MYP Chinese Yearly Overview – Phase 5 – Gr.7 G 7 Week Themes & Topics 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 个人和他人 About Me & Others 1 电影 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 考试 8 书画 9 才艺 商业与服务 Business & Service 1 电影 2 3 4 3 5 6 7 8 竞赛 9 1 2 3 考试 4 4 5 6 7 8 电影 9 环境与社区 Environments & Community Greeting, Family (members, nationality, address, housing, occupation), Making Friends, Education (school, grade, subjects), appearance (body parts), Dress code, Daily Routine, Feeling, Personalities, Hobbies, Health (illness, hospital) Shopping (stores, markets, bargain), public facilities, catering, hotel, service (categories, standards, requirements, eg. moving company), Factory/Company, Tax, Import & Export, Stock Market, Funds, Emergency Phone Call Natural Environment (TJ, China geography, pollution, protection, garbage collection) Social Environment (community, society tendency, social problem, religions, criminals, technology development) 娱乐与休闲 Leisure & Travel Tourist Sites, Historic Relics, Local Conditions and Customs, Transportation, Foods, Media, Sports, Talents, Games AOI Focus & Guiding Questions Environments How do I adapt to a new environment? What do I do after school? Skills & Assessment Tasks Inquiry & negotiation skills Problem solving skills Design a poster for an after school activity. Write a notice for one’s missing property at school. How do I find a better place to live? Dialog with an estate agent. Community & Service Write a letter to one’s landlord about his/her apartment problem. Inquiry & research skills How’s the public service in different countries? Dialogs between customer and service clerk. How do I help others to adapt their new life in our community? Leave a notice for parcel collection from post office. Design a guide for new comers to one’s community with a map. Environments How’s the climate of a place? How do I enjoy the nature? Write how to use school library. Compare & contrast skills Interview about one’s national climate with comparison of China’s. Write a letter to a friend about one’s life in China. Present one’s enjoyable season and place. Health & Social Education Planning & promotion skills Discuss one’s summer plan. How do I plan a meaningful summer vacation? How do I plan a culture trip in China? Design a promotion poster for a culture summer camp in detail. Write a diary of one day summer camp experience. Main & Additional Contents Texts: 《厨子得宝》《学游泳》中学华文 系列 (新加坡) Types of Writing: Card, Note, Sick Note (Diary, Letter) Idioms: 自言自语,匆匆忙忙,喜出望外, 半途而废,游来游去 一场欢喜一场空 Poems: 《静夜思》(李白) 《江南》(汉乐府) Texts: 《你想到几步》《磨刀不误砍柴 功》中学华文系列(新加坡) Types of Writing: Notice, Poster (Diary, Letter, Advertisement, Explanatory Writing) Idioms: 三言两语,哑口无言, 气喘如牛, 急急忙忙,盐酸背痛,烈日当空, 劈里啪啦, 意义深长 Poems: 《春晓》(孟浩然) 《夜宿山寺》(李白) Texts: 《和平鸽》《地球生病了》中学华 文系列(新加坡) Types of Writing: Notice, Poster (Diary, Letter, Advertisement, Explanatory Writing) Idioms: 拳打脚踢,喜出望外,心有不甘, 毫无顾忌,接二连三,同心协力 Poems: 《回乡偶书》(贺知章) 《乐游原》(李商隐) Texts: 《邮票起源》《马蹄着不着地》中 学华文系列(新加坡) Types of Writing: Notice, Poster (Diary, Letter, Advertisement, Explanatory Writing) Idioms: 不约而同 Poems: 《早发白帝城》(李白) 《绝句》(杜甫) CME: 《轻松学汉语》 HYJC: 《汉语教程》 NPCR: 《新实用中文教程》 FZH:《发展汉语》
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