistic director and CEO.
“Music enriches our lives by bringing us closer together while celebrating our cultural diversity. The
International Music Festival is proof
that all cultures can live in peace.”
For more information or for
complete artist bios, visit www. or call (210)
Escena de “El ratón vaquero” de la obra musical “Alcanza tus sueños”. (Foto cortesía)
Sofia Vergara receives star
on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame
EFE - Colombian actress Sofia
Vergara on Thursday received
her star on Hollywood’s Walk
of Fame in a huge ceremony at
which she was accompanied by
her fiancé, Joe Manganiello, her
colleagues from “Modern Family” and her own family, including
her son Manolo, who gave a short
Vergara, 42, became the first
actress from her country to have
her name on a star on the iconic
boulevard in the U.S. film mecca,
although her compatriot singersongwriter Shakira was honored
similarly in 2011, the first Colombian to receive that recognition.
The actress was visibly moved
and thrilled at the ceremony, with
the crowd jamming the site and
shouting her name.
Vergara said she was very
grateful for the honor, especially
to the cast and crew of “Modern Family,” the comedy that
launched her to popularity in the
United States.
She said if Gloria Prichett - her
character on the television series had not been invented, she would
not be here.
Vergara, accompanied by many
of her family members, including her mother, emphasized the
importance of being surrounded
by a person’s loved ones because,
she said, you can have fame and
money, but it’s not worth it if
you have nobody to enjoy these
things with.
“It is unbelievable for me to be
Por La Prensa
“Hasta que te conocí”, tal
como una de las canciones más
conocidas de Juan Gabriel, se titulará la nueva serie que Telemundo
estrenará la próxima temporada.
La serie relatará la historia
de vida de Juan Gabriel, uno
de los cantantes y compositores
mexicanos más reconocidos de
América Latina.
“Estamos felices de poder
traer esta serie exclusiva a
nuestros televidentes de los
Estados Unidos”, señaló Jesús
Torres-Viera, vicepresidente
ejecutivo de programación de
“Juan Gabriel es un gran ícono
para ellos, y su música y vida
han formado parte de todos nosotros, no importa nuestro país
de origen”, añadió.
Francis Ford Coppola wins prestigious
Princess of Asturias arts award
EFE - U.S. filmmaking legend Francis Ford Coppola was
awarded Spain’s 2015 Princess
of Asturias Award for Arts in the
northern Spanish city of Oviedo,
the award foundation announced
on Wednesday.
Out of 31 nominees from 19
different countries, the prize was
awarded to Coppola, a pioneer
of U.S. cinema in the 1970s who
has directed iconic movies such
as “Apocalypse Now” (1973) and
“The Godfather” trilogy (1972,
1974 and 1990).
The award panel praised Francis
Ford Coppola as a superior storyteller and an artistic innovator in
themes and form, and that Francis
Ford Coppola is an essential figure
to understanding the transformation
and contradictions within cinema as
an art, and as an industry.
“An exceptional narrator who
holds a prominent position in the
history of cinema,” the jury said,
expounding on the visionary’s fight
to maintain total entrepreneurial
and creative independence in all
facets: as a director, a producer or
a screenwriter.
Colombian actress Sofia Vergara poses beside her star on the
Coppola was born on April 7,
Hollywood Walk of Fame. (EFE)
1939 into an Italian family in New
here today standing with all of who was also on hand to support York City, and has directed more
you,” Vergara said in her remarks her at the ceremony, along with than 30 films, produced 74 and
to the crowd. “I don’t have any- Julie Bowen.
wrote the screenplay for 27 others.
thing to say but thank you. The
The creator of the series, Steve
first thanks I have to give is to Levitan, and actor Eric StonesModern Family...”
treet, who is part of the cast, also
The Colombian’s star is No. had public words of praise for
2,551 on the Walk of Fame and is Vergara, who smilingly endured
located next to the one for the man the repeated mentions of her atwho plays her fictional husband tractive figure and other physical
on “Modern Family,” Ed O’Neill, attributes.
Telemundo transmitirá la serie “Hasta
que te conocí” sobre Juan Gabriel
Por su parte, el cantante, mejor conocido como “el Divo de
Juárez”, comentó: “Esta serie
sobre mi vida, que se está dramatizando, lo estoy haciendo
con mucho amor, con mucho
agradecimiento a cada persona
que participó en mi vida como
Juan Gabriel”. “Quiero que sea
un bello recuerdo, ese es mi
La nueva serie será producida
por The Walt Disney Company
Latin America y Somos Productions.
Juan Gabriel se ha consolidado como uno de los cantantes
y compositores más exitosos de
América Latina de los últimos
treinta años.
Ha compuesto rancheras, pop,
rock, pero uno de sus géneros más exitosos es la balada
Por ejemplo, el tema “Hasta
que te conocí” es muy famoso
tanto en su propia versión como
la versión salsa de Marc Anthony.
Otro ejemplo es “Así fue” en
la voz de Ana Gabriel.
Asimismo, hizo famoso a
Rocío Durcal con rancheras
como “Me gustas mucho”,
“Amor eterno” y otras.
En 2009 fue reconocido como
“Persona del Año” por la Academia Latina de la Grabación.
Recientemente lanzó un nuevo álbum titulado “Los Dúos”,
que incluye duetos con Juanes,
Marco Antonio Solís, Vicente
Fernández, David Bisbal y
Laura Pausini.
El álbum rápidamente se
colocó #1 en 11 países, incluyendo México y Estados Unidos,
y su primer sencillo “Querida”
junto a Juanes, está en los “Top
5” de iTunes en 14 países.
Juan Gabriel lanzó un disco de duetos con artistas como Juanes, Marco Antonio Solís, Vicente
Fernández, David Bisbal y Laura Pausini. (Foto, cortesía)
10 de mayo de 2015
File picture dated June 23, 2009 that shows US filmmaker Francis
Ford Coppola during an interview with Spanish press agency
Agencia EFE in Madrid, Spain. Princess of Asturias Prize for
Arts’ jury announced on May 6, 2015 that Coppola is the winner
of 2015 Princess of Asturias Award for Arts. This year’s edition
will be the first one with the awards granted under the name
‘Princess of Asturias’ after the enthronement of King Felipe VI,
being her daughter, Princess Leonor, the new Crown Princess.
(EFE/Juanjo Martin)
His numerous accolades range
from the Academy Award, the
Golden Globe, the BAFTA, and the
auspicious Palm d’Or at the Cannes
Film Festival.
The Princess of Asturias Awards
are a series of annual prizes awarded
in Spain by the Princess of Asturias
Foundation in eight categories: arts,
communication and humanities,
international cooperation, literature,
social sciences, sports, technical and
scientific research, and concord.
Each winner receives a prize of
50,000 euros (roughly $56,000)
and a replica statuette designed by
the late Spanish sculptor Joan Miro.
It is the first time the prize, which
bears the name of the heir to the
throne, has been called the “Princess” of Asturias Award, as it was
changed from “Prince” when Princess Leonor’s father, King Felipe
VI, ascended the throne last year.
10 de mayo de 2015
Prince announces Baltimore Artist Raul González shares life’s
concert to honor Freddie Gray sweet moments in new exhibition
EFE - U.S. singer Prince will
hold a concert in Baltimore,
MD in honor of Freddie Gray,
a young black man whose death
from injuries sustained in police
custody triggered serious disturbances throughout the city.
Prince, also African American,
on Tuesday announced that the
concert, ‘Rally 4 Peace’, will
be held Sunday, May 10, at the
Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore.
Concert promoters Live Nation announced tickets on sale
this past Wednesday and that
Prince will be joined by “other
music stars,” without specifying who.
Part of the money from sales
will go to charities in the city
working with youth and adolescents.
“In a spirit of healing, the
event is meant to be a catalyst
for pause and reflection following the outpouring of violence
that has gripped Baltimore and
areas throughout the U.S.,” said
By Kiko Martinez
Prince during a concert. (EFE/File)
Live Nation.
As a tribute to the deceased
Freddie Gray, organizers are
encouraging attendees to dress
in grey.
Baltimore last week witnessed
multiple riots and violent clashes
between police and protesters
that left more than hundred officers injured and caused extensive
The Guadalupe Cultural Arts
Center presents Dulce, a new
exhibition by multi-disciplinary
artist Raul González. The exhibition will run from May 21 – July
22 at the Guadalupe Theater Gallery with an opening reception on
Thursday, May 21 from 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
Dulce combines two bodies of
paintings González has created
over the past five years. Pop art,
traditional Mexican candies, and
the hip-hop culture inspired the
first body of work.
“I use these life-sized candies as a way of glorifying the
memories and sweetness of my
childhood and embellishing the
richness of Mexican heritage and
culture,” González said. “When
I think of my Mexican heritage,
the first thing that comes to mind
is the food – in this case, the
The second body of paintings,
González said, is a true reflection
of who he is today. In this series,
the artist uses contemporary
abstract art as a way to identify
emotion, people, and feelings.
“In these paintings, I am reflecting on the joys and challenges of being a new father and
taking on the role of a stay-athome dad,” he said. “Even though
there are moments of grief or
frustration, every moment of raising a child is one of the sweetest
things someone can experience in
their lifetime.”
In keeping with the sweet
theme, the opening reception will
include Mexican candies from
local vendors and a performance
of ‘CAKE CAKE CAKE’, during
which González will cut cake-like
paintings for guests upon request.
material destruction.
Six police officers involved
in Gray’s arrest have since been
Prince will perform his new
unreleased song ‘Baltimore’ at
the concert.
Lyrics for the song, written
last week as a tribute to Gray, are
available on the internet.
Colossal King Kong, Universal
Orlando’s new attraction for 2016
EFE - King Kong will become
Universal Orlando’s newest star
in a new attraction “Skull Island:
Reign of Kong”, named for the
giant gorilla’s mythical island.
The attraction is expected to
open in the summer of 2016, the
theme park’s management announced Wednesday in Florida.
The attraction dedicated to the
legendary gorilla will take visitors
through terrifying doors to a savage world of unknown creatures,
Universal revealed online.
Visitors will negotiate a variety
of threats hidden in the jungle,
from hostile tribes to prehistoric
The most anticipated threat is
saved for the end of the adventure, a face to face encounter
with none other than the colossal
King Kong.
Two years in development,
under the supervision of Peter
Jackson, who directed the movie
King Kong in 2005, construction
is now nearing completion.
Universal Creative’s executive
producer Mike West said it would
King Kong will become Universal Orlando’s newest star in a new
attraction “Skull Island: Reign of Kong”. (EFE/File)
be an unrivalled experience,
legendary and full of beauty,
developed using the latest technological advances.
The transport vehicle manufac-
tured by Universal Orlando will
carry 72 people at a time, those
ready to pass through the daunting
70-foot-high doors that lead into
the land of adventure.
Dulce by Raul González opens at the Guadalupe Theater Gallery. (Courtesy photo)
Dezeo y su Norteño Banda
revolucionan con su estilo
Por Mundo Musical
Para los amantes del sonido
norteño y sinaloense, el exitoso
conjunto regiomontano Dezeo y
su Norteño Banda, que dirige su
fundador Alejando Benavides
Del Real conocido por “Alex”,
primera voz y bajista, les diremos que en lo que resta del año
estos chavos los van a seguir
complaciendo con su material
musical preferidos, como se dice
“dos por un boleto”.
De acuerdo a Alex Benavides
Del Real, este conjunto que se
formó en el 2001 como grupo
norteño allá en la ciudad de Guadalupe, Nuevo León, vecina con
la municipalidad de la industrial
ciudad de Monterrey, se encuentran pasando por el mejor de sus
momentos, ya que en sus 14 años
de integración han realizado lo
En el 2001 le nació la necesidad de buscar algo diferente para
el grupo, llegando a la idea de
mezclar un toque de Banda Sinaloense, con el género norteño,
lográndose así la fusión de la
batería, bajo sexto y acordeón
con la tuba, obteniendo como
resultado la “Norteño Banda”.
Tras haber trabajado en bares
y eventos sociales, Benavides
Del Real y un grupo de jóvenes
músicos de excelente talento
pudieron salir adelante acompañados por la buena fortuna. Lo
que posteriormente les llevó a
ser vistos y escuchados por empresas musicales de renombre,
tanto en la región de El Cerro de
La Silla (Ciudad de Monterrey).
Así se les presentaron oportunidades para destacar en otro
nivel y altura en la industria del
espectáculo musical.
“Gracias a nuestro estilo único
en la interpretación de melodías
ya conocidas y otras sin mucha
fama pudimos adelantarnos en
este difícil arte de hacer música
que guste a todo tipo de auditorio. Desde un principio Dezeo y
su Norteño Banda fue aceptada
por el público, nuestros temas
y estilo se fueron haciendo
populares. Especialmente en el
tiempo del cambio con la fusión
del género norteño con el de
banda sinaloense. El éxito se
lo debemos a personas que nos
dieron la mano con oportunidades de grabar nuestro primer
disco sencillo el cual titulamos
‘Tu Primera Vez’”, apuntó Alex
Benavides Del Real.
Del álbum inicial se desprenden los temas “Tu Primera Vez”,
“Como un Tonto”. “Donde te
Duela Más”, “Duele”, “Agua
Nueva”, “Por Favor Ve’te”,
“Qué Mosca le Picó”, “Solo un
Día”, “El Italiano” y “Para el
Amor de mis Amores”.
El grupo regiomontano Dezeo y su Norteño Banda en la portada de
su primer disco sencillo titulado “Tu Primera Vez”. (Foto, cortesía)
Algunos aparecen bastante
solicitados por la red social
(YouTube). Donde se encuentran
además el tema, sin grabarse,
“Sin ti no soy nada”, que será una
melodía que encabezará su próxima producción musical, esto de
acuerdo al director artístico Alex
Benavides Del Real.
“Estamos cumpliendo 14
años de integración, por lo que
nuestro principal propósito es
la continuidad de nuestro gé-
nero musical, por lo que ya
comenzamos a recabar temas
que de seguro estarán dentro
del segundo disco sencillo. A
la vez, en lo que resta del 2015,
estaremos cumpliendo compromisos de nuestra agenda musical
que tenemos para presentarnos
en tradicionales conciertos y
eventos regionales en México
y plazas de los Estados Unidos
donde tenemos planeado realizar
giras de promoción”, agregó.
Tenemos unos buenos amigos
(Juan y Gloria). Estos amigos
se han divorciado. Gloria fue la
que dejó a Juan y ahora ella está
casada de nuevo. Ahora Leticia
es otra amiga que es soltera y
también es amiga de Gloria.
Son buenas amigas y se frecuentan en muchas ocasiones.
Pues Leticia se ha hecho muy
amiga de Juan, el exmarido de
Gloria y nosotros pensamos que
Querida Nina:
Leticia debería decirle a Gloria
Mis amigas y yo tenemos sus intenciones con Juan. ¿Tú
una pregunta y quisiéramos tu crees que Leticia debe decirle
respuesta. No sabemos qué hacer. a Gloria antes de que se haga
más grande?
Amiga de los dos
Queridas Amiga de los dos:
No se metan en lo que no les
interesa. Gloria ya se volvió a
casar y está haciendo su vida.
¿Por qué le va interesar que
le pase a Juan? Sería raro que
Leticia no lo mencionara, especialmente si hay romance y
que pueda ser algo más. Si son
amigas Gloria va pensar por
qué Leticia lo guarda en silencio pero es una decisión que es
para Leticia y no de ustedes.
Escriba a Querida Nina, 816 Camaron St. Ste 104, San Antonio,
TX 78212 o al correo electrónico: [email protected]
10 de mayo de 2015