Name 2~d INTERNATION Oi. :W - OH.:Hl Heg i ~IJ'al ion ON.:$O - 10.00 0p('lIing cen'lIwny 1O.0() - 10. ,.;) I{cy Ilotl' slwal\('r Institution Address :\ssociatl' I)roti.'ssor Yoshih iro Hayal,awa, Ph.D (Institute or Handphone ~atlll'al Mc-dicill<', Ulli\(~ rsit)' C()tli.'l' BI·l,·.. k / Pu!;tel· s('!>~i()11 A Challenge in drug discove from natural resources E-mail Register as : D J 1.00 - I ~.:W Plellary sl'ssioll I Linda Reguler + Poster Hanhllr~·.• (Southern D Regulcr D Student of Traditional medicines: Toyama Japan) 10.,1·,) - '1.00 I CI'Ol'S H.Sl· (I lOlls). I'h. Plant Science, Australia) Ill: lI('n i Ha l'hllla\\:l ti. , ApI. ( Sdlool ............... 20 1~) ()r Phan",u'y, ITB) ) I ~.:$O - 1:$.:$0 tUlldl and Postl'I' sl'ssioll 1:$.:$0 - I (;.:W Pll'llal·." Sessioll II Rcgistran Tl'P." l 'sia. I\I.Phil., Ph.D.. Apt. Full Name (BJ>O\J HI) - YlIsllita Hil:ti, S.Si, NB :li~ * Banli transfer slip at the registration Permitted to be copied ~ I. P haJ'JJI, Ph.n. ;\pt. (Factllt." of Ph:tl"JlI:tc.,-,1las:tllllCldill,') J (j.:lO - 'i .00 Closing' cl'relllollY Grand [Iarion Hotel, FebruarJ 21st, 2015 Malmar .ekgrDun. RuistirQtiion anti Fees The investigation of natural products has been one of the efforts to discover new drugs. Having biological resorces diversity and having used Ja traditional medicine healing system for many years, Indonesia has been becoming a potential source for the investigation of new drugs from After joining this international conferenc participants are expected to have a morl. understanding of this field of study, and to b(~ more motivated in the development and exploration of drug discovery from natural origin. Submitting the registration form to the committee ofthe international seminar "Traditional Medicines: A challenge in drug discovery from natural resources" natural resources. This could be a significant contribution to research studies in completing scientific data that are currently needed These abundant natural richnesses tend to attract pharmaceutical industries to participate in the development program of new drugs exploration Time : Saturday, February 21"[ ,2015 Hours: 07.30 - 17.00 (CIT) Venue: Grand Clarion Hotel Makassar To the organizing committee or bank tran sferred in BNI (02919401SS) name : Nur Khairi III ittees Indonesia. 1. Identity Activities will be ca rried out in the form of seminar and scientific pu blication of research findings by poster presentatio ns, with the th eme: Traditional Medicines : A challenge in drug discovery frorn natural resources :Poster title, name of researchers, and institution 2. Poster size : 90 x 120 cm 3. Abstract Deadli ne on February, 7t~ 2015 to stifamakassar@yma il,com 3. Available at the proposed time table For detail information plea se visit: Adviso,rs Drs. Sa hibuddin A.Gani, Apt (~rmal1 , Ke bangsaa n Educati on Found ation) Prollk.Gemini Alam, M .Si, Apt Iftrlnnndan Pharm ac ist Ass oci ati on, IAI South Sul awe si) Steering Co - Prof. Dr. Elly - Prof. Dr. Faisal A The objectives of this con fe rence and worksh op are : 1. Inform ation sharing of current findings on the Strategies based on natu ral product and traditio nal med ici nes in the drug discovery 2. Development of pharmace utical sciences on natural products and its implementa tion in health sciences 3. Scientific publication of resea rch out comes on "Traditional medicines; A cha llenge discovery from natura l resou rces" in dr ug - Sem inar kit - Coffee break STlF.\ ~ l a"a~~ar.TI·II ' .' Fax: o • •11. 1'1'l'illl i~ hP III I'l'dl' kiWII tilll.I:J, \laka'~ar H()~Hl!, Wd,sih' : hupl l \\ p-lIIail :stifaIll Qka ~lIar!l1 Ylllilil.('IllII - lunch - Certificate - Cre dit Point (SKP) Participa n t 12 SKP/Speaker 4,5 SKP/Poster 3 SKr SK.IAI : 107/S K- SKP/PP.IAI/XII/2014 Kalla Group
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