Flyer Zikr-Retreat 05-2015 with Shahabuddin in Germany

Zikr-Retreat mit Murshid Shahabuddin David Less
2015 / Germany”
“Zikr and Movement”
Freitag/Friday: 22. Mai 2015 ca. 18:00
Montag/Monday: 25. Mai 2015 ca. 18:00
Location: Haus Abrahm, In der der Dreesbach 24, 53940 Hellenthal
Der Zikr, die zentrale Meditations-Praxis der Sufis, dient der Vertiefung der mystischen Erfahrung des
Körpers, des Herzens und der Seele durch Bewegung, Klang und Gesang.
In diesen Übungen, verstärken wir das was intuitiv oder auch ganz bewusst wahrgenommen wird, um
tatsächliche Wahrheit und Wahrhaftigkeit zu erfahren und nicht nur ein Konzept von Wahrheit.
The Zikr, the central practice of meditation of the Sufis, offers the opportunity to own and to deepen
mystical understanding of the body, the heart and soul through movement, sound, and chanting.
In these exercises, we emphasize what is felt, both intuitively and perceived, to learn actual truth and
not a concept of truth.
+ Seminargebühr für Frühbucher /
+ seminar-fee for early registration
295.- Euro
Zahlungseingang bis zum 31.12.2014 /
receipt of payment until 31.12.2014
+ Seminargebühr/
+ seminar-fee
315.- Euro
Zahlungseingang nach dem 31.12.2014 /
receipt of payment after 31.12.2014
plus Unterbringung und Verpflegung – siehe Anmeldung
plus accommodation and housing – see registration
Alle Teachings werden von einer erfahrenen Übersetzerin ins Deutsche übersetzt.
All teaching will be translated by an experienced translator into German.
Yves Oberlin ist ein fortgeschrittener und weltweit tätiger Yoga Lehrer, der Yoga mit der Erfahrung
eines Sufi lehrt. Yves wird jeden Tag eine Yoga Session anleiten. Der Yoga-Unterricht ist in den
Seminargebühren enthalten. Alle Retreatants sind dazu eingeladen.
Yves Oberlin is an advanced, global Yoga Teacher, who teaches Yoga with the experience of a Sufi.
Yves will lead a Yoga-Class every day. The Yoga-Teachings are included in the seminar-fees. All
Retreatants are invited to join in.
Letter from Shahabuddin about the Retreat:
Dear Friends and Fellow Murids,
As our world evolves it also seems to devolve, and we, as spiritual seekers, can affect this process more
than our rational minds might accept.
I invite you to join with me for a Zikr, starting Friday 22.May-ending Monday, 25th May 2015 at House
Abrahm in Germany. Zikr is the living mantric practice of the Sufis, practiced as group chanting.
We will come together every morning for a short morning meditation,
followed by a full day of Zikr, and an evening of Dance and Zikr.
All teaching will be translated into German.
Yves Oberlin is an advanced, global Yoga Teacher, who teaches Yoga
with the experience of a Sufi. Yves will lead a Yoga-Class every day.
All Retreatants can join in.
I have offered Zikr programs like this in Europe and all over the planet
which have produced profound effects on all who joined, and I’m delighted to offer that here.
When spiritual seekers come together with intention and a common practice for 3 days I have no
doubt that we can affect human ecology and evolution. Of course it’s helpful to practice ecological
awareness in our everyday lives, but there also is an equally important place in our spiritual practice
for ecology and environmental awareness.
The global mind must be purified and brought into a state of greater harmony if humanity is to fulfill
it’s destiny. Part of the dharma of a spiritual person is to focus spiritual energy towards global
awakening, and we hope to do that during this weekend.
I hope you join with me for this very important event.
With love and blessings,
Zikr-Retreat mit
Murshid Shahabuddin David Less
2015 / Germany” “
“Zikr and Movement”
Haus Abrahm,
In der der Dreesbach 24,
53940 Hellenthal
Zikr-Retreat “Zikr and Movement” 2015 / Germany
Beginn/beginning: Freitag/Friday: 22. Mai 2015 ca. 18:00
Ende/ending: Montag/Monday: 25. Mai 2015 ca. 18:00