Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF SUPPORT THOSE WHO MAKE THIS BULLETIN POSSIBLE (PG. 14) PAGE 1 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF ENGLISH FIRST COMMUNION TODAY AT 9:00 AM MASS PLEASE WELCOME THE NEWEST MEMBERS OF THE BODY OF CHRIST WHO TODAY WILL RECEIVE THEIR FIRST COMMUNION ANGEL AGUIRRE DIEGO AGUIRRE FRANK ALBARRAN SORAYA ALBARRAN SAHARA BARRIOS-WARNER JOSEPHINE CALVILLO TYLER CARDONA REBECCA CHAVEZ ALONDRA CORNEJO KYLE DALALO ISABELLA DELGADILLO VATAU FINAU BRIANNA GARCIA KAELAH GARCIA ISIYAH GOATLEY CONTESSA GONZALEZ LESLIE GONZALEZ MICHELLE GONZALEZ OSCAR GONZALEZ KYLA GUINA ABIGAIL HANSEN KATE JAIME MARI JIMENEZ SOFIA JORDANA MELANIE LOPEZ JOSE MARES ENRIQUE MARQUEZ FERNANDO MARQUEZ PHILLIP MLAKAR JASMINE NERI AURORA PEREZ LESLIE PEREZ ANGELINA POE ESTEBAN RABAGO BRITTANY RAMIREZ LUKE RUFFING ANTHONY SALINAS XAVIER SALINAS ALANA SANTOS XARAHIE SILVA KALANI TELLEZ Alleluia, He is Risen! PAGE 2 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 FINANZAS DE LA CATEDRAL UN MENSAJE DEL PADRE O’REILLY THE WEEKEND COLLECTION FOR APRIL 25/26 WAS $8594 CATHEDRAL FINANCES A MESSAGE FROM FR. O’REILLY During my time as pastor of several parishes earlier in my ministry, I did not spend much energy thinking about the Cathedral. It was a beautifully restored Bishop’s church which hosted services such as the Chrism Mass and ordinations. However, during these past 3 years as rector and pastor of the Cathedral, I have been afforded the opportunity to reflect more deeply on the beauty of our church and, more importantly, on the people who make up the diverse parish of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacramento. The Cathedral is home to a viable parish which functions the same as other parishes within the Diocese. Like other parishes, the Cathedral pays a Diocesan assessment. The parish also pays for maintaining the Cathedral and its many sophisticated systems. Contrary to what many people believe, the Cathedral parish does not receive any financial support from the Diocese. The ministries, services and overhead expenses (liturgy, CCD, helping the poor, staff, maintenance, utilities, etc.) provided by our parish require approximately $20,000.00 each week. While our parish has several sources of income (weddings, candles, weekday mass collections, CCD fees, etc.), the largest single source of revenue is the weekend collection. Through the first half of fiscal year 2014-2015, parish expenses exceeded ordinary income by almost $18,000.00. Because of the parish’s operating expenses, our parish Finance Council set a weekend collection goal of $12,000.00. Last weekend’s collection totaled $8594.00. As pastor of the Cathedral parish, I greatly appreciate your generosity as we work together to carry out our parish’s mission. In order to keep you informed, the weekly Bulletin will include information about our parish finances. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the parish office. Durante el tiempo como párroco de varias parroquias anteriormente en mi ministerio, no usaba mucha energía pensando respecto a la catedral. Era una iglesia restaurada de un obispo donde teníamos servicios tales como la Misa Crismal y Ordenaciones. Sin embargo, durante estos últimos 3 años como rector y párroco de la Catedral, he tenido la oportunidad de reflexionar más profundamente en la belleza de nuestra iglesia y aún más importante, en las personas diversas que conforman la parroquia de la Catedral del Santísima Sacramento. La Catedral es hogar de una parroquia diversa que funciona igual que otras parroquias de la diócesis. Como otras parroquias, la Catedral paga una evaluación Diocesana. La parroquia también paga para el mantenimiento de la Catedral y sus muchos sistemas sofisticados. Contrariamente a lo que muchos creen, la parroquia de la Catedral no recibe ningún apoyo financiero de la diócesis. Los ministerios, servicios y gastos indirectos (liturgia, CCD, ayuda a los pobres, el personal, mantenimiento, servicios públicos, etc.) proporcionados por nuestra parroquia requieren aproximadamente $20,00.00 cada semana. Mientras que nuestra parroquia tiene varias fuentes de ingresos (bodas, velas, colecciones de las Misas entre semana, honorarios de CCD, etc.), la mayor fuente de ingresos es la colecta de fin de semana. A través de la primera mitad del año fiscal 2014-2015, los gastos de la parroquia excedieron los ingresos ordinarios por casi $18,000.00. Debido a los gastos de funcionamiento de la parroquia, el Consejo de Finanzas de nuestra parroquia fijó el objetivo de la colecta de fin de semana de $12.000,00. La colecta de la semana pasada ascendió a $8594.00. Como párroco de la parroquia de la Catedral, agradezco enormemente su generosidad como trabajamos juntos para llevar a cabo la misión de nuestra parroquia. Con el fin de mantenerlo informado, el boletín semanal incluirá información acerca de las finanzas de nuestra parroquia. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo en la oficina parroquial. Yours in Christ, Fr. Michael O’Reilly TODAY MAY 3 IS BROWN BAG SUNDAY The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament is expanding its help to our downtown brothers and sisters in need of food and nourishment. Currently, our Saint Vincent de Paul Society administers to our homeless through its Cathedral Square Homeless Program and feeds the hungry with donated food. On Brown Bag Sunday, donated lunches will be taken up during the offertory as our gifts at all the Masses, and then distributed to the hungry during that month. Please be generous. You may also drop off lunches or supplies at anytime to the Rectory during normal business hours (9-5pm).. See at right how to make a lunch. PAGE 3 Suyo en Cristo, El Padre Michael O'Reilly Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 CONCERT BENEFITS CATHEDRAL SQUARE HOMELESS PROGRAM TICKETS PRE-SALE: $10 STUDENT/$15 GENERAL WWW.CAPELLA-ANTIQUA.ORG/PERFORMANCES.HTML AT THE DOOR: $15 STUDENT/$20 GENERAL Married Couples: By offering Married Couples the beautiful experience of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, the Catholic Church is affirming and supporting you in your chosen vocation – Marriage. Take advantage of this great gift to enhance your relationship and enjoy a love-filled weekend away together. What a wonderful gift to give each other. Weekend dates for 2015 are: June 5-7 in Sacramento; August 21-23 in Sacramento; September 25-27 in Nevada (Place TBD); and November 6-8 in Sacramento. For more information visit our website at: http:// www.sacramento wwme.o rg or co ntact T erry & Janet at [email protected] or (916) 489-3464. PAGE 4 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 WEEK AT A GLANCE CATHEDRAL MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS SUN 5/3/2015 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 11:15 am MON 5/4/2015 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm TUES 5/5/2015 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm WED 5/6/2015 7:00 pm 7:30 pm THU 5/7/2015 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm FRI 5/8/2015 8:00 pm SAT 5/9/2015 10:00 am 10:00 am Cathedral (FIFTH WEEK OF EASTER) SUN 5/3/2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:30 am Cathedral Parish Intentions 9:00 am Robert C. Sanchez 11:00 am Gerbasio & Febelina Anub MON 5/4/2015 ACTS 124: 5-18; JN 14: 21-26 12:10 pm Ruth Howard 5:10 pm Vynna Moncada, S.I. TUES 5/5/2015 ACTS 14: 19-28; JN 14: 27-31A 12:10 pm Olivia Santiago 5:10 pm Ruben Romo WED 5/6/2015 ACTS 15: 1-6; JN 15: 1-8 12:10 pm Aileen Ringling 5:10 pm Tom Campbell, S.I. THU 5/7/2015 ACTS 15: 7-21; JN 15: 9-11 12:10 pm Marie De Noel Tu A Loan 5:10 pm: Vynna Moncada, S.I. FRI 5/1/2015 ACTS 15: 22-31; JN 15: 12-17 12:10 pm: Tom Campbell, S.I. NO 5:10 MASS ON FRIDAYS Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Adoration, Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and Benediction with the Relic of St. Faustina after 12:10 Mass MARCELINO MACARULAY SR DARLENE MARTINEZ VIRGINIA MANCENIDO LEE MCCLURE NILDA MEDINA MICHAEL JOSE MEJIA MARIA ELENA MONZANI CLORAINE MIURA BLANCA PADILLA ELIZABETH PAUL ROSEMARY PLAIN JOHNNY RAMIREZ DOMINIC RENZI JOANNE RENZI MARIA ROKOMASI DALING SANTOS SHEETZ FAMILY LILY DA SILVA ROSE MARY STADLER BRIAN SWANN JEOFF SWANN RALPH TAITANO PHILIP WORTH DONNA WORTH Evening Prayer RCIA Team RCIA Class SVDP Feed the Homeless Program English Teens Confirmation Class Spanish Choir for 7pm Mass Respect Life Ministry (bilingual) Communion and Liberation SVDP Feed the Homeless Program Spanish Prayer Group Bible Study Class Prayer & Life Workshops Adult Confirmation Class Capella Antiqua “Requiem” Concert Religious Education (English) May Crowning of Mary on steps of EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “COULD YOU NOT KEEP WATCH WITH ME ONE HOUR?” WED & THUR 12:40PM-4:45PM FRI 12:40PM-3:45PM CATHEDRAL PRAYER CORNER LISA ANGELO JOHN D. AMARO BRANDON BARROWS BROWN FAMILY GEORGE BURNS CHARLES CORDIMA MARIA GUADALUPE CARDONA MARY GUILLORY-DEGAS DEMELLO FAMILY JOE DOSCHER ROBIN DUNTON HARRY GABO MONICA GABO FRANK GARCIA CRISTINA GONZALEZ SILVIA GARCIA CARLOS S. GOMEZ CRISTINA GONZALEZ LUIS GUTIERREZ SCOTT HESPELER KATI JANSEN TIMOTHY JIMENEZ NORMA KATINDOY JOSEPH CRAWFORD LEON English First Communion RCIA Class for children and teens Breaking of the Word Breaking of the Word for Children Religious Education (Spanish) TO SIGN UP CALL TITI KILA (916) 206-7846 OR (707) 6280340 OR E-MAIL TO [email protected] CATHEDRAL TOURS EVERY SUNDAY AFTER 9:00 AM AND 11 AM MASSES CATHEDRAL GIFT SHOP MONDAY-ONLY 11:00 AM TO 2:00 PM AND EVERY SUNDAY 9:00 AM--3:00 PM RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of spiritual and educational formation for adults who seek to become full members of the Roman Catholic Church through conversion of mind and heart. The process is open to all persons who genuinely seek by God’s grace to live their lives in the Catholic Christian faith. For details, please call Sister Jenny at (916) 444-5364 or email to [email protected]. PAGE 5 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 CATHEDRAL MARRIAGE PREPARATION PROGRAM Are you getting married in the Catholic Church? Registration for Cathedral Marriage Preparation classes is currently open. The next session will begin on May 7, 2015. Classes are held at the Cathedral on Thursday evenings 7:15 pm.—9:00 pm, and continue for six consecutive weeks. The Program fee is currently $125 per couple. Class size is limited. Please contact Omar & Janet Bardales to register: (916) 427 -9160 or [email protected]. EL RITO DE INICIACIÓN PARA ADULTOS El Rito de Iniciación para Adultos (RICA) es el proceso de formación espíritual y catequético para adultos que desean unirse a la Iglesia Católica a través de una conversión de mente y corazón. Si a usted le falta recibir algún Sacramento, y su deseo es pertenecer por completo a la Iglesia Católica y vivir en la Gracia de Dios, ahora es tiempo de inscribirse a las clases para prepararse a recibir el Bautismo, la Confirmación y/o la Comunión. Para más información por favor llame a Sister Jenny al 916-519444-5364 o por email al [email protected]. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY CATHEDRAL PARISH REGISTRATION & UPDATE NAME #1: _____________________ ____________ THANK YOU NAME #2: ________________________ ___________ (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME) (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME) ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (STREET ADDRESS) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) PHONE: (_____) _________________ (_____) ______________________________ (_____) _________________________ (HOME) (CELL) (WORK) EMAIL: HOME ___________________________________________ W ORK ________________________________________ PREFERRED METHOD OF WEEKLY OFFERING: ______ OFFERING ENVELOPES (WILL BE SENT TO YOUR HOME) ______ BILLPAY THROUGH YOUR BANK (USUALLY DONE ON-LINE ON YOUR BANK’S WEB SITE) ______ CATHEDRAL WEB SITE: WWW.CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG (ONLINE DONATIONS) (MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR BEAUTIFUL CATHEDRAL.) PLEASE RETURN BY: 1) PUT INTO [email protected]; 3) COLLECTION BASKET AT MASS; 2) SCAN TO PDF FILE AND EMAIL FAX TO: 916-443-2749; OR 4) MAIL TO: 1017 11 STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA 95814. TH PAGE 6 TO: Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Abide in Jesus for Joy A CTS 9:26-31 • 1 J N 3:18-24 • JN 15:1-8 M any people travel to the Trappist monastery in Gethsemani, Kentucky, to make retreats. It was the Abbey of Gethsemani that the monk and priest Thomas Merton called home. When making a retreat there you may listen to recordings of lectures given to Merton to the abbey novices. One such lecture involves the idea of "abiding." "It's like your are trying to catch a plane. You are late. You hop in your car and speed to the airport. Every delay gives you ulcers. You reach the parking lot, grab your stuff and race down the corridor to get to the right gate. You rush onto the plane, flop down in your seat, and have a sigh of relief. You made it. In one sense you have made your destination. Then the plane takes off, and you are on your way to other places, going higher and faster than ever before, but now you are not frantic or worried. That's what it means to be in Christ." Three or four decades ago many in the medical field believed that keeping newborns in a sterile and pristine environment would be good for them preventing them from becoming sick once exposed to the viruses and bacteria of the "outside" world. One hospital a nursery in which all the newborns were kept in environmentally secure cribs. No one except the mothers would be able to hold the babies. Unlike today wherein the baby practically stays in the mother's room around the clock, then babies spent most of their time in the hospital nursery. To the surprise and fright of the "experts," the babies did not thrive, and some began to die. Investigation and studies discovered something long forgotten by science: human beings require touch in order to thrive. Not being held, being separated from human physical contact, the babies failed to thrive and began to die. This is just as true spiritually. If we are separated from God, we simply will not thrive. To thrive, we must have contact with God. Jesus reveled in His relationship with His Father. It is so clear that this relationship gave Him joy. Jesus was a man who never met a stranger, and made just about everyone around Him feel comfortable and at peace. Sometimes His message was unsettling, and He had hard things to say, and this did drive some people away. How ever, the demeanor of the man kept most people faithful to Him despite the hard truths He was called to speak. Alexander the Great conquered the Middle East, and the generals who took over the lands after Alexander's death discovered that the best way to unite diverse peoples was to utilize one language (in this case, Greek) and to spread the same customs and lifestyle. This was "Hellenization." The Jews living in Judah, however, resisted Hellenization to the point of rebellion. Jews living elsewhere were profoundly affected by this process. By the time Paul lived, most Jews living outside Judah spoke only Greek. Paul was a Hellenist, and though profoundly Jewish, he was heavily influenced by Greek philosophy and thought. Paul was part of a struggle between the Jews of Judah and the "Hellenists" (those Jews speaking only Greek) for the heart and soul of Judaism. Christians, still seen as Jewish, were caught in the struggle, and it led to the martyrdom of Stephen, but in the end it was Paul who was converted, and the way he lived his life proved it. Paul became an example of what happens when we "abide in Christ." We become like Christ, filled with love for God and filled with a zeal to share what we have discovered. Viewed as a fellow traitor by fellow Hellenists, his life was literally in peril, but Paul's enthusiasm could not be squelched. Paul's life was not easy nor is ours. Our faithfulness to God is challenged everyday. We are tempted to tell little lies, we are tempted to cheat on taxes and spouses. Despite the Resurrection, we still sin. For some this is so discouraging that they give up. Our message today is to never give up. We are to "abide in Christ." This means that despite our sinfulness, despite troubles, despite challenges, despite frustrations, we must choose to stay with Christ anyway. If we cut ourselves off, like trimming a branch from a vine, we will die. We can live only if we are in contact with the Vine. Jesus is telling us that once we are in Him, we are practically at our spiritual destination. There is still a journey to take, and will have hard moments, but Jesus encourages us to remain on the journey—abide with Him. If we do, we, too, can live a life filled with joy. The Priest PAGE 7 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 PAGE 8 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 PAGE 9 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 TO REGISTER, GO TO: TO REGISTER, GO TO: PAGE 10 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 PAGE 11 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 PAGE 12 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 PAGE 13 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814 —May 3, 2015 PAGE 14
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