SAINT S TANISLAUS R C C OMAN ATHOLIC HURCH 51 LANSDALE AVENUE, LANSDALE, PA 19446 Telephone: 215.855.3133 • Fax: 215.855.5478 Mater Dei School: 215.368.0995 • Religious Education Office: 215.855.9893 Email: [email protected] • Web: Like us on Facebook: St. Stanislaus Lansdale MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday Vigil: 5:15pm; Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (Spanish) Daily: Monday through Friday 6:30am & 8am in the Parish Center Chapel; Saturday 8am in the Church CATHOLIC MASS IN SIGN LANGUAGE: 4th Sunday of the month in the Chapel MASS INTERPRETED IN ASL: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays, 9am Mass CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: During 11am Mass each Sunday MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Following Saturday 8am Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 8:30am to 9am; 4pm to 4:45pm and other times by appointment. BAPTISM: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated Sundays after the 11am Mass. Parents and godparents are expected to participate in a prebaptismal formation session which is offered on the third Monday evening of every month, except August and December, at 7pm in the Parish Center. Please contact the Parish Office for further information. MARRIAGE: Couples planning to be married should contact the Church at least 6 months in advance of the planned wedding date. No other arrangements should be made until the couple meets with a parish priest and the date and time are reserved. Attendance at a Marriage Preparation program is required in accord with Archdiocesan policy. Further information will be provided at the time of the meeting with a priest. PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Tracy MATER DEI SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Miss Diane E. McCaughan PASTOR EMERITUS COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Leona Russell Rev. Msgr. Joseph W. Murray PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Philip M. Forlano Rev. Michael G. Mullan, LC IN RESIDENCE Rev. Zachary W. Navit DEACONS Deacon Charles G. Lewis Deacon C. Stephens Vondercrone PARISH BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs. Penny Mitchell DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY DIRECTOR OF PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Sr. Barbara A. McGahan, RSM INTERIM DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY Mary Gaus PARISH SERVICE MINISTERS Sr. Dolora Curley, OSF Laurel Murphy Karen Smith WELCOME We welcome all to join us for worship and invite you to become a part of our parish family. We encourage you to full and active participation in our parish life. New members are asked to call the Parish Center to schedule an appointment for registration. Registration is required for admission to our programs of Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation for Baptism, First Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation and Marriage. Eligibility certificates for Sponsorship for Baptism and Confirmation are issued to registered parishioners who are practicing Catholics. HOURS OF OPERATION The Saint Katharine Drexel Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. PARISH CENTER SUMMER HOURS Monday through Thursday: 9 am to 8 pm; Friday: 9 am to 5 pm; Saturday: 9 am to Noon; Sunday: 8:30 am to 1 pm. The Parish Center closes for lunch from Noon to 1 pm Monday through Friday and for dinner from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm Monday through Thursday. Priests are available after building hours for emergencies. Call 215.368.0220. Sunday, August 23, 2015 ~ The Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 23, 2015 Dear friends / Estimados amigos, Drivers to the New Jersey shore who use Route 42 are certainly familiar with bottlenecks these summer weekends. Travelers headed north on the Northeast Extension of the turnpike are slowed between Lansdale and Quakertown and have to maneuver around construction, closely sharing the road with others. These conditions make tempers short, and an otherwise short routine ride long. Theatergoers are reduced to a single line and then to one individual at a time having his/her ticket processed by an attendant. At the Giant or Acme or any other grocery store, shoppers have to file singly through the checkout. All these instances of “bottlenecks” support the point made in this weekend’s liturgy: that although humankind is comprised of countless people and characterized by numerous cultures and great diversity, all are brought into being by God. All are charged to live together in peace with others and close to God. Only God knows who and how many will pass through death and reach our ultimate destination. Death (one could argue) is the final bottleneck and God the ultimate turnstile. He sorts, judges and decides who gets to be welcomed into the divine presence. In the first reading, Isaiah describes a universal throng of all peoples converging on Jerusalem. Gathered from every nation by God, speaking many languages and using all different modes of transportation, they make their collective way to a single destination. Some will gain entrance and some will not. What is the factor that will gain admittance? How can one be sure he/she will get through the turnstile into the eternal presence of Jesus? How does one secure a place at the banquet table? Jesus answers those questions throughout the Gospel. In Luke’s version particularly Jesus often warned His own about the dangers of being preoccupied with wealth. Too deep an attachment to material things may prove an obstacle to His message. Jesus advised simplicity. Travel lightly, be urgent, always ready. Trust in God’s providence and extend hospitality to those you are meant to serve. Then the locked door will be opened and the narrow gate passable for entry into perpetual communion with God. If ever you have had the privilege of visiting the Holy Land and the traditional site of Jesus’ place of birth, you know first-hand the experience of the narrow gate. In Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity visitors must bend low to enter the 4’ hall doorway (certainly not easy when you are my size!). Necessarily everyone must wait one’s turn to enter. If you listen carefully you hear conversations in languages from throughout the world. Cultures from all over the world are represented. Only one can enter this narrow passage at a time because of its size. It is much easier to pass if you leave the bulky things behind and divest yourself of all that is superfluous. Then you are able to enter, simply and quietly to honor Jesus, and to remember His mission and His message and embrace them on your own. ++++++++++++++++++++ Why don’t February and March pass as quickly as July and August? The end of the Parish Festival signifies that summer’s end is fast approaching (at least for the students of North Penn and Mater Dei); the papal visit requires an even earlier than usual start of the school year. This is the time of year when many parish groups come out of summer hibernation as well. Be sure to look to the bulletin for information concerning other service and faith formation activities. ++++++++++++++++++++ Excitement is building as the Archdiocese and (to a lesser extent) the parish prepares for the visit of Pope Francis and the start of the World Meeting of Families. All of the media attention is focused on the end of the week activities, but remember there is a World Meeting for the four days before the Pope’s arrival. Nearly 12,000 people have registered for this event. An INVALUABLE resource for World Meeting of Families/Papal Visit information is the WOMF’s official web site: Many questions can be answered by referring to this web site. ++++++++++++++++++++ We need your help! There are several openings on the Parish Pastoral Council due to retirements and for caregiving reasons. The Parish Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners who assist me with establishing priorities in the parish, and with providing a “sounding board,” communication liaisons between parishioners and pastor. The commitment required for this position is not onerous. I would like honest, involved, practicing individuals who love their parish on the Pastoral Committee. If interested, contact me so that we can discuss your interest. Have a good week everyone! Enjoy these summer days, PAGE - 2 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TODAY Knights of Columbus breakfast. Details on Page 7. COLLECTION: CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY. There will not be a second collection. Please place your donation in the regular Sunday Offering basket in a designated envelope. Thank you for your generosity to this Appeal. SANCTUARY FLOWERS Flowers on the Blessed Mother Altar this weekend are in remembrance of the 4th Anniversary of Florence Migliaccio, at the request of her husband, Neil, and Family. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Today: Monday: Tuesday Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Jos 24:1-2, 15-18; Eph 5:21-32; Jn 6:60-69 Rv 21:9-14; Jn 1:45-51 1 Thes 2:1-8; Mt 23:23-26 1 Thes 2:9-13; Mt 23:27-32 1 Thes 3:7-13; Mt 24:42-51 1 Thes 4:1-8; Mt 25:1-13 1 Thes 4:9-11; Mk 6:17-29 Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Jas 1:17-18, 21-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 August Prayer Let’s put ourselves into the hands of the Lord, and pray that God will bless our families and us during the wonderful time of summer. Lord God, Creator of all things, guide our steps and strengthen our hearts during this time of summer and vacation days. Grant us refreshment of mind and body. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Traveling soon? Don’t forget to check for local Mass schedules. PAGE - 3 SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK Sunday, August 23 11:45 am DeSales Society @ Chapel, lobby room Monday, August 24 7 pm Spanish Music Ministry @ Cahill room Tuesday, August 25 6:45 pm Liturgy Committee @ lobby room 7 pm Spanish Prayer Group @ Chapel, Cahill & McDonough rooms Wednesday, August 26 7 pm 33 Days/Morning Glory @ Schade rm. Thursday, August 27 1:45 pm Legion of Mary @ Cahill room 6:50 pm Bingo @ gym Friday, August 28 No meetings or events scheduled Saturday, August 29 8:30 am Confessions until 9 am 4 pm Confessions until 4:45 pm More Festival thanks, to donors of $100+ in goods or services: Acme Markets, Bagel Works, Bob’s Cases and Kegs, Corropolese Deli, Franconi’s Pizza, Hearth Baker, and to the Chapman Family and Mr. & Mrs. George Puia. Received by Msgr. Tracy from Deacon Paul Bork, Maryknoll Buffalo Mission House: Sincere thanks from here and Maryknollers around the world for your kindness. Fr. Douglas May M.M. enjoyed the weekend and the people of Saint Stanislaus were very receptive. Needless to say, this is a great help towards our efforts to bring the “Good News” to all nations. May this kindness rebound to you and your people...There will be a grateful remembrance in our Masses and prayers. May God bless your own wonderful labors. TREASURE INFORMATION Weekly Parish collection: August 16, 2015: $13,874* August 17, 2014: $13,975 *Contributed in 490 envelopes and 13 loose checks. Parish Debt Reduction collection: August 16, 2015: $1,532 August 17, 2014: $1,734 No major bills paid last week. 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA AUGUST 23, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday 6:30 am St. Bartholomew, Apostle John Dudzinski Requested by Elizabeth & Chester Dudzinski Florence Migliaccio (4th Anniversary) Requested by husband, Neil and Family 8 am Tuesday 6:30 am 8 am Wednesday 6:30 am 8 am Thursday 6:30 am 8 am Friday 6:30 am 8 am Saturday 8 am St. Louis; St. Joseph Calasanz, Priest Linda Halchuk Requested by Patty Seneko Joseph Fornari Requested by Jeanne T. Abel Anne & Ted Roth Requested by the Family George P. Martin Requested by the Gurecki Family St. Monica Concetta Chiliberto & Vincent Chiliberto Requested by Betty Gilbert Edith Marie Ambs (Birthday Remembrance) Requested by William Ambs and Carolyn & Charles Niesley St. Augustine, Bishop & Doctor of the Church Elizabeth M. Scrimshaw Deceased Members of the Tzipowitz Family Requested by Leandra Tzipowitz The Passion of St. John the Baptist Johanna Mitchell Requested by the Fischer Family Sunday, August 30, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 7 am Joseph Fornari Requested by Mary Jankowski & Family 9 am Elizabeth Roos Requested by the Roos & Reilly Families 11 am Ernest Williams, Jr. Requested by Joan & John Cunningham The Sanctuary Candle in the Church burns this week in memory of Gregory Davenport at the request his mother, Anne Albright. The Sanctuary Candle in the Parish Center Chapel burns this week in memory of Paul Spotts, at the request of Mary Ann Major. 2016 dates for Sanctuary Candle intentions will become available in September. Check future bulletins for information. PAGE - 4 Please pray for the sick who carry the cross of illness especially: Daniel Abaldo, Florence Alles, Sister Ann Teresa, RA, Lydia Brinker, Joe Burns, Charles Cressman, Helen Daly, Bernadette Donnelly, Hugh Donnelly, Robert Eckler, Sister Joseph Fillenwarth, S.P., Patricia Hendricks, Helen Jagger, Denis Kepler, Dorothy Leueke, Ann Loeffler, Stanley Meade, Margaret Mindell, John Mogensen, Barbara Mullin, Noreen Mullin, Jay Murphy, Chet Niece, James O’Neill, Phyllis Owoc, Frank Rieg, Pauline Sabia, Lucille Salerno, Patty Scatena, John Shane, Ken Tucker, Thomas Van Bell, Margaret Varzaly, Amy Woodruff, Karen Yannacone, Frank Yevak, Isabella Grace Yourke, Bill Yourl. If you wish to place a particular family member or friend on the Bulletin list for a period of three weeks, please call Maureen Fillenwarth or Karen Smith at the Parish Center, 215.855.3133. If you wish to place a name on our Prayer Line, contact Meg Szewczak at 215.997.8386 or [email protected], or Karen Smith at the Parish Center. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET FOR THE SICK AND DYING Tell souls not to place within their own hearts obstacles to My mercy, which so greatly wants to act within them. My mercy works in all those hearts which open their doors to it. Both the sinner and the righteous person have need of My mercy. Conversion, as well as perseverance, is a grace of My mercy. (Diary of St. Faustina #1577) The Divine Mercy Cenacle’s work of mercy is to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the sick and dying. If you would like the cenacle to pray the chaplet for a loved one or friend who is sick or dying please contact Pat Shovlin at 215.896.0871 or Eileen McKeron at 215.527.0269. Members (2) of the cenacle are available to come and pray at the bedside of your loved one. WEDDINGS We extend our best wishes and promise of prayers to St. Stanislaus parishioners who are preparing for marriage, especially: Jaclyn Callahan & Michael Ryan Christine Pierce & Lorenzo Mejia 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration St. Katharine Drexel Adoration Chapel “I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - John 8:12 Come spend an hour with Jesus. Hours of Need Friday, 8 am and 10 pm Saturday, 6 pm These are IMMEDIATE URGENT NEEDS; no one is currently scheduled for these hours. Please call Sue Gillen if you can help. We are always in need of committed adorers and substitutes. For more information contact Sue Gillen at 215.362.8643 or [email protected]. Are you looking for a way to get involved in parish life? Do you enjoy singing? Do you like meeting new people? Do you want to deepen your faith? Do you want to learn more about the liturgy? Why not join the parish choir?! The adult choir will begin rehearsals on Thursday, September 10. Practices are Thursdays from 7:30 pm to 9 pm in church. At this time we are in need of young adults, older adults, singles and couples to fill voice parts!!! If you have ever considered joining the choir, please contact Mary Gaus at 215.368.3892 or email [email protected]. Feel free to come and speak with Mary in the choir loft after the 9 am Mass on Sundays. St. Augustine once said,"Cantare amantis est," which translates: Singing belongs to one who loves. PAGE - 5 GIFT (GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER) September 8 at 7 pm, Lobby Meeting Room We are pleased begin our new GIFT season by welcoming our own parishioner, Frank Carney, who will share the spiritually-powerful story of St. Padre Pio in his presentation, “50 years of Angels and Roses”. Frank has been actively involved in the National Centre for Padre Pio in Barto, PA for many years. With the feast day of St. Pio on September 23, this presentation is quite timely and will offer some remarkable insights into the life of this “Modern Apostle”. All are welcome! Light refreshments will follow. *** Save the Date! *** Our Parish Day of Prayer Saturday, October 24, 2015 Please mark your calendars! As we draw to the end of our Parish celebration of the 50th Anniversary of our present church building, we will have a day of prayer in gratitude to our loving and generous God. So please plan to join us in Church, on Saturday, October 24th for: Morning Prayer at 8:45 am, right after 8 am Mass and Novena Rosary at Noon Evening Prayer at 4:30 pm, right before 5:15 pm Mass SUPPORT GROUP FOR THE DIVORCED This 12 week program sponsored by Corpus Christi Church will bring healing and hope to divorced and separated Catholics. The weekly DVD presentations guide participants from pain and loneliness to hope and healing. Pre-registration and pre-payment are necessary. Please note that no registrations will be accepted after the first session. Sessions take place on Thursdays beginning September 3 from 7 pm to 8:30 pm in the Corpus Christi Parish Center. The cost is $25. Please register at [email protected]. 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA AUGUST 23, 2015 Mater Dei Matters “It’s What’s Inside That Matters” For information on Mater Dei Catholic School call 215.368.0995, email [email protected] or visit STILL HAVEN’T REGISTERED? Although our preschool classes are filled, Mater Dei still has some spaces available in Kindergarten and grades above. We are open and would love you to visit! Call Grace Samanns in the Advancement Office at 215.368.9787 or email her at [email protected] to schedule your visit today! CALLING ALL ALUMNI! The Mater Dei Advancement Office has been building an alumni database of its legacy schools. Alumni from the classes of 1942 and above have already contacted us. Please help us to honor the past, celebrate the present and build the future by letting us know if you are a graduate of St. Maria Goretti, St. Rose or St. Stanislaus. Please email Grace Samanns in the Advancement Office at [email protected] and provide your name, legacy school, graduation year, occupation, current address, phone and email. We would love to hear from you! Mater Dei Employment Opportunity: School Lunch Cashier North Penn School District is seeking interested candidates to cashier for the school lunch program at Mater Dei Catholic School. The position is Monday-Friday from 11:45 am to 1:45 pm. There is a job sharing opportunity as well. The hourly rate is $12.05. Interested candidates should apply at the North Penn School District Educational Services Center at 401 East Hancock Street in Lansdale, in the School Nutrition Services department. You may contact Lisa Smolinsky at 215.853.1080 for more information or for an application. Coordinator of Religious Education (PREP): Mrs. Leona Russell Office Phone Number: 215.855.9893; Email: [email protected] Welcome letters to all registered PREP and SSLP families were sent out in a bulk mailing on August 19. The welcome packet includes letters from the program coordinator and your child’s teacher and the calendar for the year. If your letter does not arrive by the end of August, please contact the Religious Education office. A follow-up email will also be sent out this week. Only 17 days until the first day of PREP on Wednesday, and 21 days until the first Sunday class! If you haven’t yet registered your child, please do so today! Forms are available in the Parish Center and the Religious Education Office, and on the Parish website. Please return your completed form in person or via postal mail. We welcome your call or visit if you have questions or need to discuss any special circumstances. Grades K through 12 are available on Wednesday evenings and Pre-K and 8 are offered on Sunday mornings. Children must complete the 1st grade level prior to entering 2nd grade (when they will be preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion). *You must be registered in the parish to register your child for religious education. Please contact the Parish Center if you are not yet registered in the parish. No registrations will be taken at the PREP sessions on the first day. To ensure that your child is assigned to a classroom for the first day, please complete your registration ASAP! Classes begin September 9 (Wednesday PREP) and September 13 (Sunday PREP/SSLP). PAGE - 6 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WHAT IS THE R.C.I.A.? MORE THAN YOU THOUGHT! Do you know anybody who is attracted to Catholicism or has been seeking answers to the restlessness in their heart, grappling with the most important questions like, “why am I here?” and “what is the purpose of my life?” Are you a non-Catholic spouse or friend of a Catholic and have ever considered becoming Catholic? Were you baptized or received First Holy Communion but never Confirmed? The R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) addresses the fundamental questions that arise from the human experience while providing an introduction to the Catholic faith for persons inquiring about or desiring to become Catholic. The course may also serve as instruction and formation in the faith for adult Catholics who lack any of the sacraments. The course is less about doctrine or catechism and more about learning to grow in friendship with Christ through reading of Sacred Scripture, participation in the Mass as a personal encounter with Christ, and a shared journey within the community of the Church. Sessions take place Wednesday evenings at the Parish Center from 7:30 to 9 pm beginning September 2nd and extending through the Easter season. Questions or inquiries can be directed to Fr. Forlano at 215.855.3133, ext. 111 or at [email protected]. R.C.I.A. “Team Members” wanted! The model that Jesus gave us for passing on the faith - our relationship with Him - is not through the Catechism and a set of moral norms, but by “sharing life” with others. Jesus didn’t say, “read this” or “learn this” but “Come and see” and “follow me” (John 1: 39, 43). The disciples came to discover the meaning of their lives and that Jesus was the Savior through the experience of their friendship with Him and by staying with Him even when they didn’t understand what Jesus was saying. Jesus continues to attract and form disciples through this same method today through His mystical body, the Church. What is needed are not teachers but witnesses - people who demonstrate by their “way” of life that their relationship with Christ is what gives life, all of life, “life” - fullness, meaning, purpose, and direction. If you are interested in journeying with those who have become awakened by an encounter with Christ or are seeking a way, for yourself, to be renewed in your own relationship with the Lord and to see Him alive in the Church, please consider joining the R.C.I.A. “Team”. Please contact Fr. Forlano at 215.855.3133, ext. 111 or at [email protected] for more information. SENIOR CLUB Senior Club meetings will resume in September. Trips: Call Rosemary at 215.368.4645 for information and/or reservations. Tuesday, September 15, Hunterdon Hills Playhouse for the play “Social Security.” The bus leaves the parking lot at 9:15 am. Wait list only. Thursday, October 1, Mohegan Sun Casino, Wilkes Barre, PA. Wait list only. October 13-16, Cape Cod, Provincetown, Plymouth for 4 days/3 nights. The cost is $430/pp double occupancy and includes 3 full breakfasts & dinners, baggage handling, taxes, tips. Call for brochure. Tuesday, November 17, Rockvale Outlets & Rainbow Comedy Dinner Theater. The bus leaves the Church parking lot at 8:15 am. Wait List only. Enjoy your summer...Charismatic Prayer Meetings will begin again in September. Check future bulletins for dates. PAGE - 7 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PIUS IX COUNCIL MONTHLY BREAKFAST On Sunday August 23 from 8 am to noon, the K of C will host their monthly breakfast, an All You Can Eat buffet including made to order omelets as well as a selection of hot and cold entrees. $9 for adults, $8 for Seniors, $6 for children ages 5 to 12. Active Duty Fire, Police, Military and children under 5 eat free! The hall is located at 258 West 8th Street in Lansdale, on the corner of 8th Street and Kenilworth Ave. Call 215.368.3044 or visit for more information. STUMP THE PRIEST PHILLY Catholic young adults ages 21 to 35 are invited to a Q and A session with a panel of priests on August 26 at the Field House, 1150 Filbert Street in Philadelphia. A panel of priests will respond to questions from the crowd, focusing on the topic of social justice. Submit questions anonymously to [email protected]. Doors open at 7 pm; questions begin at 7:30 pm. There is no cover charge. 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA AUGUST 23, 2015 As you know, the cardboard Pope Francis is “visiting” all the vestibule doors in anticipation of his Philadelphia visit for the close of the WMOF. Beside him is a box for offerings to assist the work of the WMOF Office at the Archdiocese. Feel free to take a cell phone pic with the image! We received the following letters in gratitude for our 1st remittance. From Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.: Dear Msgr. Tracy, With heartfelt appreciation I thank you for St. Stanislaus’ generous gift of $145.25 to the World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015. The strengthening of the family is vitally important to the Church and society. The World Meeting of Families will have a great, positive effect on our entire population in and around Philadelphia, expanding beyond the borders of our Catholic Church community. The event will welcome all to realize that we are one family, and that, as family, we will grow together through service and in realizing our potential as servants of Christ. Your donation will help bring the message of charity and love to many. Thank you for being a part of this great event in our city’s and the Church’s history. May the Lord continue to bless you and your parishioners. From Donna Crilley Farrell, Executive Director, World Meeting of Families: Dear Msgr. Tracy, With heartfelt thanks, we wish to acknowledge St. Stanislaus’ gift of $145.25 to the World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015...The World Meeting of Families is not just a gift to local Catholics, but also to the global community as it seeks to strengthen the sacred bonds of family throughout the world. Your gift is truly appreciated, and the impact of your support will be seen throughout the Church of Philadelphia and beyond. NEEDED!!! Ushers, Adorers and Greeters We are in need of ushers and greeters for the WMOF Congress Masses & Confessions (September 22-25) and the Papal Mass on Sunday, September 27 on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. We also need volunteers to sign up to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament during WMOF Week in two locations (Convention Center Room 108 & the Cathedral). You can learn more and volunteer as an usher, adorer or greeter at: http:// Nurse Volunteers The World Meeting of Families Health Resources Committee is seeking nurse volunteers (RN’s) to provide Health Information and Referral Services for WMOF pilgrims and visitors who have healthcare challenges and needs. Each nurse volunteer will be assigned to a 4 hour telephone hotline shift or a 4.5 hour shift on-site at the PA Convention Center. There will be multiple nurses present for each shift to ensure adequate support to meet our visitors' needs. If you are interested in participating in this historical event, please contact Kathy Reavy, Division Director, BAYADA Home Health Care, telephone: 877.291.3000 or [email protected]. VATICAN SPLENDORS: A JOURNEY THROUGH FAITH AND ART The Franklin Institute will host Vatican Splendors: A Journey Through Faith and Art from September 19, 2015 to February 15, 2016. Experience 2,000 years of Vatican history! See over 200 works of art and historically significant objects including a brick from Saint Paul’s tomb, gold statues of Saints Peter, Paul, John, and Andrew, Michelangelo’s caliper, and more. The Vatican has served as a repository for historical objects such as reliquaries, maps, documents, vestments, and liturgical items, as well as cultural objects from around the world - all presented in this exhibition. From the sights and sounds of the grand Basilica to a touchable cast of Saint John Paul II’s hand, the exhibition is a multi-sensory experience that leads you on a journey through the ages of artistic expression and religious iconography. Interested in attending as a parish group? Adult ticket price is $24.95 and includes museum and exhibition admission. Please call the Parish Center and leave your contact information (name, phone or email, best day of the week to attend) with the receptionist. PAGE - 8 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WORLD WIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Good marriages don’t happen by accident. You can build a better relationship by taking time to reconnect with each other on a Marriage Encounter Weekend. Rediscover the joy in your marriage as you improve communication and get to know each other at a deeper level. The next Weekend in this area is November 20-22 at Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: You can also contact Al & Mary Liz Heumann at [email protected] or call 610.449.1859. CELEBRATION OF HISPANIC HERITAGE The Office for Hispanic Catholics together with the Vicar for Cultural Ministries invites all to the tenth celebration in recognition of Hispanic Heritage, on Saturday, August 29 at Holy Innocents Parish, 1337 E. Hunting Park Avenue in Philadelphia. The celebration will begin at 8:30 am with a day of reflection followed by a procession at 2 pm and the Hispanic Heritage Mass at 2:30 pm. All are welcome to this important Catholic celebration of faith and culture of our Archdiocesan Hispanic Catholic community. CORPUS CHRIST ALUMNI REUNION Alumni are invited to an all class reunion celebrating 50 years of Corpus Christi school on Saturday, September 19. Cocktail hour following 4:30 pm Mass; 7 pm dinner in the gym. Enjoy music by DJ Jimmy Mirynowski (‘05). The cost is $30 per person and includes beer, wine and set ups. Must be 21; ID required. For tickets, send a check payable to Corpus Christi to: Corpus Christi Parish, Attn: Alumni Reunion, 900 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale, PA 19446. Include your year of graduation and an e-mail address for confirmation receipt. Questions? Please email [email protected]. CHARISMATIC CONFERENCE Extend your summer and expand your joy by attending the 27th annual Charismatic Conference held in the Wildwood NJ Convention Center October 9 to 11, 2015. Go to or call 609.522.5010 for more information and a registration form. There are youth tracks, dynamic music, and nationally known speakers including Dr. Mary Healy, Father John Campoli, and Kathleen McCarthy. This is a weekend you don't want to miss. PAGE - 9 MARRIAGE RETREAT Come celebrate your marriage at a special retreat a few blocks from the beach in Cape May Point, NJ. This weekend at the Marianist Family Retreat Center is intended for couples married at least 10 years. It honors and celebrates the commitment of marriage. The retreat includes Mass, prayer, small group discussions, reflection, relaxation, socials, fun, and plenty of couple time. The weekend is September 1820. The cost is $260 per couple and includes accommodations and all meals. Please call 609.884.3829 for information or email [email protected] o r v i s i t t h e re t r e a t ho u s e w e b s i t e , You can also call the local area coordinating couple, Tony and Sharon Bellitto at 610.222.4548. TOUR OF THE MAJOR RELICS OF SAINT MARIA GORETTI In March, Pope Francis proclaimed a Holy Year of Mercy beginning this December 8, 2015 and continuing to November 20, 2016. To mark the solemn occasion of this Jubilee Year, the Vatican, in conjunction with the Congregation of the Causes of Saints has announced the extraordinary pilgrimage of the bodily remains of Saint Maria Goretti. The glass and gold reliquary containing her body will leave her shrine in Nettuno, Italy and begin the Pilgrimage of Mercy Tour in the United States this September. This is the first time that Saint Maria Goretti's body will travel to the United States and only the second time that she has left Italy. Saint Maria Goretti Church in Hatfield will be the second stop on the tour and will host the body of our parish patroness and our "Little Saint of Great Mercy" on Tuesday, September 22. Public veneration will begin at Noon. Solemn Mass in honor of Saint Maria Goretti will be celebrated at 7 pm. When Mass concludes, public veneration will continue until 11 pm. On Wednesday and Thursday of that week, Saint Maria’s relics will travel to the Saint Rita Shrine and Saint John the Evangelist Church in Philadelphia so that those attending the World Meeting of Families may venerate her as well. Visit for more information. Visit daily for the latest news and videos! 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA AUGUST 23, 2015 XXI DOMINGO ORDINARIO – 23 DE AGOSTO DE 2015 Señor, ¿a quién iremos? Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna Intención de la misa: El descanso eterno de Luis Salazar. (Para ofrecer una misa por una intención anunciada, hable con el Padre Forlano) Primera Lectura: Jos 24, 1-2a. 15-17. 18b Segunda Lectura: Efesios 5, 21-32 Lecturas del Domingo Salmo Responsorial: 33 Haz la prueba y verás qué bueno es el Señor. Evangelio: Juan 6, 55. 60-69 Meditación del Papa Benedicto XVI "¿También vosotros queréis marcharos?" Esta pregunta provocadora no se dirige sólo a los que entonces escuchaban sino que alcanza a los creyentes y a los hombres de todas las épocas. También hoy muchos se escandalizan ante la paradoja de la fe cristiana. La enseñanza de Jesús parece "dura", demasiado difícil de acoger y de practicar. Entonces hay quien rechaza y abandona a Cristo; hay quien trata de adaptar su palabra a las modas desvirtuando su sentido y valor. "¿También vosotros queréis marcharos?". Esta inquietante provocación resuena en el corazón y espera de cada uno una respuesta personal. Jesús, de hecho, no se contenta con una pertenencia superficial y formal, no le basta una primera adhesión entusiasta; es necesario, por el contrario, participar durante toda la vida en su pensar y querer. Seguirle llena el corazón de alegría y dan sentido pleno a nuestra existencia, pero comporta dificultades y renuncias, pues con mucha frecuencia hay que ir contra la corriente. (Benedicto XVI, 23 de agosto de 2009). Reflexión Hay que desconfiar de los que venden la felicidad a bajo precio, como sospechamos cuando en el mercado nos brindan la fruta o el pescado casi regalados, seguros de que están podridos o rancios. Ninguna felicidad verdadera es barata. La felicidad que Cristo nos ofrece es tan luminosa y clara que mucha gente no la ve. Muchos la confunden con estrellas del antojo e ilusiones superficiales y endebles. Pero, claro, cuando a veces esta felicidad verdadera se oculta, se acobardan, se alejan, se amedrentan y como muchos de los discípulos no admiten y ven como inadmisibles las palabras de Jesús. ¿Por qué? Porque eran unos discípulos que buscaban la felicidad barata de los milagros, de los panes y peces gratis, que buscaban y estaban con Jesús mientras no se presentaba ninguna cuesta arriba. Todas las aventuras con Cristo son calvarios, cuestan. Pero el que se embarque con Él será verdaderamente feliz aunque no vivirá despreocupado y comodón. Habrá cosas que ignorará y no comprenderá, pero quien persevera hasta el final se salvará. Será verdadera y eternamente feliz. Fuente: José Noé Patiño, ACTIVIDADES Y FORMACIÓN EN LA FE “La Virgen Peregrina.” Un retablo de la Virgen de Guadalupe está viajando por los hogares de la comunidad. Es una oportunidad maravillosa para acercarnos a ella en familia. Para registrar su familia por una semana, llamar a Nelis Galo, (267) 498-8979. Grupo de Oración se reúne todos los martes a las 7:00 PM en la capilla en el centro parroquial. Para más información, favor de contactar a Carlos Zuluaga, (954) 309-1771. En Preparación Para La Visita del Papa Francisco Celebración de las Familias Hispanas Día de Reflexión: El amor es nuestra misión. Predicador: Rev. Domingo Rodríguez, S.T. Sábado, 29 de Agosto del 2015 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Donación: $5 (almuerzo incluido) Tendremos: predicaciones, oración por las familias, concierto y animación. Misa de la Herencia Hispana Procesión - 2:00 p.m. Misa - 2:30 Celebrante: Rev. Bruce Lewandowski, C.Ss.R Parroquia Santos Inocentes 1337 E. Hunting Park Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19124 Para más información contactar al 215-667-2820 o [email protected] PAGE - 10 Por favor, rueguen por los enfermos. Abel Alarcón, José Morales, Maria Rivera, Juan Rivera, Carmen Tavera, Víctor Alarcón, Magdalena Mendoza, Ramón Valdivia, Nora Cuartas, Carlos Lopez, León Guerra, Manuel Lastra, Bertha Belmont, Hernán Darío Murillo, Emma Pedroza, Nick Dion. Escriba los nombres en la hoja de peticiones antes de la misa, y aquí se incluirán en el boletín la semana que viene. Favor de informar al Padre Forlano si se mejoran o fallecen para actualizar esta lista. LOS SACRAMENTOS Bautismos – Clases bautismales serán el primer Domingo de cada mes después de la misa. La próxima clase bautismal es el 6 de septiembre después de la misa. Inscríbase por anticipado con el Padre Forlano. Todos los que necesitan bautizar a un niño o una niña o quieren ser padrino o madrina deben asistir. Normalmente, se celebran los bautismos durante la misa del segundo y cuarto Domingo del mes. Para ser padrino/madrina o recibir una carta de elegibilidad, una persona tiene que ser: 1) Un Católico practicante con un mínimo de 16 años de edad y haya recibido todos los sacramentos de iniciación - bautismo, confirmación, y comunión. 2) Registrado en la parroquia o bien conocido en la comunidad de la Iglesia. 3) Casado por la iglesia católica o soltero sin vivir en unión libre. 4) Hay que asistir a la Misa. 5) Deben tener sus propios hijos confirmados si tienen la edad. El Sacramento de Reconciliación - se ofrece los sábados a las 8:30 a.m. y 4:00 p.m. y los domingos a las 12:30 - 12:50 p.m. o por cita con Padre Forlano o Padre Miguel. El Matrimonio – Hable con Padre Forlano más que 6 meses antes de la fecha anticipada. Un clase de preparación - "Pre-Cana" es un requisito antes de casarse. El Instituto Católico Móvil ofrece el taller "Pre-Caná" varias veces durante el año en la Parroquia de San Martin de Tours, Roosevelt Blvd. & Cheltenham Ave., Filadelfia. Para inscribirse o informarse (215) 6672820/2824 o [email protected] o [email protected]. R.I.C.A. – Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para los Adultos – los adultos nocatólicos que quieren convertirse a ser católicos deben participar en este programa de formación en la fe católica. Los adultos católicos que les faltan los sacramentos de confirmación o comunión están invitados a participar en este curso también para instrucción y formación en preparación para recibir los sacramentos. Empezando el 13 de septiembre, nos reunimos el segundo y cuarto domingo del mes después de la misa. Hable con Padre Forlano. Educación Religiosa para Los Niños Todos los niños que son estudiantes en la escuela pública y no han recibido el sacramento de Confirmación necesitan registrarse en el programa de educación religiosa para continuar su formación en la fe católica. Cada parroquia ofrece un programa de educación religiosa continua desde el primer nivel hasta el octavo. La directora de educación religi- osa de San Estanislao, Sra. Leona Russell, estará presente el 23 de agosto después de la misa para ayudar con el registro para el programa de este año. Cada año, cada estudiante necesita registrarse otra vez para la próxima clase. Para más información o ayuda con el registro, favor contactar a Diana Zuluaga: 954-296-1420 o [email protected]. Para una cita con Leona Russell, contáctela, 215-855-9893 o [email protected]. ¿Cómo le devolveré al Señor todo el bien que me ha hecho? (Salmo 116:2) 8/16/15 – Colecta: $470.50 Asistentes::125 Gracias por su generosidad y que Dios les bendiga. Para un consejo o una cita, hable con Padre Forlano o Padre Miguel después de la misa o puede contactarlos a 215-855-3133 ext. 111 (P. Forlano) o ext. 101 (P. Miguel) al Centro Parroquial de San Estanislao. También, se puede comunicar con Padre Forlano por correo electrónico: [email protected] o con Padre Miguel: [email protected] . 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA Stan Stockmal Carmen C. Rocco, DDS Carmen C. Rocco, Jr., DDS Constance Buffett, DDS Agent Auto • Life Health • Home Gary’s Plaza 439 S. Broad St. 855-1153 By Appointment 248-1323 Heating and Air Conditioning Co. YORK EQUIPMENT • INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 800 Hagey Rd. Soudertown, PA 18964 Parishioner 215-799-0515 Choose Quality ~ Discover Value Independent Living Personal Care Skilled Nursing Respite Care Come see why so many of your friends and neighbors are moving to Elm Terrace Gardens CAROL M. 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LANDSDALE, PA Jeff Polansky, Owner Like Us On Facebook SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT • FREE ESTIMATES Ph: (215) 728-1482 Fax: (215) 742-7098 8675 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 WWW.BILLFRUSCO.COM 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) 20% OFF Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning 25% OFF Carpet Stretching & Repair John Nales • Fully Ins. • Lic.#9757 267-885-3376 “Fellow Christian” ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Licensed & Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair Insured ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding S ENIOR C ITIZEN D ISCOUNT 1.877.490.5599 C EIGHTH GRADE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAM Saturday, October 31, 2015 $ HURCH M EMBER D ISCOUNT Worth Iron THE RAILING DOCTORS WROUGHT IRON • RAILINGS • GATES Quality & Customer Service Since 1950 215-288-7486 CARPET • TILE • WOOD Hanna Eadeh Rug Co. 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Landale’s Only PennDOT Authorized On-line Agent 31 E. Hancock St., Lansdale EMERT RECYCLING (215)855-7690 x Lansdale 215-855-9258 since 1985 So. Broad & Sumneytown Pike Friendly & Complete Automotive Service Cash Buyers of all Grades of Scrap Copper • Brass • Alum. • Steel • Alum. Cans Present This Ad For Your Free Gift 2700 Richmond Road Hatfield, PA - HEARING AID SPECIALIST Patricia L. Reiff, AUD/CCC, Director 100 W. Main St., Suite 105, Lansdale Full coverage of the World Meeting of Families & the Holy Father’s historic visit to Philadelphia! Call 1-844-800-1776 promo code: church or go to UPPER GWYNEDD SERVICE CENTER 215-699-6640 215-368-5200 Most Insurances Accepted ASSOCIATES IN HEARING SUNDAY SPECIAL $1.50 per week for 20 weeks ROOFING WEST POINT DELI PLUS at Gulf Gas Station Pike SIDING 215-699-8207 • So. Broad & SumneytownN.I.A.S.E. 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(215) 872-7822 Flexible scheduling, most insurance plans accepted at the Lansdale campus John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • J. Boyd McIlvane, Supervisor Simcox-McIlvaine Traditional Funerals • Cremations • FREE Pre-Need Planning Family Owned Since 1886 532 East Main St., Lansdale, PA 215-855-3434 Funeral Home Paul Bauder Construction Jamie N. Goodreau, D.M.D., M.S.D. Riemenschneider Insurance Agency Additions • Garages • Basements 642 East Main St., Lansdale, PA 19446 Parishioner 215-393-1293 215-855-4995 SCOTT BURMAN PLUMBING Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Lt Comm & Res Emergency 484.614.8221 20 East 7th Street Lansdale, PA 19446 215.393.4761 Experience the Comfort of Radiant Heating Lifelong Parishioner ATTORNEY ROBERT J. IANNOZZI, JR. 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