www.urbantecbrasil.com YOUR BRAND WITH OUR UNIQUE SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Folgende Sponsoringpakete bieten wir Ihnen an, um sich den Entscheidern aus Politik und Wirtschaft aus Brasilien zu positionieren: SPONSOR PACKAGE DIAMOND limited Corporate Partner of the Event Extensive and inclusive implementation of your brand awareness and company logo within the event URBANTEC BRASIL 2015 CONTACT WHAT IS URBANTEC BRASIL ABOUT? UrbanTec Brasil is a customized platform for finding solutions to meet current and future urban challenges. BRASIL Koelnmesse Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV Guido Hentschke [email protected] Projektmanager +55 11 3799 4102 [email protected] +55 21 3799 5597 +49 (0) 221 821-3097 www.urbantecbrasil.com RIO DE JANEIRO, SEPT. 30 - OCT. 2, 2015 The focus will be on approaches to solutions for the current and future challenges of urbanization and mobility. The event offers you a unique opportunity to present your offers about sustainable urban solutions to municipalities implemented and emerging in Brazil and abroad. Showroom Sponsor Foyer Venue Price on application SPONSOR PACKAGE GOLD Implementation of your brand awareness and logo in the category Gold, Display presentation in the venue, More information about included services on the website. SPONSOR PACKAGE SILVER Implementation of your brand awareness and logo in the category Silver, More information about included services on the website. FURTHER SPONSOR PACKAGES (Evening Event, Buffet lunch,Welcome Coffee & Cofee Breaks, Travel and accommodation speakers UrbanTec) on request All Sponsors will receive tickets for the UrbanTec conference. For all Sponsors the organizers of UrbanTec Brasil will help with organizing direct meetings between the Sponsors and decision makers of Brazilian cities either in the FGV grounds or in a restaurant (food and drinks must get paid by the sponsor). KEY FACTORS FOR YOUR SUCCESS Gewinnung von Entscheidungsträgern von brasilianischen Mittel-und Großstädten (rund 100 Städte mit einer Einwohnerzahl zwischen 250.000 und über 1 Millionen Einwohnern), die konkreten Bedarf haben www.urbantecbrasil.com URBANTEC BRASIL SMART SOLUTIONS FOR BETTER CITIES Direkte Kontakte des brasilianischen Think Tanks FGV zu städtischen Entscheidungsträgern auf der Teilnehmerseite – Garantie zur Präsenz von Bürgermeistern Erfolgte Committment von internationalen Key-Accounts und Entwicklungsbanken FGV und Koelnmesse: Partnerschaft zwischen international professionellen und erfahrenen Kongress- und Messeveranstaltern Erstbelegung eines modernen und neuen Venues Überdurchschnittlich hohe internationale und nationale Mediensresonanz bereits ein Jahr vor Veranstaltungsbeginn Implementierung des weltweit erfolgreichen UrbanTec Konzeptes erstmals in Brasilien Städtepartnerschaft Köln-Rio: Aufeinandertreffen von politischen und industriellen Entscheidungsträgern. Angebot zur Organisation von Matchmaking-Meetings zwischen Sponsoren und Teilnehmern D · Printed in Germany 03.2015 More information about included services on the website Brasils Top Conference for sustainable Urban Development Koelnmesse GmbH Messeplatz 1 · 50679 Köln Germany FOR DETAILED INFORMATION ALL PACKAGES: Telephone +49 221 821-0 www.urbantecbrasil.com/sponsoringpackages.html www.urbantecbrasil.com Fax +49 221 821-3098 URBANTEC BRASIL 2015 SMART SOLUTIONS FOR BETTER CITIES UrbanTec Brasil 2015 – Smart Solutions for Better Cities” is an international conference about the best planning strategies, management and funding models for smart, sustainable urban development. Based on presentations of best practice cases from around the world, city mayors, administrators and planners will learn how to use technological and social innovation to create more efficient and inclusive cities. UrbanTec Brasil 2015 draws attention to a huge opportunity for creating a more sustainable Brazil: investments in middle-and large-size cities. The 20th century growth of Brazil happened in the big urban centers. Brazil’s biggest cities continue to grow in the current century, but a new player emerged: Mid-sized towns, those between 250.000 and more than a million people, are currently the cities with the highest growth rates, while still maintaining good indexes of human development and quality of life. GROWTH WITH THE MARKET THE PERFECT PLACE FOR BUSINESS: BE A PART OF URBANTEC BRASIL 2015 IN RIO DE JANEIRO Why do Urban business in Brazil? Why Rio de Janeiro is the perfect place? Brazil – especially with its megacities Rio de Janeiro (12 Mio. inhabitants) and São Paulo (20 Mio. inhabitants) – is home to the fourth biggest urban population of the world. 86,5% of the Brazilian population live in urban areas. The majority of cities has numerous challenges to cope with (e.g. housing, mobility, water & waste management, energy and security). Die Metropolregion Rio ist mit rund 12 Millionen Einwohnen das zweitbedeutendste Finanz –und Handelszentrum des Landes Rio steht nicht nur im Rahmen der erfolgten Ausrichtung der Rio plus 20 Konferenz, sondern auch im Rahmen der Olympic Games 2016 als DIE Stadt Brasiliens für die Planung und Realisierung nachaltiger städtischer Infrastrukturprojekte im Fokus der brasilianischen Regierung After low investments in the last two decades of the Brazilian government in the state-owned infrastructure the country is lagging behind I many areas of infrastructure. The capacity of the seaports and airports is insufficient, the air transport suffers from severe shortages, the road and rail infrastructure is poor, drinking water and wastewater systems are underdeveloped. Somit ist Rio eine attraktive Businesslocation für das Aufeinandertreffen von Anbietern und Nachfragern von nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklungsprojekten und somit die optimale Plattform zur Ausrichtung der UrbanTec Brasil Through the public investment program PAC (Growth Acceleration Program: Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento) USD 891 billion were already invested in Brazil’s infrastructure. From 2015-2018 USD 346 billion are said to follow. Overall an infrastructure investment of USD 3.9 trillion is planned from 2010 to 2030. Seit 2011 Partnerstadt der Stadt Köln, existierende Klimapartenschaft zwischen Rio und Köln und daraus resultierende exzellente Kontakte zwischen den Stadtverwaltungen, der Koelnmesse und dem Deutschen Generalkonsulat Target your future customers in Brazil Treffen Sie das komplette Spektrum an brasilianischen und lateinamerikanischen Entscheidungsträgern aus den Bereichen: These new dynamic centers pose immense opportunities for sustainable investments, as their development is still manageable at this stage of growth. More can be done with lower costs of implementation, if intervention is planned and anticipating urban demands. And the right time is now. If middle cities manage to attract investment and engage in adequate urban planning processes to build sustainable mobility, energy and sanitation systems, twenty years from now Brazil’s urban centers will be much more livable places. Decision-makers of infrastructure projects for mega-cities and mediumsized cities in Latin America will meet companies and service providers for realizing urban infrastructure projects. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME* PERSPECTIVE URBANTEC BRASIL PRE CONFERENCE DAY Organizers and managers of public-private partnerships Scientists, members of research institutions Decision makers and experts in public administration (state & local), politicians Infrastructure operators from Latin America City Planners Owners and operators of large apartment units Investors, banks, financiers Telecommunications companies City Management. Best Practices Architects 1 FORENOON: Guided visitor tours to realized sustainable city projects in Rio de Janeiro: Guided ropeway-tour with a visit of Porto Maravilha, Olympic park construction site and Intelligent Traffic Operations Center. EVENING: NetworkingCocktail-Reception in residency at the German Consulate House in Santa Teresa. FIRST CONFERENCE DAY THURSDAY, 01/10/2015 2 PLANNING AND FUNDING SUSTAINABLE URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE: BEST PRACTICES FROM AROUND THE WORLD PANEL 1: Planning for Smart Urban infrastructure: Gaining strengths through collaboration PANEL 2: Financing Smart Urban Infrastructure: Business Models and Funding Sources INNOVATING PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: BEST PRACTICES FOR OPEN AND INCLUSIVE URBAN MANAGEMENT PANEL 3: Big Data and the Future Internet: Using Data to improve services, enhance productivity and create efficiencies PANEL 4: Innovation from within: how to achieve greater citizen engagement and local business participation in the development of smart city solutions SECOND CONFERENCE DAY Project developers WEDNESDAY, 30/09/2015 FRIDAY, 02/10/2015 ROUND TABLE WITH MAYORS Urban Mobility Solutions for Medium and Big Cities MANAGING THE FUTURE OF URBAN MOBILITY: CASES, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES PANEL 5: Intelligent mobility management: Using technology to integrate infrastructure, vehicles and users PANEL 6: Regulation and Funding of sustainable urban mobility: Tackling the cost/quality challenge CLOSING REMARKS with Dr. Cesar Cunha Campos, Executive Director, FGV Projetos OPEN ROUND TABLE TWO MEDIATORS AND SPEAKERS FROM PANELS 1-6, TO BE CONFIRMED *Subject to changes, about allocation of speakers please refer to website. 3
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