Insert - St Andrew Presbyterian Church

Bill Guerrera
D. Kay Benson, Harry Psenisky
Bob Shields, Bill Eades
Syd Ashbridge, Elizabeth Ward
Herman and Marilyn Bode, Betty Lonergan
Tom and Ann Simonsen
COFFEE HOUR – Traditional and Contemporary
Everyone is invited to come to coffee hour following each service. Fellowship together sharing
coffee and cookies. If you wish to share your cookies at coffee hour, please have them in
the church kitchen by 8:00 a.m. Sunday morning.
The series continues with a dual presentation on Sunday, January 4, , 2015 at 3:00 pm featuring
BRIAN MOORHEAD, principal clarinet of the Florida Orchestra, accompanied by our own
LINNEA NORSWORTHY. Single tickets are $10. Tickets for the DANIEL RODREGUIZ
concert on January 25, 2015 are also $10. Tickets are available at the reception desk, or call
Judy Voorhees at 813-642-8125.
The next Florida Presbyterian Pilgrimage is scheduled for April 30-May 2nd in Silver Springs,
Florida. "Talk with someone who has attended a Pilgrimage/Cursillo Weekend".
If you need help, The St. Andrew Angel Network Volunteers are willing to serve. There is a sign
up sheet in the Foyer. Please leave your name and phone number, and we will contact you.
First Saturday Breakfast at Sunshine Café – January 3 at 9:00 a.m. hosted by Pete
and Margie Blair. The final day to sign up is Tuesday, December 30. This is always
great either on line via the website or in the foyer. Don't wait! There are only 30
seats, and it's first come, first serve.
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church will be sponsoring a free seminar on January 22 at 1:30 p.m.
Art Smith, an attorney and volunteer with Seniors vs. Crime, will discuss common and new
scams, and provide perspectives on protecting oneself, one’s property and identity. Seniors vs.
Crime is a program of the Florida Attorney General’s Office, designed to help senior citizens who
believe they might have been scammed or defrauded. The Hillsborough County office of
Seniors vs. Crime is at 137 S. Pebble Beach Boulevard, behind CVS Pharmacy. Art has been
with the program for five years. For more information call the church at 634-1252 and leave a
message for Carol Liedberg. Please sign up in the foyer if you plan to attend this seminar.
– 237FOR OUR
– 45
Lt. Drew Bowen (grandson of Jim and Carolyn Ballard) Air Force Pilot
Lt. Chris Cagle (grandson of Gloria Sproul) Fort Campbell, KY
Senior Airman Ellissa Green Poovey (granddaughter of Ann Shepherd ) Scott AFB, Elgin, IL
Cathleen Huet (granddaughter of Bill & Ellen Ricketts) Navy Boot Camp, Great Lakes
Airman 1st Class Ryan Poovey Scott AFB, Elgin, IL
Dr. Andrew Healey (grandson of John & June Healey) studying radiology in WA State
Sgt. Matthew Isganitis (grandson of Naomi Furrer) in Little Rock, AR
Physician Assist: Carolyn Kreck (Cousin’s daughter of Pam Cummings)
S. R. Marcus Miller (grandson of John & June Healey) Navy, Middle East
Specialist Ryan O’Malley (grandson of Bud & Peggy Anderson) border South Korea
Lt. Peter Slye (grandson of Marv Ver Schure) Navy Seal
Lt. Richard Slye (grandson of Marv Ver Schure) Operations Officer deployed on USS Nitze
Major Kevin Wierschke (nephew of Pam Cummings)
Pvt. Justin Zamorano (Husband of Cleo Aldrich’s granddaughter) Germany
How do you understand grief when your heart is broken by the death of a loved one? If you are
grieving the death of a loved one, please join us on the journey through grief in a Beyond the
Broken Heart support group to share the loneliness of your grief. Spiritual wisdom will be used to
explore the spiritual issues of grief and to offer encouragement for a life of renewed hope and joy.
The group will also offer some specific coping strategies to guide the way back to fullness of life.
The group will begin meeting on January 7, 2015 at 1:30 pm in the Chapel. We will
continue to meet the first and third Wednesday until May 6, 2015. To register, please contact
the church office and leave a message for Carol Liedberg.
BETH MOORE coming to the Sun Dome June 12-13.
The Sun Dome is on the USF campus, and seating is limited. We will car pool from the St.
Andrew. You may purchase your tickets at Living Proof There is early-bird pricing
until Feb. 12, 2015, so purchase your tickets early. If you have questions, please call Bobbi
Curtis 813-633-8582.
WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY Children of the Day by Beth Moore, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. This
nine-week study covers a wide variety of topics including family, prayer, ministering to others, and
prophecies. It will meet on Wednesday evenings 6:30-830 beginning on January 7. Plan to
attend and invite a friend. If you need a ride, please let us know. There is a signup sheet in the
foyer. Please indicate if you need a book or not. Any questions, call Bobbi Curtis at 813633-8582, Delores Lines at 813-633-6380, or Sally McLeish at 813-634-4936.
Join us for a
On Christmas Eve
At 7:00 p.m.
This will be a full Worship Service
Peggy Anderson, Donna Baird (sister of Ellen Ricketts), Robert Bancroft (husband of Rachel
Bancroft), Florence Blevins, Kay Cruikshank, Ellie Gilbert, Ally Hilinsky (daughter of Bob Mills),
Richard Icard, Alice Miller, JoAlice Nieter, Douglas Parker (son of Judy Hasch), Laurie Pitzer
(daughter of Tina Pitzer), Harold Quinn, Ric Rasines (brother of Rachel Bancroft), Laura
Reynolds (sister of Saundra Ebeling), William Ricketts (son of Bill Rickets), Barbara Riley,
Charles and Shirley Roederer, Robert Scott, Natalie Tryon, Barbara Warner, Mary Ann Zachary
(friend of Karen King), John Zook and all others you know needing our prayers.
NAMES are kept on the Prayer Focus list for two weeks. If you want them on longer,
please call the church office, and let us know.
PLEASE NOTIFY THE CHURCH OFFICE, or PASTOR, if you are hospitalized. There have
been too many times when we have not been notified of parishioners hospitalized or returning
home after hospitalization
THE HEALTH CABINET recommends that you stay home when you have symptoms of the flu or
cold. Wash your hands frequently to reduce the spread of germs
THE SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS of this congregation are extended to the family and friends of
Marjorie Nixon on the death of her brother, Harry Blaker, on December 14.
Office phone number during Office Hours 8:30am – 4:30 pm: 813-634-1252
**EMERGENCY CONTACT: Dr. Mark Salmon (361) 563-0596
[email protected].
POINSETTIAS were donated by:
Cleo Aldrich
In loving memory of Nelladele Aldrich (2)
Corinne Bailiff
In loving memory of John Bailiff
Tom Bennington
In loving memory of Mark T. Bennington
Linda Bennington
In loving memory of Joseph C. Bennington
D. Kay Benson
In honor and memory of Ed Benson
Peter & Mary Biegler
In loving memory of Tony Biegler
Robert & Evelyn Birckhead In loving memory of our parents
Shirley Carroll
In loving memory of my parents
Bob & Helen Conaway
In loving memory of our parents
June Cooper
In loving memory of Richard ‘Coup’ Cooper
Scott Cooper
Donald Crescent
In loving memory of my parents
Gordon Cummings
In loving memory of my father, Harold
Pam Cummings
In loving memory of my parents Dean & Harriet Randall
Gwen DeBord
Gary, Dave, Colleen and Grover Redman
Phyllis Givan
In loving memory of my daughter, Robin
Bob & Bernice Gouker
In loving memory of our son, Scott
Bill & Dotty Guerrera
In loving memory of our parents
Ed & Ginny Hansen
In loving memory of our son, Dean on his birthday
Dan Kelliher
In loving memory of Marlene Kelliher
Dan Kelliher
In loving memory of Ruth
Chuck & Shirli Kleiber
In memory of loved ones
Ann Laird
In loving memory of Marje & Dick Laird
Betty Lonergan
In loving memory of Ron Lonergan
Dean & Nancy Metcalf
In loving memory of family members
Gerry & Helen Munger
In loving memory of our parents
Gerry & Helen Munger
In loving memory of Marvin Veverka
Gerry & Helen Munger
In loving memory of Edith & John Roberts; Ken & Dot Dilts;
Clare & John Martin
In memory of the 802 servicemen of the 66th Infantry (Panther)
Division lost in the sinking of the HMS Leopoldville 12/24/1944
Leonard Nichols
In loving memory of mom & dad, Leonard & Harriet (2)
Harry Psenisky
In honor and memory of Pat Psenisky
Marilyn Renwick
In loving memory of my daughter, Leslye friend, Marty Purcell
Carl & Janet Selavka
In loving memory of our beloved brother, Michael Selavka
Dick & Ginny Tattarelli
In loving memory of our parents
Sue Tharp
In loving memory of Tim Ogden
Sue Tharp
In loving memory of Betty Kinsaul
Judy Voorhees
In loving memory of my mother
Judy Voorhees
In loving memory of my grandmother
Jamie Ward
In loving memory of William Ward, Jr.
Jamie Ward
In loving memory of James F. Hughes
Bea Wassel
In loving memory of Bill and Becky
Robert & Alice Weisner
Memory of Loved Ones
Mike Wiles and Family
In loving memory of Greg and family members
Please remember that end of year donations will only be deductible
for 2014 if you can prove that they were either postmarked, or
received in the church office no later than Wednesday, December
31. For more information, feel free to call the church office.
2015 Donation Envelopes are in the narthex ready for
pickup. This year’s envelopes are different in that they come in
packets that do not have your name or a giver number printed on
them. For that reason, any time you turn in an envelope, please make
sure that you print your name on it clearly.
Welcome our new members to our family of faith:
Tom and Anne Marie Ray
2312 Platinum Drive
Sun City Center, FL
Dana S. Wallace
1107 Sheffield Circle
Sun City Center, FL
Jamie E. Ward
10129 Sharon Oak Circle
Riverview FL, 33569
11:00 A.M.
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Mark Salmon, Pastor
Prelude Song
Sam Green
Sing Praises
Sing with the St Andrew Praise Team
Luke 1:1-20
Join the pastor for prayers of enlightenment
followed by the Lord’s Prayer.
We give our special gifts to God.
Join Jesus Christ through prayer, intinction
& meditation.
Receive the blessing of God and the Holy
Spirit as you depart. Go in peace! Share the
Word with others. Invite them to worship with
us here at St Andrew.
Sing Praise
Lift your voice to the Lord!
To Find Cookies, Coffee, and Fellowship,
leave the Sanctuary and turn right.