DIOCESE OF CHARLESTON OUR LADY OF THE HILLS CATHOLIC CHURCH Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church th June 7 , 2015/ Junio 7, 2014 The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ Santísmo Cuerpo y Sangre De Cristo 120 Marydale Lane Columbia, SC 29210 Parish Office–772-7400 Fax –798-8030 E-Mail [email protected] Website: ourladyofthehillssc.org STAFF REV. DAVID R. WHITMAN Pastor –Ext. 1 Email - [email protected] Medical Emergency – 803-772-7490 REV. GUSTAVO CORREDOR Parochial Vicar - Ext. 3 Cell 803-394-6773 Email - [email protected] SISTER CHRISTINA Mission Statement MURPHY, SNDdeN Pastoral Associate – Ext. 2 Our Lady of the Hills Roman Catholic Church is inspired by the Holy Spirit and formed by the [email protected] Gospel, under the patronage of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Our mission is to preach and teach the DEACON CHUCK DIRUSSO Gospel of Jesus Christ. As one family under God, the Father, we welcome all who come to us and 794-3388 or [email protected] are particularly mindful of those in need. DEACON DENNIS JONES 808-7196 Welcome ~ We welcome all newcomers to our parish family and request that you see an Usher after DEACON STEVE BURDICK mass for a registration packet or call the Parish Office. Please stop by the Hospitality Table after 798-8296 Mass if you have any questions concerning the Parish. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, (Vigil) 5:30 PM Sacramental Information Sunday, 8AM, 10AM & 12NOON Baptism - You must call the parish office to register for a Baptism Class. This must be done one month Spanish Mass –3:30 P.M. prior to the scheduled class. Call the Parish Office for more information. RECONCILIATION Saturday, 4pm or by appointment Marriage - You must contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to wedding. ST.VINCENT DE PAUL Anointing of the Sick Crisis Line 465-1644 If you find yourself or a loved one as a patient in a hospital and are in need of the Sacrament of the JACKIE BRACE Anointing of the Sick, please call the office during business hours as soon as possible. Please do not wait Director of Religious Education - ext. 13 until your loved one is in critical condition. There can be unavoidable delays in a priest getting to the [email protected] hospital immediately. Also, if you plan on entering the hospital for a particular procedure, you may ELIZABETH HUDACKO receive the Sacrament of the Anointing, prior to admission, by making contact with the parish office. Youth Minister - Ext. 4 [email protected] Catholic Inquiry GLORIA CAZALLIS No previous experience necessary. Contact Debbie Heizer, Inquiry Coordinator or Deacon Steve Burdick Assistant Secretary/Parish - Ext. 6 at the Parish Office at 772-7400. Discover the Catholic Church! Assistant Secretary Religious EdExt.14 Change of Status [email protected] & If you have a change in your family information (i.e. new address, new phone # or leaving the parish) [email protected] please notify the Parish Office. PEGGY WILLIAMS Parish Secretary - Ext. 5 Attention Young Adults!! Interested in finding out what is available in our Diocese-go to [email protected] these web sites http://sccatholic.org/young-adultministry MARIANNE MELTON http://catholicyoungadultsofsc.com Bookkeeper - Ext. 7 [email protected] The Vocations Office - would like to announce its presence on Twitter (@FatherKirby) and on OLGA MOULY Facebook (Charleston Vocations). The office invites everyone to “follow” and “like” us on these social Bi-Lingual Assistant media. 772-7400 ext 3 Since each of us is given unique gifts to serve, finding an opportunity to apply [email protected] our gifts, heart, abilities, and experiences in the church is important. JUAN MARMOLEJO MINISTRY CORNER - we remain in need of: Cantors-please contact Mickey MahonFacilities Manager – Ext. 8 [email protected], Ushers-please contact Mark [email protected], [email protected] Ministers of the Eucharist-please contact Maria Bernhagen - [email protected], Adult ol Altar Servers-pleaseol contact Maria, Altar Servers – please contact Gloria Cazallis - [email protected] Choir – Saturday @ 5:30 please contact Debbie Bernhagenolhol @ 750-7146 or [email protected] / for the 10am Choir please contact BethAnn Moats [email protected], Nursery Workers – Contact Pam Baxley @ 732-8985, Altar Committee Members – Contact Pat Reiland 781-3371, Lectors – Contact Randi Olafson @ 803-732-4884 or [email protected]. SCHOLARSHIPS Congratulations to Collin McKinnon and Brianna Richardson, recipients of the Our Lady of the Hills Women's Group 2015 scholarships. COMMUNITY BUILDING Effective Friday June 5, through Friday September 4, the parish office will close at 1:00pm on Fridays. A partir del Viernes 05 de junio , hasta el viernes 04 de septiembre , la oficina de la parroquia se cerrará a las 1:00 pm los viernes. Fathers’ Day cards – Father’s Day is in two weeks. Do you have your Mass card yet? Cards are available in the parish office . Hospitality Table - It Is Your Turn- you have seen how our Hospitality Table works-we need more volunteers. If you could volunteer just once every two months please contact Sr Christina-7727400 ext 2 or [email protected] PRAYER & WORSHIP Pray For Peace If you have a family member or friend serving in the military, please see the bulletin board in the Narthex and provide a picture so we can keep them in our prayers. Details are on the board. Everyone, please pray daily for our service men and women and their families. CELEBRATE A HOLY HOUR! UNA HORA SEMANAL ANTE EL SANTISMO! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION EVERY THURSDAY FOLLOWING THE 12:15 HOLY MASS UNTIL REPOSITION ON FRIDAY AT 12 NOON Puede venir a cualquier hora las 24 horas que está expuesto el Santisimo. Questions: [email protected] or call 803-661-1079. WANT MORE JOY? Come discover Joy in the Spirit! Join us Tuesday evenings in the church from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We sing, pray, listen, learn, and enjoy drawing closer to Christ through unleashing the gifts of the Holy Spirit received in Baptism and Confirmation. Come as you are, and see what God has in store for you! If you have questions or need more information, please contact John Killilea at (803)201-7900 or [email protected]. Come find Joy! Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 9th, 2015, at 10:00 AM in the Church Nursery. Please contact Ashley Bender @ 4472555 with any questions. Coffee & Doughnuts Schedule: June 7th – Knights of Columbus June 14th – OLH Men’s Group The following dates are open for Coffee & Doughnuts: June 28, July 26, August 23, Sept. 27, & Oct. 5, anyone may host but if no one steps forward there will be no Coffee & Doughnut on these dates. Anyone interested in hosting please contact the Parish Office or Roger or Paula Dannels at 667-7533. VESPERS Vespers Service on Thursday, June 11th, beginning in the church at 5:00 PM. Please join us for this prayer service which will last to approximately 6:15 PM. STEWARDSHIP We appreciate everyone who can increase their giving levels. Giving is joyful and makes your soul smile. PARISH SUPPORT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3RD MORE INFO TO COME! LAST WEEK YEAR TO DATE Budget Amount Needed $19,165.00 $ 867,215.00 Amt. Received 5/31 $21,320.00 $ 887,606.00 Variance $ 2,155.00 $ 20,391.00 Total number of registered households….……….......1503 Children’s Stewardship……......................................$2.00 Ronald McDonald House…..…….....……..…. $200.00 One of the simplest ways to make a future gift to Our Lady of the Hills is through your will. Please call the Parish Office for details on how to make arrangements. Dear Parishioners of OLOH, With the idea of making it easier and more convenient to contribute to our Church the parish Finance Council has arranged to set up Egiving for those who may be interested. You may access the form from our website by clicking on E-giving on the homepage. If you have questions please contact Marianne at 772-7400 or [email protected]. Thank you THIS WEEK AT OLH Monday, June 8th 6:30PM – Knights Business Mtg – FLC Ministry Room Tuesday, June 9th 10:00AM – Playgroup – Church Nursery 6:30PM – Sp. Ministry – FLC Classrooms 7:00PM – Joy in the Spirit – Church 7:00PM – WWME Mtg – FLC Library Wednesday, June 10th 6:30PM – Youth Ministry Bible Study – FLC Youth Room 7:30PM – Open Gym /Grades Rising 6th thru 12 7:00PM – Legion of Mary – FLC Library 7:00PM – Joyful Noise – FLC Music Room Thursday, June 11th 12:45PM – Adoration Begins – Church 5:00PM – Vespers – Church 7:00PM – Morning Star Choir – FLC Music Room Friday, June 12th Adoration Continues Saturday, June 13th 3:00PM – Rosary Makers – FLC Ministry Room 5:30PM – K of C Corporate Mass 5:30PM - Youth Ministry Greek Dinner – FLC Hall (all proceeds to fund NCYC trip in the fall) Sunday, June 14th 9:00AM – Scripture Study – FLC Library 1:30PM – Spanish Choir – Church The next Rachel's Vineyard Retreat will be in the Charleston area, June 12-14, 2015. The retreat is very helpful in sorting out feelings and thoughts about an abortion experience so that healing can occur. For more information, Call Christy 803554-6088 or Kathy 803-546-6010 or [email protected] The retreat is Confidential and Non-judgmental. This is the time. Sunday Evening - Grades 5th – 12 begin at 6:30 PM & end at 8:00 PM. Wednesday evening - Grades K/5 – 5th begin at 6:15 PM & end at 7:30 PM. If you have any questions for grades K5 - 8th please call Jackie Brace, 772-7400 or e-mail [email protected] or Grades 9 – 12, Elizabeth Hudacko, 772-7400. Our Lady of the Hills is committed to the protection of children. Here are important numbers: Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister ~ 800-921-8122 / Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services ~ 843- 853-2130 ext. 206. REMINDER: Parents please complete the 2015/16 Religious Education Registration packet for the upcoming Religious Ed year. All students were given a packet the last week of class. If you need an additional packet please call Jackie at 772-7400 or e-mail [email protected]. Complete the paperwork and send in your form along with payment to the Religious Ed Office. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL IS ON THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are hosting a Catholic Kidz Camp Program called: Assorted Saints and the Virtues of Faith, Hope & Love. The program is open for children four years old through sixth grade. VBS will be held July 27 through July 31st. Our journey will begin at 9:00 am and we will finish at 12 noon. Watch the bulletin for details. Any questions please call Jackie at 772-7400 or e-mail [email protected]. SOCIAL OUTREACH Grief Support Group - Next session Thursday, June 18, at 6:30pm in the FLC Library. If you have not attended a session--please send name, phone number and e-mail address to Deacon Dennis Jones: [email protected] A quick phone interview will give us some basic information. FOOD FOR THE POOR – There is a new donation container located in the Narthex for non-perishable food donations. These donations will be distributed to the less fortunate in the Columbia area. We would appreciate your support! Christ Central ~ Thanks for your continued support with much needed clothing and other supplies for the homeless in our community. Donations of new or used clothing in clean condition may be placed in the white chest located in the Church Narthex. Tax donation receipts are also available in the chest. YOUTH MINISTRY SCRIPTURE STUDY & OPEN GYM – BEGINS ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH AT 6:30 PM (SCRIP. STUDY) 7:30PM (OPEN GYM). ALL RISING 6TH THRU 12 GRADE YOUTH. ESTUDIO DE LAS ESCRITURAS Y GIMNASIO ABIERTO - comienza el Miércoles, Junio 10 a las 6:30 ( SCRIP ESTUDIO . ) 7:30 (Open Gym ) . TODOS 6TA RISING A TRAVÉS DE LA JUVENTUD 12 GRADO Wednesday Scripture Study at 2:00PM on Wednesday, June 10th , in the Family Life Center Library these sessions usually last 1-1½ hours. We are studying the Acts of the Apostles. Questions? Please feel free to contact me, Deacon Chuck, at 7943388 or e-mail me at [email protected] Comunidad Hispana Damos la bienvenida a todos los recién llegados a nuestra familia Parroquial. Si desea registrarse y recibir inscripción, po favor llamar a la oficina Parroquial ó preguntarle a un acomodador antes o después de misa. BAUTIZOS Contactar a la oficina Parroquial para inscribirse en una clase de bautismo un mes antes de la clase programada, las clases son en el OLOH Salon Ministerio juvenil de 6:30 PM a 9 PM : Junio 19, Julio 17, Agosto 14 llamar a la oficina para mayor información Olga Mouly 772-7400 x 3. PRIMERA COMUNION Para información contactar a Jackie Brace Ph: 803.772.7400 - Ext. 113 e-mail: [email protected] 2 Cor 1:1-7 Salmo 33: 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 CONFIRMACION Mt 5: 1-12 Para información contactar a Elizabeth Hudacko Ph: 803.772.7400 - Ext. 4 e-mail: [email protected] Mt 5: 13-16 2 Cor 1: 18-22 Salmo 118: 129-133,135 MATRIMONIOS 2 Cor 3: 4-11 Salmo 98: 5-9 Mt 5, 17- Debe comunicarse a la oficina Parroquial al menos (6) seis meses antes de la boda e inscribirse a las clases pre-matrimoniales. Las clases son: OLOH Salon Ministero juvenil - 6:30 PM a 9:00 PM - Junio 5, Julio 31, Agosto 28. Para mayor información comunicarse con Jose David Morales (803)760-3320. 19 UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS 5-6 Jn 19: 31-37 Si usted tiene un ser querido que se encuentra como paciente en un hospital y está en necesidad del sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos, por favor llame a la oficina de la Parroquia lo antes posible. Además, si usted tiene que estar en el hospital para un procedimiento particular, puede recibir el Sacramento de la Unción antes de su hospitalización. Hch 11:21-26 -13:1-3 Salmo 97: 1-2ab, 3cd-4, 5-6 Mt 5: 20-26 Os 11: 1, 3-4,8-9 Isaías 12: 2-3, 4bcd, 2 Cor 5: 14-21 Salmo 102: 1-2, 3-4, 910, 11-12 Mt 5: 33-37 : Ez 17:22-24 Salmo 91: 2-3, 13-14, 15-16 2Cor 5: 6-10 Mc 4: 26-34 Grupo Jóvenes Adultos (Español) e 18 años en adelante -Se reúnen los Sábado de 4:00PM a 7:00 PM Para más información contactar a: Ivan Flores 803-446-5622. Cambio de Estatus Si usted tiene un cambio en su información de la familia; es decir, nueva dirección, nuevo número de teléfono o dejando la Parroquia, po favo notifique a la oficina Parroquial 772-7400 Ext. 3 Cualquier comentario, pregunta, o dudas que usted tenga de la Parroquia OLOH, contactar directamente al Párroco David Whitman: Ph: 803.772.7400 - Ext. 1 e-mail: [email protected] Si usted no habla o escribe ingles, puede llevar a una persona de su confianza para que le traduzca o informarle al Párroco que va a necesitar un traductor. Toda información que usted comunique al Párroco David CONFIDENCIAL. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Sue Abbruzzi, Kathy Lopiccolo Ammermann, Manuel Ard, Christine Arehart, Edward Arvalo, Joe Audet, David Barranco, Hogo Bass, Monique Beddengfield, Fred Berby, John Berg II, Noah Berg, Barbara Berch, Johnny Boone, Germaine Bost, Susan Bowers, Jerry Broughton, Sharon Brown, Debra Bytnar, Ann Campbell, Ellen Campbell, Charlotte Cardenas, Logan Cardosi, Bill & Anna Coracy, Judy Case, Laura Church, Jimmy Clark, Kathryn Clark, Bruce Cole, Jim Connelly, Shannon Connolly, Sonja Corley, Pat Coval, Amy Cox, Cameron Dadger, Diane Del Tova, Tara Dempsey-Robinson, Deacon Chuck, Dusty Cryer, Susan Dietrich, Heather Dorn, Kathryn Doucett, Avilis Dowd, Rita Dowd, John Duffy, Larry Echerer, Daphne Ellis, Darl Evans, Dan & Pat Everhart, Nancy Esposito, Camille Farrell, Maureen Floyd, Bernadine Fontaine, Brendan Fontaine, Jerry Fortin, Sandra Gaines, Sheila Gallagher, Jennie Gannon, Michael Gibson, Betsy Gilkeson, Barbara Glenn, Rachel Godwin, Dave Goodwin, Ben Greer, Jay Griffin, Harlen Grillot, Madeline Gross, Tita Guzman, Doug Haley, Scottie Hallbick, Tim Hancock, Park Haney, Vida Herald, William Heath, Loretta Hebert, Harold Hoffman Jr., Ann Holland, Justin Hooks, Margie & Jim Horosko, Rose Marie Howells, Daniel Hudacko, Robert Imker, Dorothy Irwin, Larry Janczak, John Wily Jeffcoat, Lorenzo Johnson, Raymond June, Lynn Keller, Rick Kelly, Hal Kennedy, Eileen Kircher, Cal Kitay, Leah Klevgard, Shawn Knox, Edward Kriner, Richard Ksenzakovic, Frank LaCastro, Daniel Lane, Jr., Antonio Lazaro, Kristin Lesesne, Chris Libert, Floyd Lipe, Jay Lopiccolo, Jacqueline Lucas, George Lusk, Barbara MacCallum, Raymond J. Malejko, Kenneth Maloney, Louis Martin, Maggie Mackaben, Mildred McCormack, David McDonald, Melissa Martin, Eunice Matthews, Sandy McCloud, Irene McCollam, Marge McCollam, Carol McDonald, Carol McEvoy, Kathy McNeal, Jack McRedmond, Carol Meitus, Joan Menhart, Buddy Meyers, Tom Mitchell, Joan Miller, Linda Miller, Andrea Miranda, Victor Montoya, Donald Montjoy, David Morris, Kim Munch, Gary Murphy, Marlene Murphy, Loretta Narewski, Sherri Nilsson, Jane Obie, John O’Brien, Patricia O’Hara, Richard Olsen, Becky Opachan, Kevin Paschal, Joan Patrick, Bessie Pellitier, Phyllis Peterson, Eileen Petransky, Charles Petrino, Cathy Pharo, Marie Pitt, Rocky Pocock, Anthony Portigiana, John Post, Michael Privette, Doris Prosser, Sally & Placido Prujillo, Matthew Reddick, Pat & Lynn Reiland, Jerry Reuss, Patty Richards, Tara Dempsey Robinson, Jose Rodriguez, Norbert Rohling, Ernest Rouse, Jr., Stella Ruiz, George Sandland, Donald Scagliola, Charles Schaffer, Greg Schoning, Brigette Schutzman, Rosemary Scopel, Harry Seigel, Dan Sease, Daniel Seay, Alan Shealy, Steve Shepard, Lauren Shunkwiler, Macy Rose Shunkwiler, Courtney Sigleton, Connie Slezak, Max Snyder, Cooper Andrew Soltes, Sam Spade, Sue Spinuzza, Nicholas Sprenkel, Jennifer Strudwick, Donald Stuart, Molly Taylor, Aaron Shuford, Dean Summer, Rita Thiel, Diane Thornton, Virgil Treece, Joseph Tyler, Eva Tyson, Lemar Underdown, Tova Urborg, Bob Valwa, Victoria Vinzami, Joyce Vitiello, John Watts, Ann Watts, Donna Weiss, Bill Wells, Juanita Wharten, Nancy Waller, Paul Williams, Cory Williamson, Amanda Wilson, Chris Wilson, Kenneth Witcraft, Paul Womak, Trudy Woodcock, Mason Wright, Pat Yerema. Date Sat., Jun 6 Sun., Jun 7 Mon., Jun. 8 Tues., Jun. 9 Wed., Jun. 10 Thur., Jun. 11 Fri., Jun 12 Sat., Jun 13 Sun., Jun 14 MASS INTENTIONS & SCRIPTURE READINGS Scripture Reading Tb 12:1,5-15m20 Mk 12:38-4 Ex 24:3-8 Heb 9:11-15 Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 “ “ “ “ Time 9:00AM 5:30PM 8:00AM Requested by Ron & Rachel Godwin Cancienne Family 10:00AM 12Noon 3:30PM 12:15PM 6:00PM 12:15PM 12:15PM 12:15PM Intention Nicholas & Irene Leone + Trudy Scribelltio + Our Lady Queen of Angels Secular Franciscan Fraternity Janet Shuck + Alan Shaw + For the Parish Oliver Hernandez + James Francisco Hernandez + Sp. Intentions of Bill & Anna Coracy Rosenda Manlapig + Marguerite Perry + “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 2 Cor 1:1-7 Mt 5:1-12 2 Cor 1:18-22 Mt 5:13-16 2 Cor 3:4-11 Mt 5:17-19 Acts 11:21b-26, 13:1-3 Mt 5:20-26 Hos 11:1,3-4,8c-9 Eph 3:8-12,14-19 Jn 19:31-37 2Cor 5:14-21 Mt 5:33-37 Ez 17:22-24 2Cor 5:6-10 Mk 4:26-34 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 5:30PM 8:00AM 10:00AM 12Noon 3:30PM John Freeman + Mary Magaro + Stan Murphy + Kelly Raisch + For the Parish Family Ernie Religious Ed Office Sheila Gallagher Audrey M. Binet, OFS Religious Ed Ron & Rachel Godwin Marlene Espino Timothy & Angelica Renegar Bernhagens June Espino Mistoler Family SERVING IN MINISTRY JUNE 13th & 14th MASS/ PRESIDER MUSIC LECTOR ALTAR SERVERS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Luis Mariaca Knights of Columbus Keith Solomon Alex Marmolejo, Andrew Flanagan Deacon Burdick, Sam Allen, Mike Mancari, Mark Gray, Tony Scribellito, Rocky Pizzarello, Roger Dannels Deacon Burdick, Sharon & Dennis Roberts, Ruth Coffas, Rusty Dragoon Joe Tonsing Molly Matthews, Sarah Barrientos, Sydney Duda Deacon Jones, Phil Samek, Paul Hudacko, Daniel Ostergaard, Steve Lee, Marilyn Smith, Maureen Taylor, Don Moore Diane & Adrian Thoman Guadalupe Luna, Luis Enrique Escobedo, Ramon Ambriz Arista Couture, Megan Alexander Deacon Jones, Annie Gibson, David, Denise & Megan Angel, Bonnie Harwick, Randi Olsen, Mary Ellen Rouse Olga Mouly, Olivia Guzman, Ana Delia Rodriguez, Flavia Vazquez, Ramiro Muñiz, Alejandro Gonzalez, Karen Rodriguez, Graciela Escobar, Felipe Mar SERVICE 5:30PM Sat. 8AM Father Whitman 10AM Father Whitman 12Noon Father Whitman 3:30PM Sp. Mass Father Gustavo Father Whitman Joyful Noise Organ Morning Star Choir Organ Sp. Choir Ana Valeria Mouly, Mariana Torres, Yaya Islas Please note: If you or someone you are accompanying is unable to approach the altar for Holy Communion please notify an usher of your circumstances prior to Mass. EWTN is everywhere you travel! If you are traveling this summer, you can find EWTN in any community by simply using the Channel Finder (www.ewtn.com/channelfinder) or tuning in nationally on Dish Network Channel 262 or DIRECTV Channel 370. You an also listen to EWTB Global Catholic Radio on nearly 300 local radio station affiliates (a printable guide can be found at www.ewtn.com/radio or on Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 130. To learn more visit www.ewtn.com. EWTN is everywhere you are! Download the free EWTN mobile app and carry Catholic programming with you wherever you go this summer! Enjoy live streams of EWTN’s most popular TV and radion shows, prayers and devotionals as well as the latest Catholic news. Also available is the EWTN Bible App featuring the brilliantly recorded “Truth & Life” dramatized audio New Testament! Visit www.ewtnapps.com for more information and to download. SPECIAL INTERESTS / INTERESES ESPECIALES Position Opening/Part Time Bookkeeper Our Lady of the Hills Parish is looking for an experienced Bookkeeper to work part-time in a job share arrangement to assist with managing the finances of the parish under the direction of the Pastor and Parish Finance Council. General Description The Bookkeeper is responsible for managing the church financial business processes. This includes recording donations, paying bills, maintaining accurate financial records and processing the payroll. The Bookkeeper must be able to pass a Diocese of Charleston Background Screening. The Bookkeeper must also have good communication skills, be detail oriented, organized and able to work independently. Education and Experience The Bookkeeper should have at least three years of bookkeeping experience. A degree in Accounting or a related field is preferred Have a working knowledge of Quickbooks (or other similar software application). Have a working knowledge of Microsoft Office (including Excel). Essential Job Functions ~Enter contributions into Parish Data System ~Pay invoices (write checks record EFTs) using Quickbooks software ~Maintain accurate records/files to document paid bills, bank accounts etc. ~Generate Financial Reports ~Process payroll through IOI (payroll vendor) ~Prepare stipend report and reconcile stipends in Mass Books. Pay stipends Contact If interested in applying for this position please send resume’ and references to Father David Whitman Our Lady of the Hills Church 120 Marydale Lane Columbia, SC 29210 [email protected] Posición de Contador (medio tiempo) La Parroquia Our lady Of the Hills está buscando un Contador con experiencia para trabajar medio tiempo, en una disposición trabajo compartido para ayudar en la gestión de las finanzas de la parroquia, bajo la dirección del Párroco y el Consejo Parroquial de Finanzas. Descripción General de la posición: Es encargarse de gestionar los procesos de negocios financieros de la iglesia. Esto incluye tener a tiempo y en orden todas las donaciones, el pago de facturas, mantener registros financieros precisos y el procesamiento de la nómina. La persona que se le de este trabajo, tendrá que tener un record limpio de drogas (background screeneing). La persona para esta posición también debe tener buenas habilidades de comunicación, ser detallista, organizado y capaz de trabajar de forma independiente. Educación y Experiencia: (3) tres años de experiencia en contabilidad. Se prefiere una licenciatura en contabilidad o un campo relacionado Tener un conocimiento práctico de QuickBooks (u otra aplicación de software similar)Tener un conocimiento práctico de Microsoft Office (incluyendo Excel) Funciones requeridas del trabajo: ~ Introducir contribuciones en Data System (sistema de datos) de la Parroquia ~ (EFT récord escribir cheques) facturas de pago que utilizan el software de Quickbooks ~ Mantener precisos registros / archivos para documentar las facturas pagadas, cuentas bancarias, etc. ~ Generar informes financieros ~ Nómina Proceso a través del IIO (proveedor de nómina) ~ Preparar informe estipendio y reconciliar a los estipendios de Misa Libros. Prestamos estipendios Si está interesado en solicitar esta posición por favor enviar hoja de vida/CV/ Resume y las referencias a: Párroco: David Whitman Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church 120 Marydale Carril Columbia, SC 29210 email - [email protected] The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is the most precious gift that God has given to each one of us. God feeds us, nourishes us and gives us the grace that transforms us to live the holy life he has called each of us to live. Allow God to give you grace in abundance and transform your marriage relationship. . The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend in SC is Oct. 9-11th, 2015 in Myrtle Beach. Please apply early. For more information, go to scmarriagematters.org or call 803-810-9602. Se invita a los jóvenes de High School a que asistan al retiro “Search” que se llevara a cabo en Rock Hill del 26 al 28 de junio. El Costo será de $60.00 y la fecha límite de inscripción es el 29 de mayo. Interesados favor de ponerse en contacto con Rhina Medina 803 561 1357 o bien a su correo electrónico [email protected] Because it’s summer and the memories are just waiting to happen, we hope you will join us for The Shepherd’s Center of St. Andrews’ Summer Session which begins on Tuesday, June 16 and ends on July 21. The Registration fee is $15.00. Choose from a variety of classes and activities during the six week session. The Summer classes include the following: Enrichment and Well-Being for Seniors, Astronomy, Beginning Ball Room Dancing, Mandala, Potpourri: A South Carolina Odyssey, All About Words, and Technology for Seniors. There will also be classes that are offered every session. These are Art Studio (Self-directed), Creative Writing Workshop, Quilting and Bridge for Fun. A catered lunch for $8.00 will be served each Tuesday (except July 21st) followed by musical entertainment. If you do not wish to purchase a lunch, please bring you own and enjoy the fellowship and entertainment. Lunches must be ordered and prepaid the prior Tuesday. If you wish to preregister and/or prepay for lunch for June 16, please get in touch with the Center at 803-731-9394. OUR LADY OF THE HILLS 2015 High School Graduates MICHAEL NASO DANIEL ADKINS DALIA GUZMAN JOHN ALLEN CARLY HUGGINS BIANCA DENISSE ARIZAGA BRENDA GARCIA GONZALEZ CONNOR BLACKWELDER NOEMIE INIGUEZ JOSHUA BRUMAGIN ZACHARY KROLL CANYEN CLARK ADOLFO CHAVERO CHASE CLARK MARIELA LANDAVERDE LUCJAN COVINGTON MELISSA MATTA ANDREW CROSSAN PATRICIA MCNALL PAYTON FOY COLLIN MCKINNON BENJAMIN GARFIAS JONATHAN MOULY TYLER NGUYEN GIAN ORTEGA BRIANNA RICHARDSON ALEJANDRO SAMPERIO MICHAEL SITKAS DAVID TORO DAISY VASQUEZ GABRIELA VELAZQUEZ-GARFIAS JAKE WAINSCOTT ZACHARY ZIESING Se hace una cordial invitación a las personas mayores de 18 años que quieran ser parte del programa Escuela Diocesana de la Fe “CRISTO MAESTRO" El 20 de junio se impartirá el curso 3 “La Profesión de Fe” en el gimnasio de la escuela de St. John Neumann de 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. No importa si no se ha inscrito aun en la Escuela de la Fe, Interesados inscribirse enviando su pago en cheque/money order junto con la hoja de pago que se encuentra en la página web mencionada. El costo es de $20 por curso. ¡Si ya participa, invite a otros! # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Vicaria Columbia Rock Hill Aiken Greenville Myrtle Beach Charleston Beaufort Centro Dia Coordinador Local Teléfono St. John Neumann St. Anne St. Mary’s St. Sebastian St Andrew St. Thomas A. Escuela John Paul II 1° y 3° Lunes 7:00-9:00pm 1° y 3° Martes 7:00-9:00pm 1° y 3° Viernes 7:00-9:00pm 2° y 2° Salado’s 10-12:00am/2-4pm 2° y 4° Lunes 7:00-9:00pm 2° y 4° Martes 7:00-9:00pm 2° y 4° Jueves 7:30-9:30pm José Fernández Iván Rogelio Joely Leguizamón Wanda Ramirez Juan Carlos Pinto Carlos Lisanti Hna. Margarita Morales 803-736-3046 803-230-3127 803-270-4646 864-534-1063 843-742-9472 843-437-5198 843-540-1441 El programa le ofrece instructores de conocimiento teológico, de esta manera se conoce y fortalece su fe cristiano-católica. Más información: Ana Hidalgo 803-750-0065, supervisora diocesana de formación en la fe para hispanos. Visite la página web: www.sccatholic.org –Ministerio hispano – Escuela de la Fe. "ORDER OF CARMELITES DISCALCED SECULAR” 2016 Formation Classes will begin in January. If you are interested in inquiring about the Order of Carmelites Discalced Secular you are invited to visit the community from June to December of this year. This allows an acquaintance to be made before formation begins. The secular ("third" order is a community of lay persons who live according to the spirit of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, but who do not leave their secular state of life [that is, they continue to live fully their family life, and work in the world.] It is a requirement of the Order to visit the community for six months prior to beginning formation. Visitors are always welcome and visiting the community does not obligate you in anyway. We meet at Good Shepherd Catholic Church, 809 Calhoun St., Columbia, SC, the 4th Sunday of every month from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm, January through November. In December an Advent Day of Recollection is held on the 1st or 2nd Saturday in December, rather than the 4th Sunday. That date TBA. If you are Roman Catholic, over 18, participating fully in the sacramental life of the church, and think you may have a vocation with the Secular Discalced Carmelites, please contact us. If you have any questions or would like to request a brochure to be mailed or emailed to you with more information, please call Sharon Crocker at (803) 309-2480 or email [email protected]." Fortnight for Freedom Fortnight for Freedom June 21 to July 4, 2015 Opening Events on June 20, 2015 St. Andrew Catholic Church Myrtle Beach, South Carolina The Fortnight for Freedom will take place from June 21 to July 4, 2015, a time when our liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power—St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, St. John the Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome. Opening Events Location: St. Andrew Catholic Church and Community Life Center (CLC) 3501 North Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Schedule of Events: Food and Fellowship at the CLC: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Speaker and Presentation (fasting before Mass): 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Opening Mass in the Church: 6:15 PM – 7:15 PM Eucharistic Procession to the Ocean and return: 7:15 PM – 8:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration in the Church: 8:00 PM – 12:00 PM Speakers Include: Patrick Madrid, Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone, Diocese of Charleston, Fr. James LeBlanc, St. Andrew Catholic Church, Kathy Schmugge, Office of Family Life, Carol Walters, Catholics for Freedom of Religion, Michael F. Acquilano, South Carolina Catholic Conference
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