St. Michael the Archangel R.C. Church St. Timothy Chapel Greenwich, Connecticut December 7, 2014 Parish Staff Rev. Msgr. J. Peter Cullen, P.A., Pastor St. Michael the Archangel Church 469 North Street, Greenwich, CT 06830 Tel: 203 869-5421 Fax: 203-869-0169 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours Rev. Richard Murphy, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mark Connolly, Parochial Vicar (Retired) Deacon Russell Rigg, Parish Business Manager Maria Rosario Padilla, Director of Evangelization of Youth - (203) 661-3088 Mary Ellen Tiernan, Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation.- (203) 869-4000 ext. 167 Linda DiMarino, Parish Office Administrator Patricia Heffron, Secretary, Religious Ed. Office David Thomas, Organist and Choirmaster [email protected] Ellen Taylor Sisson, Cantor, St. Michael [email protected] or (203) 972-1824 Paul Applegarth, Finance Committee Chair (203) 661-5150 or [email protected] Monday through Thursday 9:15 AM to 3:15 PM Masses Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 (Family Mass), 10:30 AM and 12:00 PM (Choir Mass) Weekdays: Monday through Friday 7:45 AM Monday through Saturday 9:00 AM Holy Days: Announced in bulletin in advance. Confessions Saturdays 4:15 to 4:45 PM Baptisms Sacrament is usually celebrated on Sunday afternoons. Please contact the Rectory to make arrangements. Marriages Ideally, arrangements should be made for weddings as early as possible by calling the Rectory. New Parishioners Welcome to our parish family! Please register at the parish office. Feel free to contact any one of the priests regarding our parish. St. Timothy Chapel 1034 North Street, Greenwich, CT 06831 Masses: Saturday evening: 4:00 PM Sunday: 9:30 and 11:00 AM Holy Days: Will be announced in the bulletin.. Korean Catholic Community Mass Sundays 3:30 PM Confessions: First Saturday of the month 3:30 PM Parish Website: Evangelization of Youth: Tel: 203 661-3088 Faith Formation: Tel: 203-869-4000 ext. 167 Finance Office: Tel: 203 992-1194 Parish Office: Tel: 203 869-5421 ext. 200 Greenwich Catholic School 471 North Street, Greenwich, CT 06830 Tel: 203 869-4000 Fax: 203 869-3405 Mrs. Patrice Kopas, Principal One Life, One Rose All are invited Silver Rose Prayer Service St. Michael the Archangel Parish 469 North Street, Greenwich CT 06830 Thursday, December 11, 2014 7:00 p.m. Hosted by Orinoco Council 39 The ceremonies will include the Rosary, Silver Rose Act of Consecration and Final Blessing. Celebrant Msgr. J. Peter Cullen, State Council Chaplain Refreshments 6:30 p.m. The Story of the Knights of Columbus Silver Rose Since 1960, Knights of Columbus throughout North America have brought silver roses on annual pilgrimages, to celebrate the Culture of Life and to show respect and support for all people, from conception to natural death. Our particular Silver Rose started this year’s journey in New Brunswick and since then has been taken by Knights to ceremonies throughout the northeast. Rhode Island Knights are bringing it to Danielson, for the first celebration in Connecticut. The final devotional Mass will be celebrated at The Church of St. Mary in New Haven on December 12, 2014, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Monday, December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the patron of the United States. In 1854, Pius IX solemnly proclaimed: “The most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instant of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin.” It is a Holy Day of Obligation and the Mass schedule is as follows: St. Michael Church 7:00am, 9:00am, Noon, 5pm St. Timothy Chapel 6:00 pm One of Henry Van Dyke’s most famous short stories is The Story of the Other Wise Man that is a beautiful parable about the meaning of faith, particularly in a secular age. This Christmas story is for young and old and reminds us of the true spirit of Christmas. Join us on Dec. 10th at 7 pm in the church hall for a book talk and to see the film version of the story. Books are available for purchase in the rectory for $5. MATERNITY CLOTHES: In 1991, under the guidance of John Cardinal O’Connor of New York, the new religious community of the Sisters of Life was formed. As part of their charism to pray, fast and evangelize on the sanctity of all human life, the Sisters began a mission to assist vulnerable pregnant women. To assist them in their mission during this Christmas season, we are collecting gifts for expectant mothers including NEW or almost new maternity clothes or gift cards where they can purchase clothing. Please bring any gifts for the Sisters of Life to the church vestibule NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 17th so we can be sure they have them in time for their Christmas Party. Thank you for your generosity and for your support of the mission of these wonderful Sisters! BABY SUPPLIES: Malta House began in Norwalk in 1995 to help homeless women and their newborns with food, shelter and hope for the future. In order to help the mission of Malta House, we will be collecting gifts for the babies this Christmas. Clothing for babies up to 2 years old, baby supplies (diapers, bedding, linens, etc.), gift cards (Walmart, Target, CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens), or infant/toddler toys (no stuffed animals please) will be collected in the vestibule of the church. Please help this worthy organization by leaving your gift by December 17th. Thank you for putting the Corporal Works of Mercy into action! The St. Michael Women’s Association distributed gift tags for the annual Giving Tree the weekend of November 29th. For those who took gift tags, please purchase the gift, and deliver it wrapped, with the gift tag attached, to the entrance of St. Michael Church by December 14th. If you have any questions please contact: Mary Murray at 203-661-8973 or email her at [email protected] Father Mark Connolly, host of THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK, invites you to listen to BISHOP FRANK CAGGIANO"S CHRISTMAS DAY message. Sunday, December 21, 2014 WVOX 1460 AM 600 A.M. WJMJ 88.9 FM (Hartford) 930 A.M. WJMJ 93.1 FM (Hamden) 930 A.M. WJMJ 107.1 FM (New Haven) 930 A.M. ABC Radio (check local listings) (you can listen on your computer) and learn… \ Pope Francis & Consecrated Life Pope Francis declared this year marking the 50th Anniversary of “Perfectae Caritatis”, a decree on religious life, to help Catholic laity develop a deeper understanding of religious life and the different charisms of the orders. Throughout the next year, priests, brothers and women religious will be providing many opportunities for laity to learn about their communities and how they live. Pope Francis issued a letter outlining the aims, expectations and horizons for the Year of Consecrated Life. The aims include: “to look to the past with gratitude…to live the present with passion…to embrace the future with hope.” He explained what his five expectations are during this Year of Consecrated Life beginning with the need for joy. “The authentic fraternity found in our communities increases our joy; and that our total self-giving in service to the Church, to families and young people, to the elderly and the poor, brings us life -long personal fulfillment…the young people we meet find us attractive, because they see us as men and women who are happy!” He is counting on them “to wake up the world” and be prophets to show people how Jesus lived on earth. He calls men and women religious “experts in communion” and expects them to “spread the spirituality of communion”. In addition, they should “go into all the world” to help the children and young, the elderly, sick and abandoned, “men and women looking for a purpose in life.” He reminds them not to close into themselves but to “find life by giving life, hope by giving hope, love by giving love.” The pope also expects that “each form of consecrated life will question what it is that God and people today are asking of them…no one can feel excused from seriously examining his or her presence in the Church’s life and from responding to the new demands constantly being made on us.” For the laity, Pope Francis wants us to grow in our awareness of consecrated men and women and that we might all draw closer to these men and women “to rejoice with them, to share their difficulties and to assist them…in their ministries and works.” As we begin this Year of Consecrated Life, please keep these men and women in your prayers and continue to pray for vocations. EVANGELIZATION OF YOUTH Director: Maria Rosario Padilla Family Formation: Mary Ellen Tiernan Deacon Russ Rigg Confirmation Supervisor: Msgr. J. Peter Cullen Secretary: Patricia Heffron MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Grades 7th. and 8th.: Next class Sunday, December 14th. from 4:00pm to 5:45pm. Family Faith Formation: Sunday, December 14th, following 10:30am Mass. Last class for Wednesday’s: December 17th. Classes will resume on January 7th, 2015. Attention Parents If you are interested in being part of our Youth Ministry for 7th. and 8th. grades and volunteer in future activities please email Jill Gussis: [email protected]. St. Michael Women’s Association cordially invites ALL the women of St. Michael Parish to attend a Christmas Luncheon including a Wreath Decoration Demonstration with Nikki Negrea Thursday, December 11, 2014 at Noon Monsignor Guinan Hall St. Michael Church, Greenwich Raffle, Door Prizes, Christmas Carols Suggested Donation $20.00 per person; SMWA members $15.00 per person. Reservations – please call Dorothy Riera 203 629-4915 or [email protected]. Please send check to Parish Office. Please reserve or send check by December 8. Catholicism: The New Evangelization explores the Church’s mission within the challenges of contemporary culture. The DVD documentary series, hosted by Fr. Robert Barron, focuses on the cultural obstacles the Church faces today. The call of Christ has sent people to spread the Good News with great joy. As disciples, we all have that call. That is evangelization and this program shows us how to put our faith into action! Monday at 7:00 pm, December 8 and 15, Fr. Barron –The New Evangelization Wednesday at 10:00 am, December 10 and 17, Fr. Barron –The New Evangelization All sessions will be held in the Church Crying Room. (Wednesday mornings will be a repeat of Monday evenings.) Join us for the time most convenient for you – morning or evening – to hear this inspiring message! Second Sunday of Advent Mass Intentions Sunday, December 7 SMC 7:00 AM Quinn McCarthy (Msgr. Cullen) SMC 9:00 AM Edward A. Snyder (Fr. Richard) STC 9:30 AM Ann Olenchuk (Fr. Marcotte) SMC 10:30 AM Matthew Brown (Fr. Richard) STC 11:00 AM John Mical (Fr. Marcotte) SMC 12:00 PM Angelo Lanava (Salesian) SMC 5:00 PM Margaret Dadakis (Msgr. Cullen) Monday, December 8 Immaculate Conception SMC 7:00 AM Mozelle Patton (Fr. Richard) SMC 9:00 AM Giuseppe Russo (Msgr. Cullen) SMC Noon Angelo Passerelle (Fr. Richard) SMC 5:00 PM Parishioners (Fr. Richard) SMC 6:00 PM Our Armed Forces (Msgr. Cullen) Tuesday, December 9 SMC 7:45 AM Sick Parishioners SMC 9:00 AM Jerry Beadoin Wednesday, December 10 SMC 7:45 AM Special Intentions of Maristela Bayer SMC 9:00 AM Patrick Brennan Thursday, December 11 SMC 7:45 AM Rose Riordan SMC 9:00 AM Raffele DeSione Friday, December 12 SMC 7:45 AM Michael Marrara SMC 9:00 AM Donald Colasano Saturday, December 13 SMC 9:00 AM Kathryn Zebrowski STC 4:00 PM Diane Rivera (Msgr. Cullen) SMC 5:00 PM Mary Ann Roberts Fessler (Msgr. Cullen) Sunday, December 14 SMC 7:00 AM The Brennan Family (Fr. Richard) SMC 9:00 AM Jose Manual Lago (Fr. Richard) STC 9:30 AM Anthony Marrara (Salesian) SMC 10:30 AM John Catalani (Msgr. Cullen) STC 11:00 AM Walter Auch (Salesian) SMC 12:00 PM Jose Manuel Lago (Msgr. Cullen) SMC 5:00 PM Parishioners (Fr. Richard) Please note the priest assignments are subject to change. ———————————————————- The Sanctuary Lamp December 7-13, 2014 St. Michael Special Intentions St. Timothy In Memory of John & Mary Zygmont STEWARDSHIP Weekly Receipts for November 30 2014 Parish Collection — $7,540.00 To pay for our parish expenses we need to average $9,860.00 weekly during November. The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Tuesday, December 9th at 3:00 pm in the Parish Office. Stop by to pick up directions to either knit or crochet these beautiful shawls. Funds for this ministry are underwritten by the St. Michael Women’s Association.
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