公募要項 - 名古屋大学 物理学教室

名古屋大学大学院 理学研究科 教員の公募
(物質理学専攻 物性理論研究室)
1. 募集人員
准教授または助教 (助教の場合はテニュアトラック教員) 1 名
2. 所属
理学部物理学科・理学研究科物質理学専攻(物理系) 物性理論研究室 (S 研)
3. 専門分野・仕事の内容
4. 着任時期
2016 年 4 月 1 日以降
5. 任期
助教の場合 5 年。テニュアトラック制度により、審査を経て講師(任期なし)へ昇任可能。
詳しくは下記 URL を参照のこと。
6. 応募資格
7. 提出書類
・ 履歴書 1通 ・ 業績リスト 1通
・ これまでの研究概要 1通
・ 着任後の研究計画 1通
・ 教育に対する抱負 1通
・ 主要論文 5編以内 各1部
・ 本人について照会可能者2名の氏名、所属、連絡先
・ 希望の職位および着任可能時期
・ 以上の提出書類を電子化して収納した USB メモリ
8. 公募締切
2015 年 5 月 22 日 (金) 必着
9. 連絡先
・ 書類送付先:〒 464-8602 名古屋市千種区不老町 名古屋大学理学部 物理学教室 主任 清水 裕彦
・ 問合せ先:物理学教室 河野 浩(Tel: 052-789-5593, E-mail: [email protected])
10. その他
・ 封筒に「物性理論研究室教員 応募書類在中」と朱書し、簡易書留で送付のこと。
・ 応募書類は返却しない。
・ 名古屋大学は男女共同参画に配慮しています。
Job Opportunity for Associate Professor or Assistant Professor
at Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, is seeking a tenured Associate Professor (“Junkyoju”) or a tenure-track Assistant Professor (“Jokyo”, non-PI [principal investigator] assistant professor) for the Group of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics (S-Lab) at Department of Physics.
1. Number of position
1 Associate Professor (tenured) or 1 Assistant Professor (tenure-track, non-PI)
2. Affiliation
Group of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics (S-Lab), Department of Physics
3. Research field: Condensed-matter theory
We seek for a highly-motivated researcher working on theoretical solid state physics, who will
cooperate on research and education with other staffs in S-Lab (lead by Prof. Hiroshi Kontani
and Prof. Hiroshi Kohno).
4. Expected starting date: On or after April 1st, 2016.
5. Term
The Associate Professor is a tenured position. The term of the Assistant Professor is 5 years;
he/she can be promoted to a tenured Lecturer through the evaluation. For details, visit
http://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/extra/kisoku/act/frame/frame110001177.htm (written in Japanese).
6. Qualifications: Holder of a doctorate (Ph.D.) degree (as of April 1, 2016). A good command of
English and/or Japanese is required.
7. Deadline: Applications must be received by May 22, 2015.
8. Application
Send a set of the following items by registered mail to the address below with a note “Application
to a faculty position in S-Lab” written in red on the front of the envelop.
(1) Curriculum vitae
(2) List of publications
(3) Summary of research achievements
(4) Research plan
(5) Essay on applicant’s policy on education
(6) Reprints (or copies) of representative publications (up to five, one reprint/copy for each)
(7) Name, affiliation, and e-mail address of two contact references
(8) Desired position and possible starting date
(9) USB memory stick with all the above information included as a pdf file
Mailing address: Prof. Hirohiko Shimizu, The Department Head
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8602, Japan
9. Contact: Prof. Hiroshi Kohno [Tel: +81-52-789-5933, E-mail: [email protected]]
10. Remarks
- Nagoya University commits to gender equality: http://www.kyodo-sankaku.provost.nagoyau.ac.jp/en/
- Application materials will not be returned.