View October 2014 Bulletin - Temple Beth-El

3610 Dundee Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062
Volume 203
October 2014
Wednesday, October 1
Morning Minyan
6:30 am
Friday, October 3
Kol Nidre at Glenbrook South H.S. 6:30 pm
Saturday, October 4
Yom Kippur Services - See page 5
Wednesday, October 8
Morning Minyan
Sukkot Service
Thursday, October 9
Sukkot Festival Service
followed by a lite lunch
Friday, October 10
Shabbat Service
Saturday, October 11
Casual Minyan
Wednesday, October 15
Morning Minyan
Simchat Torah Service
and Consecration
6:30 am
6:30 pm
11:30 am
7:30 pm
9:30 am
6:30 am
6:30 pm
Thursday, October 16
Simchat Torah Festival Service 11:15 am
and Yizkor followed by a lite lunch
Friday, October 17
Early Oneg
Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday, October 18
Casual Morning Minyan
Shabbat Service and B’nai
Mitzvah of Alana Glickman
and Jonah Taffel
Wednesday, October 22
Morning Minyan
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
9:30 am
10:00 am
6:30 am
Friday, October 24
Musical Family Shabbat Service 7:00 pm
Saturday, October 25
Casual Morning Minyan
Wednesday, October 29
Morning Minyan
Friday, October 31
Shabbat Service
9:30 am
6:30 am
7:30 pm
Tishrei/Cheshvan 5775
box. For thousands of years Judaism taught
that the human body, made in the image of
God, is holy and must be treated with dignity
FROM THE RABBI’S STUDY and respect. Thus cutting into the body, even
Rabbi Sidney M. Helbraun for purposes of an autopsy, was seen as
disrespectful to both the individual and God.
Dear Friends,
A second objection to organ donation
centered on the idea that when the messiah
A few weeks ago I attended an annual event,
comes, and those who once lived are brought
where the evening's honoree reminisced
back to life, those who had organs removed
about his grandmother's Friday night ritual.
would be unable to participate in that
After setting her Shabbat candles on the
miraculous time. Of course this objection is
kitchen counter, she would reach into her
quite silly. After all, if God is able to bring the
purse and pull out a few coins to put into a
dead back to life, God can surely recreate
tzedakah box. Then, with her last bit of
organs that might have been removed as
business concluded for the week, she would
easily as those which had decomposed with
light a match, bless the candles and welcome
the body.
Shabbat into her home. This simple ritual
created a powerful lesson for her
While Reform Judaism has long permitted
grandchildren, who grew up with a weekly
organ donation, Orthodox Judaism was slower
reminder that, before we can be at peace in
to adapt. But the last decades have seen the
the world and enjoy our day of rest, we have
publication of halakhic opinions stating that
a responsibility to make sure that others are
organ donation is not only permitted, it is a
supported and cared for; that they can enjoy
mitzvah - an obligation. After all, Judaism
a day of rest as well.
teaches that our highest obligation is to save a
life. Indeed, one is even permitted to break
The mitzvah of tzedakah is ingrained in our
other commandments in order to preserve the
communal consciousness. Whether it was
health and life of oneself or another. (Fasting on
established through putting coins into a
Yom Kippur is prohibited, for instance, if a
pushkie, giving tzedakah at Sunday School,
doctor says that it is not safe.)
or participating in a High Holiday appeal, we
recognize that Judaism obligates us, not
In bygone ages, when medical science had not
merely to pray for peace and blessings for
yet developed techniques to reliably save lives
ourselves, but also to build a society in which
through organ transplants, the fear of
all people can enjoy those blessings with us.
desecrating the image of God provided a
By and large, our people have learned this
reasonable objection to participating in this lifelesson well. As a group, we lead the way in
saving gift. But today, in a world in which we
charitable giving, supporting both Jewish and
have no qualms about receiving organs
secular causes that make a difference in the
donated by others, Jews have an obligation to
be considered just as generous in this area of
giving as we are in all others.
While we have much to be proud of, there is
one area in which we fall short. Although we
L'shanah Tovah Tikateivu - May each of us be
have no qualms about receiving them, we
inscribed and sealed for a year of good health,
Jews are among the least supportive groups
prosperity, blessing and peace. And may we do
in the world when it comes to organ
our part to ensure that these blessings are
donations. I'm certain that this is largely
shared with all those who are in need. Amen.
based on traditions that are just as well
established as placing coins in the tzedakah
Cindy Schoenstadt
time. She wanted to congratulate me and to share a personal
experience. A family member had been hospitalized unexpectedly,
and Cantor Rudnick’s and Rabbi Helbraun’s visits and constancy
were very meaningful, providing strength and renewing faith. (Thank
God, that family member has fully recovered.)
One of the things I enjoy most about being the President of our
Temple is having opportunities to meet and have meaningful
conversations with so many of our members. You are all part of
my Temple family, and I value each one of you. Whether the
conversation is sparked by a concern, a compliment, or even
(gasp!) a complaint, I know that you care about our Temple and
your connection to our community.
Have you ever been to a Shabbat Yeladim service? Talk about
JOYFUL! Beautiful families whose young children are joining in to
sing songs and prayers, some Hebrew, some English, usually while
jumping around with fantastic energy, bringing such spirit to
welcoming Shabbat--these are wonderful evenings. I have had the
opportunity to meet some of our newest members at Shabbat
Yeladim dinners, and they have shared with me their impressions of
the warm, welcoming feeling of Temple Beth-El.
As we prepare for Yom Kippur and deep self-reflection, I ask your
forgiveness for any perceived wrong or slight; I assure you it was
unintentional. And I wish you and your families a sweet New Year
and an easy fast.
And then, I attended an event that has not been part of my routine
for many years--the first day of Religious School, and found joy in
the excitement of the students and the dedication of our teachers.
Several things happened over the last few weeks that have made
me so grateful for and proud of our community and our clergy. The
strongest impact is often made away from the bimah, out of the
public eye. Rabbi Helbraun recently officiated at a wedding where
the bride and groom both grew up in Temple Beth-El, and they
and their parents are still members. The ceremony was beautiful
and was certainly enhanced by the fact that Rabbi Helbraun has
known these families for years and stood with them at this joyous
time. We are a family.
The week after that wedding, I was at a concert and was
approached by a congregant whom I have not seen for quite some
Religious Activities (RAC)
Clergy & religious issues, TBE
religious policies, services, and
High Holiday procedures.
TBE’s finances.
Physical issues of TBE.
New members and membership
Social Action (SAC)
There is so much going on at Temple for you to feel the joy, develop
the connection, strengthen the attachment, learn, and have fun. I
hope you had a great time at the Run/Walk, and congratulate the
Fundraising Committee on a successful event.
Please join me and many other families at the Family Retreat at
OSRUI the weekend of November 7-9. And mark your calendars to
attend the annual TBE/AIPAC Event on December 7; the “Son of
Hamas” will be speaking.
By participating, being an active part of our Temple community, you
will be enriched.
Last Wednesday
of the month
RAC VP, Leslie Schlesinger
[email protected]
4th Wednesday
of the month
3rd Wednesday
of the month
Financial VP, Ken Traub
[email protected]
Administrative VP, Jim Weiss
[email protected]
Last Monday
of the month
Co-Membership VPs,
Alan Blitz [email protected]
Jodi Schulman
[email protected]
Meets periodically to plan social action events.
Educational programming for
2nd Monday
children and adults of TBE.
of the month
Plans TBE fundraising events and meets periodically.
Program Activities
Plans TBE activities.
Men’s Club
and Sisterhood
Meets regularly and offers many outstanding programs.
Chairman of the Board
Past President
4th Thursday
of the month off site
Other Executive Committee Members
Cindy Schoenstadt
[email protected]
Bruce Werner
[email protected]
Odette Olson
[email protected]
Amy Huck
[email protected]
Wayne Shapiro
[email protected]
Elaine Koffman, [email protected]
Education VP, Lainie Levin
[email protected]
Fundraising VP
Paul Miller [email protected]
Program Activities VP, Andi Solomon
[email protected]
Men’s Club President, Jim Tuchler
[email protected]
Sisterhood President, Sue Hanover
[email protected]
Temple Beth-El
Cantor Faryn H. K. Rudnick
This time of year often evokes very powerful memories for people.
For me, the early fall brings about two particularly strong
memories: baseball playoffs and beautiful, liturgical music. The
first, my love of baseball and the Yankees, the summer afternoons
at Yankee stadium with my father, and the fall nights watching
playoff and World Series games, hoping “my boys” would once
again win. The latter, the memories of the first time I remember
hearing my favorite piece of High Holiday music and the first time I
had the opportunity to sing for the high holidays.
Kol Beth-El, Temple Beth-El’s choir and band, has been
rehearsing for High Holiday services since July. At each
rehearsal, someone inevitably will say, “That song reminds me
of…” or “I have been listening to that piece on a CD for years, but
singing it is so different and beautiful.” Music has great power;
the power to transcend, the power to bring about a spiritual
moment, the power to transport a person to another time and
place. More than just notes on a page, music has the power to
express that which cannot be put into words. Think about how
you feel when you hear Kol Nidre chanted. Are you remembering
a grandparent, a connection to a time now past? What about
when you hear Avinu Malkeinu? How many of us think back to
Rabbi Toby H. Manewith
“Much have I learned from my teachers, more from my
colleagues, but from my students, most of all.” So said Rabbi
Hanina, one of the brilliant minds oft-quoted in the Talmud.
Just a few days ago, as I walked from my car to my house, I was
startled by two cicadas that were lying quietly on the grass, but
began madly flapping their wings as my son and I passed. Of
course, after regaining our composure, we had to stop to
investigate. This scientific endeavor eventually led to capturing
these small creatures and taking them into the house to be fed to
our pet box turtle. As we watched in amazement and horror (I’ll let
you ascribe the appropriate emotion to the proper party), I learned
many things, including: a cicada makes a LOT of noise while
being eaten and they can still move with a large part of their body
Rabbi Hanina was right. We often learn a great deal from those
we are in a position to teach. If you have younger children or
grandchildren, nieces or nephews, teach or spend time with kids,
you’ve likely learned something at their request, like the names of
the characters on SpongeBob or the lyrics to “Let it Go” or the
basic rules of hockey or lacrosse.
Barbra Streisand and her recording of Avinu Malkeinu? How
many times do we go to a service, holiday or Shabbat, and feel
moved by the music?
Music has always been a vehicle to prayer for me. The more time
I spend with colleagues or at conferences, the more great music I
learn and the more opportunities I have to be moved by the
expression of a text. However, there will always be a few pieces
that stand out, evoking a powerful memory. I was fortunate
enough to have a great cantorial mentor who invited me to play
flute at a service on a Friday night. The piece he requested was
Shalom Rav by Jeff Klepper. A simple song, but nonetheless
important in my life. Without this piece, I would not have found my
way to Jewish music. Another piece, Max Janowski’s Un’Taneh
Tokef, always induces powerful memories and feelings for me. I
remember being in awe the first time I heard the piece sung. I
remember the challenges I faced when I decided to learn it. And I
remember feeling particularly close to the piece when I fully
understood the meaning of the text and why Janowski expressed
the text so powerfully.
We love the musical pieces we love because they help us to feel
and understand text, because they help us to express our
feelings, and because they stir a special emotion in our hearts. I
hope that at some time during this High Holiday season you had a
moment with some musical setting that stirred an emotion in your
heart, brought about powerful feelings and memories, and drew
you nearer to the text.
Similarly, our teachers are learning all the time. Sometimes, it’s on
a subject that’s important to us like preventing bullying or speaking
about Israel in a time of crises, but often their quest for learning is
spurred on by our students and the desire to serve them better. In
our opening teachers’ meeting when asked what they hoped to
learn this year, one teacher said that she wanted to pilot a plane
and another wanted to learn to crochet in a circle (to make kippot).
The vast majority wanted to become better models of living
Judaism–-learning more conversational Hebrew, connecting to
prayer more fully, or building a larger repertoire of Jewish music. I
am inspired by them and by the curiosity of our students. Rabbi
Hanina was right.
You are likely reading this during our season of self-reflection. At
this time of year, we put a lot of time and psychic energy into
thinking about how we might grow and change in the year to come.
The focus tends to rest on the emotional and interpersonal. I would
ask that you add the following to your consideration this year: From
whom will you learn? And what or whom will your learning serve?
Wishing you a year of health, a year of peace, and a year of
Why Temple Beth-El is “My” House of Worship
and Synagogue Community of Choice
Summer and early fall are traditionally considered to be new member
recruitment season for most synagogues. Prospective members ask
many questions, visit with our clergy, take a tour of the facility and
hopefully join us for a Shabbat Service or other community-wide
What is among the most important information to share with
prospective members? Recently, our members readily shared why
Temple Beth-El is “My” house of worship and synagogue of community
choice. The comments below serve as testimonials from our fellow
members as to the “Good Things that are Happening” at our
§ We are a reform congregation comfortable with tradition – we host a
service on the second day of Rosh Hashanah – making us an ideal
spiritual home for those who grew up in the conservative movement
who want a deeper level of tradition yet live in a family system that
would prefer to belong to a reform congregation.
§ Our casual minyan is an amazing community who gathers to
celebrate Shabbat each Saturday morning. The service is short yet
spiritual and the Torah study and nosh are great!
§ We bring in AMAZING speakers each year.
§ We support the greater Jewish community and Israel in our home,
with JUF, JNF and AIPAC all hosting annual events in our building.
§ We’re conveniently located at Dundee near Landwehr, easily
accessible on the North Shore and to residents West of Milwaukee
Elaine Cooper Koffman
Social Action Committee (SAC) activities for July, August, and
September 2014 include visiting CJE SeniorLife’s Robineau
Residence and Gidwitz Place, delivering Maot Chitim, and
volunteering at the Uptown Café. Since this report was written in
mid-August, some of the events described in the future tense will
have already taken place by the time you read about them in the
October 2014 Temple Beth-El (TBE) Bulletin.
The SAC has one event per month at Robineau Residence. On
July 21, we served ice cream there. (See the photo of SAC
member Stewart Schram and CJE SeniorLife president and CEO
Mark Weiner that accompanies this article.) We will be at
Robineau again on August 20 and on September 10.
SAC member Marcia Kanarek coordinates the TBE volunteers
who help at the birthday parties that are held at Gidwitz Place on
the third Wednesday of each month from 1:15 to approximately
3:15 P.M. This activity is appropriate for children of any age.
Please call or email Marcia (847-826-1954 or
[email protected]) to participate. I’m including a belated
§ Our dues are very competitive with our neighboring synagogues.
§ Our mortgage debt is being managed very effectively and has been
recently re-structured at a significant interest savings to the Temple’s
operations fund.
§ We have a commitment to social action through our Social Action
Committee that volunteers at senior centers, the JUF Cafe, and
supports the Temple’s annual Mitzvah Day.
§ We have a beautiful completed sanctuary and school in our own
building, you’ll never forget where services or Hebrew school is!
§ Shabbat Yeladim- great services, great projects for the children to do.
Rabbi Helbraun, Cantor Rudnick, and Janice Hadesman are
wonderful with the children.
§ Opportunities to help others, both outside of the congregation and
inside of the congregation.
§ For the members that choose to get involved, the Temple is a close
knit community where people know your name.
§ Adult and Family Educational and Musical Opportunities: Weekly
Torah study and Kabbalah class for adults, BJE preschool on site.
§ Camaraderie of the clergy.
§ I love the Mishkan. It's one of my favorite places to be, and having it
being a room for prayer makes it even more beautiful.
§ I love the sense of community and that I belong.
§ I love that it's a safe place for my kids and they feel comfortable there.
§ Our Hebrew and Judaic education is a combined program utilizing the
best practices in education. Therefore, the students from grades 3 – 5
learn Hebrew on Tuesday AND Sunday. Reinforcement of a
language twice a week versus other temples where it is only once a
§ The opportunity to have a single Bar/Bat Mitzvah as some
synagogues are moving to triples.
§ Please share your comments why Temple Beth-El is “My” house of
worship and synagogue community of choice with our Executive
Director, Janice Hadesman: [email protected]
special thank you to Alicia and Ron Rudolf, who helped out at
Gidwitz Place in May, but whose names did not appear correctly in
the TBE Bulletin.
On Sunday, September 21, some SAC members will join other TBE
volunteers to deliver boxes of Rosh Hashanah Maot Chitim in
“TBE’s building” on Kenmore Avenue just north of Foster and in
several small buildings across the street from it. Most of the
residents of these buildings are elderly Jewish immigrants from
Russia, who love to interact with our children. This, too, is an
activity that is appropriate for children of any age.
TBE has two remaining Uptown Café dates for 2014: Tuesday,
September 16 and Thursday, November 13. TBE’s dates for 2015
are: Sunday, January 11; Tuesday, February 14; Thursday, May 21;
Sunday, July 12; Tuesday, September 21; and Thursday, November
12. Volunteers work as servers from 5:30 to 7:30 P.M. on
weekdays and from 10:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. on Sundays. Children
who are at least 12 years old may volunteer, so this is a meaningful
bar/bat-mitzvah project. Please contact me ([email protected] or
847-679-8525) to participate.
Please join the members of the SAC in helping to “repair the world.”
May 5775 be a healthy, happy, and meaningful year for you and
your loved ones!
Temple Beth-El
More details to follow. CHECK YOUR EMAILS for updates!
Sue Hanover, President
Hello and Happy New Year! I’ve been remiss in keeping these
Bulletin articles up to date, and I apologize for that. I will try to
make up for it by sharing some of the exciting things we are
planning for the year ahead.
Our Annual Game Night is October 20. This is always a really well
-attended and fun evening. Amy Noren and Lori Haberman have a
great dinner planned, and we encourage everyone to bring your
favorite board, card or tile game with some friends and have a
relaxing, sociable evening out. You deserve it. Details are on
page 9.
We have a Movie Club starting up, thanks to the initiative of
Andrea Brown. This will be like a Book Club, probably held every
other month, with a film chosen to be seen whenever you get a
chance. Then we will gather and discuss it. Location is flexible,
and OF COURSE we encourage groups to view the films together
whenever possible. If you want to be part of this Movie Club,
please let me know and I will get your information to Andrea.
We have also decided that Jewish women deserve a chance to
participate in Cookie Exchanges, so we have one scheduled for
early December; dates will follow once confirmed. I like eating
cookies so I intend to attend, hope you will too!
Other stuff to look forward to: a Hoedown/Square Dance with
barbecue and live caller in late February, and a brand new, big
fundraiser for Purim. Mishlo-ach Manot are the goodie baskets
that were traditionally shared and sent around during the festive
Purim season. This year the Sisterhood will be compiling and
delivering baskets for TBE members…we are going to need lots of
help filling baskets and delivering them, but I promise a good time
if you help out!
Many thanks to Sharon Porter and Amy Noren for putting together
another stellar College Connection package for our students away
from home. Thanks to Barb Berman, again, for being the Baking
Maven and helping make TBE’s annual Selichot celebration a
night to remember. Thanks to Wendy Lake, who I should thank
every day for all she does to help Sisterhood…no special event
today, just heartfelt appreciation for her help and patience.
Next month I hope to be talking about the Gift Shop and some
AMAZING big plans for it. Stay tuned!
S ervice S chedule
Kol Nidre Friday, October 3
Evening Service
Yom Kippur Saturday, October 4
Contemporary Service
Young Childrens’ Program
Traditional Service
Children’s Service
Adult Study Session
YoBE High Holiday Program
Afternoon Service
Yizkor and Ne’ilah Service
6:30 pm
9:00 am
9:00 am
11:15 am
1:30 pm
1:30 pm
1:30 pm
2:45 pm
4:45 pm
These services will be conducted at
Glenbrook South High School
4000 W. Lake Ave., Glenview.
We invite you to attend an
Adult Grief Support Group
led by Noah C. Weinstein, MA, LCPC.
Noah is a Northbrook-based
psychotherapist specializing in grief,
loss and transition.
The group will meet at TBE on
October 29 at 7:00 pm
Open to all
We Welcome Our New Members Into Our Temple Beth-El Family
Sally & Doug Belofsky and their children Daisy & Fawn
Debbie Epstein and her son Sam
Traci & Abe Kaplan and their children Aidan & Ariel
Susan & Doug Laney and their son Ethan
Carole & Zan Munies
Anna Polishchuk & Anatoly Gorovits and their children Isaac & Sadie
Sam Rabkin and his children Nicole & Michael
Amy & David Rozenberg and their children Jacob & Lexie
Dana & AJ Tamez and their daughters Jocelyn & Hannah
Returning Members: Deborah & David Cohen and their sons Adin & Micah
Temple Beth-El
October B’nai Mitzvah
October 18
Alana Glickman
Daughter of Andrea and Michael Glickman
Caruso Middle School
October 18
Jonah Taffel
Son of Nadia and Lonn Taffel
Wood Oaks Junior High School
TBE staff member Heather Freund and her husband Ben on the birth of their daughter Dylan Emily
born on August 26, 2014.
Sandy and Jerry Lewis and Dina and Jim Dubrow on the marriage of Jason Lewis to
Daniella Dubrow.
Grandparents Bernice Elbin and Seymour Schiff on the marriage of their grandson
Jonathan Turoff to Romy Artinian.
Parents Robin and Howard Diamond and grandparents Sue and Joe Groner on the marriage of
Stephani Diamond to Ari Briskman.
Wendy and Ron Weiss on the engagement of their son Marcus to Kelli Belpedio.
Temple Beth-El
Share ALL Your Good News
Share the news of any new additions to your
family, by telling us about the birth of your
child or grandchild, engagements, weddings
and anything else. We want to wish you, our
Temple members, a mazel tov, and notify the congregation via
email. In addition, babies will receive a gift from our Temple and
JUF’s “J Baby” program.
Our clergy would love to name the baby at a Shabbat service.
Please contact Joanne Gold to share your good news at
847-205-9982 ext. 202 or [email protected].
Temple Beth-El
Temple Beth-El
Temple Beth-El
Your Grocery Purchases Benefit the Temple
Come In and Buy Your Sunset Foods
Gift Cards $25 $50 $100
If you are interested in purchasing a
leaf or stone on the Tree of Life in
honor of a bar or bat mitzvah or
any life cycle occasion, please call
Marcy Chez at 847-205-9982 ext. 207
or [email protected].
Your Name(s) ____________________________________________________________________ Today’s Date __________________
Address _______________________________________ City ____________________________ State ______ ZIP _____________
Please confirm my donation via email. My email address is: ___________________________________________________________
Please check one:
o Blitz Family Children’s Cultural Arts Fund
o Matthew Schaffer-Schwartz z”l Tikkun Olam o Social Action Fund
(Payable to: BFCCA Fund)*
Award Fund (Payable to: MSSM Fund)*
o TBE Employee Appreciation Fund
o B’yachad
o Memorial Fund
o TBE Men’s Club (Payable to:TBE Men’s Club)*
o Cantor Rudnick’s Discretionary Fund
o Mishkan T’filah Prayer Book Plate
o TBE Sisterhood (Payable to:TBE Sisterhood)*
(Payable to: Cantor Rudnick’s Discretionary Fund)*
($36 minimum donation)
o Torah Fund
o Children’s Library Fund
o Perpetuation Fund
o Tree of Life $154/leaf
o Education Fund
o Phyllis Natalie Podolsky z”l Library Fund
(Leaf wording form will be sent)
o Free Will
(Payable to: PPML Fund)*
o Tzedakah Fund
o General Fund
o Rabbi Helbraun’s Discretionary Fund
o YoBE – Youth of Beth-El (Payable to: YoBE)*
o Kaplan Camp Scholarship Fund
(Payable to: Rabbi Helbraun’s Discretionary Fund)
*Unless otherwise indicated above, please make all checks payable to: Temple Beth-El - 3610 Dundee Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062
Please check one: o In loving memory of: o Speedy recovery to:
o In honor of:
o (other) __________________________
Name(s) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please send Acknowledgement Card to:
(Relation to Donor) __________________________
Address _________________________________________ City ___________________________ State _______ ZIP __________
Credit Card: o Amex o Discover o MasterCard
o Visa
Credit Card No._____________________________________
Exp. Date _____________ Security Code ______ Charge Amount $__________ - or - Check Amount (Enclosed) $ ____________
Thank you to our Oneg and Kiddush Sponsors
Charlotte & Robert Mann and Janet & Steven Buzil in honor of the bar mItzvah of Michael Buzil
Mark, Lisa and Judd Fishman in honor of the bar mitzvah of Zachary Fishman
If you would like to sponsor an oneg and/or Kiddush, please contact Marcy Chez
847.205.9982 ext. 207 or [email protected].
Temple Beth-El
Your Legacy?
Temple Beth-El Needs You enable our sacred Beth-El Community to flourish L’dor V’dor—from one generation to another .... provide financial resources to further the overall mission of Temple Beth-El... create a permanent legacy linking you and your family to your spiritual home... sustain our vital spirit—the feeling of ruach—and goal of religious inclusion from all who wish to worship
as we have continued to do since our congregation was founded in 1871.
d I e
For Temple Beth-El?
Will or Living Trust - A bequest through your will or living trust can be in the form of a specific dollar
amount, percentage of your estate, or specific assets (such as certain securities).
IRA/Keogh/Retirement Plans - Name Temple Beth-el as a beneficiary of your IRA, Keogh, or other
qualified retirement plan. As these assets are subject to both estate and income taxation if left to your
heirs, they are especially good assets for charitable giving.
Life Insurance - Name Temple Beth-El as a beneficiary of any life insurance policy on your life, or make
it the owner of a policy you now own. If you transfer the policy to Temple Beth-El during your lifetime,
you may receive a current income tax deduction for the value of the policy.
Gift Annuity/Charitable Remainder Trust - You can receive a stream of income for a term of years or the
rest of your life while ultimately leaving a gift to Temple Beth-El. You may be eligible for a current
charitable deduction for income tax purposes. You also may be able to sell appreciated assets without
paying any capital gains tax at the time of the sale.
u m
c ntac .....
Bruce Werner [email protected] or
Janice Hadesman 847.205.9982 ext. 211 or [email protected]
In addition to the names requested through the Yahrzeit Fund, the following names are read on Erev Shabbat as shown below.
September 28- October 4
4-10 Tishrei 5775
Harriet Arends
Rose Beslow
Bernard Bodan
Dora Breskin
Samuel Brody
Seymour Cohen
Dorothy Einhorn
Abraham Franklin
Bessie Fuchsman
Ilene Garoon
Sarah Gorovsky
Lena Gottlieb
H. Roy Johnson
Gloria Kamish
Jerry Leff
Maurice Marx
Abraham Miller
Albert Newman
Harry Newman
Martha Rubin
Irving Schwartz
Anna Shall
Iris Slavin
Bessie Tosman
Seymour Warady
Tena Wechsler
Jean Weisz
October 5-11
11-17 Tishrei
Zelma Bennett
Hyman Bernstein
Katie Brodsky
Harvey Cloch
Celia Davis
Harry Dritz
Leah Dubin
Gertrude Epstein
Ernest Feuerzeig
Sam C. Friedman
Samuel Glist
Evelyn Goland
Katherine Goldberg
Ethel Greenspon
Harry Greenspon
Isadore Israelite
Robert Klein
Benjamin Krantz
Belle Leiderman
Julius Levin
Anna Levy
Selma Listick
William Moskowitz
Celia Nianick
Max Perlstein
Henry Rhein
Minnie Rothenberg
Grace Wetter
John Schatz
Irving Schulman
Ida Skodel
Silva Spitzer
October 12-18
18-24 Tishrei
Charles Furer
Frieda Heyman
Irwin Katz
Herman Klass
Joseph Kohn
Morris Kramer
George Krawitz
Anna Levy
Antoinette Marcus
Lois Margolis
Leah Michelson
Frances Newman
Irving Scheiber
Alfred Schwartzenberg
Isaac Sherry
Anna Silver
Adolph Sugar
Julius Winter
Gertrude Zoller
October 19-25
25 Tishrei-1 Heshvan
Rhoda Bishop
Pearl Brody
Barbara Brottman
Betty Cowan
Louis Furer
Theodore Gottlieb
Rose Gould
Don Lee
Jennie Lerner
Lenore Levin
Helen Levine
Gary Mesirow
Jack Neadell
Israel Revitz
Anna Schultz
Ronald Schwartz
Max Shall
Esther Simon
Jack Sklansky
Jack Strug
Arthur Swartz
Henry Tiersky
Fannie Tint
Mildred Weinstein
Alexander Weisz
Morris Wexler
October 26-November 1
2-8 Heshvan
Albert Apfelbaum
Eva Brenner
Sigmund Brodsky
Lois Cantor
Rosslyn Davidson
Anne Diamond
Irving Einhorn
Sylvia Gavlin
Maurice Golden
Sam Gothelf
Rose Kaplan
Joseph Schmidt
Jack Swerdlow
Lois Van Crey
Roslyn Wolken
Temple Beth-El
Dr. Sanford Barr in memory of Morris J. Kaplan
Received in the Temple office by August 29
Alan and Caron Blitz in memory of William Blitz
Toby Blitz in memory of William Blitz
Dr. Paul Brown in memory of Henry P. Brown
Jill Chasanov in memory of Ruth Landman
Marcy and Laury Chez in memory of Seymour Rapaport
Susan Coren in memory of David Coren
Candace DeCarlo in memory of Sarah Ditlow
Geraldine Diamond in memory of Annetta Shapiro
Geraldine Diamond in memory of Hilda Stample
Melanie Doppelt in memory of Charles Goldstein
Bernice Elbin in memory of Hyman Sterling
Howard Friedman in memory of Irving Friedman
Scott Glickson in memory of Dr. Arthur Glickson
Karen Goldblatt in memory of Ruth Landman
Ilse Gordon in memory of Betty Stern
Sue Groner in memory of Dorothy Teichman
Joel Haberman in memory of Kenneth Haberman
George Heyman in memory of Jerome Heyman
Amy Huck in memory of Gerald Levant
Shelly Jaffe in memory of R. R. Lyons
Sidney Kahn in memory of Robert Kahn
Dr. and Mrs. David Kanarek in memory of Evelyn Kanarek
Dr. and Mrs. David Kanarek in memory of Else Steinfeld
Robert Karp in memory of Howard Karp
Harold Pastron in memory of Nathan Pastron
Martin Perlow in memory of Carole Perlow
Melvin Potash in memory of Sarah Potash
Jack Rosenberg in memory of Albert Gitlitz
Cyril Rosengarten in memory of Goldie Rosengarten
Cyril Rosengarten in memory of William Rosengarten
Deborah Sandlow in memory of Joyce Weisman
Cynthia Schoenstadt in memory of Morris Weiser
Bonnie Serlin in memory of Bessie Camras
Bonnie Serlin in memory of Allen R. Camras
Bonnie Serlin in memory of Reuben Camras
Bonnie Serlin in memory of William Camras
Jack Shore in memory of Edith Shore
Andrea Siegel in memory of Marvin X. Siegel
Susan Silverman in memory of Leo Einhorn
Edward Simkin in memory of Corrine Simkin
Frances Spiegel in memory of Lea Green
Melvin Teichman in memory of Dorothy Teichman
Arnold and Ina Weiner in memory of Sam Levine
Arnold and Ina Weiner in memory of Eva Weiner
Gloria Weiser in memory of Dr. Arthur Glickson
Gloria Weiser in memory of Morris Weiser
Jim Weiss in memory of Isabel Weiss
Ronald Weiss in memory of Dr. Marvin A. Weiss
Eleanor Weiss Zoub in memory of Dr. Marvin A. Weiss
Remember A Loved One
If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is a memorial plaque. This
permanent remembrance will give you great comfort for many years and will serve as a reminder of the place your loved one held in
your life. Each memorial plaque is displayed bearing the name and yahrzeit date throughout the year on the Memorial Wall outside the
Sanctuary. Your loved one’s name will also be inscribed on the weekly yahrzeit list outside the Sanctuary on the anniversary of their
passing and be read at our Friday evening Shabbat Service. The contribution to memorialize your loved one with a permanent yahrzeit
plaque requires a minimum donation of $750. If you have any questions, please call Marcy Chez (847) 205-9982 ext. 207.
Alan and Caron Blitz in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Howard and Linda Bifeld in honor of Mitchell Bifeld becoming
bar mitzvah
Gerald and Sandra Lewis in appreciation
Ronald and Wendy Weiss in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Alan and Ellen Englander in loving memory of Elaine Shepp
Doug and Rhonda Propp in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Fred Rosenberg and Barbara Berman in loving memory of
Elsa Strauss
Judith and Gary Katz in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Gordon and Joanne Levine in loving memory of Carol Nadel
Gordon and Joanne Levine in loving memory of Elsa Strauss
Amy and Richard Noren in loving memory of Carl Schachner
Amy and Richard Noren in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Ronald and Carol Roos in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Joseph and Suzanne Groner in loving memory of Elaine Shepp
Sheila Myrent in honor of the birth of Jonathan Sussman
Sheila Myrent in loving memory of Elaine Shepp
Sheila Myrent in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Sheila Myrent in loving memory of Howard Usen
Sheila Myrent in loving memory of Elsa Strauss
Ronald and Carol Roos in loving memory of Elsa Strauss
Douglas Schwartz and Cynthia Schaffer in loving memory
of Irma Zelman
Joseph and Corinne Annenberg in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Jeff and Jeannie Beech in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Alvin and Lois Bloom in loving memory of Joseph Sachsel
The Bregman family in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Renee and Jerry Cohen in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Rachel Dubrow and Victor Smith in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Lisa and Jeremy Gans in loving memory of Richard Schoenstadt
Jill and Jordan Gelb in loving memory of Elaine Shepp
Barb and Tom Harris in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Barb and Tom Harris in loving memory of Elaine Shepp
Roger and Carol Hirsch in loving memory of Elsa Strauss
Sally and Steve Lane and family in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Earl and Sharon Lichtenstein in loving memory of Daniel Obrakta
Helen Meyers in loving memory of Elaine Shepp
Eileen Propp in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Benjamin and Marlene Schaffer in loving memory of Elsa Strauss
Cynthia Schoenstadt in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Barb and Bill Spigner in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Received in the Temple office by August 29
Lonni and Scott Glickson in honor the bar mitzvah of
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moss’ grandson
Lonni and Scott Glickson in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Lonni and Scott Glickson in loving memory of Beverly Cohen
Paula and Michael Haber in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Marea and Jeff Kahn in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Gordon and Joanne Levine and Friends in loving memory
of Irma Zelman
Sandy and Jerry Lewis in loving memory of Elaine Shepp
Ellen Robin in loving memory of Irma Zelman
George and Nancy Vizer in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Norton and Barbara Josephson in loving memory of Elsa Strauss
Norton and Barbara Josephson in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Norton and Barbara Josephson in loving memory of Elaine Shepp
Linda and Howard Bifeld in honor of Mitchell Bifeld becoming
bar mitzvah
Bradley and Laura Greenberg in honor of the baby naming
of Daniel Greenberg
Craig and Fern Hahn in loving memory of Madeline Beth Horwitz
Gloria Weiser wishing Mitchell Trachtenberg luck
as he starts college
Martha Young in appreciation
Eugene Rindner and Wendy Wagner in honor of the engagement of
Orly Henry to Ezra Hilton and the birth of Jonathan Sussman
Rozita Gorel in memory of Igor Gorel
Rozita Gorel in memory of Dmitri Gorel
Rozita Gorel in memory of Irina Gorel
Elaine and Bennett Koffman in memory of Samuel Brown
Elaine and Bennett Koffman in memory of Paul Hork
Elaine and Bennett Koffman in memory of Pauline Brody
Leslie and Irwin Leiter in loving memory of Laverne Wenikoff
Tracy and Rod Loewenthal in loving memory of Irma Zelman
Temple Beth-El
Please Note: This calendar was produced for printing on September 15. A more current calendar can be found on our web page at (click on calendar tab at the top). If unsure about a program date or time, contact the Temple office at (847) 205-9982.
Please inform the clergy when a family member is
hospitalized. Too often we find out about illnesses, crises,
and hospitalizations long after they occur. This is a missed
opportunity for telephone calls and visits by our clergy.
Please contact Joanne Gold 847-205-9982 ext. 202 or
[email protected] with your information.
A tzedakah box is located in the lobby just outside our Mishkan.
Tzedakah for this month will go to the EASING, the emergency
aid servicing Northbrook and Glenview—a project of the
Northbrook Clergy Assoc. Checks should be payable to
Temple Beth-El and mailed to the Temple office marked
“tzedakah.” As always, we thank you for your continuous and
generous support.
Temple Beth-El has a funeral plan for our members with
David Jacobson at Chicago Jewish Funerals, Ltd. The plan
currently costs $5,850 and includes the use of our
sanctuary for your services or the use of the Chicago
Jewish Funeral chapel, located in Buffalo Grove and
Skokie. Chicago Jewish Funerals offers you the opportunity
to guarantee current fees by funding a pre-need plan. If a
death occurs, please call the Rabbis first and then David
Jacobson at 888-509-5011 or 847-229-8822. If you would
like to have a booklet mailed to you, call the Temple office
BUY ISRAEL BONDS - Need to purchase a gift for a special
occasion? Are you unsure of what to buy? Why not purchase a
5-Year Mazel Tov Savings Bond? Prices begin at $100.
Pick up an informational sheet at the Temple or log on to Mention Temple Beth-El on your form.
Questions? Contact the Israel Bond Office 312-558-9400.
BUY ISRAELI GOODS - Maimonides taught us that the highest
form of helping people is to support them so they can help
themselves. A great way to do that without incurring any
additional costs is to make the purchase of Israeli products part
of our regular shopping. Israeli products that are readily
available from local merchants include food, wine, women’s
apparel, fashion designer jewelry, baby and child apparel,
hardware, health and beauty aids, footwear, toys and games,
flowers, and more! Available products, and the local stores that
are likely to stock them, can be found at: (BIG).
Our Temple’s cemetery is located on Pulaski Avenue, just
south of Bryn Mawr Avenue in Chicago. We still have plots
available for sale. In addition to our own cemetery, we have
a Temple Beth-El section at Shalom Memorial Park in
Arlington Heights. Contact the Temple office to arrange the
purchase of plots at either location.
Do you know of friends, family or neighbors who would like
to become part of our Temple Beth-El family? We welcome
prospective members to come in and discover all we have
to offer! TBE offers a special six-month trial membership for
individuals or families who do not currently have children
who qualify for enrollment in Religious or Hebrew School.
Contact Marcy Chez at 847-205-9982 ext. 207 for
membership information or to receive a membership packet
by mail. For information regarding our Religious School
contact Wendy Lake 847-205-9982 ext. 208.
Each discarded cell phone that is cluttering your house is worth
almost $4 to SHALVA. This money helps to fund outreach
education projects and prevents domestic violence within our
own Jewish community. Do a mitzvah and donate your old cell
phones to TBE so we can turn them over to SHALVA. A
collection basket is located in the “Mitzvah Closet.”
For information or any questions, please contact Joanne Gold
847-205-9982 ext. 202 or [email protected].
1. Go to our Temple website
2. Click on the Members Only tab on the top of the page
3. Log in and click on “Member Directory” on the left side
panel. It’s that easy!
If you forgot your password email Wendy Lake at
[email protected] or click on “forgot your email or
password” link on the members only page.
If you have previously chosen to “opt-out” of receiving email
from the Temple, you may want to rethink your decision. Email
is our Temple and Religious School’s primary mode of
communication. If you want to start receiving email again,
please contact Janice Hadesman at
[email protected]. Also, please be sure to let us
know if you change your email address.
Sidney Helbraun………………. 204
[email protected]
Faryn Rudnick ………………… 206
[email protected]
*Victor Weissberg ……….…..... 202
Joanne Gold………………........ 202
[email protected]
*Leave message with Joanne Gold
Phone: 847.205.9982
Rabbi Toby Manewith……........ 205
[email protected]
Janice Hadesman ……………... 211
[email protected]
Wendy Lake ………………... 208
[email protected]
Nancy Reil……………………….. 209
[email protected]
Fax: 847.205.9921
Marcy Chez……………………… 207
[email protected]
Heather Freund ………………. 221
[email protected]
Helen Melnick…………………… 217
[email protected]
Call us at 773-540-0002
or email us at [email protected]
for an estimate on your Landscape or Snow Removal Service.
A Temple Beth-El preferred vendor
Hire Flores Landscaping, mention Temple Beth-El,
and they will donate 10% back to Temple Beth-El.
Whenever you dine down the street at
Butterfield’s, mention you are a
Temple Beth-El member,
and they will donate 10% of your bill
back to Temple Beth-El.
One of Chicago’s Oldest Reform Congregations
Founded in 1871
3610 Dundee Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
847-205-9982 ● 847-205-9921 (fax)
Sidney M. Helbraun
Victor H. Weissberg, D.H.L
Faryn H. K. Rudnick, ACC
Rabbi Toby H. Manewith
Janice Hadesman
Cindy Schoenstadt
Bruce Werner
Senior Rabbi
Rabbi Emeritus
Director of Lifelong Learning
Executive Director
Chairman of the Board
The Temple Beth-El Bulletin is published monthly. Letters, comments
and news about the Temple are always welcome. Please send
information via email to [email protected]. Bulletins may be
viewed on our website through Acrobat Reader. The deadline for the
December Bulletin is October 15, 2014.
Our House Is Your House
Invite your friends and family to join you at one
of our Shabbat services. Introduce them to the
warm and friendly Temple Beth-El community.
The photos below are from one of our Shabbat
Yeladim services.