St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas 1 Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 5356 Eleventh Street, Katy, Texas 77493 Fifth Sunday of Lent Parish Office Hours 8:30am—12:30pm / 1:30pm—5:00pm Monday through Friday Phone 281-391-4758 ~ FAX 281-391-3978 Pastoral and Liturgy Deacon Art Chin-Fatt, Director of Liturgy, ext. 413 James Stovall, Dir. of Music Ministry, ext. 421 Deacon William C. Wagner, Pastoral Asst., ext. 411 Deacon Rolando J. Garcia, Dir. Hispanic Min., ext. 445 Sr. Lucy Ezeobi, Liturgy & Pastoral Care Asst. ext. 461 Michael McFall, Seminarian in Residence, ext. 464 Deacon Paul Iverson, Transitional Deacon Parish Office Dawn Mortus, Parish Administrator, ext. 412 Soyla Hernandez, Receptionist, ext.428 Diana Sanchez, Parish Secretary, ext. 410 Maggie Lopez, Facility Coordinator, ext. 422 Mary Abrams, Event Coordinator, ext. 468 Rosanne Clare, Bulletin Editor, ext. 418 Janice Romero, Bookkeeper, ext. 420 Dcn Humberto Carrasco, Maintenance Coord., ext. 423 Jaime Baltazar, Maintenance, ext. 423 Ben Janecek, Groundskeeper Religious Education & Youth Ministry Cindy Smolik, Dir. of Religious Education, ext. 432 Nellie Aguilera, Religious Ed Secretary, ext. 425 Beth Rady, Dir. of Youth Ministry, ext. 436 St. Bartholomew Pre-School Rose Stornello, Director, ext. 440 Juli Ondrush, Assistant Director, ext. 443 Fr. Wayne Wilkerson, Pastor Fr. David Garnier, Parochial Vicar , ext. 414 Deacon William C. Wagner Deacon Art Chin-Fatt Deacon Gordon Robertson Deacon Humberto Carrasco Deacon Rolando J. Garcia Parish Liturgical Schedule Confessions: Saturday, 3:30pm - 4:30pm Tuesday, 5:30pm - 6:30pm Weekend Masses: Saturday, 5:00 pm (English) Sunday, 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 am (English) 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm (Spanish) and 5:00 pm (Youth Mass in English) Parish Nursery (childcare for ages18mo-4yrs) during 9:00am, 11:00am, & 1:00pm Masses (Family Life Ctr) Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday, 6:30am and 8:30am (English) Tuesday, 7:00 pm (Spanish) First Saturday of the Month, 8:30 am (English) Holy Days of Obligation: times may vary 7:00 pm Vigil Mass; 8:30 am, Noon, and 7:00 pm Perpetual Adoration: Mary’s Chapel is open 24 hours a day from 6:00 pm Sunday to Noon Saturday Rosary: 45 minutes before each weekday Mass, and 5:00 pm Sat. and 7:30 am Sunday Masses Benediction: Evening Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration, every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm Fifth Sunday of Lent ~ March 22, 2015 1 March 22, 2015 Welcome and Contacts Welcome! ¡Bienvenido . . . to a very friendly and enthusiastic parish! If you have been attending Mass here, we would like to welcome you as a member. We encourage you to introduce yourself to Fr. Wayne Wilkerson, Fr. David Garnier, or one of our Deacons after Mass. The second weekend of the month is New Parishioner Registration Weekend! Join us in the Narthex after the Saturday 5pm Mass, April 11th, or on Sunday, April 12th after all Masses. We will help you to register and answer your questions We encourage you to become actively involved in the life of our Catholic faith community ! BULLETIN DEADLINE NINE DAYS IN ADVANCE PLAZO PARA EL BOLETÍN NUEVE DIAS ANTES delivered to the office, or emailed to: [email protected] Website: PARISH COMMITTEES AND BOARDS Bazaar Committee: Jerry Mortus, 281 394 5646 Disaster Preparedness Committee: Dcn Humberto Carrasco, 281 391 4758 Finance Council: Vic Vacek, 281 398 9699 Maintenance Committee: Sean Linkenheimer, 832 437 4789 Parish Council: Chic Saenz, 713 906 1009 Stewardship Committee: 281-391-4758 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Altar Servers: Dcn Art Chin-Fatt 281-391-4758, ext 413 Monaguillos: Leticia Casillas, 281 620 1103 Art & Environment: Church: Pam Felcman, 281 610 0107 Chapel: Betty Rostagno, 281 693 2344 Children’s Liturgy: 9am: Margaret Parmenter, 832 405 4054 10:45am: Cindy Smolik, 281 392 9390 Litúrgica Para Los Niños: Margarita Gomez, 281 375 6097 Lectors: Neil Smolik, 281 392 9390 Proclamadores: Elvira Torres 832 287 7021 Carmen Cardenas, 832 665 6178 Ministry of Eucharist: Brenda Taquino, 713 825 8773 Ministros de Eucaristía: Horacio Padilla, 832 894 5124, Rosario Quintanilla, 832 366 7638 Ministerio de la Música: James Stovall, 281-391-4758, ext.421 Ushers: Ed Brzymialkiewicz, 281 579 8754 Acomodadores: Tomas Vazquez, 281 413 7315 Ministry to the Sick/Homebound: Fr. David Garnier, 281 391 4758 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Baptism: Patti/ Brackin Smith, 281 693 1473 Bautismo: Gaudalupe Tierrablanca, 281 391 0356 Marriage Preparation: Jerry & Evelyn Smith, 281 347 0760 Matrimonio (Spanish): Jose & Aurelia Montelongo, 281 798 1146 SOCIAL AND FAMILY LIFE Bingo: Alfred Gosch, 713 306 7667 Blessed to Be a Mom Group: Amber Gruen, 832 830 4401 Couples for Christ: Jack Macalalad, 281 395 2652 Crecimiento: Maria Silvia Fuentes 832 387 2747 Family Builders: Gina and Scott Bergeron, 281 392 1342 Happy Hearts: Carol Morris 281 347 8816 Or Chic Saenz, 713 906 1009 Knights of Columbus: Paul Novak, 713 412 4927; Hall Rental: William Wall 832 289 7843 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico: Francisco y Marilu Sanchez, 832 303 6153 Natural Family Planning: David/Stephanie Banasau, 281 398 2094 Social Club: Dawn Mortus, 281 391 4758 Young Adults Ministry: Zella Henning 832 492 8289 or Shiara Plasencia 281 733 1313 OUTREACH MINISTRIES Annulment Info: Kim Allum, 832 277 7531 Blood Drive: Leo Rice, 281 398 0069 Gabriel Project & Project Rachel: Sandra Beltran, 713 458 0137 Grief Support: for Separated/Divorced Ruth 281 734 5502; for Widows: …. HANDE (Handyman Ministry): Dave Moss, 832 437 9821 Prayer Chain Ministry: Cathie Lobpries, 281 347 1426 Respect Life: Dan Stuckey, 281 804 4006 St. Vincent de Paul: Mike Day, 832 248 6834 FAITH & SPIRITUAL FORMATION ACTS Retreats: Women: Frances Gross, 832 437 7898 Men: Ray Riddle, 361 550 7922 Adult Faith Formation: Mark Wuenscher, 281 395 5974 Alabanza y Oración: Roberto Parra 832 692 9265 Apologetics: Joan Summers 281 371 0027 Bible Study, Wednesday Morning: Dan Laake, 713 553 8854 Bible Study, Sun/Mon/Thurs : Dick & Andrea Balhoff, 832 368 5531 Consagracion a Maria: Mary Perez, 281 391 7231 Divine Mercy: Betty Fitzgerald, 281 347 4428 Eucharistic Adoration: Joe Simich, 832 816 2083 Fatima Eucharistic Hour: Dcn Bill Wagner, 281 391 4758 Legión de María: Eugenia Garzon, 713 245 9869 Parish Library: Nidia Casillas 281 391 4758, ext 442 Prayer & Life Workshops: Maritza Herrera, 832 493 2164 Retiro de Evangelizacion Nueva Vida: Lorena Maradiago , 832 955 5238 Sangre Precioso: Brenda Salazar 713 585 5287 School of Evangelization: J.C. and Maggie Lopez, 281 391 4758 Sister to Sister: Sandra Shaw, 281 923 3237 Spiritual Direction: (English / Spanish) Irma Gonzales, 281 750 4049 Talleres de Oracion: Freddy & Juanita Mejilla, 281 855 6995 Ultreya/Cursillo: Jose Alanis, 832 659 3854 or Herminio Aguirre, 832 726 7629 Vocations Committee: Marvin Marek, Sr., 832 437 4077 Walk in His Spirit Prayer Group: Irma Gonzales, 281 798 4723 FOR CHILDREN AND TEENS Boy Scouts: Robert Chachere 281 769 2721 Cub Scouts: Tony Arevalo, 713 884 5695 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Jessi Olsen 281 829 4314 Challenge (girls grades 5-12): Laura Morales 832 452 8396 Children’s Adoration: Walkiria Herrera, 713 429 3859 Columbian Squires (age 10-18): Rosario Stornello, 832 298 4791 Conquest Club (boys K-12): Jose Morales-Wade 713 201 9370 Legión de María para niños: Marcela Ramos, 832 466 1273 Little Flowers (girls grade K-6): Nadia Simmons, 281 687 4736 Nursery: Sr. Lucy, 281 391 4758, ext 461 Quince Años: Nellie Aguilera, 281 391 4758 ext 425 VBS: 281-391-4758 EVENT SCHEDULING Maggie Lopez, 281 391 4758, ext. 422 St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas Liturgy and Prayer Fifth Sunday of Lent “I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” ~ Jeremiah 31:33 2 Mass Intentions MONDAY, March 23 6:30 am Juan D. Jimenez [Birthday Blessings] 8:30 am † Henry Nunez † Rosa De Alvarez TUESDAY, March 24 This Week’s Readings Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56 Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1-15:47 [15:1-39] 6:30 am † Evelyn Weimer † William Zeinner 8:30 am † Alicia Peñalver Alicia Ortega [Birthday Blessings] † Zulimar Alvarez 7:00 pm † Virginia and Frank Robles Daniela Diaz [for Healing] WEDNESDAY, March 25 6:30 am † Emma Bizilia Novak 8:30 am † Lorraine Wagner † Andresito Losare † Dorothy Thomas THURSDAY, March 26 6:30 am † Emma Wagner † Mary Ann Connell 8:30 am † Tom Reed John Pollack [for Healing] † Deacon Mike McGuire FRIDAY, March 27 WE PRAY FOR . . . Judy Abrisz, Nery Almaguer, Julie Barley, Leroy Beyer, Sandra Burling, David Clem, Leo Crotty, Adriana Davilla, Daniella Diaz, Larry Dillow, Connie Doguim, Margaret Dufrene, Sandra Escobar, Gregory Falcon, Pat Foder, Dennis Frederick, Lupe Galvan, Rodolfo & Gaby Garcia, Juan Jose Garcia, Pete Garcia, Salvador E. Garcia, Kelly Gillespie, Cara Golias, Chris Gomez, David Gunter, Betsy Hamilton, Patty Harbes, Andriana Hernandez, Clemente y Iliana Insignares, Amelia Jasso, Henry Kacinskas, Sydney Kallus, Doris Kansteiner, Todd Kocian, Al Kozel, Gabriela Llamas, Ciro and Rafael Malo, Sofia Mari, Fr. James McGhee, Francis Medeiros, Bertha Montoya, Sally Morales, Lin Mundy, Pauline Newman, Andrew Novak, James Ochoa, Maude Palermo, Max Patino, Robert Pivonka, Danielito Robles, Aurelie Rodriguez, Tomas Rodriguez, Maritza Romero, Buddy Shonefeld, Vicki and Guadalupe Silva, Allison Smith, Martin Solis, Gwen Stander, Sue Transou, Omero Trevino, Vic Vacek, Anna Varkey, Theresa Vela, Marvin Voekel, Helen Wagner, Carol Wallace, Terri Westcott, Mary Whalen-McMickle, Mark Young, and each other. AND FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF THE RECENTLY DECEASED . . . Mario Canales, David Doughtary, Richard Doyle, Tina Pennington, Lindsay Smith, Barbara Zimmerman... Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may Your perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. To add a name to the prayer list, call the parish office at 281-391-4758. After three months, names are dropped from the list and may be requested again. 6:30 am † Enedina Gomez 8:30 am † Joseph Luu † Dorothy Thomas † Dan Domingue SATURDAY, March 28 5:00 pm † Agustina Torres † Carlos Nugent † Jeanine Crain SUNDAY, March 29 7:30 am † Gary Shirley † Barbara and Stephanie Saulnier 9:00 am † Lawrence Omonzejele 11:00 am † Joseph Skupski † Jesus Navarro, Sr. † Nettie “Bell” De Sarle 1:00 pm † Martin Murillo 3:00 pm † Nilca Barriga † Verna Daniel Claveel 5:00 pm Parish Family Mass intentions are available on a first come first served basis, up to three per Mass. A nominal donation is requested for the priest who says the Mass. 3 March 22, 2015 Stewardship of Time, Talent & Treasure March 15, 2015 It’s Not Too Late Easter is two weeks from this Fifth Sunday of Lent. ...Whether we have fully utilized this Lenten journey or whether we have let it pass us by, it is not too late to make this a time which is memorable in our lives, and significant in our faith journeys. ~ LAST OPPORTUNITY FOR Memorial Garden Inscriptions This will be your last chance to have names added to our Memorial Garden wall surrounding the Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Parishioners have until Easter to request names be added to the Memorial Garden in honor of or in memory of a loved one. After Easter Sunday, no more names will be taken. Please contact Janice Romero at 281-391-4758, ext. 420. 2015 Archdiocesan Services Fund (DSF) PARISH GOAL $ 159,000.00 Amount Pledged $ Pledged Over (Under) 138,644.88 (20,355.12) Amount Paid $ 84,415.78 Paid Over (Under) (74,584.22) Number of participants 587 # Registered Families - 5011 Envelopes used 964 Please write your ID# on your contribution envelopes or checks. Donations without a parish ID# cannot be recorded. Collection EM R $34,729.56 Capital Campaign $ 4,041.00 Maintenance Fund / Bldg Fund $ 233.00 Children’s Collection $ 2,100.15 2nd Collection: Catholic Relief Services $ 7,400.90 EM ER B Upcoming Second Collections: (Second collection checks should be made payable to St. Bartholomew, NOT to the ministry itself ; we will write them one check for the total.) March 29 — CCE Special Collection April 3 — Holy Land Collection Good Friday FEBRUARY Utilities: Electric $ 14,142.32 Telephone $ 537.83 Water $ 471.13 Trash Service $ 170.00 Center Point Energy $ 188.83 Building Fund Tax $ 9,754.36 Liability Insurance $ 2,124.92 Property Insurance $ 3,882.41 Cathedraticum Tax $ 18,177.02 Capital Campaign Phase II Number of Pledges 480 % of Parishioners <10% 3-YEAR GOAL March 29th CCE Special Collection This special collection offers all parishioners an opportunity to help enhance our religious education program for students in 1st –11th grades by providing funds for the purchase of TVs and media equipment, as well as bulletin board resources. Amount Pledged $ 3,500,000.00 $ 1,680,581.80 2013-2015 Given To Date $ 1,325,792.40 Our Capital Campaign for the Family Life Center was a three-year commitment ending in December 2015. Parishioners who pledged are encouraged to continue to fulfill their pledges each month thru the end of this year. Those who have not pledged are asked to consider making a monthly donation. St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas Calendar and Events SUNDAY, March 22 8:15 am 6:15 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Regular Schedule of Masses Book of Genesis Study — FLC Conference Room 9th Grade Confirmation Info Mtg — Church CCE for Grades 6th-11th — REC, Family Life Ctr Bible Study on “Mary” — FLC Conference Room Weekdays Daily: Mass is offered in English at 6:30am in the Chapel and 8:30am in the Church. Divine Mercy Devotions are held at 3:00 pm daily The Triduum MONDAY, March 23 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Catechesis of the Good Shepherd — REC Room 201-203 Conquest Boys Club — Family Life Center Rooms 223 & 224 Separated & Divorced Support Group — FLC Room 207 Book of Genesis Scripture Study — Family Life Center Room 206 ACTS Team Meeting — Youth Building English Baptism Classes — Family Life Center Auditorium Grupo de Oracion Intercesion — Family Life Center Room 201 Legion de Maria para Adultos — Family Life Center Room 202 Emaus Mujeres — Parish Hall 9am Choir Practice — Family Life Center Choir Room TUESDAY, March 24 9:00 am 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Un Recorrido por la Biblia — Family Life Center Room 207 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd — REC Rooms 201-203 Challenge Girls Group — Youth Building Reconciliation — Church Children’s Choir — Family Life Center Choir Room Junior High Youth Group — Youth Building Prayer and Life Workshop — Family Life Center Room 201 Gregorian Chant Choir Practice — Family Life Center Room 223 Adult Confirmation Class — Family Life Center Rooms 206 & 207 Walk in the Spirit Prayer Group — FLC Room 224 Escuela de Evangelizacion Directors — T-16 Misa en Español — Church 10:45am Choir Practice — Family Life Center Choir Room Grupo de Oracion — Parish Hall WEDNESDAY, March 25 The Annunciation of the Lord 9:00 am 9:30 am 5:30 & 7pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Wednesday Morning Bible Study — Parish Hall Blessed to Be a Mom Book Study — FLC Room 206 CCE Classes Grades K-8th — REC & Family Life Center Coro de Niños Spanish Children’s Choir — FLC Choir Room High School Youth Group — Youth Building Benediction — Chapel Talleres de Oracion y Vida — T-15 Pregoneros del Amor Spanish Choir — FLC Room Choir Room THURSDAY, March 26 8:00 am 9:15 am 9:30 am 2:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Regnum Christi Katy Women’s Day Group — FLC Room 201 & 202 Book of Genesis Scripture Study — Family Life Ctr Room 206 Taller de Oracion y Vida — Family Life Center Room 207 Soccer Shots — Parish Hall Sister to Sister — Youth Building CCE Classes Grades K-5th, OOS — REC & Family Life Center RCIA — Parish Hall Emaus Hombres — Youth Building Soldados de Cristo Choir — Family Life Center Choir Room FRIDAY, March 27 Day of Abstinence 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:45 pm Children’s Holy Hour — Chapel Young Adults Group — Youth Building Legion of Mary for Children — T-15, T-16 Hispanic Ministry Meeting — FLC Conference Room Stations of the Cross — Church BINGO — Family Life Center Hall Via Crucis — Church SATURDAY, March 28 7:00 am 7:00 am 9:00 am 1:00 pm 3:30 pm 5:00 pm Fatima Eucharistic Hour — Church Curso Isaiah Retiro — Old Parish Hall RCIA Morning of Reflection/Penance Service — Church Couples for Christ — Family Life Center Rooms 223 & 224 Reconciliation — Church Movimiento Familiar Cristiano —T-16 4 A Schedule of Holy Week Services On Tuesday evening, March 31st, we will not have Confessions or a 7pm Spanish Mass; our priests will be at the Chrism Mass at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. Holy Thursday, April 2nd [There are no morning Masses] 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday, April 3rd [There are no Masses on Good Friday] Noon Live Stations of the Cross 2:00pm Divine Mercy Devotion (in the Chapel) 3:00pm La Pasion de Cristo (Español) 7:00pm The Lord’s Passion Holy Saturday, April 4th 8:00pm Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday, April 5th 7:30am, 9:00am, and 11:00am (in English) 1:00pm and 3:00pm (Misas en Español) * 5:00pm (in English) The Parish Nursery Will Be Closed on Easter Sunday SUNDAY, March 29 8:15 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Regular Schedule of Masses Book of Genesis Study — FLC Conference Room CCE for Grades 6th-11th — REC, Family Life Ctr Bible Study on “Mary” — FLC Conference Room 5 March 22, 2015 Outreach and Spiritual Ministries / Respect Life St. Vincent de Paul Society Telephone Help Line Tel. Para Ayuda: 281 391 1540 Food Pantry / Despensa de Comida: Mondays, Tuesday & Thursday Lunes, Martes & Jueves 6:00 - 7:30pm 2nd Saturday of the Month Segundo Sabado del Mes 9:00am - 10:00am Our office is located at the north end of the Youth Building, east entrance to campus. We help with food, rent or mortgage assistance, and utilities. FOOD FOR THE POOR Baskets are available in the Narthex and Parish Office for your donations of hygiene products and non-perishable food items for our food pantry. Respect Life Join us for our next meeting Tuesday, April 7th, from 7pm to 8:30pm, in FLC Room 204. For info, please call Dan Stuckey at 281-804-4006, or [email protected]. 2015 Texas Catholic Advocacy Day Tuesday, March 24th at the Texas Capital 8:30am — 5:00pm Join the Bishops of Texas and thousands of Catholics from across the Lone Star State for the 2015 Catholic Faith In Action Advocacy Day. “It’s important for our own integrity and the integrity of our country that we stand up today against these and other attacks on our religious freedom. History affords many examples, both before and since America’s founding, where restraints on religious liberty presaged the denial of other human rights. By standing up for religious liberty now, we can begin to renew the soul of America and strengthen our nation’s commitment to all the rights and freedoms we enjoy as children of God. In so doing, we may also discover in our own lives what it means to be fully human.” ~ Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia --“Life Matters: Religious Liberty and the American Soul,” Respect Life Program 2012 HANDEMinistry HandymanAssistanceNetwork fortheDisabledandElderly We provide repair and maintenance services, yard work, etc. to parishioners who are over 65 years of age, OR disabled or homebound. If you need help contact: Sean Linkenheimer at 832-437-9821 Volunteers Needed: Visit us online at HANDEMinistry or [email protected] For a.Crisis Pregnancy call 713-225-5826 For Post-Abortive Distress call 713-741-8728 — Texas Catholic Network News Clips — SAME-SEX MARRIAGE SHOWDOWN AT THE CAPITOL KVUE - February 25, 2015 Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick spoke at the Texas Faith and Family Day event at the Texas State Capitol, telling the crowd liberty comes from God as the issue of marriage took center stage. "We need you as an army behind us to stand for life, to stand for marriage, to stand just for the constitution and to stand for what the people have decided to do, it's not that complicated," said Patrick. State Rep. Cecil Bell Jr. also spoke at the event, organized by nine grassroots organizations including Texas Values, Texas Pastor's Council and Texas Right to Life. House Bill 623 will take away tax dollars to pay county clerks who issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. "religion [cannot] be relegated to the inner sanctum of personal life, without influence on societal and national life." ~ Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium. . . , no. 183 ... Pope Benedict XVI said that this work belongs to "an engaged, articulate and well-formed Catholic laity endowed with a strong critical sense vis-à-vis the dominant culture." St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas Pastor / Lent / Vocations 6 Check Your Mailbox for Our St. Bartholomew Parish Census! Please be on the lookout for a very important document you should be receiving in the mail from us during the next week or two. We are conducting a Parish Census in an effort to update our database. We do this every three to five years. Along with your regular Lenten Newsletter, you will receive a copy of your family’s Member Profile, with names, birthdates, marital status, and sacramental information for everyone in your family. We really need your help — PLEASE RETURN YOUR PROFILE in the enclosed return envelope. If it is correct, write “all correct” and if corrections are needed, write them on the Profile before returning it. Make sure that names are spelled correctly, birthdates are correct, sacraments, etc. If you registered more than a year ago, and you do not receive a letter, please call the office and talk to Diana about the status of your membership. We send all registered parishioners an Advent and Lenten Newsletter each year. If you have not been receiving these then we may not have an up-to-date address and phone number for you. A quick phone call can help us to update your address and phone number so that we are not spending money on postage unnecessarily. We want to be good stewards and use your church contributions wisely. Dawn Mortus Parish Administrator DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed daily in the Chapel at 3:00 pm; Holy Hour is observed every Friday from 3:00-4:00 p.m. in the Chapel, in front of the Blessed Sacrament, including intercessory Prayer, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Stations of the Cross, Consecration Prayer, and a Rosary. “Your task is to write down everything that I make known to you about My mercy for the benefit of those who by reading these things will be comforted in their souls and will have the courage to approach Me.” (Diary, 1693) Stations of the Cross Every Friday Evening in the Church English 7:00pm ~ Spanish 7:45pm Lenten Fasting and Abstinence: Fasting binds all persons age 18-59 unless prevented by poor health. On days of fast, (Ash Wednesday & Good Friday) only one full meal is allowed. Two other simple meals may be taken if necessary to maintain strength. Eating between meals is not allowed, although fluids may be taken. Abstinence binds all persons age 14 and older unless prevented by poor health. On days of abstinence the consumption of meat is not allowed. The Church strongly encourages the observance of Friday abstinence, but failure to do so is not regarded as sinful. Penance Services If you missed ours, we encourage you to attend a penance service at another parish during the Lenten season. Thursday, March 26th at 7pm St. Edith Stein, in Katy Friday, March 27th, at 10:30am Immaculate Conception, in Sealy From the Diary of St. Faustina Divine Mercy Novena, April 3rd-11th Preceding Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12th Join us as we pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for nine days, beginning Good Friday at 2:00pm in the Chapel, then for the next eight days from 3:00pm-4:00pm in the Chapel. We conclude with an Hour of Mercy, at 3:00pm on Divine Mercy Sunday, in the Old Parish Hall. Jesus said to St. Faustina, “at three o’clock implore My Mercy, especially for poor sinners; and if only for a moment, immerse yourself in My Passion, particularly in My Abandonment at the moment of agony. I will allow you to enter into My Mortal Sorrow. In that hour I will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion.” For more information on the Divine Mercy Devotions, please contact Betty Fitzgerald at 281-347-4428 7 March 22, 2015 Education of Children & Teens St. Bartholomew Preschool Our Number is 281-391-0993 Director, Rose Stornello, ext 440 Asst., Juli Ondrush, ext 443 We offer 2, 3, 4, and 5 day programs for ages 18 months to 5yrs Preschool Office Hours Monday-Friday, 9am-2pm Religious Ed News If you have any questions regarding CCE, please call the Religious Education Office, Cindy Smolik, Director, 281-391-0839 ext. 432. Call the Religious Ed Office at 281-391-0839 or visit Catechists Needed for the 2015-2016 School Year CCE Registration for 2015-2016 will be opened to all registered parish families on April 1, 2015. Fr. Wayne has instructed us to limit enrollment this year based upon the number of teachers who have committed to volunteer. Please call the CCE office if you can commit to help as a teacher, aide, substitute, hall monitor or campus security monitor. CCE CLASSES WILL NOT MEET Holy Thursday, April 2nd or Easter Sunday, April 5th First Communion Masses Begin in April Girls The Guest of Honor is…? The girls of St. Bart’s Challenge will host an afternoon playdate for 5 very special guests! There will be music and refreshments, games and prizes, and LOTS OF FUN! All we need are THE GUESTS! If you have a SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD who would like to participate in this fun event, to be held on Tuesday, March 31st, from 5-6pm, please contact Laura Morales at [email protected] First come first served. RSVP today! Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start of Mass and check-in at the REC in Room 111, across from the Library. VIRTUS Training: (required for VBS) Protecting God’s Children Saturday, March 28th, 9am-12pm, SPANISH, St. Jerome, Spring Branch Tuesday, April 14th, 7pm, St. Edith Stein, Katy Monday, May 18th, 7pm, St. Edith Stein, Katy Saturday, May 30th, 9am, Epiphany of the Lord, Katy Keeping the Promise Alive (required if you took PGC more than 5yrs ago) Thursday, April 16th, 7pm, Epiphany of the Lord, Katy Tuesday, April 21st, 7pm, St. Edith Stein, Katy Tuesday, June 9th, 7pm, St. Edith Stein, Katy _______________________________________________en Español______ Se necesitan Catequistas Inglés y Bilingues para 2015/2016 Se podrán registrar en CCE del año 2015/2016 , el día 1ero de Abril del 2015 todos los miembros de la parroquia que estén registrados. El Padre Wayne ha dado instrucciones de limitar el cupo este año basado en el número de profesores que se han comprometido a ser voluntarios. Por favor llame a la oficina de CCE sí usted se puede comprometer a ayudar como : profesor, ayudante, sustituto o vigilante del hall . NO HABRA CLASES de CCE Save the date for VBS Jueves Santo, 2 de Abril o Domingo de Pascua, 5 de Abril Primera Comunión Misas Comienzan en Abril Por favor lleguen por lo menos 30 minutos antes del inicio de la Misa y compruebe en en el REC en el Salon 111, enfrente de la Biblioteca. In this sports-themed VBS, kids will become engaged into the LIFE OF CHRIST with teachings from God’s Word on the Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. June 15th - 19th 9am-12:30pm for those 4yrs - 5 grade Register after 9am & 11am Masses next Sunday, March 22nd * GET REAL EDGE * GET FED Tuesday: 6:00pm – 7:30pm LIFETEEN * GET CONNECTED Wednesday: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Parents of Current 9th Graders! Attend an Important Info Session about Confirmation: Sunday, March 22nd at 6:30pm in the Church. Your students will be preparing to receive Confirmation in the Fall of 2016. If you have any questions regarding Youth Ministry, please call Beth Rady, Director, at 281-391-4758, ext. 436. St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas Adult Formation ~ In the School of Mary ~ Papal Documents Condensed by Deacon Bill Wagner Evangelii Gaudium - A Condensation (Apostolic Exhortation on the “Joy of the Gospel” by Pope Francis - November 24, 2013) CHAPTER THREE IV. Evangelization and the Deeper : Understanding of the Kerygma 169. The Church must look more sympathetically at others whenever necessary. Ordained ministers and other pastoral workers can present the fragrance of Christ’s closeness and his personal gaze. The Church must introduce everyone into the “art of accompaniment” that teaches us to remove our sandals before the sacred ground of the other. (cf Ex 3:5) The pace of this accompaniment must be steady and reassuring with a compassionate gaze that heals, liberates, and encourages growth in the Christian life. 170. Spiritual accompaniment must lead others ever closer to God, the source of true freedom. Some people think that they are free if they can avoid God. They cease being pilgrims and become drifters. If it ceased to be a pilgrimage with Christ to the Father, then to accompany these would be an unproductive self-absorption. 171. Today we need men and women who are prudent, understanding, patient, and docile to the Spirit so that they can protect the sheep from the wolves. We need to practice the art of listening, which is more than simply hearing. Listening, in communication, is an openness of heart that makes possible that closeness without which a genuine spiritual encounter cannot occur. Listening helps us to show that we are more than simply bystanders. Only through such respectful and compassionate listening can we awaken a yearning for the Christian ideal responding fully to God’s love, and bring to fruition what he has sown in our lives. This always demands patience. St. Thomas Aquinas tells us that anyone can have grace and charity and yet falter in the exercise of the virtues because of “contrary inclinations.” Forms of conditioning can hinder the operations of virtuous habits. There is need for educational programs that will introduce people step by step to a full realization of this mystery. Reaching a level of maturity where individuals can make truly responsible decisions calls for much time and patience. 172. One who accompanies others has to realize that each person’s situation before God and their life in grace are mysteries that no one can fully know from outside. The Gospel tells us to correct others but without making judgments about their responsibility or culpability. Someone good at such accompaniment does not give in to frustrations or fears. They invite others to let themselves be healed, embrace the cross, leave all behind, and go forth ever anew to proclaim the Gospel. Our personal experience will teach us to be patient and compassionate with others, and find the right way to gain their trust, their openness, and their readiness to grow. Please Note: Evangelii Gaudium is available through local Catholic bookstores or on the web at EWTN or the Vatican. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Sessions Thursdays 7- 9 pm ~ in the Parish Hall For more information contact Deacon Bill Wagner at 281-391-4758. Mar. 26 Sacrament of Penance II Presenter: Dcn. Bill Wagner Mar. 28 Saturday Morning of Reflection / Penance Service Dcn. Bill Wagner and Fr. Wayne Wilkerson 8 If you have any questions regarding Adult Education, please call Deacon Bill Wagner at 281 391 4758, Ext. 411 (English or Spanish) Knights of Columbus Council 6950 Friday Lenten Fish Dinners March 27 Serving 5:30pm to 7:30pm In the KC Hall, west parking lot Price $10.00. Meal includes: Fried Fish, French Fries, Beans, Coleslaw, Hushpuppies & Drink (ice tea, coffee, juice) Dessert provided by ladies - $1.00 donation please. Family Builder’s is hosting it’s annual weekend Family Retreat May 22nd - 24th at Circle Lake Family Retreat Center in Pinehurst, Texas This is a time for your family to experience God’s graces without the distractions of the world — through faith, fun, and fellowship with other families from St. Bart’s. It includes Mass, Reconciliation, and Adoration as well as other Catholic faith based activities and free time for swimming, canoeing, and enjoying the beauty of nature. Cost is a $100 registration fee and $300 per house which includes a furnished cabin for 2 nights and 3 meals. If you prefer to join us just for the day on Saturday it will cost $75 per family and will include 2 meals. Availability is limited, so contact Scott and Gina Bergeron for more information and registration as soon as possible. [email protected] or call 281-392-1342. 9 March 22, 2015 Social / Around the Archdiocese / Sacramental Information Sacramental Information Baptism/Bautismo: A Women’s Group “We gather, share, join our voices in prayer, and support each other on our faith journey with Christ” Thursday, March 26th “The What and Why of Church Artwork” at 6:30 pm in the Youth Building Do You Ever Wonder What That Beautiful Artwork Represents? Or Why That Candle Is Where It Is? Deacon Art will be giving a tour of the church, providing insight to the many beautiful things in our church. Join us as we develop a new found appreciation for religious art and sacramental objects. Food and fellowship at 6:30pm, meeting begins at 7pm. For info contact: Sandra at 281-923-3237, or [email protected]. Families must live within the parish boundaries. Our next classes will be offered at 7– 8:30 pm, April 20 & 27, 2015, in the FLC Auditorium. The attendance of both parents is mandatory. Babysitting is available (ages 1-4). You must call the office to register and to request babysitting before the classes. A $10 fee will be collected at the first class. Couples should attend classes while pregnant. Godparents are strongly encouraged to attend as well. A copy of your child’s birth certificate is required. Baptisms are conducted during the weekend Masses. Las familias deben de vivir en el área de San Bartolomé. Nuestras próximas clases serán el 6 y 13 de Abril del 2015, de las 7:00 a 8:30 pm en el FLC Auditórium. Las clases son obligatorias para los dos padres. Ofrecemos guardería, por favor de llamar la oficina para registrarse para las clases y pedir a la guardería. (Edad 1-4) Su costo de las clases son $10. Se recomienda que los padrinos también asistan. Las parejas pueden asistir a estas clases durante el embarazo. Una copia del acta de nacimiento de sus niño es necesario y antes de programar el bautismo. Los Bautismos son durante la Misas del fin de semana. Matrimony/Matrimonio: Engaged couples desiring to be married at St. Bartholomew should contact a parish priest or deacon at least six (6) months prior to desired date. Las Parejas que desean contraer matrimonio en la Iglesia deben llamar a uno de los Sacerdotes o al diácono por lo menos seis (6) meses antes de la fecha que desean para la boda. Reconciliation/Reconciliación: Tuesday/Martes: 5:30 to 6:30pm ~ Saturday/Sábado: 3:30 to 4:30pm Or upon request / o solicitarla a la oficina. Be inspired. Leave renewed. Coming to Houston, May 2, 2015 An initiative of the John Paul II Foundation for Life & Family, this one-day marriage conference (9am-3pm) includes insightful presentations, Mass, Eucharistic adoration, and conversation with the one you love. It will help your marriage and family— not just to survive—but thrive in holiness! Speakers include Jim & Joy Pinto, co-hosts of EWTN’s Radio show At Home with Jim and Joy; Chris & Sarah Stravitsch from the John Paul II Foundation; and Fr. Dwight Longenecker, a popular author and married Catholic priest. Cost: $45/couple, $25/ individual. Location: St. Cecilia Catholic Church. Free childcare! (space limited) Learn more and register NOW at Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos: If you are seriously ill or entering the hospital, you are invited to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at the 8:30am Mass on the first Saturday of the month, or by appointment. It is the Catholic belief that sacramental anointing provides both spiritual and physical strength. Call the parish office to request a hospital or home visit. Si usted está seriamente enfermo o va a ser ingresado al hospital, usted está invitado a recibir el sacramento de la unción de los enfermos cada primer sábado del mes en la Misa de las 8:30 am, o por cita a cualquier otra hora. La fe Católica nos dice que este sacramento provee fortaleza tanto física como espiritual. Llame a la parroquia si necesita una visita al hospital o en su casa. Communion for the Sick / para los Enfermos: If you or a loved one are homebound or in the hospital, we can bring the Eucharist to you on Sunday. Call the parish office to arrange a visit. Si usted o algún ser querido está postrado en cama en su casa o en el Hospital, podemos llevarle la Eucaristía el Domingo. Llame a la oficina de la Parroquia. St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas Anuncios Para Los Ministerios Hispanos Grupo de Oración– “Instrumentos de la Fe” “¿Sabes tú que Dios te ama y quiere darte vida en abundancia? ¿Sabes por qué Dios mandó su Espíritu Santo al mundo?” Cuando: Todos Los Martes, 8pm después de la Santa Misa, en el Salón Parroquial. Legión de María LUNES, 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. Salón # 109 Te invitamos a participar de nuestra reunión semanal. Rezamos el Santo Rosario, aprendiendo mas acerca de Nuestra Santa Madre y planificado el trabajo apostólico realizado en nuestra comunidad. Para mas información llamar a Eugenia: 713-245-9869. Cursillo/Ultreya– Primer Lunes del mes a las 7:00 p.m. en el Salón Parroquial. ¡Te Esperamos! Adoración de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo - Los invitamos todos Jueves 11:00pm - 3:00am, en la Capilla. Para mas información contactar Sangre Preciosa, Brenda 713-585-5287, o Noemi 832-878-7927. Adoración y Reparación - El primer Viernes de cada mes de 8pm a 10pm en la Capilla. Para mas información llegar Belen Medujano 281-919-7469. Talleres de Lectura y Reflexion y Spiritual - todos los lunes 7-8:30pm en Centro de Vida Familiar salón 205. Un recorrido por la Biblia - todos los martes 9:00am en Centro de Vida Familiar salón 207. Para información, Amanda Peralta 832-330-3373. Clases de Quinceañera: Dos veces al año en Febrero y Septiembre. Contacto con Nellie 281-391-0839. Lecturas de la Semana Lunes: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Jn 8:1-11 Martes: Nm 21:4-9; Sal 102 (101):2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Miércoles: Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Sal 40 (39):7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lc 1:26-38 Jueves: Gn 17:3-9; Sal 105 (104):4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Viernes: Jer 20:10-13; Sal 18 (17):2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Sábado: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56 Domingo: Mc 11:1-10 o Jn 12:12-16 (procesión); Is 50:4-7; Sal 22 (21):8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Fil 2:6-11; Mc 14:1-15:47 [15:1-39] 10 Cuaresma Estaciones de la Cruz Todos los viernes en la tarde en la iglesia En Inglés 7:00pm, Español 7:45pm Servicios de Confesiones Si te has perdido la nuestra, le animamos a asistir a una liturgia penitencial en otra parroquia durante el período cuaresmal. Jueves, 26 de Marzo, 7pm St. Edith Stein, en Katy Viernes, 27 de Marzo, 10:30am Immaculate Conception, in Sealy The Triduum A Schedule of Holy Week Services On Tuesday evening, March 31st, we will not have Confessions or a 7pm Spanish Mass, since our priests will be at the Chrism Mass at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Downtown. Jueves Santo, 2 de Abril [There are no morning Masses on Holy Thursday] 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Inglés) Viernes Santo, 3 de Abril [There are no Masses on Good Friday] Mediodiá Live Stations of the Cross (Inglés) 2:00pm Divino Misericordia (en la Capilla ) 3:00pm La Pasion de Cristo (Español) LA ESCUELA DE EVANGELIZACION SAN FRANCISCO DE ASIS Te invita a usar, conocer, amar y vivir la palabra de Dios, a través del CURSO ISAÍAS Aquí en la Parroquia San Bartolomé El Sábado Marzo 28 De 7:00 AM a 7:00 PM Requisito: Haber tenido un encuentro personal con Jesús: Favor de traer con que tomar notas y su Biblia. Para más informacion Llamar a Maggie López al 281-391-4758, ext. 422. 7:00pm The Lord’s Passion (Inglés) Sabado Santo, 4 de Abril 8:00pm Misa de Vigilia (Inglés) Domingo de Pascua, 5 de Abril 7:30am, 9:00am, and 11:00am (Misas en Inglés) 1:00pm and 3:00pm (Misas en Español) 5:00pm (Misa en Inglés)
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