Peter Csapo M.Sc. Abteilung Leistungspsychologie Telefon: 0221

Peter Csapo M.Sc. Abteilung Leistungspsychologie Telefon: 0221|4982-­‐5500 Raum: 1021 E-­‐Mail: [email protected] Short Vita Studium •
2007 – 2010: Bachelorstudium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkten in Strategie & Organisationstheorie und Finanzen an der WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management und der Cox School of Business Dallas •
2011 – 2012: Masterstudium der internationalen Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der HEC Paris und der London School of Economics •
seit 2013: Promotionsstudium am Psychologischen Institut der DSHS Köln. Research topics •
I analyzed changes in defensive behavior of basketball players in response to an opposing player’s streaky performance. Changes were assessed based on various offensive metrics related to the players’ shot-­‐taking behavior as well on metrics which were directly related to defensive pressure. •
I experimentally tested changes in the decision-­‐making behavior of professional basketball coaches and players as a function of defensive pressure. The participants’ decisions to change their defensive strategy and the ramifications of changes in defensive pressure were assessed. •
I examined the existence of the hot-­‐hand phenomenon by measuring changes in shooting accuracy following hot versus cold streaks after controlling for shot difficulty. •
The results of the above-­‐mentioned research were related to the ecological rationality of behavior based on the hot-­‐hand belief, and I specified the conditions under which hot-­‐hand behavior on defense can be ecologically rational. Publications •
Csapo, P., Avugos, S., Raab, M., & Bar-­‐Eli, M. (2014). The effect of perceived streakiness on the shot-­‐taking behaviour of basketball players. European Journal of Sport Science. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2014.982205 •
Csapo, P., Avugos, S., Raab, M., & Bar-­‐Eli, M. (in press). How should “hot” players in basketball be defended? The use of fast-­‐and-­‐frugal heuristics by basketball coaches and players in response to streakiness. Journal of Sports Sciences. •
Csapo, P., & Raab, M. (in press). “Hand down, man down.” Analysis of defensive adjustments in response to the hot hand in basketball using novel defense metrics. PLOS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114184