BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. NAME POSITION TITLE Stephanie Myal MSTP Trainee eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login) EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable.) DEGREE INSTITUTION AND LOCATION MM/YY FIELD OF STUDY (if applicable) Arkansas State University, State University, AR University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA B.S. B.A. M.D., Ph.D. 05/2010 05/2010 06/2014present Biology Chemistry A. Personal Statement I am interested in sensorimotor integration -- how the brain distinguishes and prioritizes sensory inputs at the circuit level to generate specific, goal-directed motor outputs -- and its dysfunction in disease. Specific circuits within the striatum, cortex and thalamus help perform these functions and are altered in schizophrenia, addiction and movement disorders. By characterizing cell assemblies involved in perceptual and motor tasks and selectively altering these circuits with pharmacologic, optogenetic, and molecular tools, I hope to disrupt and rescue perceptions necessary for task performance in rodents and quantify these changes with electrophysiological and behavioral measures. Medically, I am interested in clinically relevant aspects of altered brain function and pharmacology in the psychiatric, neurologic, anesthesiologic, or neurosurgical specialties. To explore these interests, I did a (fantastic!) pre-M1 rotation with Aryn Gittis at Carnegie Mellon University, using whole-cell patch clamp techniques to determine whether partial dopamine depletion alters plasticity in striatal projection neurons in a mouse model of preclinical Parkinson’s disease. Before the MSTP, I worked with Patricio O’Donnell at the University of Maryland School of Medicine comparing striatal metabotropic glutamate receptor involvement in sucrose-seeking behavior in adolescent and adult rats (2013-2014). Before that, I was a postbac IRTA fellow at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (2011-2013). With Roy Wise, I characterized the conditioned cue effect of cocaine’s actions in the peripheral nervous system of drugexperienced rats (Wang et al. 2013) and determined the midbrain sites at which micro-injections of opiates most effectively reduce heroin craving. With Eugene Kiyatkin, I used in vivo amperometry to show that striatal glutamate and glucose levels fluctuate distinctly during drinking behavior (Wakabayashi et al., under review) and saw within-session sensitization of nucleus accumbens glutamate release after repeated passive cocaine exposure. Before NIH, I developed a rodent model of transcranial magnetic stimulation therapies for nicotine abuse in Edgar Garcia-Rill’s lab at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (2010-2011). As an undergraduate I studied foodborne pathogens and developed a sensitive, user-friendly PCR assay to detect and distinguish common foodborne Salmonellae in Soohyoun Ahn’s lab at Arkansas State (2007-2010). B. Positions and Honors 2011 Post-baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA), NIDA, NIH 2010 Chancellor’s Scholar, ASU College of Science & Mathematics 2010 Summa Cum Laude, ASU University Honors, Dean’s List, President’s List 2010 Phi Kappa Phi Interdisciplinary Honor Society 2010 ASU B.S. Biology Pre-Professional Award 2010 ASU B.A. Chemistry Award 2009 ASU Ernest Lee Saunders Scholarship, Guido Hassin Scholarship, John C. Faris Pre-Med. Scholarship 2008 ASU Honors Summer Internship in Biotechnology 2007 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society D. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications Wang B, You ZB, Oleson EB, Cheer JF, Myal S, and Wise RA. 2013. Conditioned contribution of peripheral cocaine actions to cocaine reward and cocaine-seeking. Neuropsychopharmacology 38(9): 1763-9. PMCID: PMC3717534 Wakabayashi KT, Myal S, and Kiyatkin EA. 2014. Fluctuations in Nucleus Accumbens Extracellular Glutamate and Glucose during Motivated Glucose-drinking Behavior: Dissecting the Neurochemistry of Reward. J. Neurosci. (under review). Selected Abstracts and Presentations Myal SE, Wakabayashi KT, and Kiyatkin EA. Rapid fluctuations in nucleus accumbens glutamate levels during motivated glucose drinking behavior. Poster: Society for Neuroscience 2013. Myal S, Steidl S, and Wise RA. Reduction of heroin self-administration in rats during reverse dialysis of morphine into the ventral tegmental area. Poster: NIH Postbac Poster Day, 2013 (Award Winner: Outstanding Poster); NIDA IRP Mentoring Awards, 2013. Myal S. Tegmental Trigger Zones of Heroin Satiety. Presentation: NIDA IRP postbac research forum, 2012. Myal S, Wang B, and Wise RA. Extinction with cocaine methiodide attenuates priming-induced, but not footshock-induced, reinstatement of cocaine seeking. Poster: Society for Neuroscience 2012; NIDA IRP Mentoring Awards 2012 (Award Winner: Outstanding Poster); Society for Biological Psychiatry (SOBP) annual conference, 2012; NIH Postbac Poster Day, 2012; Johns Hopkins Bayview Annual Research Symposium, 2011. Myal S, Hayar AM, Buchanan R, and Garcia-Rill E. Effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on nicotine-induced suppression of P13 auditory evoked potential. Poster: Society for Neuroscience 2011. Bisagno V, Smith K, Urbano FJ, Custer CE, Myal S, Lozama A, Prisinzano TE, Fantegrossi WE, Randolph M, and Garcia-Rill E. Automated gait analysis in mice after administration of an acute toxic dose of methamphetamine and treatment with modafinil. Poster: Society for Neuroscience 2011. Myal S, Escovedo M, Julius F, Buchanan R, Hayar AM, Skinner R, and Garcia-Rill E. rTMS Blocks NicotineInduced Suppression of Rat P-13 Auditory-Evoked Potential. Presentation & poster: ASU Create @ State Symposium 2011. Myal S. rTMS and the Smoking Rat: Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Nicotine-Modulated Potentials in Rat Cortex. Presentation: ASU/ABI Animal Research Group, 2011. Clines C, Myal S, and Ahn S. Development of a multiplex PCR assay for the identification of 8 different Salmonella enterica serovars. Poster: Institute for Food Technologies Annual Conference, 2011. Ahn S and Myal S. Development of a multiplex PCR assay for the detection of multiple Salmonella enterica serovars. Poster: Institute for Food Technologies Annual Conference, 2010. Myal S. Detection& Differentiation of Foodborne Salmonellae by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Honors Thesis: Arkansas State University (Chairperson: Soohyoun Ahn, PhD), 2010; Presentation: Arkansas State University Undergraduate Scholars Day, 2010. Ahn S, Myal S, and Dunigan S. Microplate-based detection assay for multiple foodborne pathogens coupled with biotinyl tyramide signal amplification. Poster: Institute for Food Technologies Annual Conference, 2009. D. Research Support NIH T32GM008208-26 PI: Richard Steinman, PhD Status: MSTP Student Trainee 7/2014-present
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