B da irn {*Gt Bankof Baroda BCC:lSD:1061161 341 Date. 12th July 2014 The Vice President (Emai l-corp. relations@bseindia. com) B S E Ltd., Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai - 400 001 BSE Code-532134 The Vice President, (Email-cm list@nse. co. in) National Stock Exchange of lndia Ltd. Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 NSE Code-BANKBARODA Dear Sir / Madam, Re: Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report for the quarter 30th ended June 2014 Pursuant to the provisions of circular Nos.D&CC/FITTC/CIR-1612002 dated 31 .12.2OO2 & CIR/MRD|DP|3O|2O10 dated 06-09-2010 issued by SEBI and Regulation 55-A of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 1996, we forward herewith Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report duly signed by Shri Y. Koteswara Rao, Practicing Company Secretary, for the quarter ended 30th June 2014. M,L.Jain DGM-Company Secretary & Compliance fi-@ '/ Encl.- As Above. \ q-+{ +,rcTte *;et, S-zo, S-F,fn, qrqr $di slry&+q, eTqr (t ) , gs-{ - 400 051 . qrrf, Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051, lndia qtc/pnone:9122 66985812/5846 {-ta/ . #m I Fax.912226526660 E-mail :[email protected] ' }ql Web:www.bankofbardda.com Y.KOTESWARA RAO H.No.48-345,GaneshNagar Colony, Chinthal, HMT Road, Hyderabad - 500 054 Phone No. 2308 6394 (O & R) Practicin g Com pany Secretary Cell : 98491-69831 l. Report for the quarter ended 2. ISIN 3. Face Value 30-06-2014 : INE 028A01013 % Rs. l0/- each BANK OF BARODA 4. Name of the Company Mandvi 5. Registered Office Address 6. Correspondence Address VADODARA _ 390 006 03'o Floor, Baroda Corporate Centre C-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East MUMBAI _ 4OO 051 Tel:022- 66985812 7. Telephone and Fax Nos. Fax: 022-26526660 companysecretarlz. bcc@bankof 8. E-mailAddress baroda.com 9. Name of the Stock Exchange where the Company's Securities are listed. BSE & NSE No. of Shares % of Total Issued 10. Issued Capital 43,21,49,597 11. Listed Capital (Exchange Wise) (as per company records) 12. Held in dematerialized form in CDSL 42,94,15,097 100.00 24,56,59,971 57.21 13. Held in Dematerialized 17,62,24,146 41.04 75,31,070 1.75 42,94,15,087 100.00 14. Held in Physical 15 form in NSDL form TotalNo.of Shares (12+13+14) l6.Reasons for differences if any, between ( l0&r1), (r0&15), (11&r5) : The company has fotfer.ted.27,3!,3^09 Equity shares of Rs. I0/each face value on 29.0g.2003 as the Board of Directors resolved to forfeit the siid Equity shares due to non-payment of calls made and :fii*'# jylis^ q1_period q,,'i.l, ;;il on 30.06.2004, l,r":'1fli, ll","j,:l:" "r 31..12,20as, T:X:1.:r 30.06.2006, tt.i2.20t0a;:o.osiodi..Jio.ijq;o;, 19"1?;1g"r1jl,g1?,ggl: ,va, #ffd ;i Llllw IJ\,4I U Ul of.r30b, 600, r800,'rbo ,roo, 400, 400 and 100 Equity shares respectively and therefore the total forfeited shares now stands ati7,3 ity Shares. Hence there is a difference in columns (10 & i l) and (10&15). 3:y::-ri:i]1i:r*l}l,,:.il:".p::t 17. Certiffing the details ofchanges in share capital during the quarter under consideration as per the table ei ven :n below: Particulars No.of AppliedA{ot Applied for Shares listing Listed on Stock Exchanges ( Specif, name) Whether intimated to CDSL Whether intimated to NSDL Inprin.approval pending from (Specify Names) N,A l8.Register of Members is updated (yesAtro) if not, updated upto which date l9.Reference of previous quarter with regard to excess dematerialization shares, if any: NIL 20'Has the Company resolved the matter mentioned in Point No.l9 above, in the quarter If no reason why ? Not Applicable ? 2l . Mention the total no. of requests, if any, confirmed after 2l days and the total no. of requests pending beyond 2l days with the reasons for delay. Total No. of demat requests Confirmed after 2l days Pending for more than 21 davs 22.Name, Telephone & Fax No. of the Compliance Officer of the Company: 23.Name, Address. Telephone & Fax.No, Regn. No of the Auditor No. of Requests No. of shares NIL NIL Reasons for delay NIL NIL NIL NIL Mr. M.L Jain, Company Secretary Tel: 022-66985812 Fax: 022-26526660 Y Koteswara Rao, Practising Company Secretary H.No;4 8-3 4 5,Ganesh Nagar Colony, Chintal, HMT Road, Hyderabad-500 054 Phone: 040-23086394 Cell: 98491-69831 Fax No: Nil Regn No; ACS No:3785 24.Appointment of common agency for shares registry work (if yes, name and address) CP No: 7427 M/s. Karvy Computershare private Limited Plot No- 17-24, Vittalrao Nagar, Madhapur, Hyderabad - 500 08 I 25Any other details that the auditor may like to provide, (e.g. BIFR Company, de-listing form Stock Exchanges, company changes its name etc):NIL Place:Hyderabad Date:04-07-2014 Signature: Name of Practicing Company Secretary: Y.KOTESWARA RAO C.P. No. : 7427 SE
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