Boletín - St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church

820 Creston Rd, Paso Robles CA 93446
(Mailing Address: PO Box 790, Paso Robles, CA 93447)
St. Rose of Lima is a Eucharistic, Christ-centered,
Santa Rosa de Lima es una Comunidad Católica
Spirit-filled, Roman Catholic community
Romana, Eucarística, centrada en Cristo, llena del
committed to living a sacramental life
Espíritu Santo y comprometida a vivir una vida
of prayer, service and stewardship.
sacramental de oración, servicio y administración.
August 9th / 9 de Agosto, 2015
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Decimonovena Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
John 6:51
Juan 6:51
Oscar Romero
The ‘voice
of the voiceless’
in El Salvador.
March 24, 1980
May 23, 2015
This Wednesday, August 12th, 7 p.m.,
St Rose of Lima Parish Center
Come and learn more about this newly
Beatified Archbishop and social reformer.
Special guest Father Pedro Umaña, O.F.M., pastor of Mission San Miguel.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office, 238-2218
Saturday, August 15th,
Sábado, 15 de Agosto,
is the Feast of the Assumption
of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
es La Asunción de
La Santísima Virgen María.
Mass will be at 8:00 a.m.
Misa a las 8am.
It is NOT a Holy Day
of Obligation this year as the feast
day falls on a Saturday.
Este año como cae en sábado
no se observa como día
de precepto (de obligación).
Church, Saint Rose School, Parish
Center, and Adult Learning Center
820 Creston Rd, Paso Robles
Parish Office - 805-238-2218 - 9am - 4pm,
Monday - Friday
642 Trigo Ln, Paso Robles, CA 93446
Fax: 805-238-2762
[email protected]
Mail: PO Box 790, Paso Robles, CA 93447
Saint Rose School—805-238-0304
Mail: 900 Tucker Ave, Paso Robles,
CA 93446
Saturday: 5:00PM (Contemplative Mass)
Sunday: 10:00AM (Family Mass)
Sunday: 12:30PM Misa en Español
5:00PM (Contemporary)
7:00PM Misa en Español
Monday - Friday at 7:00AM
Saturday: 8:00 a.m.
Tuesday: 7:00 PM Misa en Español
Saturdays/ Sábados 3:30PM - 4:30PM
Register in the Parish Office 6 weeks minimum
Required: Pre-Baptism Instruction
Bautismo en español llame a el 238-2218
6 months advance preparation for all marriages.Contact
Giselle Castro ext 152.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). For more
information, call Deacon Ed Callahan, 238-2218.
Father Roberto Vera, Pastor †
Father Marc Dauphiné, Parochial Vicar †
Deacon Ed Callahan, Assistant Parish Administrator
Deacon Manuel Espinoza
Sister Rebeca Muñoz, School Principal
Maureen Huckler, Director of Faith Formation
Margie Wood, English RE Coordinator
Alejandra Mariscal, Spanish RE Coordinator
Sister Juanita Pereyra, Confirmation Coordinator
Claudia Navarro. Business Manager
Kathie Malloy, Administrative Assistant
Giselle Castro, Administrative Assistant
Religious Education Classes ~ English
Margie Wood, Coordinator ~ 238-2218, ext 154
Each Wednesday 6:00 - 7:30 PM, Sept-May
Youth Ministries
Youth Ministry/Teen Confirmation, call the Parish
Office 238-2218. Confirmation: Register with Parish
Clases de Educación Religiosa ~ Español
Coordinadora del programa ~ Alejandra Mariscal,
238-2218, ext. 143. Clases son cada Viernes de
6:00 - 7:30 PM, Septiembre-Mayo
Ministerio de Joven
Grupo de jóvenes en la escuela alta: Martes
7:00 PM favor de comunicarse con Eduardo Rubio al
No se requiere inscripción para este grupo.
“Taste and see the
Goodness of the Lord. “
“Haz la prueba y verás
qué bueno es el Señor. “
Psalm 34
Mark Your
Calendars for
These St. Rose
Anota tu
Calendario estos
Catholic Update
Aug 10th: Respect Life Ministry Mtg
Aug 12th: Archbishop Oscar Romero
Presentation, 7pm in Parish Center
Aug 15th: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary Feast Day, 8 a.m. Mass
Aug 16th: St Rose Youth Group ’End of
Summer’ BBQ
Aug 23rd: St Rose of Lima Feast Day and
our Annual Parish Fiesta
Oct 2nd: Annual Saint Rose Catholic School
2015 Dinner Auction— “La Dolce Vita”
Salmo 34 (33)
15 de Agosto: Asunción de la Virgen María, Misa
a las 8 a.m.
23 de Agosto: Fiesta de Nuestra Patrona Santa
Rosa de Lima en el día de su Santo
2 de Octubre: 2015 Subasta y Cena Anual de la
Escuela Católica de Santa Rosa—”La Dolce Vita”
Remember to pick up the August issue of the Catholic Update in he Church vestibule.
Prayer List / Lista de Oración
Kathi Agueda
Bettie Crossgield Allen
Ann Bachand
Francine Bailey
Zoe Baker
Roy Barnard
John Beall
Richard Benitez
Mike Bonafede
Don & Shirley Carnine
Bonnie Lea Castwright
Nickaiy Cook
Ken Darg
Elizabeth Davis
Skip Degnan
Kirsten Dewhurst
Maxine DiDonna
Chuck Eckaret
Maria Fernandez
Mike Ferreri
Jim Fesler
Bonnie & Bill Gerwe
Maria Gomez
Lucille Heilmann
Alexis Hernandez
Angelo Hernandez
Consuelo Hernandez
Dolores Hernandez
Reina Hernandez
Gus Hertl
Darrell Hudelson
Weekly Mass
Logan Holton
Jim Howe
Father Derek Hughes
Lenora Jeter
Peter Johansing & family
Mary Catherine Jones
Erin Keller
Susan Kibler & Family
Laura Kudija
Frances Kuhnle
Fatima Lemos
Emily Lochhead
Vivian Luna
Joaquin Luna
Colleen Luna
Patrick McCormick
Erica McNeal
Diane Meyer
Maria Mierzwinski
Jerry Moniz
Christopher Moniz
Joelle Moniz
Mollie Moniz
Raul Morales
Irene Mullen
Jason Murphy & children
Filemon Navarro
Jesus Nip
Ruth Osborne
Gregory Palomino
Cassie Pauly
Para la Misa
Megan Callahan Pavelka
Celio Pereyra
Leticia Quiroz
Charlotte Richardson
James Richardson
Karina Rico
Anthony Rios
Father Roberto
Fred Rodarte
Dolores Romero
Maddox Sandoval
Nadia Santana
Rosie Santos
Reann Schwiebert
Dolores Scully
Joe Smith
Father Mark Stetz
Ruth Thomas
Vanessa Vargas
Santiago Vasquez
Dolores Vigil
Gene Watson
and for
our Loved Ones
who serve
in the Military
5:00 PM:
8:00 AM:
10:00 AM:
12:30 PM:
5:00 PM:
7:00 PM:
7:00 AM:
7:00 AM:
7:00 PM:
7:00 AM:
7:00 AM:
7:00 AM:
8:00 AM:
Monday: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26
Tuesday: Dt 31:1-8; Dt 32:3-4ab, 7-9, 12; Mt 18:1-5, 10,
Wednesday: Dt 34:1-2; Ps 66:1-3a, 5, 8, 16-17;
Mt 18:15-20
Thursday: Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Ps 114:1-6;
Mt 18:21 — 19:1
Friday: Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136:1-3, 16-18, 21-22, 24;
Mt 19:3-12
Saturday: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16;
1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56
Sunday: Prv 9:1-6; Ps 34:2-7; Eph 5:15-20; Jn 6:51-58
Lunes: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Sal 112 (111):1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26
Martes: Dt 31:1-8; Dt 32:3-4ab, 7-9, 12; Mt 18:1-5, 10,
Miércoles: Dt 34:1-2; Sal 66 (65):1-3a, 5, 8, 16-17;
Mt 18:15-20
Jueves: Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Sal 114 (113):1-6;
Mt 18:21 — 19:1
Viernes: Jos 24:1-13; Sal 136 (135):1-3, 16-18, 21-22, 24;
Mt 19:3-12
Sábado: Apo 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Sal 45 (44): 10-12, 16;
1 Cor 15:20-27; Lc 1:39-56
Domingo: Pro 9:1-6; Sal 34 (33):2-7; Ef 5:15-20; Jn 6:51-58
Poncha Benitez †; Ben Holsted †
Deceased †
Orlando Velarde †; Sylvia Aherns †
Intentions of all Parishioners of St. Rose of Lima Church
Carlos Solorio †
Rosie Fuentes †; Intentions of Zan and Family
Celerina Ortega Tiburcio †; Paulino Chavez †; Emilio Castro Moreno †
Fr John Arul †; Fr Michael Bell †; Fr Joseph Butters †
Special Intention requested by Toni
Velia Lopez Pulido †; Salome Perez †; Fernando Canchola †
Holy Souls in Purgatory
Ben Holsted †
Intentions of Marie Robasciotti (Birthday)
In Honor of Our Lady Of Pompei; Intentions of Esper Ontiveros
Please pray for the families and the
repose of the soul of Tom Mercer,
Eudora Smith, mother of parishioner
Sandy Beall, and Fr John Arul,
retired priest of the diocese.
May They Rest In Peace.
Favor de orar por las familias Y
el reposo del alma de Tom Mercer,
Eudora Smith, madre de la feligrés
Sandy Beall, Y Padre John Arul,
padre retirados de la Diócesis.
Que Descansen En Paz.
St. Rose of Lima Parish Youth Group ‘End of Summer’ BBQ
When: NEXT Sunday, August 16th after the 5 pm Teen Mass.
Where: Youth Room at the Adult Learning Center
For more information, please call the parish office, 238-2218.
ALL High School Teens, please join us for food, fun, and fellowship!
St Rose of Lima Fiesta ~ August 23rd, 2015, 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
All parishioners, families, friends, and neighbors are invited to celebrate the Feast of St. Rose of
Lima at our annual Fiesta. Food, music, games, entertainment, raffle and lots of FUN for the
whole family. We need volunteers ... please call the parish office at 238-2218 for more info.
More Raffle Tickets are available in the parish office and after Mass. This year’s prizes include:
1st ~ $3,000 cash
2nd ~ Sofa & Loveseat (donated by Paso Robles Furniture * * 3rd ~ Laptop Computer
(Please Note: No evening Masses on this day)
Fiesta de Santa Rosa de Lima ~ 23 de Agosto, 2015, 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Feligreses, familias, amigos, y vecinos, todos están invitados a celebrar a nuestra
Patrona Santa Rosa de Lima. Diversión para toda la familia con puestos de comida,
música, juegos, entretenimiento, rifa, y más. Anote en su calendario para que no falte a este gran
evento. Aún necesitamos ayuda y voluntarios, favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia
al 238-2218 si desea más información. Boletos para la rifa están disponibles en la ofician
parroquial y después de Misa. Este año los premios serán:
1er ~ $3,000 en efectivo * * 2do ~ Mueble de Salva (valor $1,500) * * 3er ~ Computadora Laptop
(No habrá Misa de 5:00 pm y de 7:00 pm)
Have you registered your children for Religious Ed?
Registration Deadline: Friday, Sept 4th.
Classes Begin: Wednesday, Sept. 9th 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Parents are required to attend Orientation Meeting the first night.
¿Ya inscribió a sus hijos en el catecismo?
Fecha limite de registración:
Viernes, 4 de Septiembre
Clases comienzan:
Viernes, 11 de Septiembre 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Padres de familia necesitan asistir a la junta de orientación la primer noche.
Forms available in Parish Office, Church Vestibule & On-line
For more information: Margie Wood - English RE Ext. 154
Para más información: Alejandra Mariscal - Catecismo en español, Ext. 143
Registrations for the
2015-2016 year are
available in the Church vestibule, the Parish Office,
Mon - Fri, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., and on line.
All first year Candidates need a copy of their
Baptismal Certificate when they register.
All second year Candidates need a Saint’s Report
when they register.
Teen Confirmation ~
Registraciónes para las clases de Confirmación
están disponibles en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia, en
la Oficina Parroquial de Lunes - Viernes, 9 a.m. 4 p.m. o en la pagina de web.
Se requiere el Certificado de Bautismo al
tiempo que se registren.
Todos los estudiantes Candidatos del
Segundo Año necesitan entregar un reporte
de un Santo al tiempo de la registración.
Orientation meeting for all parents and Habrá una junta de orientación para
candidates (1st & 2nd year) on Sunday, todos los padres y estudiantes (Primer
September 13th, in the Church.
y Segundo Año) el Domingo 13 de
Septiembre en la Iglesia.
Adult Education /
Educación de
R.C.I.A is a process of preparation for
those who want to become Catholic: 1)
Who are unbaptized or baptized in
another Christian church; or, 2) For those
who wish to complete their initiation by
receiving the Sacraments of First
Eucharist and Confirmation. Contact
Deacon Ed Callahan, 238-2218, for more
Noticias R.I.C.A: Juntas de Información los
viernes, 6pm, Centro de Aprendizaje para
Adultos R.I.C.A. es un proceso de preparación
para los que desean hacerse Católicos : 1) Los
que no están bautizados o quizás bautizados
en otra Iglesia Cristiana; o 2) para los que
desean completar su iniciación atreves de los
Sacramentos de la Primera Comunión y
Confirmación. Llame a el Diacono Manuel
Espinoza, 712-5601, para más información.
All are invited to the Knights of Columbus Monthly Pancake Breakfast in the Parish Center NEXT
Sunday, August 15th at 9 am. Come support the Knights, enjoy a delicious breakfast and visit with
your parish family.
Natural Family Planning, NFP, is 97—99% effective for avoiding pregnancy, and highly effective at
overcoming infertility, and treating many women’s health issues.
Get the facts by attending this FREE presentation. All are welcome!
Healthy, Natural,
Thursday, August 27th ~ 7pm ~ St Rose Parish Adult Learning Center (ALC)
For more info or questions, please contact: [email protected] or 831-443-3743. Registration is not required.
Other 2015 Sessions: Sept 16th, 6pm, Chapel at Fort Ord, Marina ~
Oct 14th, 7pm ~ Madonna del Sasso, Salinas * * * Nov 18th, 6pm ~ Chapel at Ford Ord, Marina
enrolling new students for the 2015/16 school
year. Academic Excellence, Award Winning
Music and Arts, Ethics and Respect. Your
child’s future begins today! Every child
deserves the best education!
St. Rose School
St. Rose
Respect Life
ahora esta aceptando nuevos estudiantes para el año
escolar 2015/16. Excelente Educación, Programas
Especiales Académicos de Música y Arte, Valores
Morales. ¡El futuro de su hijo comienza ahora! ¡Todo
niño merece la mejor educación!
Please help support St Rose School and enjoy a night of BINGO this summer!
St. Rose Parish Center ~ Doors open EVERY THURSDAY at 4:00 pm ~ CASH ONLY
1st Pack ~ $15.00 • 2nd Pack ~ $10.00 • 3rd Pack ~ $5.00 • 4th Pack ~ $5.00
Proceeds from this event offset the SAINT ROSE CATHOLIC SCHOOL expenses.
Please join us for our August meeting of the St. Rose Parish Respect Life/Pro Life group this
Monday, August 10th, at 6:30 p.m. in the front room of the Adult Learning Center (ALC). As
parishioners of St Rose of Lima Parish, we are ALL Members of this very important ministry
group. We invite you to attend this next meeting as we continue to grow and learn about the
sanctity and dignity of LIFE and what we can do as a parish family.
Make a weekly visit with our Lord part
of your regular routine by visiting the
Blessed Sacrament in St Joseph’s
Perpetual Adoration Chapel.
We Need YOUR Help to fill Open
Hours. There are many regular open
hours throughout the week - see the list
in the church vestibule, online at
Capilla de Adoración OR in the
Chapel for specific times and days.
Adoration Chapel
Peoples Kitchen /
Cocina del Pueblo
Haga parte de su rutina una visita semanal
con el Señor, visite el Santísimo Sacramento
en la Capilla de Adoración San José.
Necesitamos de su ayuda para cubrir
estas horas. Has una visita al Santísimo
Sacramento del Altar parte de tu rutina cada
semana. Tenemos horas abiertas durante la
semana - ver la lista en el vestíbulo de la
Iglesia, en la website
O en la Capilla para horas disponibles.
Help Saint Rose Parishioners serve a meal to those in need in our community. Join a team
serving once a month. Contact: Liz Koll ~ 238-0945
Ayuda a los Feligreses de Santa Rosa a servir una comida para los más necesitados de nuestra
comunidad. Únete a uno de los grupos que sirven una vez al mes. Llamar: Liz Koll ~ 238-0945
Thank you! Gracias!
Thank you to all the volunteers who
worked at this year’s Diocese of
Monterey Respect Life Booth at the
Mid State Fair. God Bless you!
Gracias a todos los voluntarios que
trabajaron y ayudaron en el puesto de la
Feria de Respeto a La Vida de la Diócesis
de Monterey. Que Dios les Bendiga!
2nd Collection
Segunda Colecta
Segunda Colecta 08/09 de Agosto: No segunda colecta
2nd Collection Aug 08/09: No second collection
2nd Collection August 15/16: Annual ‘NO’ Bake Sale to Segunda Colecta 15/16 de Agosto: La venta anual de ‘NO’
benefit Catholic Actions many projects for the parish ~ Funeral hornear es para beneficio de los muchos eventos que patrocina el
Luncheons, First Communion & Confirmation receptions, grupo de “Católicos en Acción” ~ las comidas de Funerales,
projects for our parish and many other ministries! Give Primera Comuniones y Confirmaciones recepciones, proyectos
THANKS that you won’t have to BAKE in the HEAT by giving de Santa Rosa y muchos otros ministerios! Da GRACIAS que no
generously! Envelopes are in the church vestibule. Thank You!
tienes que HORNEAR en este CALOR dando generosamente!
Sobres están disponibles en el vestíbulo de la iglesia. Gracias!
The Cursillo Movement (English), Monterey Diocese will hold its annual Cursillo Weekends on the following dates: Men's
Weekend ~ Aug 20-23, Mission San Antonio, Jolon. More info, contact Art Kuhns @ (805) 610-8213. Women's Weekend ~
Sept 17-20, Camp St. Francis, La Selva Beach. More info, contact: Renetta Parry @ (831) 662-3067 or (408) 828-4455.
What is Cursillo? The actual word Cursillo means short course. Cursillo is a 3 day retreat "a short course" in Christianity. It is a
time to learn more about your Catholic Faith and to get to know Christ better. Candidate applications: please go to our website or if you would like more information about Cursillo, please contact: Cindy Stefani at (831) 6335012 or Delores Ward at (831) 596-3819.
For those of you that have already lived your Cursillo and would like to help, please contact Art Kuhns or Renetta Parry regarding team meeting times and locations.
for the
A Memorial Monument for the Unborn is now at the SLO Cemetery, 2890 S. Higuera St. To add to
this monument names in memory of unborn children lost through abortion or miscarriage: email
[email protected], or phone Lynn, 239-1597 or Pat, 461-5358 -- today. In conjunction with the
national Day of Remembrance, cemetery memorial services will take place at this monument each
year on the 2nd Saturday of September. This year's service will be Saturday, Sept 12th at 12:30 p.m..
A Memorial Mass also is scheduled for earlier that day at 10:30 a.m. at Mission SLO.
All around us, we see mixed messages and mass confusion about what it means to have
been created male and female. We need to inform ourselves intellectually and
spiritually, and this timely two day event will do both! This statewide conference, held
August 21-22, 2015, at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco, will be of interest to
all who strive to fulfill God’s design in their lives and relationships, and those who
minister to them: Catholic school and Religious Ed teachers, Clergy, Parish staff and
ministry teams (marriage prep, RCIA leaders and sponsors, youth ministers and team
leaders, adult catechesis), Natural Family Planning users, teachers, and promoters,
Respect Life advocates and yes--- singles, and engaged and married couples.
When: Aug. 21-22, 2015 ~ ~ Where: St. Mary’s Cathedral, San Francisco
For more Info:
[email protected]
We welcome you to St. Rose Parish! Thank you for
celebrating with us, whether long-time residents or newly
arrived in the parish. We thank God that you are with us.
If you are not registered, please complete the form below
and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish
La comunidad de Santa Rosa de Lima da la más cordial
bienvenida a los que celebran con nosotros, ya sean fieles de
mucho tiempo o los que recien llegan a la parroquía. Las damos
gracias a Dios por ustedes. Sí usted aún no se registra, y desea
hacerlo, por favor llene la forma adjunta y colóquela en la canasta
de la colecta o enviela por correo a la oficina parroquial.
New Parishioner/Nuevo en la Parroquia
New Phone/Nuevo Telefono
New Address/Nuevo Domicilio
Moving, please remove my name from parish list./ Cancele mi nombre de la lista por favor.
Language you would like church mailings/El idioma que usted desea la correspondencia de la iglesia: In English
En Español
Please send me contribution envelopes. / Favor de mandarme sobres para mi donación.