Fifth Sunday of Easter ~ May 3, 2015 Iñaki Alvarez Sarah Armentrout Ricardo Avendaño Thomas Brzezinski Brisa Burman Emilia Caballero Tripp Calabrese Eva Carlson Maia Carlson Layli Colgrove Elsie Copp Aidan Cote Norah Cote Tyler Eakin Ava Filipovic Luis Franco Giovanni Giunti Anna Glinni Brianna Gomes Christopher Gomez Mason Gossage Mary Grenda Dale Guoin Santo Hastings Lucy Hetherington Keara Holland Wambui Kennedy Noah Kimberlain Norah Kotnik Laila Kudirka Samantha Liebig First Communion is considered one of the holi‐ est and most important occasions in a Roman Catholic person's life. A child's first communion is a cause for celebration. It is the first time that a person receives the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, which is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Most Catholic children receive their First Communion when they're 7 or 8 years old, because this is considered the age of reason. For anyone to receive communion, that person must be considered to be without sin and in a state of grace. Congratulations to the children who be receiving their First Communion this weekend! MASS SCHEDULE St. James (In English) Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM St. Leo Mission (In Spanish) Sunday: 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM 1st Saturday (English): 8:00 AM Daily Mass at St. James 8:00 AM | Monday ‐ Friday Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 AM | Monday ‐ Friday Eucharistic Adoration 8:30 AM –8:00PM| Thursday Communion Service 6:45 AM | Monday ‐ Friday 8:00 AM | Saturday Reconciliation 3:30 PM | Saturday or upon request Baptism Call (858) 755‐2545 ext. *101 Riley Lievers Tate Lievers Dylan Luoto Gavin Lynch Marina MacDougall Patricia Madrigal Parker McDonald Sarah McEntee William McGuinness Sophia McMahon Joseph Miles Emma Moosman Benjamin Morton Liam Murphy Jackson Noonan Alexandria Pena Gavin Prosch Adrian Robledo James Russeth Josie Ryan Sean Sallans Michael Savchuk Connor Sawyer Liam Spieker Cecilia Stapleton Nicolas Volkert Marley Wexler Roxann Wexler Liam Willcox Tatum Yacullo Sierra Younker Marriage Preparation Call Parish Office (858) 755‐2545 ext. *112 9 months prior to wedding St. James Church 625 S Nardo Avenue (858) 755‐2545 | Fax: (858) 755‐3845 St. Leo Mission 936 Genevieve Street (858) 481‐6788 | Fax: (858) 481‐5832 St. James - St. Leo May 3, 2015 Page 2 Collection April 26, 2015 $14,445.26 Mon., May 4 ~ Frank Martin † Tue., May 5 ~ Fr. Howard ~ Intentions Wed., May 6 ~ William McTear † Thur., May 7 ~ Robert Klamerus † Fri., May 8 ~ Mary Flynn † Budgeted $22,125.00 What return shall I make to the Lord for all the Lord has given me — Psalm 116 To arrange for a Mass Intention for any of the weekday Masses, please stop by or call the parish office. Marilyn Ambrose Jean Brosnahan Marc Coleman Nora Cochrane Stanley Cveykus Kathy Dunn Daniel Filler Enrique Fonseca Albert Graff Ray Kieffer Katherine Martinez Betty Mettee Jay Jon Moisa Trevor Paine Maureen Peterson Eric Revere Josefina Rivas Roseanne Schwall Rose Simurdiak AL Smith Kate Turner Kathleen Varni Kathleen Vernon Bruce Wadman Lise Zondler We are happy to list the names of persons who need special prayers. Names will be listed for one month. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Barnabas reported to the apostles how Saul had seen the Lord on the way (Acts 9:26‐31). Psalm — I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people (Psalm 22). Second Reading — This is God’s commandment: that we may believe and love (1 John 3:18‐24). Gospel — I am the true vine; whoever remains in me will bear much fruit (John 15:1‐8). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 14:5‐18; Ps 115:1‐4, 15‐16; Jn 14:21‐26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19‐28; Ps 145:10‐13ab, 21; Jn 14:27‐31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1‐6; Ps 122:1‐5; Jn 15:1‐8 Thursday: Acts 15:7‐21; Ps 96:1‐3, 10; Jn 15:9‐11 Friday: Acts 15:22‐31; Ps 57:8‐10, 12; Jn 15:12‐17 Saturday: Acts 16:1‐10; Ps 100:1b‐3, 5; Jn 15:18‐21 Sunday: Acts 10:25‐36, 34‐35, 44‐48; Ps 98:1‐4; 1 Jn 4:7‐10 or 1 Jn 4:11‐16; Jn 15:9‐17 or Jn 17:11b‐19 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fifth Sunday of Easter Tuesday: Cinco de Mayo Thursday: National Day of Prayer STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION \ In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus reminds us how im‐ portant each and every one of us is when He says, “I am the vine; you are the branches.” One of the central ideas in the spirituality of stewardship is how crucial each person is to the success and effectiveness of the community. Of course, together we can do so much more than each of us can individually. Are you using your gifts? Are you using your gifts to build the community and to serve others? Jesus speaks of His Father “pruning” the branches that do not bear fruit. As is often the case in ancient Greek, a word can have two meanings. The word for “prune” is also the word for “cleanse.” That is the point the Lord is most likely making. Until we are “cleansed,” until we have sought conversion and change with the help of God, we are not able to fully fulfill our covenants with God. Stewardship, of course, is a call to each of us to re‐ spond to our many gifts with thanksgiving and service. Fruits bear seeds within them. Our response to God’s call is to allow our seeds to produce more fruit. The author Robert Louis Stevenson said, “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” As our Easter season continues, we need to make sure we are attached to the vine of the Lord, and that we are planting seeds. Acts 9:26‐31; Ps 22: 26‐28, 30‐32; 1 Jn 3: 18‐24; Jn 15: 1‐8 San Jaime / San León 3 de mayo dé 2015 Pagina 3 REFLECIÓN DOMINICAL LECTURAS DE HOY En la lectura del Evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos recuerda la importancia de todos y cada uno de nosotros es cu‐ ando dice: "Yo soy la vid; vosotros los sarmientos. "Una de las ideas centrales de la espiritualidad de la mayordomía es lo crucial que cada persona es para el éxito y la efica‐ cia de la comunidad. Por supuesto, juntos podemos hacer mucho más de cada uno de nosotros puede individualmente. Primera lectura — Bernabé explica a los discípulos en Jerusalén la conversión de Pablo (Hechos 9:26‐31). Salmo — Bendito sea el Señor. Aleluya (Salmo 22 [21]). Segunda lectura — Dios nos ordena que creamos en el nombre de Jesucristo y que nos amemos como él nos ama (1 Juan 3:18‐24). Evangelio — Los que viven en Jesús y Jesús vive en ellos producen mucho fruto (Juan 15:1‐8). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch 14:5‐18; Sal 115 (114):1‐4, 15‐16; Jn 14:21‐26 Martes: Hch 14:19‐28; Sal 145 (144):10‐13ab, 21; Jn 14:27‐31a Miércoles: Hch 15:1‐6; Sal 122 (121):1‐5; Jn 15:1‐8 Jueves: Hch 15:7‐21; Sal 96 (95):1‐3, 10; Jn 15:9‐11 Viernes: Hch 15:22‐31; Sal 57 (56):8‐10, 12; Jn 15:12‐17 Sábado: Hch 16:1‐10; Sal 100 (99):1b‐3, 5; Jn 15:18‐21 Domingo: Hch 10:25‐36, 34‐35, 44‐48; Sal 98 (97):1‐4; 1 Jn 4:7‐10 o 1 Jn 4:11‐16; Jn 15:9‐17 o Jn 17:11b‐19 ¿Está utilizando sus dones? ¿Está utilizando sus dones para construir la comunidad y servir a los demás? Jesús habla de su Padre "poda" las ramas que no dan fruto. Como suele ser el caso en griego antiguo, una palabra puede tener dos significa‐ dos. La palabra para "ciruela" es también la palabra para "limpiar". Ese es el punto de que el Señor está haciendo más probable. Hasta estamos "limpios", has‐ ta que hayamos buscado la conversión y cambiar con la ayuda de Dios, no somos capaces de cumplir ple‐ namente nuestros convenios con Dios. Custodia del territorio, por supuesto, es un llamado a cada uno de nosotros para responder a nuestros mu‐ chos regalos con acción de gracias y el servicio. Las frutas tienen semillas en su interior. Nuestra respuesta a la llamada de Dios es permitir que nuestras semillas para producir más fruto. El autor Robert Louis Steven‐ son dijo: "No juzgues cada día por la cosecha que ust‐ ed cosecha, sino por las semillas de plantas ustedes." A medida que nuestra temporada de Pascua continúa, tenemos que asegurarnos de que estamos apegados a la viña del Señor, y que estamos plantando semillas. Adoración Eucarística El lunes 04 de mayo 2015 tendremos la adoración al Santísimo Sacramento del Altar, desde las 9:00 am has‐ ta las 5:00 pm. Oremos por nuestro obispo Roberto McElroy, sacerdotes, diáconos, seminaristas, religiosas, novicias, los matrimonios, novios, jóvenes, adolescen‐ tes y niños. Y por las intenciones del Papa Francisco: Universal: Cuidado por los que sufren Para que, rechazando la cultura de la indiferencia, cui‐ demos a los que sufren, en particular a los enfermos y a los pobres. Por la Evangelización: Disponibilidad a la misión Para que la intercesión de María ayude a los cristianos que viven en contextos secularizados a hacerse dispo‐ nibles para anunciar a Jesús. Hora Santa El sábado 09 de mayo tendremos la Hora Santa ante nuestro Señor Sacramentado, de 7:00 a 8:00 pm. Habrá momentos de alabanza e intercesión y oración contem‐ plativa. Pediremos por la santificación de nuestros sa‐ cerdotes, religiosos, religiosas y misioneros, así como por la unidad y fidelidad en nuestros matrimonios. Invi‐ ta a un amigo a compartir esta experiencia del encuen‐ tro con el Señor Sacramentado. Hechos 9: 26‐31; Salmo 22: 26‐28, 30‐32; 1 Jn 3: 18‐24; Jn 15: 1‐8 La vigilia de pentecostés El próximo sábado 23 de mayo de 7 a las 11:00 PM con el P. Ricardo. Ven con tu familia, y amigos los espera‐ mos para celebrar la vigilia de Pentecostés pediremos al Espíritu de Jesús se derrame sobre nuestra comuni‐ dad. Habrá venta de cena Retiro de Renovación en el Espíritu El grupo de Evangelización del Movimiento de Renova‐ ción de la diócesis de San Diego y el grupo de Oración de San León Magno los invita a todas las personas que no han tomado el retiro de Renovación en el Espíritu el sábado 30 y domingo 31 de mayo en el salón parroquial de san James. St. James - St. Leo May 3, 2015 Pastoral Care Mission Circle People Helping People In Need Used Clothes Needed for the Casa Eudes Fashion Show The kids at the girls’ home in Tijuana need gently used clothes plus shoes, purses, jewelry and other accesso‐ ries for the fashion show they’re going to put on at the end of May. We’re collecting everything from little girls’ clothes to teen‐age and adult styles ‐‐ all sizes. After the show, the clothes go to the thrift store that helps support the home. This is your chance to clean out your closets and help the home at the same time. Please put your donations in the collection box in the social room of St. James and label them “Fashion Show”. Spirituality for the 2nd Half of Life presents Come Holy Spirit! Reflections on the Feast of Pentecost Friday, May 29th, 4:00 ‐5:30 p.m., St. James Ministry Conference Room Page 4 St. James Healing Prayer St. James Healing Prayer Ministers, trained, caring and confidential, are here in the church to pray over your needs at different times throughout the month. All Sundays ‐‐ After the 9am Mass First Mondays ‐‐ 9‐10am Second Tuesdays ‐‐ 7‐8:15pm Third Saturdays ‐‐ After the 5pm Mass We Care Greeting Card Ministry If you know of a parishioner who would be encouraged by receiving a “love note” during an illness or following the death of a family member, please contact Mary Jane Brue (Get Well), (760) 804‐0923 ([email protected]) or Peggy Anderson (Sympathy), (760) 942‐5471 ([email protected]) Family Mental Illness Support Group Come share, pray and support families who have a love one with a brain disorder. Spend time with people who understand mental illness. The group meets the fourth Thursday of the month ay 7pm in the St. James Gather‐ ing Room. St James is a place of support and communi‐ ty. If you need to talk please call: Marie at (760) 845‐ 9033 or Sandy at (858) 729‐8522. Session includes: Scripture Acts 2:1‐4, Storytelling, Meditation, Small Group Sharing, Contemplative Prayer, Wine & Cheese Fellowship Facilitator: Janice Nadler, Ph.D. Questions/Registration: Contact Jan at 760‐814‐8604 or [email protected] SMALL TASKS Each small task of everyday life is part of the total harmony of the universe. —St. Thérèse of Liseux Let us come and adore Jesus! Jesus is waiting patiently in the chapel for you. Please come and visit Him even for a short while. He loves you with an endless love and wants you to invite Him into your heart. Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays, 8:30am to 8:00 pm. Also, consider joining the Rosary group any Mon‐ day at 6pm in the chapel behind the Altar. The exciting Catholic women’s ministry is now in the Diocese of San Diego! Experience faith, friendship, and fun in your own Endow study group. Come to a training session to learn the his‐ tory, mission, and message of Endow and how you can lead your own small group. Come hear the Church’s in‐ spiring message to women of today! Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 Time: 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Location: Home of Martha McRoskey Cost: $35.00 includes materials, refreshments Register online at: Want more information? Call Holly at Endow (720) 382‐7128 St. James - St. Leo May 3, 2015 Human Trafficking Modern Day Slave Trade Attention Widows and Widowers Please join us for Brunch/Lunch at Solana Beach Crush Page 5 Place: Solana Beach Crush 437 S. Hwy. 101, Suite 112 Solana Beach, 92075 Date: Sunday, May 17, 2015 Event: Brunch/Lunch Time: 12:15 Price: $25.00 Reservations: Pat Smart – (858) 259‐7794 Mary Lou Matthews (858) 481‐6255 Deadline for reservations: Thursday, May 14 A Public Forum moderated by the Diocese of San Diego, Office for Social Ministry Monday, May 11 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Our Mother of Confidence Catholic Church, 3131 Governor Dr. All are invited to listen, learn, discuss solutions and get involved! CASA Volunteers San Diego County Volunteer Information Session May 9th, 10:00 am ‐ 11:30 pm May 13th 6:00 to 7:30pm May 27th 12:00 to 1:30pm | Free Join us for a 90‐minute Volunteer Information Session in which you’ll learn more about Voices for Children, the foster youth we serve, and what it means to be a volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) in San Diego County. No experience necessary! A panel discussion with Q&A from the audience includes Chief Deputy Dis‐ trict Attorney Summer Stephan, Presiding Juvenile Court Judge Carolyn Caietti, Department of Homeland Security Special Agent Juan Jacobo, Public Defender Marian Gaston and Marisa Ugarte from the Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition. A presentation by Grace Wil‐ liams representing Children of the Immaculate Heart, a Catholic faith based shelter devoted to victims of trafficking will be given following the panel discussion. The forum will begin with a short film clip highlighting a human trafficking survivor. Light refreshments will be served before and after the event, there is no fee. For further information contact Grace at [email protected] or call OMC at (858) 453‐0222. Office for Social Ministry Must be 21 or older. Please complete our RSVP Form to reserve your space. volunteer‐interest‐form/ Beginning Experience Weekend Widowed, divorced and separated persons ready to move beyond their grief are invited to attend a Beginning Experience Weekend on June 5‐7, 2015 at Whispering Winds Catholic Camp in Julian. A trained team of peers leads participants through a healing and growth experience. If you are willing to put your feeling of anger and despair behind you and desire a new beginning, this weekend may be for you. For further information or to register, call Linda at (858)335‐0915. Restorative Justice Reduces Violence, Improves Neigh‐ borhoods and Changes Lives in California A new video released by the California Catholic Conference (CCC) captures exciting changes that are happening across California. People are joining together to restore com‐ munities impacted by violence and to build safer neigh‐ borhoods based on the principals of restorative justice. For more information about restorative justice pro‐ grams in the Diocese of San Diego, contact Deacon Jim Walsh at (858) 490‐8375, mailto: jwalsh@diocese‐ Watch the video at: www.diocese‐ or Mother’s Day Cards & Novena St. James ‐ St. Leo Catholic Community will have a Novena of Masses offered for Mother’s Day If you would like to have your mother, grandmother, wife, aunt, sister or any other special woman in your life remembered in a Novena of Masses please pick up the special Mother’s Day Remembrance card and re‐ turn the envelope to the parish office. The Novena of Masses for these Mother’s Day Remembrance’s will occur between May 10 and May 19. These cards are available in the vestibule of the church or stop by the parish office. Please return the envelope no later than Monday, May 4. Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 Let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth. — 1 John 3:18 Join St. James ‐ St. Leo Catholic Community on a Pilgrimage to... THE HOLY LAND October 25‐November 5, 2015 $4,199 from San Diego UNDER SPIRITUAL DIRECTION WITH MASS DAILY BY: FR. LAWRENCE GOODWIN, CJM For more information please visit: WELCOME TO St. James‐St. Leo Catholic Community! We warmly welcome all visitors and hope you will consider making our commu‐ nity your parish home. Church attend‐ ance does not make you or your family registered members. Registration forms are in the brochure rack at the entrance of the church, or at the parish office. PASTORAL STAFF Rev. John H. Howard, CJM, Pastor ................................................ 858‐755‐2545 ….. ........................ [email protected] Rev. Lawrence Goodwin, CJM ....................................................... 858‐755‐2545 x *101 ................... frlawrencecjm@stjames‐ Deacon Al Graff ............................................................................... 858‐452‐3684 Deacon Peter Hodsdon .................................................................. 619‐991‐5311 ................................ [email protected] Sr. Zita Toto, RGS Coordinator St. Leo Mission ............................. 858‐481‐6788 ............................. sisterzita@stjames‐ Abel & Gloria Castellanos, Youth Ministry Coordinators ............... 760‐207‐4645 ............................. [email protected] Amy Martinez, Finance Manager ................................................... 858‐755‐2545 x *103 ................... amartinez@stjames‐ Antonio Mendoza, Maintenance .................................................. 858‐755‐2545 x *109 ................... mendztony@stjames‐ Bulletin ............................................................................................ .................................................... bulletin@stjames‐ Debbie Derderian‐Office Manager ................................................. 858‐755‐2545 x *112 .................... debbie@stjames‐ Gail Jilka, Secretary ......................................................................... 858‐755‐2545 x *100 ................... gail@stjames‐ Kate Hodsdon, Coordinator of Pastoral Care ................................ 858‐755‐2545 x *107 ................... katie@stjames‐ Kathy Dunn, Principal St. James Academy ………………………. 858‐755‐1777…………………… [email protected] Pamela Smith, Faith Formation for Children ................................. 858‐755‐2545 x *106 ................... ffc@stjames‐ Patrick Villa, Youth Ministry Coordinator ....................................... 858‐755‐2545 x *111 .................... pvilla@stjames‐ Pauline Wright, Director of Music .................................................. 858‐755‐2545 x *300 .................. [email protected] Timothy O’Shea, Saints Thrift Store Manager ............................... 858‐755‐0654 ............................. [email protected] Vicente Leal, Spanish Religious Education Coordinator ................ 858‐755‐2545 x *102 ................... vicente@stjames‐ Medical/Dental Program……………………………………...……858‐259‐9464 St. James—St. Leo Catholic Community is under the pastoral care of the Eudist Fathers, or Congregation of Jesus and Mary. We owe our name to Saint John Eudes who founded the Congregation in France in 1643. The Eudists currently operate in 15 countries, most of which are in the developing world. Evangelization, mainly with the poor and the youth, is our primary purpose, as well as formation to ministry in the training of diocesan priests and lay ministers. Our motto is “To Serve Christ and His Church.” For more information visit:
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