Workshop: "Faith Based Organisations and Sustainable

"Faith Based Organisations and Sustainable Development:
Historical and Anthropological Perspectives"
Das Institut für Zeitgeschichte und das Institut für Sozialanthropologie laden herzlich ein
zum ersten Workshop des Forschungsprojektes: Churches as agents in sustainable
development projects: the case of Indonesia.
13.00 -14.00
Dr. Ir. Jacqueline Vel
14.15 - 15.30
Dr. Piet van Eeuwijk
16.00 - 17.15
Cyprianus Dale, MA
Moderation: Prof. Heinzpeter Znoj
Christian Community development in Sumba in
the 1980s and its sequels
Research Status: Churches as Agents in
Sustainable Development Projects: The Case of
Protestant Ethnic Churches in Indonesia
Research Status: Churches, Development and
the Challenge for Social Emancipation in Flores
and Papua, Eastern Indonesia
9.00 – 10.00
Dr. Clemens Six
Noëmi Rui, MA
Missionaries in the Cold War
Research Status: Case study ICCO
Maaike Derksen, MA Christian Churches and the Javanese Elite 19001945
Moderation: Prof. Christian Gerlach
Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Lärchenweg 36
Raum: S 221
Bitte um Voranmeldung: [email protected]