Together TOGETHER Newsletter C/o 62 Parkwood Drive Albany, NY 12205-2526 RETURNED SERVICE REQUESTED A Quarterly Publication of Church Women United in New York State Volume 5 Issue 4 October - December 2014 Table of Content Page 2 President’s Message Officers Condolences & Prayers Page 3 Quadrennial Priorities Celebrations CWU Publishing News Around the State Holidays Partners Celebration Remittance Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Loving Hands Loving hands, we all need loving hands, For the sea and the sands cannot hold all the rain, All the tears and the pain. Where is God’s loving hand? Where is God’s loving hand? Loving hands left a sign in the sand; Strong his call; Jesus’ hands reach to all, Reaching out, teaching all, looking up To see God’s loving hand, To be God’s loving hand. Giving hands, will there be giving hands? Healing hands, when we’re hungry or cold, People sick, people old can all hold Onto God’s loving hand. State Biennial this April!! We are making plans for a two day informational, prayerful overnight event. We can’t do it without you. Watch this page for more information!! Stay tuned!! October - December TOGETHER PAGE 2 National Officers From Your President Greetings! As the cold weather and holidays approach we get involved with our everyday task and sometimes things get left undone. During this time we need to remember the work we set out to do. “God’s work. Our hands.” We are together for the sake of the world. Our lives have been changed by our relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and it’s that encounter with Jesus that frees us to make a difference. We need to continue our witness for the love of God, who knows and loves each one of us.” As we continue on this journey we need to be mindful that young willing hands are needed as well. As the old hymn writer writes “I am tired, I am weak, I am worn…” Yes, we need to pray and ask the Lord to lead us onto the light, guiding us to what we have to do to attract the young women in our lives to join us in the mission. With 2014 drawing to a close we must continue Renewing, Reviving, and Refreshing our interest in the Church Women United movement. “We Are In God’s Hands and We Are God’s Hand.” “We are Companions on a Journey.” Grace and Peace Barbara Williams Marilyn Lariviere, President Louise Ballard, Northeast Reg’l Coordinator For complete list see ChurchWoman News or visit the national website: 2013-2015 Officers Barbara Williams, State President [email protected] Mira Washington, Vice President [email protected] Shelia Davis, Ecumenical Development Coor. [email protected] Joan Johnson, Ecumenical Action Coor. [email protected] Mary Smith, Communication Coor [email protected] Helene O’Clair, Recording/ Corresponding Secretary [email protected] Mary Jo Selmer, Treasurer [email protected] Nancy Hooper, Assistant Treasurer/ Celebrations Coordinator [email protected] Vacant Finance Committee Chair Audrey Davidson Nominations Committee [email protected] Antonia Daniels Bylaws Chairperson [email protected] * * * * * Area Chairpersons * * * * * “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi Our Condolences and Prayers to those who have sustained a lost, those in need of healing grace, those under a doctors care; especially for each other. Capital Area – Nancy Bellamy [email protected] Central – Joyce Jewell Metropolitan – Inez Grant & Ella Hodges [email protected] Long Island South – Tellora Downes [email protected] Niagara – Vacant Ontario (Fingerlakes) – Vacant Southern Tier West – Reverend Ann Taylor Southern Tier East – vacant Westchester – Earnestene Dixon [email protected] October - December Together A Quarterly Publication of CWU in New York State Editor TOGETHER PAGE 7 SAVE THE DATE!!! 75th Birthday Celebration of Church Women United October 14-16, 2-16 Louisville, KY Barbara Williams (518) 869-8812 Contributors: CWU members at large Church Women United in New York State C/o 62 Parkwood Drive Albany, NY 12205-2526 Visit us at our State website: Let us know what your unit is doing, in no more than 100 words with a picture or 175 words without a picture. Mail to: The “Together” Editor c/o 62 Parkwood Drive Albany, NY 12205-2526 Or Email: [email protected] Subject: Newsletter Article Deadline: December 15th This project is a way to “show” that we are concerned in protecting the earth and all its inhabitants. Have you started your RTH project??? If you need some assistance check the previous issue for instructions or let me know so I can post it on the website or mail you a copy. Send a picture of your RTH so it can be featured in the next edition of the “Together”. For more information visit their websites: and TOGETHER October - December PAGE 6 CHURCH WOMEN UNITED REMITTANCE INFORMATION SHEET & CELEBRATION REPORTS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ LOCAL UNIT STATE PLEDGE - DIABETES AWARENESS CELEBRATION - ANY TIME THREE WEEKS AFTER CELEBRATION MAY FRIENDSHIP DAY Send 1/2 To State – Retain 1/2 For Your Unit HUMAN RIGHTS DAY - FULL offering due THREE WEEKS AFTER CELEBRATION THREE WEEKS AFTER CELEBRATION MILLENNIUM FUND - HUNGER FUND - PRISON PROJECT WORLD COMMUNITY DAY ANY TIME “ - FULL offering due - “ “ HONORARIUMS – MEMORIALS – DESIGNATED GIFTS “ BY 11/20 FELLOWSHIP OF THE LEAST COIN - BY 6/1 “ GIFT CERTIFICATES “ NICKELS FOR NATIONAL - ANY TIME ANY TIME CELEBRATION REPORTS DUE WITHIN THE MONTH OF CELEBRATION SEND A COPY OF ALL CELEBRATION REPORTS TO OUR NYS CELEBRATION CHAIRPERSON: Nancy Hooper (607) 732-6788 October - December TOGETHER PAGE 3 VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO FILL THE VACANCIES WE HAVE ON OUR STATE BOARD!! 2012 – 2016 Quadrennial Priorities The Quadrennial Priorities presented here represent the accumulated wisdom and concern of women across the movement. These priorities are offered as general guideposts for this quadrennial as they allow a variety of specific actions to be taken in support of them according to the interests, knowledge, and skill set of each unit within CWU. The Action/Global Concerns Committee is in the process of creating an accompanying document that will offer specific actions for each of the priorities listed below. This document will be available sometime later this year. Building God’s Shalom to Our World HEALTH: Promote the health and well-being of all people. ENVIRONMENTAL CARE: Promote personal, communal and governmental decisions that express care for all God’s creations. PEACE AND JUSTICE: Promote shalom through understanding, education, confession, forgiveness, reconciliation, and non-violence. ECONOMIC JUSTICE: Promote the dignity, safety and economic opportunities of all peoples. 601 Robinson Street, Elmira, NY 14904-1523 TOGETHER Publication of NYS CWU - Annual Subscription - $8.00 Please make checks payable to: CHURCH WOMEN UNITED – NYS MAIL TO: Mary Jo Semler, State Treasurer - 571 Coburn Street, Elmira, NY 14904-1628 $ ____________________ Payment enclosed for ___ year subscription NAME _____________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________ CITY __________________ ST ___ ZIP _______ PHONE NUMBER _ (___) ____________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: _____________ ChurchWomanNews is published bi-monthly in February, April, June, August, October and December. The annual subscription for six issues is $15.00 in USA - $20.00 international e-mail address: Please make checks payable to: Church Women United. Send to: 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 243, New York, NY 10115 NAME _____________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________ CITY __________________ ST ___ ZIP _______ 2 0 1 5 C E L E B R A T I O N The overall theme is “Companions on a Journey” with the underlying text from Psalm 139:1-3. In some Bibles the heading is “The Inescapable God.” The AIM packet and Celebrations materials are available through CWU! You can also place your order by calling Janina at CWU Publishing at (212)870-1197 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 243 New York, NY 10115 News Around the State October - December The CWU of Macedon helped to host a Tasha Tudor Museum First Chapter in New York Celebration. My husband and I have been asked to create this first Chapter in New York State, and along with many others CWU "went out of their way to invite the people in, and taking Jesus with us" responded to the need for a Valiant Celebration of Joy in this area. Fifty one people attended - twenty-four from other areas other than Macedon, and a magnificent time was had by all. Tasha Tudor was a Caldecott Honor artist with over 100 books to her credit. She spent all of her life in New England, and celebrated the plants, animals, landscapes and history of her home in her artwork. Her appreciation for the beauties of nature and the traditions of the past have made her warm, delicate and detailed watercolors a favorite of readers everywhere. CWU Macedon was privileged to be a part of this wonderful celebration. The Rochester local unit hosted the Fall Sectional on Saturday, September 20th. Their theme “We are in God’s hands and we are Gods’ hands.” The gathering started with refreshments, tracing our hands on construction paper and writing something about what our hands have done as a servant. We opened with a TOGETHER song “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hand followed by the welcome and greeting of our State officers. There was a brief devotion and a poem “Sights and Sounds of Harmony” sung to the tune of “The Church is One Foundation,” which was written by our musicians’ husband, Paul Hammer. The speaker was Stephanie Sauvé , Vice President of Academic Life, Dean of Faculty, Director of Supervised Ministry and Associate Professor of Practical Theology at the Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School. Her message “hands” was interactive and concludes with the blessing of the audience’s hands with oil. Ms. Sauvé emphasized that hands are used for many things; hugs handshaking, waving, assisting but most of all to “connect one to another.” She mentioned that there are several places in the PAGE 4 Bible that refers to “hands,” 1,117 to be exact. It was a good day and we arrived home safely. Farmington Friends Meetinghouse, 187 County Road 8, Farmington, NY will host Sally Roesch Wagner from the Matilda Joslyn Gage Center On November 8th at 2 PM. She will be speaking to the public regarding the Haudenosaunee women's effect and influence upon the dominant culture's 19th Century women's rights movement. October - December TOGETHER PAGE 5 There is always a season for being thankful and Giving; especially now May the beauty and blessings of Thanksgiving bring warmth and peace to your home this season. Holiday Blessings from the Church Women United State Board This is being co-sponsored ;by The Ganondagan Historic Site. For information contact Carol Elaine Deys, Paradeysacres or (315) 9862302. About Ignite Your Life The Ammerman Center for Creative Aging launched the Ignite Your Life initiative in order to serve and educate people 50 and Church Women United Inc Brooklyn Unit at 1st International Day of Friendship with Brooklyn Borough President Eric L Adams, Aug 3, 2014. They continue to work with the young women, by involving them in all their get-togethers; i.e., annual prayer breakfast, volunteering at shelters, etc. CWSBESTGIFT.ORG beyond by celebrating the aging process. The program is designed to create a national network supporting baby boomers as they leverage their skills and talents to create meaningful personal growth. We’re hoping to inspire people to find that special calling that will enrich their lives in their encore years. - See more at: http://www.Ignite y o u r l i f e . i n f o / #sthash.8eRVdDRs.dpuf
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