ts fu$rw {. cr Bankaf Baroda Date: 16thJanuary,2015 Vice-President, Ltd., Towers Street 001 CODE-I32194 I The Vice-President, The BSE Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Dalal Mumbai - 400 BSE I National Stock Exchange of lndia Ltd. I Exchange Plaza, I Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) | Mumbai - 400 051 | CODE-BANKBARODA E-mail:[email protected] I Email :cmlist@nse'co.in Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Notice of Board Meeting under clause 41 ol the Listing Agreement. We advise that a meeting of Board of Directors of Bank of Baroda is scheduled to be held on 30th Januarv" 20i5 at Mumbai: o To consider & approve the un-audited (Reviewed) Financial Results of the Bank together with relevant segment reporting, for the quarter / Nine months ended 31tt December,2014. You are requested to take notice under Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement. We further advise that "Trading window" under provision of "Bank of Baroda Directors and Employees Code of Conduct for Prohibition of lnsider Trading "has been closed from 16th January, 2015 to 31tt January, 2015 (both Days inclusive). Kindly upload the above information on your web site. Yours faithfully, M.L.Jain DGM-Company Secretary & Compliance. Wl-a arqtte *eq, S-zo, S-d"cF, eTqr S-di qiq-effi, qFsr (T. ga{ - aoo 0s1 . qren ), Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Cornplex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 drc/ phone .91 22 6698 5812/5846 . *em I Fax:91 22 2652 6660 {-*a/ E-mail :[email protected] ' }ql 05'1 , Web:www.bankofbaroda.com lndia
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