Days of Reflection, Renewal and Replenishment IHM Spirituality Center (Across from Immaculata University, off of King Road from Route 352) 1 registration form for each participant Name __________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ Phone # __________________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________ If you are involved in a ministry please let us know which one: ___________________________________________________ Bus transportation is available. Parking is available in the Nativity BVM School Yard (Jefferson & Gayley Streets and the bus will leave from the School Yard at 9:00am and return after the day is complete, @5:30ish. Yes , I will be coming on the bus: __________No, I will not be going on the bus: _________ Parish Life Day(s) of Reflection that I would like to attend: October 18th __________(registration due no later than October 10th) December 6th __________(registration due no later than November 25th) $20.00 registration fee is enclosed with the registration form for each day that I would like to attend: Cash __________ Check __________ (made out to Nativity BVM) Please enclose the registration form with the payment in an envelope and return it to the rectory to Dr. Cookie Magee’s attention. Thank you. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Life Days of Spiritual Reflection, Renewal and Replenishment Facilitated by Msgr. John J. Jagodzinski and Father John Mokluk, OSFS At the IHM Spirituality Center, across from Immaculata University. October18th and December 6th An opportunity for a day away with other parishioners… A time to be refreshed and renewed spiritually October 18th (Msgr. Jagodzinski) The parish: where wounds are healed. “I see the church as a field hospital…” (Pope Francis) December 6th Father Mokluk will discuss the Passion Of Christ. What Jesus experienced physically, psychologically and emotionally. The day will begin at 10:00 am light refreshments The day will conclude with Mass at 4:00pm, (this satisfies your Sunday obligation) The day will consist of: 2 Conferences, .Quiet time, Lunch, Free time, Breakout activity Sacrament of Reconciliation Everyone is welcome, Please consider bringing a friend! A bus will be provided to transport participants to the Center of Spirituality. The registration fee for the day is $20.00 which includes lunch and transportation; please enclose fee with the attached registration form.
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