CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 35 MOUNTAIN AVENUE, SOMERVILLE, NEW JERSEY 08876 WWW.IMMACULATECONCEPTION.ORG August 23, 2015 The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Week end Masses Saturday—5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM, 9:00AM,10:30AM, Spanish 12:00PM (From 6/21 to 9/6) Holy Day Eve (Vigil) 7:30PM Holy Day 6:30AM, 8:00AM, 12:10PM, and 7:30PM Daily Masses 6:30 and 8:00AM Note: September to June the schedule changes as follows: Friday, 6:30 and 8:30AM First Friday, 6:30, 8:30 and 10:15AM Religious Formation Grades: 1-8: Monday—4:00-5:15PM 6:15-7:30PM Wednesday—4:00-5:15PM 6:15-7:30PM Confessions Saturday 4:00–5:00PM 7:30–8:00PM Parish Center Rev. Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan, Pastor Rev. Alexander J. Carles, Associate Pastor Rev. Charles Sabella, Associate Pastor Deacon Frank J. Quinn Deacon Anthony J. Hancock Deacon John R. Czekaj Deacon Paul Blessing Deacon Emeritus, John Ivers Sister Virginia Quinn, IHM, Convent Superior Jo Anne Peppe, Business Manager Karen Bohler, Director, Children’s Faith Formation Patti Jannuzzi, Director, New Evangelization/ Stewardship/Adult Faith Formation Jeanine Cavanagh, Director, Social Ministry Gary Gavula, Director, Sacred Music Sister Dolores Margaret, IHM, Sacred Music Carol Januse, Parish Secretary/Office Manager Daphne Lazarte, Spanish Secretary Beverly Gaffney, Parish Bookkeeper Parish Center Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM–8:00PM Friday, 9:00AM–3:00PM (FROM 6/19—9/4) Parish Center: (908) 725-1112 Fax (908) 725-6269; [email protected] Office of Children’s Faith Formation: (908) 725-1112 Ext. 1119 or 1128 Development Office: (908) 722-0200 Ext. 224 Music Office: (908) 526-3016 Schools Immaculata High School: (908) 722-0200 Mrs. Jean G. Kline, M.Ed., Principal Immaculate Conception School: (908) 725-6516 Sister Mary C. Chapman, IHM, Ed. D., Principal Liturgy and Prayer This Week Parish Mission Immaculate Conception is a parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey. We seek to live the gospel as faithful Disciples of Jesus Christ. As Stewards of our God given gifts we proclaim the good news of salvation. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we are commissioned as Apostles to transform all things in Christ. Mass Intentions Monday, August 24, St. Bartholomew 6:30AM ED SOCKLER 8:00AM PATRICIA GROTE Tuesday, August 25, Sts. Louis, Joseph Calasanz 6:30AM RICHARD DALYRMPLE 8:00AM DAN ROGERS Wednesday, August 26 6:30AM MARY CLIFFORD JOHNNY DOMIDER 8:00AM Thursday, August 27, St. Monica 6:30AM MSGR. J. NEVIN KENNEDY ANN LEONARD 8:00AM Friday, August 28, St. Augustine 6:30AM ED SOCKLER 8:00AM STEVEN KILLIAN Saturday, August 29, Passion of St. John the Baptist 6:30AM BERNADETTE MICHEL 8:00AM WILLIAM F. MOERSDORF 5:00PM THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Sunday, August 30, Ordinary Time 7:30AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12:00PM Twenty-Second Sunday in KATHERINE ROBINSON NICHOLAS J. MOERSDORF STEPHEN LUCASH SPANISH MASS Baptisms Baptisms are celebrated in English on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at 11AM and on the 3rd Sunday within the 12 Noon Mass. Baptisms in Spanish are on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 3:30PM. Catholic parents are obliged to attend a preparation session before the baptism of their 1st and 2nd child. We recommend parents attend this class prior to the birth of their child. These preparation classes are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30PM in the Parish Center in English and on the first Sunday of every month at 3:30PM in Spanish at the Nazareth House. To register for the baptism of a child, call 725-1112. Next session in English: 10/6/2015. 2 Scripture Readings For This Week The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, August 23, 2015 Today’s Readings Jos 24:12a, 15-17, 18b Ps 34:2-3, 16-17, 18-19, 20-21 Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 Jn 6:60-69 August 24: Rv 21:9b-14 Ps 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18 Jn 1:45-51 August 25: 1 Thes 2:1-8 Ps 139:1-3, 4-6 Mt 23:23-26 August 26: 1 Thes 2:9-13 Ps 139:7-8, 910, 11-12ab Mt 23:27-32 August 27: 1 Thes 3:7-13 Ps 90:3-5a, 1213, 14 and 17 Mt 24:42-51 August 28: 1 Thes 4:1-8 Ps 97:1 and 2b, 5-6, 10, 11-12 Mt 25:1-13 August 29: 1 Thes 4:9-11 Ps 98:1, 7-8, 9 Mk 6:17-29 August 30: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8 Ps 15:2-3, 3-4, 4 -5 Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 Mk 7:1-8, 14 -15, 21-23 Rosary The Rosary will be recited every Monday at 2:00PM in the Chapel. All are welcome. The Rosary For Life is the first Saturday of the month at 8:30AM in the Chapel. Novena and Evening Prayer This service takes place every Monday in the Chapel, beginning with the Rosary at 7:00PM, followed by the Perpetual Novena Devotion in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and Evening Prayer at 7:30PM. Adoration & Exposition: Mon. 8pm-Tues. 6am; Tues. 8:30am-6pm; Thur. 9pm-Fri. 6am; Fri. 9am-6pm . Divine Mercy Chaplet: The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited every Tuesday evening at 7:00PM in the Chapel. 579 Stewardship. A Way of Life Tithing, God’s Plan For Giving Our Food Collection is 9/19 & 9/20 Our next Penny Collection is 9/5 & 9/6 The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 23 “If it does not please you to serve the Lord, decide today whom you will serve…As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (JOSHUA 24:15) When we commit to serve the Lord, we must be willing to become a partner in the work of the Lord. A partner is a person who invests their time, talent and treasure. If we say we serve God, we must actually do something and not merely talk about it! Tithing - God’s Plan for Giving Monthly Collection Summary July 2014 __ July 2015 Envelope & Loose $ 59,030 $ 54,240 e-Contributions $ 15,290 $ 19,418 $ 74,320 $ 73,658 TOTAL REGULAR VOUCHER PROGRAM HOURS RESUME Vouchers and Scrip orders will be filled at the Parish Center every Wednesday & Friday starting 9/2 from 9:00 until 10:30. Going Away To College in the Fall? Help Us Keep Our Records Updated Name _______________________________ Address _____________________________ City _________________________________ State _______________ Zip Code ________ Phone _______________________________ Email _______________________________ ( ( ( 579 ) Name of College ) Please pray for me while I am away ) Anything else we can help with? This Week at a Glance MONDAY, AUGUST 24 2:00PM ROSARY—CHAPEL 7:00PM NOVENA—CHAPEL 7:00PM THOELOGY OF THE BODY—ST. ANNE 8PM MONDAY TO 6AM TUESDAY, ADORATION—CHAPEL TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 8:30AM-6PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 7:00PM DIVINE MERCY—CHAPEL 7:00PM AA—TR 9:00PM HOUR OF PRAISE—CHAPEL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 7:00PM RCIA —JP II 7:00PM NEW CATECHIST MTG—ST. ANNE THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 7:00PM CHARISMATIC PRAYER—NH 1 9PM THURSDAY TO 6AM FRIDAY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION—CHAPEL FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 8:30AM—6PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION—CHAPEL PARISH CENTER CLOSED AT 3PM SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 8:00PM AA—NH 5:00PM BRING IN THE HARVEST—CHAPEL/GARDEN SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ENGLISH MASSES: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, SPANISH MASS 12:00PM 3PM & 7PM PILGRIMAGE MTG—JP II ROOM REGULAR MASS TO RESUME Regular Mass Schedule to resume on September 13th. Mass times will be Saturdays at 5PM, Sundays at 7:30AM, 9AM, 10:30AM and 12 noon and 2PM Spanish Mass. Regular Office Hours Resume Beginning Friday, September 11th, regular business hours resume with the office open until 5PM on Fridays. 3 Immaculate Conception Church Children’s Faith Formation CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION INFORMATION Pro-Life Corner The Center for Medical Progress with its investigative videos continues to open our eyes and convict our souls by detailing the inhumanity of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is the nation's No.1 killer of pre-born children and profits greatly from this gruesome practice, and the selling of aborted babies' organs and entire intact bodies. Planned Parenthood represents what happens when we, the American people, do nothing to confront and stop evil. Not even the slave traders, the Hitlers, the Stalins, the Pol Pots of world history can match the number of innocent lives taken by abortion. The abortion culture that we are living in has produced a massive level of corruption and inhuman injustice. In his August 10 column, Archbishop Chaput wrote: "The deliberate killing of innocent life is a uniquely wicked act. No amount of contextualizing or deflecting our attention to other issues can obscure that. ...Humanity’s priority right — the one that undergirds all other rights — is the right to life. Christian can avoid the duty to work for more justice and charity in our life as a nation, a task that inescapably involves politics. Thus the recent Senate vote to defund Planned Parenthood was not only right and timely, but necessary. And the failure of that measure involves a public failure of character by every Catholic senator who voted against it. ...Those videos show a face of Planned Parenthood — senior staffers chatting blithely about the dismemberment and sale of fetal body parts — that can only be called repugnant. But it’s not surprising: If aborted children are simply lumps of potentially useful (and profitable) tissue, what’s the problem?" The Archbishop concludes with the words of a pro-life wife to her conflicted pro-choice husband – “You can’t stand on the sidelines, especially now that you’ve seen these videos. …These are babies that are being killed. Millions of them. And you need to use your voice to protect them. That’s what a man does. He protects children – his own children and other children. That’s what it means to be a man.” Submitted by Kevin Dugan, ProLife Ministry 4 Boys and girls entering the first grade in public school this coming September should enroll in the first level of Children’s Faith Formation classes. The Diocese of Metuchen requires that children wishing to receive First Holy Communion must prepare for a period of 2 years. New students are asked to provide a Baptismal certificate at the time of registration. Please note that we offer a Kindergarten class on Monday afternoon from 4:00-5:15. In this class children get a head start on deepening their faith through stories, activities, prayers and celebrations. Space is limited but we currently have a few spots available. If interested register this week. Families who have already been part of the Children’s Faith Formation program must re-register. Classes have been set. Families who have not yet re-registered should submit their paperwork immediately. Registration forms and schedules are available in the parish Center and on our website ( Please do not delay! Send in the registration forms as soon as possible, specifying a second choice for day and time, since many classes are already filled. Registration will close on October 1, 2015. URGENT!! CATECHISTS NEEDED Please prayerfully consider serving as a catechist in our parish. Our Children’s Faith Formation program is growing by leaps and bounds. While we currently have many wonderful individuals teaching and assisting, many more are needed. No previous experience is required ~ you need only a love and knowledge of your faith and a desire to serve! This is an ideal opportunity for a parent, grandparent, young adult and/or teen to serve the youth of our parish. You can work together or separately. Teach while your child is in his/her class. Share your faith with the over 600 children in grades K through Eight who are eagerly learning about their faith and preparing to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. Classes are held on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and evenings. Monday Afternoon: 4:00 PM- 5:15 PM, Grade 2 & 4 Wednesday Evening: 6:15PM –7:30 PM, Grade 2 (2 needed) We are also looking for Hall Monitors, Office Aides and Classroom Aides for grades 1 & 2 at these times. If you are a 7th or 8th grader looking for service hours, please volunteer to help! We need you! Please answer the call this week! 908-725-1112, Ext 1119, [email protected] 579 Rosary Altar Society Next Meeting September 9th at 7PM Hoping you all are enjoying a happy and healthy summer. We will hold our Rosary Altar Society meeting on September 9th beginning with recitation of the Rosary in the Chapel at 7 o’clock followed by Mass. Afterwards we will gather in the Talbot Room for the meeting. All are welcome to attend. Wedding Banns As this couple prepares to meet Christ in the Sacrament of Matrimony, let us pray that their relationship will grow in Him. FIRST Mary Stevens, St. Ann, Raritan, NJ/ Steve Midgley, Scotch Plains, NJ IHN Raffle Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN), who shelter and feed the working poor of Somerset County, will conduct a raffle on August 29/30 after all masses. The Grand prize is 4 tickets to An American in Paris with a limo ride to and from NYC (includes gourmet wine & chees basket)—Show time is 8pm on 11/14. Tickets are $20 each. The drawing will be held on Wednesday 10/7 at 4PM at the Flynn Day Center. Immaculata High School Spartans Come Home Saturday, October 17th 5:30 pm-9:30 pm The Immaculata Spartan Alumni Association is proud to announce that it will be hosting the 2nd Spartans Come Home event to be held at Immaculata High School. As part of the event there will be a DJ, food, drinks to include beer and wine, building tours, video displays, memorabilia and a Spartan Spirit type competition. The cost of admission will be $15 for early registration from now until October 1st, and after October 1st it will be $20 All alumni are encouraged to attend, and if you have the time to volunteer to help out please reach out to us via email at [email protected]. 579 Social Ministry Elizabeth Ministry is a group of women from our parish who reach out to women during times of pregnancy, birth, or adoption. They support those suffering the pain of miscarriage, infertility, failed adoption, or infant crisis, as well as those who experience a normal pregnancy and birth, or successful adoption. If you or someone you know could benefit from this ministry, or if you would like to join the ministry, please contact Jeanine Cavanagh, at 725-1112 x1126. If you are faced with an unplanned pregnancy and are in need of assistance please contact The Pregnancy Aid and Information Center at 908 526-8121. Nursing Home Visitations: You can make a difference in an elderly person’s life by providing companionship to a resident of Rehab at the Riverside formerly known as Raritan Health and Extended Care Facility. Those who volunteer to par cipate in this ministry are paired with nursing home residents for weekly or bi-weekly visita ons. Volunteers are paired with nursing home residents according to various interests and needs. One of the greatest diseases that our society suffers from is loneliness and rejec on. Your brief visits can help cure this ill that causes suffering on a daily basis. Through giving the gi of your me, friendship, and love, you can bring the love of Christ to the aged through this important ministry. If you feel you would like to get involved in this wonderful ministry or would just like more informaƟon please contact Michele Reno at 908 722-3172. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25th There is a Severe Blood Shortage in New Jersey. The Blood Center of New Jersey will be holding a blood drive, sponsored by the Parish Nurses, on Sunday, October 25, from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm in the ICS cafeteria. Sign up for the blood drive will be held after all masses on the weekends of October 3/4 and October 10/11. Please support our parish by donating blood and helping someone less fortunate, perhaps even saving someone's life. The Parish Nurses of Immaculate Conception Church thank you for your support 5 Social Ministry Interfaith Hospitality Network Fall Fundraiser! On October 8th at the USGA Golf Museum in Far Hills, the Interfaith Hospitality Network will be hosting a cocktail party in order to raise awareness and financial support for the homeless of Somerset County. We are so grateful for the support that your congregation has given our organization. IHN is the only organization that serves the homeless of Somerset County through a program of continuum of care. From emergency shelter to independent living, this organization empowers these families and gives them the opportunity to create their own successes. 94% of IHN's families are maintaining their independence tracked over a period of eight years. This is amazing considering up to 92% of families discharged from emergency shelters are relapsing into homelessness within one year. The funds raised at this event will be directed toward several areas of need for IHN. Some of those are: -Transportation costs for their clients to and from work, school and shelters -Day Care Plus Program for preschoolers -Mental health services -GED and certification programs In order to make this event a success and raise awareness of IHN, we need your help. · Please plan to attend our event on Oct. 8th. We will inform you when tickets are available. · We are actively looking for businesses or individuals to sponsor the event. If you or your company is willing to match funds raised at the event...We would love to hear from you!! · If you can't make the event and would like to make a donation please refer to the sponsorship package and contact me at: [email protected] We can't thank you enough for your time and consideration. We look forward to seeing you on the 8th! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Sincerely, Sharon Howard, IHN Board of Directors:[email protected] Mothers’ Retreat: Please mark your calendars! The 2016 Mother’s Retreat is scheduled for February 27 February 28. 6 Back to School Collection: It’s that time of the year again when we start getting ready for the first day of school. Please notice at each entrance you will see there are white baskets for your donations located at the church entrances. New children’s underwear (all sizes) and school stationery supplies, back to school items for area children in need will be collected from now through September 6th. The donated items will be distributed to local agencies that serve children and families who are experiencing financial hardship. Such agencies include FISH Emergency Food and Clothing Pantry, Somerset County Food Bank Network, Interfaith Hospitality Network and the Samaritan Homeless Interim Program. White baskets will be located at the entrances of the Church for your donations, from now through Labor Day. Again, items needed include new children’s underwear (all sizes), children’s socks, backpacks, lunch boxes, and school stationery supplies. Thank you for your generous support of this annual collection. The joy you will bring to a child who is without even basic supplies simply cannot be measured. Thank you. SHIP's Galley is a service provided by the Samaritan Homeless Interim Program as a response to the need for an onsite meal program to feed the hungry in our region. It is run through the efforts of Faith Communi es and other volunteers whose purpose is to provide a nutri ous meal to those in need. Our parish provides two teams of volunteers for SHIP on the first Wednesday of each month. One team prepares food and the other serves the food at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Somerville. We are most in need of volunteers to prepare food for this endeavor. Would you please consider taking a small amount of your me to prepare a casserole, side dish, salad, sandwiches or to shop to purchase bread, milk, or fruit for this meal program? The food should be prepared or purchased in order to be dropped off at the Parish Center on the first Tuesday of the month. The food is then delivered to the Galley on the following day to be heated and served. If you would be so generous to assist with this tremendous need, you will be contacted by phone regarding your assigned food. You do not need to commit to every month in order to assist. You may assist according to your availability. This is a wonderful opportunity to get your family involved with an effort to serve those who go without one of the basic needs to survive - food. In addi on to nourishing the body, you also nourish the soul. If you would like more informaƟon or to schedule yourself for future SHIP Galley dates, please contact Jeanine Cavanagh, at 725-1112 x1126 or contact Janet Pernini, at 908-725-9294 or email: [email protected]. Thanks for your consideraƟon. 579 The New Evangelization—Discipleship / Stewardship Pilgrimage to Rome Assisi * Lanciano * San Giovanni Rotondo * Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to Rome For the Feast of the Divine Mercy Sunday Mass with the Holy Father! March 27th—April 5th, 2016 Under the leadership of Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan Join us for the trip of a lifetime! Join us for an information meeting explaining the full itinerary at Immaculate Conception Parish Center, 35 Mountain Ave., Somerville, in the JP II Room on 8/16 @ 7PM, 8/30 @ 3PM & 7PM, 8/31 @ 9AM, 3PM & 7PM. ATTN: All Moms You are invited to join a new Parish Mothers Group Many faithful mothers seek a place where they can come together for fellowship and support while seeking wisdom from God. At Immaculate Conception we desire to start a small group where moms can come together to share their faith and their stories with each other. We believe that forming a small mother’s group will be a rewarding experience where we can help each other walk the footsteps of Christian motherhood while making new friends. We will meet on a yet to-bedetermined- weekday morning and children are welcome. Contact Taryn Scarfone at [email protected] or 908-227-1560. You are all invited Bring your family, relatives, friends and celebrate with us as we honor our Lord Jesus and Mother Mary AT THE 20th ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF The Divine Mercy and Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group 9/13 at 3:30 P.M. Immaculate Conception Church Main Celebrant: Co-celebrant: Rev. Fr. Virgilio Tolentino Deacon Ray Raymundo Day includes: Rosary/Procession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Chanting of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, Mass – with Flower Offering to the Blessed Mother and Divine Mercy. Refreshments & Fellowship will follow in the ICS cafeteria after the Mass. For more information, please call: Lito & Louie Salomon (908) 638-5597 Tere Domider (908) 707-1946 Emma & Romy de Villa (201) 498-9474 Genalin & Dennis Bawagan (908) 393-2712 Azon & Bibs de Chavez (732)969-2702 579 Women- Single or married or m o t h e r s Y O U A R E N E E D E D ! Calling all women leaders CANA VOXWomen’s Reading Groups! CanaVox (means voice for marriage) began in the fall of 2013 as a group of eight concerned mothers and one marriage activist who set out to create a network of people around the world who would host reading groups among their friends on the urgent topic of marriage. The marriage activist was Doug Mainwaring and one of the mothers was Dr. Ana Samuel, Research Scholar at the Witherspoon Institute. The Witherspoon Institute liked what we were up to and agreed to grant us funding and logistical support. Our reading group model creates a safe haven of free speech for people who want to engage in open and frequent conversations with friends on the natural law philosophy, social science and practical wisdom of marriage. We carefully select quality readings from around the web so as to encourage high-level discussions where participants can learn and talk about the latest academic research and read inspiring stories about the masterpiece that is man and woman marriage. Anyone interested in starting and/or leading a group in the parish please e-mail [email protected] or call 908725-1112 ext. 1125. The parish will help you promote and establish a group! Visit their website 7 Bring in the Harvest Prayer & Garden Event Friday August 28, 2015 Immaculate Conception Church 35 Mountain Ave., Somerville, NJ 08876 Schedule: 5:00 pm : Chapel - Holy Hour / Meditation of life of St. Francis by Fr. Guiseppe Siniscalchi, C.F.R. 6:00 pm : Parish Garden for Dinner 7:00 pm : “Laudato Si” (Pope Francis’ new Encyclical) Presentation by Dr. Jonathan Reyes 8:30 pm : Dessert, Q&A Cost: Questions?: Presenter: Adults : $20.00 • Children Free (Limited space available— for information on registration and payment options visit Email : [email protected] Call : 908-725-1112 ext. 1124 Dr. Jonathan J. Reyes Executive Director of Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, was educated at the University of Michigan, where he studied European History as a Rackham Fellow. He earned a Ph.D. in European History at the University of Notre Dame, writing his dissertation on the historical vision of Christopher Dawson. in 2009, Dr. Reyes became the President/CEO of Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Denver. In 2005, Dr. Reyes helped found the Augustine Institute of Denver, a graduate program devoted to Catholic theological studies and leadership training, and served as its first President. Dr. Reyes also served as Vice President for ministry and formation for the Fellowship of Catholic University Students and also taught in the History Department at Christendom College, in Front Royal, Virginia where he served two years as Vice President for Academic Affairs. Name_______________________________ E-mail _______________ Circle (1 ) Table of 10 $200.00 (2) /Table of 5 $100.00 Phone________________________ (1) Individual $20.00 Place names of all adults attending on back of this form. Children under 17 (free) Names and ages on back of form Payment and form: mail to Church of the Immaculate Conception 35 Mountain Ave. Somerville, NJ 08876 Attn: Linda Luscher, Deadline August 23, 2015 (Children-Mac and cheese dinner-movie and craft on St. Francis in the Talbot Room) 8 579 Parish Directory CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 35 Mountain Avenue, Somerville, New Jersey 08876 Tel: 908-725-1112 · Fax: 908-725-6269 Diocese of Metuchen website: The Parish Clergy Rev. Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan, Pastor Rev. Alexander J. Carles, Parochial Vicar, Ext 1127 Rev. Charles Sabella, Parochial Vicar, Ext 1122 Frank J. Quinn, Deacon Anthony Hancock, Deacon John R. Czekaj, Deacon Paul Blessing, Deacon John Ivers, Deacon Emeritus Office of New Evangelization and Stewardship Patti Jannuzzi, Director, New Evangelization/ Stewardship/ Adult Faith Formation Ext x1124 [email protected] Margie Ellis & Mirna Gonzalez, Coordinators of Discipleship Ext 1124 Mary Young, St. Thomas More Apostolate;908-725-1112 Joan Kopil, Bereavement Ministry and Lazarus Ministry; 908-369-0845 The Parish Office Dona Cramer, Director, Becoming Catholic / Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; 908-725-1112 x1239 Carol Januse, Parish Secretary/Office Manager E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1116 Caitlin Damiano, Young Adult Ministry, [email protected] Jo Anne Peppe, Business Manager E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1120 Parish Trustees, Mrs. Anita B. Hogan Mr. Robert J. Foley Office of Social Ministry Vacant, Development, 722-0200 Ext. 222 Daphne Lazarte, Parish Secretary/Spanish E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1117 Beverly Gaffney, Parish Bookkeeper E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1118 Milton Ayala, Director, Maintenance; Ext 1110 Office of Children's Faith Formation Karen Bohler, Director, Children's Faith Formation E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1119 Jenny Santiago, CFF secretary E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext. 1128 Office of Liturgy & Sacred Music Gary Gavula, Director, Sacred Music E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1133 Jeanine Cavanagh, Director, Social Ministry, E-Mail: [email protected], Ext 1126 • • • • • • • • • • • • • SHIP’s Galley —Serving or preparing meals SHIP’s Mobile Kitchen—Serving meals SHIP’s SOS Unit—personal hygiene items Sister Dolores Margaret, IHM, Associate Director, Sacred Music Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan, Extraordinary Ministries of the Eucharist Deacon Tony Hancock, Lector Formation Deacon Paul Blessing, Ministers of Hospitality Coordinator 579 Appalachian Relief Services Camp Fatima of NJ/Mentally Disabled Elizabeth Ministry Interfaith Hospitality Network-shelters homeless Habitat for Humanity Hospital Ministry Monthly Food Collection Monthly Penny Collection for SHIP Nursing Home Visitations Parish Nursing Program Pro-Life Outreach St. Joseph Workers Samaritan Homeless Interim Program (SHIP) • • • • St. Peregrine Ministry—Cancer Outreach Project Linus —Lynette Klar Persons with Disabilities—Regina Tegeler 908-963-8473 Welcome Ministry—For New Parishioners 9 Boletín en Español 23 de agosto del 2015 Vigésimo Primer Domingo del tiempo ordinario Mensaje Spiritual Lecturas del Domingo Primera lectura : Josué 24, 1-2a, 15-17, 18b Segunda lectura : Efesios 5, 21-32 Evangelio: San Juan 6, 60-69 Horario Regular de la Misa a partir del 7 de septiembre. • • Los horarios de las misas serán: Los sábados a las 5 PM Los domingos a las 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM y 12 mediodía y a las 2 PM la Misa en español. Peregrinación a Roma Asís * Lanciano * San Giovanni Rotondo Año Santo Extraordinario dedicado a la Piedad Peregrinación a Roma por la Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia ¡Misa del domingo con el Santo Padre! Del 27 de marzo al 05 de abril de 2016 Bajo la dirección de Mons. F. Seamus Brennan ¡Únase a nosotros para un viaje inolvidable! Tendremos una reunión para dar información acerca del itinerario completo en la oficina parroquial de la Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción 35 Mountain Ave. Somerville, en la JP II Room el: • • 10 8/30 a las 3 PM y 7 PM 8/31 a las 9:00 AM, 3 PM y 7 PM. Jesús dice que sus palabras son espíritu y son vida. ¿Por que produjeron una reacción tan contraria entre sus oyentes, que llegan a exclamar que su modo de hablar es inaceptable? Quizás porque no tenían buena disposición para acoger lo que Cristo esta planteando. Cuando hacemos oración o participamos de la liturgia, ante todo debemos pedir al Señor que abra nuestros oídos para comprender lo que El nos quiere decir. Corremos el peligro de acudir al Señor para escuchar solo lo que nosotros queremos escuchar. Quizás aquella gente había acudido para que Jesús les diera mas comida o para que estableciera un nuevo reinado en el que su justicia quedaría satisfecha porque mejorarían las condiciones de vida. El Señor les muestra otro horizonte que se vislumbra desde la fe y que conlleva la plena comunión con El. Jesús les dice: "No quiero solo daros bienes, sino que quiero que estéis conmigo, que participéis de mi misma vida”. No entendieron nada, al igual que nosotros; al dialogar con Cristo o escuchar las Escrituras, podemos quedarnos vacíos. ¿Cuando sucede esto? Cuando nuestra perspectiva es demasiado material y solo acudimos al Señor con el deseo de obtener algo a cambio. De alguna manera, quienes oyeron a Cristo y se fueron intuyeron que se les pedía reorientar toda su vida, que ser alimentados por Cristo conlleva un cambio en su existencia. La Eucaristía también nos abre a esa transformación interior. Y este sacramento va acompañado con escuchar la Palabra de Dios. Su palabra tiene el poder de ir cambiando nuestra manera de pensar, de irnos enseñando a amar según su medida. También hoy el Señor nos pregunta a nosotros si queremos irnos. Unidos a Pedro, confesamos que solo El tiene palabras de la vida eterna y contemplamos ya los frutos del alimento eucarístico en la realidad de la Iglesia. La Iglesia existe porque Cristo da la vida por ella. Es en ella donde nosotros recibimos también a Cristo y con ella profesamos nuestra fe en el Señor. En ella escuchamos su palabra y reconocemos que solo en ella se responde al anhelo de eternidad que hay en nosotros. Después de escuchar la Palabra de Dios, medítala atentamente, examina los diversos elementos que contiene, busca su significado profundo. Entonces la Palabra se te hará clara y luminosa y tu corazón estará cada vez mas estrechamente unido al corazón de Cristo. 579 Caridades Católicas Programa de Servicios de Inmigración Este programa de la Diócesis de Metuchen busca ofrecer servicios legales de inmigración a bajo costo a las comunidades de Nueva jersey. Este programa así como también los consejeros están acreditados en la practica de la Ley de Inmigración por parte del gobierno federal a través de Board of Immigration Appeals. Este equipo es multilingüe. Entre los servicios que se ofrecen están: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Consultas generales Ciudadanía Aplicaciones para residencia Acción diferida (DACA) Petición Familiar Visas Solicitud de Asilo Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) Las oficinas están localizadas en: Perth Amboy: 271 Smith St. 732-826-9160 (Lunes a Viernes de 9am a 5pm) New Brunswick : 56 Throop Ave. 732-214-8743 (Lunes a Jueves de 2pm a 8pm) Phillipsburg: 430 South Main St. 908-977-3731 (Lunes de 3pm a 8pm) ELEGIR LA VIDA Dios nos hizo por una razón. Su amor es nuestra misión en la vida. Esta misión nos permite encontrar nuestra verdadera identidad. Si decidimos abrazar esta misión, tendremos una perspectiva nueva sobre muchas cuestiones, no solo la familia. Vivir la misión de la Iglesia domestica significa que las familias católicas vivirán, a veces, como minorías, con valores diferentes de los que tiene la cultura que los rodea. Nuestra misión de amor exigirá Valentía y Fortaleza. Jesús esta llamando y nosotros podemos responder, eligiendo una vida de fe, esperanza, caridad, gozo, servicio y misión. 579 Acompañe a la delegación de la Diócesis de Metuchen en esta histórica visita del Papa Francisco a los Estados Unidos La Diócesis de Metuchen le invita a participar en una peregrinación a Filadelfia para la Misa que el Papa Francisco celebrara el 27 de septiembre del 2015. La diócesis ha organizado el transporte por bus desde varios lugares en la Diócesis. El horario tentativa de la Misa Papal es a las 4 PM. El horario de salida será muy temprano. No se requiere ticket para la Misa. No hay disposición de asientos. La Misa es un evento en que los participantes estarán parados. El precio por persona para el viaje ida y vuelta y el paquete de peregrinación será de $55.00. Cada persona es responsable por los costos de su comida y del transporte de enlace entre el estacionamiento de los buses hasta el lugar del evento, y la vuelta. Tengan presente que se caminaran varias millas. Los que tengan interés en reservar un asiento en el bus pueden hacerlo comenzando el 8 de julio 2015 por internet: O por teléfono al 732-562-1990 ext. 1453 entre las 10 AM y las 1 PM. Los lugares son limitados. Todos los participantes tienen que pagar y consentir a los Términos y Condiciones del Viaje por Bus antes de confirmar la reserva. Todo pago se hará únicamente por tarjeta de crédito. Recuerden que una vez comprador no hay reembolso. Lugares de partida de los buses: • Annandale, Inmaculada Concepción • Bridgewater, San Bernardo de Clairvaux • East Brunswick, San Bartolomé • Iselin, Santa Cecilia • Kendall Park, San Agustín de Canterbury • Old Bridge, Santo Tomas Apóstol • Piscataway, Centro Pastoral San Juan Neumann • WARREN, Nuestra Señora del Monte • Washington, San José Más detalles se darán a conocer hacia los fines del verano. 11 Intención de la Santa Misa 23 de agosto del 2015 Ministerios Hispanos Inmaculada Concepción Somerville, NJ Objetivos y propósito de la campaña La misa es ofrecida para Las Animas del Purgatorio Horas de la Oficina Parroquial A partir del viernes 5 de septiembre, el horario regular de la oficina se reanuda. Los viernes estará abierta hasta las 5 PM. Adoración a la Divina Misericordia Este grupo se reúne todos los Miércoles en la Capilla de 7:30—9:30 pm. Empiezan con el Santo Rosario, ofreciéndolo por las familias a Jesús Sacramentado. También oran por los matrimonios que están pasando una situación difícil. Por favor llamar a Fulvio al 908-295-3369 Círculo de Oración Renovación Carismática Adoración y alabanza a Jesús. El grupo se reúne todos los viernes de 7:30 PM-9:30 PM en la capilla. El último viernes de cada mes: Exposición del Santísimo. Los miércoles se hacen visitas a los hogares que necesiten oración. Para mas información contactarse con Carilu Colon al 908-240-2987 Recordar que el coro se reúnen todos los Domingos No se olviden que antes de la misa el coro se reúne. Isabel Salazar esta encargada del coro de mayores y de niños. Para cualquier pregunta por favor llamarla al 908-439-9333 12 El objetivo principal de nuestra campaña es recaudar los fondos necesarios para invertir en la infraestructura de nuestra iglesia y nuestras escuelas, y establecer un legado. Nuestro objetivo mínimo es $3.500.000, que nos permitirá seguir adelante con las necesidades más apremiantes en la iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción y nuestras escuelas. La meta perfecta es de $4.500.000 que, si se cumplen, nos permitirá completar trabajos adicionales. Nuestro compromiso total a la fecha es $1.006.406. Movimiento Parroquial Juan XXIII de Somerville Es un movimiento de evangelización y trabaja principalmente por aquellos alejados de la Iglesia y los marginados por la sociedad. Es un movimiento que no trabaja tanto hacia adentro sino hacia fuera. Su lema es: Con Cristo Todo, Sin Cristo Nada Los invitamos a ser parte de este movimiento que se reúne los Jueves de 7:30 PM a 9:00 PM; en la Casa de Nazaret. Para mas información puede comunicarse con Marianela Delgado al 908-635-8486 La Hora Mariana El grupo se reúne todos los Sábados de 6 PM a 8 PM en la Capilla para orar y rezar el Rosario. También se reúnen ciertos Sábados para orar por ciertas cosas específicas de este mundo. Anímate! Se parte de este grupo para el cual Orar es llamar y responder. Es llamar a Dios y responder a sus invitaciones. Es un diálogo de amor. Para más información, por favor llamar a Margarita Spencer al 908-281-7054. 579 Horas de Adoración Eucarística Bautismo LAS CLASES PRE BAUTISMALES SERAN EL PRIMER DOMINGO DE CADA MES DESPUES DE LA MISA EN LA CASA DE NAZARETH (88 West End Ave., Somerville) Lunes, 24 de agosto: 8:00 PM - 6:00AM Martes, 25 de agosto 9:00 AM –6:00 PM Miércoles, 26 de agosto: No Adoración Jueves, 27 de agosto:9 PM—6 AM Viernes, 28 de agosto: 9 AM—6 PM El Próximo curso Pre-Bautismal será: el 6 de septiembre, 2015 a las 1:30 pm. RECUERDEN QUE: • El primer Sábado, 8:30 AM, Rosario por la Vida, en la Capilla (en inglés) • Los Miércoles de 7:30 PM-9:30 PM La Divina Misericordia, en la Capilla. • El ultimo Jueves de 7 PM-8:30PM Rezo por las Animas del Purgatorio, en la Capilla (27 de agosto) • Los Jueves de 7:30 PM-9:30 PM Movimiento Juan XXIII, en la Casa de Nazaret. • Los Viernes de 7:30 PM-9:30 PM Circulo de Oración, en la Capilla y Talbot Room • El segundo sábado de 7AM-9AM, Hágase en Mi según Tu Palabra (Cry Room) (12 de septiembre) • El tercer Domingo de 9AM –1:30PM Las Mil Ave Marías, Casa de Nazaret y en la Capilla de 3 Pm a 5 PM. (20 de septiembre) • Los Sábados de 6 PM a 8PM Oración con La hora Mariana, en la Capilla • El Primer Viernes, Consolando al que te ama, en la Capilla, 6 PM-7PM (4 de septiembre) 579 RECUERDEN QUE LOS BAUTIZOS DURANTE EL VERANO SEGUIRAN SIENDO EL PRIMER Y EL TERCER DOMINGO DE CADA MES PERO A LA 1:30 PM. Para mas Información y registración, por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial al 908-725-1112 (preguntar por Daphne) Padrinos para el Bautizo Requisitos: Los Estados de derecho canónico (Iglesia) de un Padrino deben ser: • Ser un Católico Bautizado y Confirmado que asiste a la Misa semanal y recibe la Eucaristía. • Al menos 14 años de edad (siempre que el Padrino o la Madrina hayan recibido la Confirmación) • No ser uno de los padres • Llevar una vida moral según la doctrina de la Iglesia, y ser un buen modelo Católico. • Si es casado, estar casado según la ley de la Iglesia • Ser un usuario registrado de su parroquia actual y obtener un certificado de elegibilidad • Sólo podemos dar Certificados de Elegibilidad a aquellos que están registrados en nuestra parroquia. Ya que se requiere solamente un padrino Católico, un miembro Bautizado de otra iglesia cristiana (pero no católico) puede servir como un testigo Cristiano. Puesto que los Padrinos renuevan su Promesa Bautismal prometido durante el rito del bautismo; una persona no bautizada no puede servir en este importante papel. 13 A-PLUS CLOTHING ALTERATIONS • $10 Pants Basic Hem While-U-Wait • Formal Wear • Leather, Suede • Coat Relining WEALTH ADVISORS, LLC 29 W. Somerset St., Raritan 908-393-6066 John C. Moynihan, CFP® Certified Financial PlannerTM, practitioner 21 West High Street, Second Floor Somerville, NJ 08876 MAKE NEW FRIENDS IN THE FINEST SENIOR RESIDENCE 732.873.0433 • Practical Solutions for Managing Wealth This award-winning building is perfect! Plenty of amenities & activities! 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Four Generations of Professional and Dignified Funeral Service LAW OFFICE OF MARCIA POLGAR ZALEWSKI PRACTICE AREAS INCLUDE: Real Estate • Estate Planning • Probate 64 North Bridge St. • Somerville, NJ • 908-231-1551 • Parishioner 20% OFF ON ANY ITEM 732-356-5600 Carrying the Brands: Saucony, Aertrex/Apex, Orthofeet, OOFO, Superfeet, Spenco, Heel That Pain Delivering true shoe fit for an optimum gait. Over 70 Years Sucess - Third Generation ALL PLUMBING • ALL ELECTRICAL • ALL HEATING ALL EXCAVATION • ALL DRAINAGE • ALL HOME REPAIRS Elect. Lic. #4939 • Plumb. Lic. #6954 Parishioner COUNTRYSIDE FUNERAL HOME 724 Route 202 North - PO Box 431 Three Bridges, NJ 08887 The Largest Funeral Home in Readington Township 908-782-2121 FUCILLO & WARREN FUNERAL HOME 205 S. Main Street PO Box 515 Manville, NJ 08835 908-725-1763 John R. Zalewski, Owner/Manager NJ Lic. #2820 • Sharon Ann Zalewski, Director NJ Lic. # 4003 John R. Zalewski, Jr., Director NJ Lic. #4703 • Daniel M. Erickson, Director NJ Lic. #4798 George Rocco Seminara, Jr., Director NJ Lic. #4927 Jacqueline Pirante-Fuchs ABR®, e-PRO®, SRF • Sales Associate [email protected] RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 908-581-8513 Cell • 908-766-2900 Ext. 222 Bus. Bernardsville / Basking Ridge Area Office 39 Olcott Square, Bernardsville, NJ 07924 Coins American & Foreign Scrap Gold Gold & Silver Paper Money Old Jewelry Tues-Fri 10am-5pm Estates Saturday 10am-3pm Collections or By Appointment 601 Route 28, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Proud Member of the New Jersey Self-Storage Association Scott’s Florist 56 Main Street, Flemington, NJ 800-819-9875 908-782-0840 70 Years 73 W. Somerset Street Raritan, NJ 08869 908.218.0033 Mention Ad For 10% OFF Kristine Krol, M.D. MUSIC CENTER Since 1945 Medical Director • Proud Parishioner 177 West High Street • Somerville Sheet Music • Musical Instruments • Music Lessons 908-725-8666 908-725-0737 22 Davenport Street • Somerville, NJ 08876 DENTISTA Edilfonso Vargas D.D.S. Pilar Wong D.D.S. 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