May 17, 2015 - St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church

1201 Alma Dr., Plano, TX 75075 (Parish) 1105 West 15th St., Plano TX 75075 (Office)
Church: 972-423-5600
Fax: 972-423-5024
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9AM-4PM; Friday 9AM-12PM
Fr. Clifford G. Smith, Pastor • Fr. Jack Hopka, Parochial Vicar • Fr. Henry Erazo, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Shawn French • Deacon Ed Putonti • Deacon Juan Jorge Hernandez• Deacon Dominic T. Hoang
YOUTH MINISTRY: 972-578-9583
DIRECTOR: Megan McQuaid
ADMIN. ASSIST: Cristina Ochoa
Faith Formation Assistant: Mario Beltran
PRINCIPAL: Patricia Opon
COORDINATOR: Toni Jobes 972-423-7926
CO-DIRECTORS: George & Judy Clark
ADMIN. ASSIST: Delma Brennan
PRE-PLANNING 972-424-5794
Rosie Hernández
FAITH FORMATION: 972-423-4715
FORMATION: Debbie Betz
RICA & AFF (Spanish) Coordinator:
Ruth Sanchez (Bilingual)
FF Ministry Assistant: Sandra Lopez
CHOIRS & MUSIC: 972-423-6041
Coordinator: Kenton Kravig
ADMIN. ASSIST: Christine Carrington
Adult Community: Candy Butcher 972-578-9293
Communion to Home Bound: Parish Office 972-423-5600
Compassionate Ministry: 972-424-5794
ENDOW: Family & Adult Ministry 972-424-5794
Eucharistic Adoration: Kathy Keenan 972-596-8550
Fuente de Vida: Pedro García 214-536-4039
Liturgy Coordinator: Marilou Hernandez 972-985-0732
Communion Ministers: Mary Jane Heiting 972-664-0188
Christ Renews His Parish: 972-424-5794
Lectors: Jack Carlisle 972-549-0740
Altar Servers: Kathi & Parker Thompson 972-965-0563
Military Support Group: Andy & Ellen Ray 972-345-4336
Mom’s Group: Kristin Hyman 314-601-2934
Mujer a Mujer: Viviana Olmos 214-809-4538
Nursery Coordinator: Erin Minor 469-585-6215
Pastoral Council: Julius Chambers 972-881-7015
Pro-Life: JoAnn Murray 972-442-1127
Provida Ministry: Silvia Caballero 972-916-8345
Renovación Carismática Católica: Evelyn Colón 214-636-0282
Rosary Group: Lore Profaizer 972-424-7326
Rosary Makers: Margaret Woollett 214-808-8277
Rosario Biblico:Olivia Rojas 972-985-0051
Rosario Tradicional: Pilar de la Torre 214-745-9831
We Care Ministry: Martha Bernatis 214-914-4670
Women of St. Mark: Dorette Putonti 972-898-0421
American Heritage Girls: Elizabeth Muzyka 469-855-2001
Boy Scouts: Joe Schichl 469-463-7959
Catholic Daughters: Mary Cieslewicz 817-995-2928
Cenacle: Josephine 972-867-2192, Marguerite 972-424-9779
Cub Scouts: John Petroff 469-408-0895
Cursillos: Edel Yolaina Escobar 214-284-0767
Encuentro Matrimonial: Juan and Sandra Salazar 469-386-2434
Families of Nazareth: Miles & Claudine Humphries 972-423-8834
Knights of Columbus #6065: 469-450-6651
Ladies Auxiliary: Mary Ann Schumacher-972-727-3923
Schoenstatt Mother’s Group Rosary: Jo Ann Scamardo 817-368-6024
Marriage Encounter: Ed & Ann Cabrera 972-977-5884, 972-571-8930
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Araceli & Raul Ramirez 972-627-7708
Homeschooling: Janet Moos 972-213-6437
St. Mark Home & School Assn: Elizabeth Delaney 972-838-3337
St. Mark School Advisory Council: Janiece Evans-Page 408-406-3946
St. Vincent De Paul: 972-423-1877
Talleres de Oración y Vida: Lupita Bautista 469-831-3700
That Man is You: Bryan Quarles 972-359-0185
PLEASE SUBMIT ENTRIES TO [email protected]
BAPTISM: English classes are held the 1st Saturday of each month from 9:30 to 12:30 PM. Call the Family & Adult Ministry Office for registration
form. CLASSES MAY BE TAKEN BEFORE THE BABY IS BORN. Baptisms are held the 2nd and 4th Saturday at 3:45 in English.
RECONCILATION: Wednesdays: 6:30-8PM; & Fridays: 4:30-5:15 PM Saturdays: 3:30-5PM, also by appointment.
MARRIAGE: Contact the Family & Adult Ministry Office at least 6 months prior to the wedding date.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK: 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 8AM Mass or call the parish office and request a priest.
VOCATIONS & CONSECRATED LIFE: Call Fr. John Szatkowski (214-379-2860)
BAUTISMO: Para niños menores de 7 años las pláticas pre-bautismales son el 3er sábado de cada mes. Es requisito inscribirse en la oficina del
Ministerio de Familias y Adultos. Los bautizos son el 2º y 4º sábado del mes. Para niños de 7 años o mayores llame a la oficina de Formación de Fe.
CONFESIONES: Viernes a las 4:30-5:15PM y sábados: 3:30-5PM.
MATRIMONIO: Favor de llamar a la oficina del Ministerio de Familias y Adultos para hacer una cita. Se requieren 6 meses de anticipación.
UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: 1° y 3er sábado del mes en la Misa de las 8AM en Ingles, último miércoles del mes en la misa de las 7:30PM en
español o llame a la oficina.
ORDENES SAGRADAS y LA VIDA CONSAGRADA: Llame al P. John Szatkowski (214-379-2860)
MAY 17, 2015
Saturday - Sábado (5/16)
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Jesus is the perfect steward — watching carefully over all who
have been entrusted to Him by the Father and then sending
them all out into the world in service. May I similarly protect
and wisely use the gifts entrusted to me!
8:00 AM  Jon-Michael Tudtud
5:30 PM
Mother’s Day Novena
7:00 PM
Tania Salamanca
Sunday - Domingo (5/17)
7:30 AM  T. Vargas family
Solemnity of the Ascension of 9:00 AM  Agnes Briggs
the Lord
10:30 AM
People of St. Mark
Acts 1:1-11
12:00 PM
Mother’s Day Novena
Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9
1:30 PM  Dolores Hernandez
Eph 1:17-23
3:00 PM  Sr. & Sra. Diego
Eph 4:1-7, 1-13
4:30 PM  Florence Trenkle
Mk 16:15-20
6:00 PM  Richard Harrington
Monday - Lunes (5/18)
Saint John I, Pope and Martyr
Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68; Jn 16:29-33
6:30 AM  Virginia Halloran
8:30 AM
Mother’s Day Novena
Tuesday - Martes (5/19)
Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68; Jn 17:1-11a
6:30 AM  Aidee Fernandez
8:30 AM  Frank VanHorn
Wednesday - Miércoles (5/20)
St Bernardine of Siena
Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68; Jn 17:11b19
6:30 AM  Mary C. O’Neil
8:30 AM  Agatha Pham T. Minh
7:30 PM  José Vasquez
Thursday - Jueves (5/21)
St Christopher Magallanes
and Companions, Martyrs
Acts 22:30, 23:6-11; Ps 16;
Jn 17:20-26
6:30 AM  Carmen Martinez
8:30 AM  Angelo Rossato
Friday - Viernes (5/22)
St Rita of Cascia, Religious
Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103; Jn 21:1519
6:30 AM  Eugenio Garzon
8:30 AM  Anneta Morris
5:30 PM  Rita Martinez
Saturday - Sábado (5/23)
Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11;
Jn 21:20-25
8:00 AM  Annabelle Hampshire
5:30 PM
Refi Family
7:00 PM
Alejandra Moreno
Daniel Manley is the winner of
the children’s stewardship envelopes.
Attention St. Mark Registered Parishioners
If you DO NOT want your name listed in our new pictorial
directory, please contact Nadya at
[email protected] or 972-423-5600.
Don’t Miss Out!
Sign up to be
a part of the St. Mark
Photo Directory!
Help us celebrate our 50th Anniversary and be a part of our
parish’s History. Sign up online at or
after select masses this weekend.
Why should you sign up for a photography session?
Every family that participates will receive a free 8x10
portrait even if they don't want to be in the directory.
No purchase necessary and no sitting fees.
St. Mark will receive $5 for every family that signs up for a
session. If 1000 families sign up, St. Mark gets $5000!
So tell your family and friends!
What are you waiting for? Sign up today!
Appointments are filling up quickly.
Photography sessions will take place from May 19-June 6
Mon-Fri from 2PM-8PM and Sat 10AM-4PM
in the McGivney Hall.
Please call the Parish Office to add or remove someone
from the list. Names will be listed for four weeks.
Happy Anniversary Fr. Cliff!
Judy Ahr; Payton Ahr; Robert Ahr; Fernando Alegre; Maren Angelotti; Carmen Arias; Elvia Arias; Evelia Arias; Filipinas Baga; Ken
Belter; Michael Coleman; Shirley Collier; Randy Cremar; Ritchie
Dailey; Frances Dougherty; Erika Duran; Jennifer Eck; Nina Egan;
Michele Foust; Christy Graves; Pat Haney; Vicki Hannon; Roger
Harvey; Jerry Heckman;Elvia Ibarra; Marie Jacoby; Howard Johnson; Kathleen Kekesi; Margaret Kelly; Gloria Knies; Ellie Leonard;
Jerry Lewallen; Maria Lopez; Betty Lutz; Bob Martin; Margarita
Mena; Victoria Mena; Elizabeth Muzyka; Paul Olivares; Persia
Family; Edward Philips; Daniel J. Phillips; Joan Rivera; Joel Rivera;
Ray Rivera; Eduardo Rodriguez; Manny Rodriguez; Patricia Rodriguez; Jeanette Sullivan; Patty Stratman; Irma Surgent; Jeannette
Thurman; Michael Watkins, Wendy Wessling; Adean Woods.
Please join with the clergy
and parish staff in
congratulating Fr. Cliff.
He was ordained to the
priesthood 19 years ago on
May 18. Many thanks and
much appreciation for all
he continues to do in
serving us as Pastor.
Knights’ Corner
CONSEJERIA 972-424-5794
Council 6065
Assembly 2266
Election of Officers: June 4
Election of Officers will take place at our June 4 business meeting. If you
are a 3rd or 4th degree Knight and are interested in running for office to
help guide our council for the next fraternal year beginning July 1, please
contact one of the trustees and make him aware of your wishes. All
officer positions are to be filled during this election. The initial slate of
candidates will be announced at the May 7 meeting. Additional nominees
for every office can be made at the June meeting prior to the elections.
Meets for 9 weeks on Thursday evenings, beginning May 28Aug. 6, 7PM – 9PM in the Parish Library, Room #105. Group
provides a supportive environment for anyone adjusting to
divorce and journeying toward healing. Cost: $35 fee which
includes Rebuilding book. For more information or to register,
call 972-423-5794.
Corporate Communion: May 24
The members of our Council will hold a Corporate Communion at the
9AM Mass on Sunday May 24. We will meet in the Narthex prior to Mass
and process into the church and participate in the Mass as a group.
Members of the 4th Degree Color Corps will lead the entrance procession. Following the Mass, members of our Council are hosting our families to breakfast. All members of the Knights of Columbus, regardless of
their home Council, and their families are encouraged to join us.
Are You Ready To Begin The Annulment Process?
Plan to attend an Informational meeting: Sunday, June 14, 2015,
1PM, Smyth Pastoral Center, Upper Room, 208.
Call 972-424-5794 for more information or to register.
Ministry with Families
K of C Council Information
For general information on our Council of the Knights of Columbus,
please see our Council website,, or call our Grand
Knight, Bill Butcher at 469-450-6651 or one of our Membership Directors, Armando Guerra at 214-272-3537 or Paul Krusac at 972-516-0659.
Informational brochures are available in the Narthex of the Church.
An Introductory Formation Experience
This class is for all those whose Ministries touch Families.
It provides insight and skills for participants to live out a vision of Ministry
with Families more intentionally in both their personal lives and
ministerial efforts.
Friday, June 12th from 6 PM - 9 PM
Saturday, June 13th from 9 AM-4:30 PM
St. Mark the Evangelist Parish Center,
1105 W. 15th Street, Plano, TX 75075
Contact : Claudio Mora (214) 379-2877, [email protected]
Registration : Thelma Trujillo, (214) 379-2896,
[email protected]
Registration fee; $50 per person / $65 per couple
(couples will receive one set of materials)
Knights of Columbus
Information Night: June 1
All men who are interested in learning more
about the Knights of Columbus are invited to
attend an information night on Monday, June 1,
at 7:30PM in the JPII Conference Room located in the Parish
Center. Spouses and fiancées are also invited. You must be a
practicing Catholic man at least 18 years old. This informal
presentation will last approximately one hour. Please call one of
our Membership Chairmen, Armando Guerra at 214-272-3537 or
Paul Krusac on 972-516-0659, if you will be attending so that
appropriate seating is available. For general information on
joining the Knights, please see our website,,
or call our Grand Knight, Bill Butcher at 469-450-6651.
The registration form may be picked up in the Family & Adult
Ministry Office or in the Bethany Narthex in the church.
Women June 27-28, 2015
Men Oct 17-18, 2015
Computer Refurbishing
Used CPUs (especially Pentium 4 or equivalent
and newer), monitors, pointing devices (mice)
as well as CDs and DVDs are being accepted
for donation to the Computers for the Blind
organization. Please contact Gil Brand at 214-282-2581 or
[email protected] for information. Please
do NOT leave any used computer equipment in the Bethany
Narthex or Ushers Room.
Weekend retreat provides an atmosphere for individual
growth through prayer, inspiring presentations, and personal
reflection. It is also an opportunity to share with others in the
parish about the joys and challenges of living a Christian lifestyle in our family life, at work, with friends, and in society.
We meet in the Upper Room the 1st and 3rd
Thursdays of every month for speakers,
discussion, activities, prayer, and downtime.
Child care provided with a reservation!
Altar Flower Honorariums
Thursday, May 21 from 10 – 11:30AM in the Upper Room
If you would like to dedicate the weekend flowers
for a special intention, please contact the Parish
Office at 972-423-5600.
RSVP to Kristin Hyman at (314) 601-2934 or
[email protected].
MAY 17, 2015
Caballeros de Colón
Séptimo Domingo de Pascua de Resurrección
Jesús es el perfecto administrador — mirando cuidadosamente a
todos los que han sido encomendados a Él por el Padre y después enviándolos a todos para que sirvan por el mundo. ¡Que de
igual forma yo proteja y use sabiamente los dones que se me han
Para más información sobre las actividades de los
Caballeros de Colón, llame a Armando Guerra al
214-272-3537, Jose Romero al 214-499-2660 o Lucas
Gonzalez al 972-669-3023.
Ambiente Seguro
Ministerio de Familia y Adultos
St. Mark
Familia de Fe
Mujeres Julio 25-26, 2015
Hombres Oct 10-11, 2015
El retiro provee un ambiente para crecimiento individual por medio de
la oración, presentaciones conmovedoras, y reflexión personal. También
es una oportunidad para compartir con otros en la parroquia sus alegrías y desafíos de vivir una vida Cristiana en su vida familiar, en el trabajo,
con amigos, y en la sociedad.
miércoles 27 de mayo
Smyth Pastoral Center, Connference room 202
Reentrenamiento en Español de 7-9PM
Favor de traer el gafete de Ambiente Seguro
St. Mark Catholic School está aceptando inscripciones para el año escolar 2015-16: St. Mark Catholic School ha recibido en dos ocasiones el National Blue Ribbon Award del Departamento de
Educación de los Estados Unidos y educa a estudiantes desde preescolar a octavo grado en un espíritu de fe, con
los valores del Evangelio y excelencia académica de acuerdo a
los principios Católicos Romanos. Por favor llámenos al (972) 578
-0610, o visite para más información.
Ministerio Con Familias
Una introducción a una Experiencia de
Formación para todos los ministerios
que trabajan con familias. Esta clase
enseñará a los participantes a vivir la
visión del Ministerio de Familias más
intensamente tanto en sus vidas personales como en
sus esfuerzos ministeriales.
Baby Shower
Viernes, 12 de Junio de 6 PM – 9 PM
Sábado, 13 de Junio de 9 AM – 4:30 PM
Tiendita de Donación y
Centro de Asistencia
1100 W. 15th St., #203
St. Mark the Evangelist Parish Center
Información: Claudio Mora, (214) 379-2877, [email protected]
Inscripciones: Thelma Trujillo, (214) 379-2896,
[email protected]
Costo: $50 por persona / $65 por pareja
(cada pareja recibirá un set de materiales)
Puede recoger la forma de registro en la oficina del Ministerio de
Familia y Adultos o en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia.
La tienda de donaciones está abierta los miércoles de 9AM-1PM.
Para mas información sobre como ayudar a mujeres
embarazadas de nuestra comunidad o como recibir ayuda si
estás embarazada contáctanos a uno de los siguientes números.
Silvia Caballero, 972-916-8345 (Bilingüe)
Shirley Cook, 972-424-2911 (Ingles)
Julia Montiel 972-795-7699 (Bilingüe)
¡Hay una nueva y emocionante
oportunidad para voluntarios en
St. Mark! ¡El Set-up Squad!
Curso Matrimonial
Es una comunicación y dialogo de dentro a
dentro de corazón a corazón; no es intercambio de palabras sino de interioridades.
Queremos acompañar a las parejas en esta
peregrinación hacia el ideal conyugal.
¿Te gustaría fortalecer la unión con tu pareja y alcanzar la felicidad plena? Entonces este curso es para ti, ¡Inscríbete hoy!
¿No es la enseñanza lo tuyo? ¿Prefieres
ponerle un poco de sudor a tus hora de
voluntario? ¿Tienes un horario variado y necesitas flexibilidad
con tu voluntariado? Tenemos una gran oportunidad para que
puedas dar de tu tiempo y talento. St. Mark busca voluntarios
para ayudar a nuestro Set-Up Squad. Este grupo es para ayudar
a poner las sillas y mesas en las salas para las diferentes actividades de los muchos ministerios que se reúnen en nuestra parroquia. Un coordinador se comunicará con usted cuando sea necesario.
Para más información comuníquese con Ruth Sanchez al 972423-5600 o [email protected]
Inicio: Viernes, 1 de Junio 2015
Hora: 7PM a 9PM
Lugar: West wing #4
Duración: 6 Reuniones
Inscripción: Rubén y Luisa Herrera 214-773-7898
e-mail: [email protected]
Youth & Young Adult Ministries
Ministerio de Jóvenes y Jóvenes adultos
FORMACION DE FE: 972-423-4715
[email protected]
VBS Help Needed!
Are you creative? Are you a fan of Pinterest? I
am looking for an adult or two or three to create
and decorate the Cafetorium for Vacation Bible
School this summer. This assignment would take
place prior to VBS which starts July 13th. Please call 972-4234715 or email [email protected] for more details.
New Office Hours:
Mon.-Thurs. 9AM-4PM
Fri. 9AM-12PM.
Dallas Catholic
Youth Conference (DCYC)
July 31st - August 2nd
Register with the Youth Office by
May 30th for the early bird discount
of $70. Cost of registration after
May 30th will be $165.
St. Mark VBS
July 13-17
Visit to register
Mon-Thurs 9AM-12PM
Book Drop in Library door is open 24/7
DVD: God's Not Dead
Books: Jesus Laughed and Other Reflections on Being Human by
Jean Maalouf
Mom Stories: Minute Meditations for Mothers by Vickie
LoPiccolo Jennett
Book for teens: The Book of Think - Or How To Solve a Problem
Twice Your Size by Marilyn Burns
Last week was the final week that the NET team was here at St.
Mark. In September, a new NET team will arrive to pick up
where our team left off. We are so appreciative to this community; you have welcomed and loved us in ways that we could
have never imagined. We are truly blessed to have been able to
spend the last eight months with you!
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Flag Retirement & Small Electronics
Recycling for Special Olympics
SVDP Food Pantry needs the following items :
Mac and Cheese, Spaghetti, Spaghetti Sauce,
Boxed/bagged pasta, canned tuna
Place items in donation box located in the Narthex.
Pick up of large items can be arranged by calling SVDP
at 972-423-1877.
Unserviceable flags are being collected in the flag box located
in the Usher’s Room. Small electronics such as used cell
phones, inkjet cartridges, digital cameras, camcorders, and
hand held electronic games can also be placed in this box. The
flags will be disposed of in a proper manner. All electronic
equipment will be recycled by an environmentally responsible
company and the proceeds from the recycling will be donated
to Special Olympics. NOTE: Computers and peripherals are not
included in this recycling.
Special Note: If you see a flag on a business establishment that
is in need of replacement, please ask that the flag be replaced
and given to you. You should then place the flag into the flag
box identified above. The flag is the symbol of our nation and it
needs to be displayed and maintained properly. If you would
prefer not to speak with the store manager, please provide the
necessary information (store name and location) to either Bill
Ptacek on 972-424-6507 or Paul Krusac on 972-516-0659 and
we will contact the appropriate store personnel.
St. Mark Catholic Church – Plano,TX
St. Mark Catholic School – Plano,TX
Instagram: Stmarkyouth
Twitter: StMEvangeLion
Pinterest: stmarkplano
If you have a vehicle you have been considering donating, please
call Charity Motors Car Donation Program
and designate the proceeds to
You will receive a tax deduction while helping our church. For
information, call 972-242-7489.
Listen to Catholic Radio KATH 910 AM
MAY 17, 2015
1201 Alma Dr, Plano, TX 75075
St. Mark Catholic School is accepting applications for the 2015-16 school year.
At St. Mark, it is our mission “to educate each child in a spirit of faith, gospel values, and academic excellence according to
Roman Catholic principles.” We do this by educating the whole child – mind, body, and spirit.
Visit us, and see what has made us special since 1982!
Preschool – 8th grade
Two-time recipient of the U.S. Department of Education’s National Blue Ribbon Award
Exemplary academic curriculum enhanced with instruction in Art, Music, Spanish, Technology,
Physical Education, and a wide variety of extra-curricular activities
Catholic education and Sacrament preparation
Strong, family-oriented school community
Warm, loving environment that encourages a lifelong love of learning
For additional information or to schedule a school tour,
please visit our website at, or call 972-578-0610.
Ministerio de Funerales Necesita Voluntarios
Nuestro Ministerio de Funerales y de Compasión da servicio a
las familias cuando han tenido una perdida de una ser querido
¿Cómo puedo ayudar?
Ofreciendo Consolación.
Acompañando a las Familia Durante el Duelo.
Asistiendo con la preparación de la Liturgia Fúnebre.
Estando presente con la familia durante La Celebración
de la Misa Fúnebre.
Asistiendo con la preparación del Programa del Funeral
Asistiendo en el Ministerio de Compasión con las
Recepciones después de las Misas Fúnebres.
Comunicarse con recursos y ayuda de duelo y
Asistiendo con la preparación del Plan Anticipatorio de
Funeral al Final de la Vida.
Funeral Ministry Volunteers Needed
Our Funeral and Compassion Ministry serves families when
they are grieving a loss of a loved one.
How can you help?
Offer consolation.
We Walk With The Grieving Family
Assist with Planning the Funeral Liturgy.
To prepare the funeral program (Worship Aid).
To be present with the family during the Funeral
Mass Celebration.
To assist in the Compassion Ministry with Receptions
after the Funeral Mass.
To connect the family with grieving resources.
To help with End of Life and Pre-Planning Funerals.
If interested in volunteering in any area of St Mark Funeral
Ministry, please contact:
Si usted tiene interés en ser voluntario en cualquier área de
este Ministerio por favor comuniquese con:
Rosalba (Rosie) Hernandez
St Mark Family & Adult Ministry
1105 W. 15th St
Plano TX 75075
972-424-5794 or [email protected]
Rosalba (Rosie) Hernández
St. Mark Ministerio de Familia & Adultos
1105 W. 15th St; Plano TX 75075
972-424-5794 or [email protected].
We would like to congratulate the St. Mark students who recently received their First Communion
Ms. Eisele’s Class: Jamison Berard, Camila Blanco, Emma Cremar, Xavier Currlin, Jackson Delaney, Anthony Funes, Mary Gallagher, Stephen Gorman,
Sarah Humphries, Tyler Jonte, Courtney Kovandzic, Dairine Peden, Jacob Pike, Avery Quarles, Gabriel Rozell, Taylor Salava, Chloe Smith, Ryan Wampner, and Sofia Zinn. Ms. Brook’s Class: Bella Alamo, Anthony Cordini, Sebastian Coto, Max Dering, Jacob Englebert, Francesca Flores, Christian
Gutierrez, Alex Herrera, Marie Hoang, Reese Jackson, Heidi Karicher, Nicloas Kurian, Milly Martinez, [Waverly Moore received First Holy Communion
at the Easter Vigil] Kara Nguyen, Zachary Nguyen, Teresa Paneda, Lilly Pareigis, Caroline Ripple, Reagan Scott, Miley Strittmatter, Chase Taylor, Donte
Truong, and Almar Villarreal. Ms. Crider’s Class: Austin Allgood, Dycen Anderson, Thomas Bearden, Kristine Cava, Tristan Chesler, Connor Davis, Anthony Flores, Adrienne Frye, Gallagher Braden, Tess Lynch, Julia Mathew, Cullin McCarthy, Vincent Oberski , Lizzie Osborne, Alfredo Rivera, Zachary
Spagnuolo, Nadia Staniunas, Cody Taylor, Celestine Theriot, and Savanah Wolfson.
We would like to congratulate the Faith Formation students who recently received their First Communion
Jenifer Alexandra Aguilar Ortiz, Rodrigo Alejandro Aguilar Molina, Eriberto Aguirre Flores, Diane Cecilia Alba, Humberto Oryel Alba Trevino, Jorge
Alexander Alba Trevino, Fernando Alderete Domínguez, Ana Paola Alfaro, Bladimir Emmanuel Alvarado, Daniela Michelle Álvarez, Kevin Eduardo
Álvarez, Maximiliano Bruno Álvarez, Arturo Eduardo Amaya, Jennifer Samantha Andrade, Raul Francisco Andrade Mencia, Ashley Ángel, Daniela
Ángeles, Josue Gabriel Ángeles, Arely Abigail Arana Arana, Eduardo Valentino Arevalo, Yair Tadeo Arreola, Miguel Arzola, Rosaliny Avalos Gonzalez,
Alan Guadalupe Avila de la Cruz, Giovanny Ayala, Isaac Ayala, Taylor Jaime Ayala, Cynthia Balbuena, Laisha Andrea Barajas Mendez, Montserrat
Barbosa, Candelario Barrera, Yael Bautista Avalos, Karen Valeria Bello H., Luis Gerardo Beltran, Alexander Angel Benavides, Jesús Bermúdez, Luis
Felipe Bermúdez, Yaretzi Fernanda Bermúdez, José Bolanos, Hugo Bugarin Alfaro, Jr., Eduardo Caballero, Alexandra Cabello, Angel Cáceres, Fernanda
Cáceres Al mazan, Olivia Faith Cameron, Nataly Samantha Campos-Andablo, Isabella Saskya Carlos Bedoa, Jairo Carrion Soto, Zaira Carrión Soto,
Fátima Castañeda, Abraham Castillo, Carly Janessa Castillo, Christina Juanita Castillo, Gloria Castillo, Andrea Chavez, Collin Cecil Clayton, Alberto
Contreras Vazquez, Angel Contreras, Natalia Cordova Frías, Cindy Daniela Cornejo, Sophia Madeline Crandall, Brooklyn De La Torre, Ruby Aaliyha
Aguinaga, Luis Angel Diaz de Leon, Dominic Demetrius Díaz, Juan Pablo, Díaz, Perla, Díaz, Julia del Carmen Díaz, Valeria Díaz, Alexandro Domínguez,
Alfredo Domínguez, Elizabeth Domínguez Ysidro, Manuel Domínguez, Anthony Joseph Dostalik, Daniel F. Duarte, Riley Dolores Duggan, Christine
Michelle Duran, Landry Royal Durrett, Quianne Inamac Dy, Kevin Echavarría, David Herbart Elwart III, Jesse Anderson Escobar, Gala Itzel Esquivel,
Daisy Estrada, José Manuel Estrada, Ryan Patrick Fariello, Ryle Guy Fitzpatrick, Amber Paola Frías Quintero, Ashley Frías, Idaly Frías, Olga Frías
Quintero, Eric Ariel Galindo, Selena García Oliva, Noel Oliva, Edward Israel García Pérez, Aaron García Chavez, Alexa Jamileth García Aguirre, Biviana
García, Maryann García, Miguel Ángel García, Jr., Montana García, Riley Lynn García, Victoria García, Carson James Gill, Yahir Godina, Bryan Alfonso
Gómez, Alena Alma Gonzales, Isaac Ángel Gonzales, Armando Gonzalez, Carolina Gonzalez Pina, Emily Elizabeth Gonzalez, Gabrielle Felicite Lynn
Gonzalez, Goevanni Julián Gonzalez Cabrera, Hector Gael Gonzalez, Jenny Michille Gonzalez, Jerry Gonzalez Espinosa, Jonathan Alexandra Gonzalez,
Jorge Luis Gonzalez, Jr., Kaylen Lissette Gonzalez, Melanie Jane Gonzalez, Ruby Edilu Gonzalez Barcenas, Juan Marco Gonzalez-Vargas, Julio Rafael
Gonzalez-Vargas, Karina Granados-Avila, Avery Elizabeth Grubbs, Aldo Guadalupe, Noel Guadalupe, Emily Guerrero, Jacqueline Gutiérrez, Christian
Guzman Valentin, Jose Antonio Guzman Valentin, Ángel Luis Guzmán-Solano, Daniel Joseph Hemmi, Chris Hernandez Martínez, Eric Hernandez, Leo
Ivan Hernandez Martinez, Lindsey Hernandez-Velázquez, Lucas Alexander Herrera, Joshua Gabriel Hodgson Rodriguez, Paola Alexandra Holguin
Andrade, Christopher Ray Howell, Luis Manuel Huerta, Abigail Leann Inman, Kevin Charles Inman, David Aaron Islas Sanchez, Sergio Ivan Jacobo Reyes,
Gregorio Jaimes, Antonio Jiménez IV, Olivia Rose Kelley, Andrew Michael Knode, Sofía Rose Korner, Emely Carolyn Linares, Alfredo Alonzo Lopez,
Bryan Axel Lopez, Guadalupe Lopez Rojas, Joey Alexis Lopez Díaz, Karen Lopez, Kevin Ismael Lopez, Librado Lopez Rojas, Neida Lopez, Oscar Aaron
Lopez, Areli Loza Andablo, Michelle Loza Andablo, Mariana Yasarette Lozano, Natalie Marie Lozano, Jose Moises Lugo, Uriel lugo, Joana Aida Macias
Suarez, Alejandra Martinez, America Angelique Martinez, Brian Martínez Estrada, Bryan Angel Martínez Vásquez, Bryan Damir Martínez, Jocelyn
Esmeralda Martinez, Jose Ernesto Martinez, Juan Angel Martinez, Juan Pablo Martínez, Keily Martínez, Vanessa Martínez, Daysel Mayorga, Alejandra
Medina Garcia, Citlali Mejia, Richard Mejia, Charlotte Nicole Mele, Jenn Kristy Melgar, Gael Josué Méndez Cauich, Josue Méndez, Alan Mendiola
Quezada, Arturo Mendiola Quezada, Alan Mendoza, Hugo Mendoza, Jennifer Mendoza, Stephanie Mendoza Zapata, Christian Millan, Joaquin Minjares, Olivia Susana Minjares, Santiago Minjares, Matthew Damian Mirelez, Stefany Graciela Mogas Lopez, Nathaniel Xavier Montalvo, Atilis Montes,
Jonathan Jose Montiel Contreras, Juan José Morales García, Ashley Morales Garcia, Maria Yailin Morales, Michelle Morales Garduno, Vianney Morales, Alexa Moreno, Paola Guadalupe Moreno, Jessy Hasiel Navarrete, Vincent Minh Hoang Nguyen, Yajaira Oble, Cynthia Olguín Federico, Edwin Uriel
Olvera Sanchez, Luis David Olvera Gonzalez, Roberto Ordoñez Estrada, Paola Ordoñez, Xavier Alexander Orozco Vázquez, José Julián Orozco, Marco
Antonio Orozco, Sofia Ortiz, Melanie Alexa Padilla, Nannette Sarahi Padron Najera, Alan Padrón, Agustin Palao, William Albeto Panameno, Kevin Paniagua, Justin Hall Parmelee, Camillie Paulino, Alison Yamaira Pedroza, Briseila Janin Pedroza, Heidi Daiana Pena Montes, Jacob Mateo Peña, Marco
Polo Pena Montes, Edwin Pérez Pena, Lucio Pérez, Jr., Yulisa Guadalupe Perez, Grace Vy Pho, Julian Abel Posada, Jennifer Prado, Charles Joseph Prenzi, III, Sebastian Alonso Pulido, Stephanie Quezada, America Mayrami Ramirez, Jesse Ramirez,Ruby Ramirez, Raul Ramirez, Melissa Sandoval Ramos,
Jonah Velez Ramsey, Itzel Guadalupe Rangel, Ángel Jesús Rayo, Corinee Resendiz, Luis Oscar Reynoso Lizarraga, Lynda Reynoso, Kennedy Ann Richardson, Vannia Christina Rios, Diego Rocha, Kevin Rocha, Alex Rodriguez, Eric Abraham Rodriguez, José Luis Rodriguez, Oscar Romero Guzmán, Sebastián
Ruelas Ruiz, Ximena Rúelas Chávez, Alondra Michelle Ruiz Gaytan, Israel Ruiz, Jade Ruiz, Johany Ruiz, Rubi Ruiz, Merrick Kefala Russell, Hamat Eduardo
Ruvalcaba, Adan Gabriel Salas, Brandon Earl Salas, Christian Salas, Nicole Airleen Salas, Angela Marie Salazar, Ava Gabrielle Salazar, Juan de Dios Salinas Suarez, Rick Ricardo San Miguel, Samuel Yuneor Sanches, Angélica Merced Sanchez, Diego Eduardo Sanchez, Elizabeth Sanchez, Emily Guadalupe
Sanchez, Estefanie Guadalupe Sanchez, Fernando Sanchez, Gael Isaac Sanchez, Perla Jacqueline Sanchez, Yudi Jesús Sanchez Valencia, Ángel Gabriel
Santa María, Aaron Santamaría, Kevin Alexander Santamaría, Paola Santamaría, Yvette Santamaría, Jesus Santibáñez Alejandrez, Brenda Cecilia Santos, Brenda Lizeth Santos, Kevin Sauza, Silvia Alexa Segura, Natalia Gabriela Serrano, Ruben Hazaeel Serrano, Alexis Serrato, Eric Guadalupe Serrato,
Heaven Giselle Elizabeth Sierra, Julian Asial Sierra, Elian Silva, Cheyenne Elaine Smiley, Diamond Elvira Soriano, Jovanni Soto, Lorena Soto, Martin Soto
Soto, Ashlee Lorelei Sullivan, Katherine Brooke Tadeja, Alexander Uriel Tornez Hernandez, Chloe Torres, Deliz Torres, David Benjamins Tubbs, Andrew
Ray Valdez, David Alfredo Valdez, Oscar Valdez Jr., Bryan Vargas, Juana Montserrat Vargas, Kyarah Mailyn Vargas Guzman, Mauricio Vastida, Rodrigo
Vastida, Valeria Vastida, Cesar Alejandro Vásquez, Efraín Alfonzo Vázquez, Everardo Vásquez, Marcelo Vázquez Ochoa, Daniel Velásquez, Marco Antonio Velásquez Lopez, Angel Rodolfo Velazquez Díaz, Cuauhtemoc Edward Villa Gonzalez, Jacquelin Villagomez Rodriguez, Gerardo Villasana Gallegos,
Joanna Gisselle Villaseñor, Alexis Daniel Vizcaya-Contreras, Zane Maxwell Joseph Williams, Jovany Alexander Yanes, Brynn Olivia Zawadzki.
MAY 17, 2015
H.U.G.S (Humans United to Give and Share) Truck
The semi-annual Knight of Columbus collection of
household items is June 6 (9AM to 1PM), in the
Smyth Pastoral Center parking lot. Donated items
benefit Catholic Charities and the Crisis Pregnancy
Centers. Please begin saving furniture, household items, clothing
and baby items (no food, refrigerators, washers or dryers). This
year we have been advised that there is a special priority need
for new baby cribs (manufactured after 2010), and car seats. If
you cannot deliver the items, please call the Project Chairman,
Tom Stevens, at 972-578-7613 to arrange a pickup. NOTE: Computers and related equipment cannot be accepted.
Eucharist brought to rehabilitation hospital
Do you have a loved one in a rehabilitation
hospital who would like the Eucharist brought to
them? If they are in or going to a rehab hospital
in the Plano or Richardson area, we can do this.
Please call either the office at 972-423-5600 or Mary Jane or
Vocation Awareness Program
Once a year the Diocese of Dallas and Ft. Worth, along with local
Serra Clubs, sponsor a weekend event at the University of Dallas,
a Catholic university in Irving, where men and women between
the ages of 18 and 40 have the opportunity to discern and explore with priests and religious orders what it means to have a
calling to the religious life. Usually there are between 35 and 50
men and women attending this weekend event. They are provided with food and lodging at no cost to them. The $20,000 cost
is funded with raffle ticket sales and donations.
This weekend we are holding our parish raffle ticket sales.
We are asking you to support this effort to increase vocations.
We call it being fishers of men and women who have heard the
voice of God and want to explore further what their calling may
mean for them.
Please show your support for Vocations by buying raffle tickets
after Mass. There are prizes for the winners of the drawings
which will be held June 6th, but the real winners are all of us who
need more vocations. The tickets are being sold in front of the
Narthex and up on the Hill of our church by Serran representatives.
The VAP weekend will be held June 26-28 at the University of
Dallas. If you think you, or someone you know, may have a vocation interest there is information on how to contact the diocese vocation offices on the poster in the Narthex.
Thank you in advance, and please keep praying for vocations.
Ushers Needed!
We are in urgent need of English
ushers at all Masses but especially
at the 7:30AM, 4:30PM and 6PM.
Requirements are that the volunteer be 13 and older, be a registered member of St Mark Parish
and those over 18 complete the
Diocesan Safe Environment Training. Please call Sandy at 972-424-6507 or [email protected] if interested.
St Mark Golden Treasurers
Potluck Dinner
Saturday, May 23 at 6:30PM
The Potluck will follow the 5:30PM Mass in the COMMUNITY
CENTER #101. Drop off your dish to share in the Community
Room #101 between 5 and 5:30 before Mass if you like. We look
forward to seeing everyone on the 23rd. All 50 plus seniors are
welcome. Please RSVP to Candy Butcher, 214-563-6823 or
[email protected]. Call Candy if you have any questions.
Women of St. Mark Meeting
Tuesday, May 26, 7-9PM in Youth center
All women of St. Mark are invited to the Tuesday, May
26 meeting of the Women of St. Mark. We will be meeting in the
Youth Center in the Parish Center. This will be our annual Bunko
Night, preceded by a short business meeting and the installation
of our officers for 2015-2016. We will also have a pizza and salad
dinner. Please bring a friend and join us on May 26 from 7 to 9
PM. For questions or more information, please call Dorette
Putonti, 972-898-0421 or d_putonti@hotmailCom.
It is time to begin planning
the 2015 Fall Festival
Help is needed in all areas including: Graphics, Solicitations, Raffle, Food, Games, Entertainment,
Volunteers, Safe Environment and Set-up.
Contact Carnival Chair Claudine Humphries at 214-236-9916 or
[email protected]
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a las páginas de St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic St.
Mark Catholic Church – Plano,TX
St. Mark Catholic School – Plano,TX
The Carnival will be Oct. 31
If teaching is not your thing? Do you prefer to put a little sweat into your
volunteer hours? Well we have a great opportunity for you!!
Debbie Heckmann, our new Volunteer Set-Up Squad Coordinator, would love to
put you to work assisting with the various set-ups needed for parent meetings,
classes, and special activities and events. We are looking for teams of 3-4 adults
(men and women) with a flexible schedule to help set-up rooms with tables and
chairs for the various groups and ministries that meet on our campus. Whenever a set-up is needed, Debbie will contact you for availability.
Our summer months are a little slower however by fall we hope to be up and
running and in a parish this size, we really need help. If interested, please
contact Debbie Heckmann at 972-596-9124 (home), 214-734-8813 (cell), or by
e-mail at [email protected].