Longest Night Service TODAY at 5 pm The longest night of the year, when we see the fewest daylight hours and the greatest darkness, takes place today, just as we are preparing to celebrate the birth of Christ. For many, this longest night represents the place in which some find themselves during this season - in darkness, with very little light. For others, the busyness of the days leading to Christmas may create a longing for a reflective, contemplative space in which to slow down. The Longest Night Service seeks to meet both needs. It will offer a time for quiet, meditative worship so that we might prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. Join us at 5 pm in the Sanctuary for a time of scripture reading, prayer, and Holy Communion. Special music will be provided by the handbell ringers, Music Made in Heaven. All are welcome. Childcare will be offered. Christmas Eve Services Wednesday, December 24, at 3, 5, 7, and 11 pm Join us for one of four worship services on this holy night. The 3 & 5 pm services are family-friendly. Communion will be served at all services. Childcare (0-5/K) will be offered at 3, 5 & 7 pm. There will be a live nativity for all services with luminary. CHRISTMAS EVE “The Work of Christmas” Jesus’ birth announces to the world that salvation has come for those desperate for God. Jesus is not born in a center of world power or among the elites of his day. His birth occurs in a manger and his first witnesses are lowly shepherds. Jesus came to build a community of the desperate and he sends us forth to do the work of Christmas. Luke 2:1-20 Imagine No Malaria Special Offering on Christmas Eve 4th Sunday of Advent: December 21, 2014 LuAnn Charlton: “Advent as a Way of Life” If we think of Advent as a way of life, Mary is our model, our example, our witness, our sister who voices for us a pattern of Christmas expectancy and Christmas response. She embodies our Christmas feelings, our Christmas questions, our Christmas ponderings, not only in response to the time leading up to Christmas, but also in what happens in our lives after Christmas. In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And he came to her and said, “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.” But she was much perplexed by his words and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” The angel said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God. And now, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son; and this is the sixth month for her who was said to be barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.” Then Mary said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her. Luke 1:26-38 _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ A special offering with be received at all of our Christmas Eve Services that will be used by Imagine No Malaria to purchase mosquito nets, malaria medication and increase the culture of understanding about malaria. Our denomination's goal is to raise 75 million dollars, and 65 million has already been raised. We can be an important part of realizing the last 10 million needed to reach our target. If you know that you will not be able to give to this effort on Christmas Eve, you may give a check prior to that date with Imagine No Malaria written on the memo line. If you would like to give online or by text, you can go to http://nccumc.org/Imagine No Malaria/ or text Malaria(space)NC to 27722. Thank you for your generosity. _________________________________________________________________ Longest Night Service 4th Sunday of Advent: December 21, 2014 TODAY at 5 pm The longest night of the year, when we see the fewest daylight hours and the greatest darkness, takes place today, just as we are preparing to celebrate the birth of Christ. For many, this longest night represents the place in which some find themselves during this season - in darkness, with very little light. For others, the busyness of the days leading to Christmas may create a longing for a reflective, contemplative space in which to slow down. The Longest Night Service seeks to meet both needs. It will offer a time for quiet, meditative worship so that we might prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. Join us at 5 pm in the Sanctuary for a time of scripture reading, prayer, and Holy Communion. Special music will be provided by the handbell ringers, Music Made in Heaven. All are welcome. Childcare will be offered. Christmas Eve Services Wednesday, December 24, at 3, 5, 7, and 11 pm Join us for one of four worship services on this holy night. The 3 & 5 pm services are family-friendly. Communion will be served at all services. Childcare (0-5/K) will be offered at 3, 5 & 7 pm. There will be a live nativity for all services with luminary. CHRISTMAS EVE “The Work of Christmas” Jesus’ birth announces to the world that salvation has come for those desperate for God. Jesus is not born in a center of world power or among the elites of his day. His birth occurs in a manger and his first witnesses are lowly shepherds. Jesus came to build a community of the desperate and he sends us forth to do the work of Christmas. Luke 2:1-20 Imagine No Malaria Special Offering on Christmas Eve A special offering with be received at all of our Christmas Eve Services that will be used by Imagine No Malaria to purchase mosquito nets, malaria medication and increase the culture of understanding about malaria. Our denomination's goal is to raise 75 million dollars, and 65 million has already been raised. We can be an important part of realizing the last 10 million needed to reach our target. If you know that you will not be able to give to this effort on Christmas Eve, you may give a check prior to that date with Imagine No Malaria written on the memo line. If you would like to give online or by text, you can go to http://nccumc.org/Imagine No Malaria/ or text Malaria(space)NC to 27722. Thank you for your generosity. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Today’s Band Members: Acoustic Guitar - Stephen Howell; Bass Guitar - John Cates; Drums - Mike Rees; Electric Guitar - Lee Clyburn Vocals - Bob Jensen LuAnn Charlton: “Advent as a Way of Life” If we think of Advent as a way of life, Mary is our model, our example, our witness, our sister who voices for us a pattern of Christmas expectancy and Christmas response. She embodies our Christmas feelings, our Christmas questions, our Christmas ponderings, not only in response to the time leading up to Christmas, but also in what happens in our lives after Christmas. In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And he came to her and said, “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.” But she was much perplexed by his words and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” The angel said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God. And now, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son; and this is the sixth month for her who was said to be barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.” Then Mary said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her. Luke 1:26-38 _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Today’s Band Members: Acoustic Guitar - Stephen Howell; Bass Guitar - John Cates; Drums - Mike Rees; Electric Guitar - Lee Clyburn Vocals - Bob Jensen New Member Classes Start January 21 Youth Missions Registration Is Still Open! Wednesday, 1/21, 6:30-7:15p, Chapel Sunday, 1/25, 9:50-10:45a, Children’s Fellowship Hall Wednesday, 1/28 6:30-7:15p, Chapel Sunday, 2/1, 9:50-10:45a, Children’s Fellowship Hall New Member Sunday – join at 11:00 service on 2/8 For information, contact Amy Piland at [email protected] or 919-832-6435 x27. ASP - June 14-20 - join the wait list Costa Rica - June 13-20 - join the wait list SLAM Nashville - Jun. 21-27 - 15 youth spots, 6 adult spots Student Life - July 27-31 - 9 youth spots, 4 adult spots Sign Up Online: Acolytes and Crucifers Monday Men’s Bible Study - Starts Jan. 12 www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4eaaaf2ca13-20142015 (acolytes) www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4eaaaf2ca13-hayes (crucifers) Study of the Revelation of John Mondays starting January 12, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Rm. 328 Facilitated by Major Lackey and Larry Mallard For childcare, contact Anna at [email protected]. Questions? Email Janey at [email protected]. Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network: Sign Up to Volunteer Now Our next host week starts February 15, 2015 and signups are live at the links below. In the meantime, if you're compelled to take a more active role with WIHN, visit http://wihn.org/volunteer-opportunities or contact Lisa and Nelson Brugh at [email protected] or 919-302-5055. Thanks again for your servant leadership and support of this local ministry! Dinners - http://bit.ly/wihndinners Set Up - http://bit.ly/wihnsetup Overnite Hosts/Van - http://bit.ly/vandrivershosts Laundry & Tear Down - http://bit.ly/laundryteardown Groceries - http://bit.ly/wihngroceries Jan. Spiritual Academy: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm January 7 - Wesley Covenant Renewal Service January 14 - Cindy Motamen (Bible Lesson on Immigration) January 21 - TBD January 28 - Transformational Stories from Women’s Haiti Team Prayer and Communion Services The Prayer and Communion service will not be held on Tuesdays, December 23 or 30. It will resume on January 6 at 11:45 am. Grand Age Club: Thursdays, 11:15 am 01/08: Butter Bean Auction For questions: Call Mary Lib Gallagher at 919-782-8116. Year-End Giving In 2015, on behalf of HB’s membership, HB’s Outreach Pathway again will provide grant support to many wonderful, highly effective local organizations that are devoted to assisting our neighbors in need. Any HBUMC member who would like HB to support a local charitable organization with a Community Grant in 2015, and be willing to serve as that organization’s Shepherd within our church, needs only to complete a brief grant application that is reviewed and decided on by the Outreach Pathway membership. Applicants will be informed of decisions on their applications by the end of February 2015. - Online applications are available at http://hbumc.org/worship/resources/forms/ - Paper applications are available at the reception desk. Instructions for applying are on the application. The deadline for submitting applications is 1/25/15. Questions? Please contact Dickie Thompson at 919-787-3267. Gifts must be received by 12/31 or, if mailed, postmarked by 12/31, to meet IRS regulations for tax deduction purposes. Gifts of securities must be transferred into the church’s gift account by 12/31. Please give your broker a few days to accomplish gift transfers as they are extremely busy in December, and PLEASE let Russell Wilcox know of any stock gift to the church. Online Giving is up and running successfully on the HBUMC website. It’s pretty intuitive and easy to use, but call Russell Wilcox if you need guidance. Please note that if you wish to prepay your 2015 pledge online, you need to let Russell know. The system will post your gift to your 2014 pledge unless we intercept the transaction and make an adjustment before it is posted. It’s easy to accomplish, if we know. Pledges can also be made online! Congress will again allow IRA tax-free charitable distributions for persons aged 70 1/2 or older made by 12/31. If you have any questions, please contact Russell Wilcox at 832-6435 x18 or [email protected]. New Member Classes Start January 21 Youth Missions Registration Is Still Open! Wednesday, 1/21, 6:30-7:15p, Chapel Sunday, 1/25, 9:50-10:45a, Children’s Fellowship Hall Wednesday, 1/28 6:30-7:15p, Chapel Sunday, 2/1, 9:50-10:45a, Children’s Fellowship Hall New Member Sunday – join at 11:00 service on 2/8 For information, contact Amy Piland at [email protected] or 919-832-6435 x27. ASP - June 14-20 - join the wait list Costa Rica - June 13-20 - join the wait list SLAM Nashville - Jun. 21-27 - 15 youth spots, 6 adult spots Student Life - July 27-31 - 9 youth spots, 4 adult spots Sign Up Online: Acolytes and Crucifers Monday Men’s Bible Study - Starts Jan. 12 www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4eaaaf2ca13-20142015 (acolytes) www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4eaaaf2ca13-hayes (crucifers) Community Outreach Grants for 2015 Study of the Revelation of John Mondays starting January 12, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Rm. 328 Facilitated by Major Lackey and Larry Mallard For childcare, contact Anna at [email protected]. Questions? Email Janey at [email protected]. Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network: Sign Up to Volunteer Now Our next host week starts February 15, 2015 and signups are live at the links below. In the meantime, if you're compelled to take a more active role with WIHN, visit http://wihn.org/volunteer-opportunities or contact Lisa and Nelson Brugh at [email protected] or 919-302-5055. Thanks again for your servant leadership and support of this local ministry! Dinners - http://bit.ly/wihndinners Set Up - http://bit.ly/wihnsetup Overnite Hosts/Van - http://bit.ly/vandrivershosts Laundry & Tear Down - http://bit.ly/laundryteardown Groceries - http://bit.ly/wihngroceries Community Outreach Grants for 2015 In 2015, on behalf of HB’s membership, HB’s Outreach Pathway again will provide grant support to many wonderful, highly effective local organizations that are devoted to assisting our neighbors in need. Any HBUMC member who would like HB to support a local charitable organization with a Community Grant in 2015, and be willing to serve as that organization’s Shepherd within our church, needs only to complete a brief grant application that is reviewed and decided on by the Outreach Pathway membership. Applicants will be informed of decisions on their applications by the end of February 2015. - Online applications are available at http://hbumc.org/worship/resources/forms/ - Paper applications are available at the reception desk. Instructions for applying are on the application. The deadline for submitting applications is 1/25/15. Questions? Please contact Dickie Thompson at 919-787-3267. Jan. Spiritual Academy: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm January 7 - Wesley Covenant Renewal Service January 14 - Cindy Motamen (Bible Lesson on Immigration) January 21 - TBD January 28 - Transformational Stories from Women’s Haiti Team Prayer and Communion Services The Prayer and Communion service will not be held on Tuesdays, December 23 or 30. It will resume on January 6 at 11:45 am. Grand Age Club: Thursdays, 11:15 am 01/08: Butter Bean Auction For questions: Call Mary Lib Gallagher at 919-782-8116. Year-End Giving Gifts must be received by 12/31 or, if mailed, postmarked by 12/31, to meet IRS regulations for tax deduction purposes. Gifts of securities must be transferred into the church’s gift account by 12/31. Please give your broker a few days to accomplish gift transfers as they are extremely busy in December, and PLEASE let Russell Wilcox know of any stock gift to the church. Online Giving is up and running successfully on the HBUMC website. It’s pretty intuitive and easy to use, but call Russell Wilcox if you need guidance. Please note that if you wish to prepay your 2015 pledge online, you need to let Russell know. The system will post your gift to your 2014 pledge unless we intercept the transaction and make an adjustment before it is posted. It’s easy to accomplish, if we know. Pledges can also be made online! Congress will again allow IRA tax-free charitable distributions for persons aged 70 1/2 or older made by 12/31. If you have any questions, please contact Russell Wilcox at 832-6435 x18 or [email protected]. In Memory of our beloved friend, Roland Massey, by The Promise Class In Honor of Teeny, Cameron & Hannah Massey by The Promise Class In Honor of Kathryn Hunt by Marcie & Lou Pucillo In Memory of Sally Comer by Sally’s Covenant Bible Study Group In Memory of Casper Holroyd by Walt & Mary Penn Sherlin In Memory of Drew Youngblood by Walt & Mary Penn Sherlin In Memory of Rives Mann by Walt & Mary Penn Sherlin In Memory of Tucker Rives Mann by Drew, Elizabeth, Rives & Julia Smith In Memory of Drew Youngblood by Drew, Elizabeth, Rives & Julia Smith In Honor of Tucker & Karen Mann by Drew, Elizabeth, Rives & Julia Smith In Memory of Glenn & Grace Anderson by Charlotte A. Straney In Memory of Roland Massey by Teeny’s Covenant Bible Study Group In Memory of Dan, Lucy and Dan Sharpe III by Peggy, Tim, Jaye, Paige & Lee Thomas In Memory of Lauren Ashley Thompson by Angie, Dickie & Travis Thompson In Memory of Willis Henry (Hank) Thompson, III by Becky, Mary Frances & Will Thompson In Memory of David Witt by Becky, Mary Frances & Will Thompson In Honor of Mary, Bill, Chailee, William, John & Alex Moss by Becky Thompson In Memory of Sara Burroughs by Becky Thompson In Memory of Frank Fuller by Becky Thompson In Honor of Jason & Tami Walz by Dick & Jane Walz In Honor of Travis & Stephanie Vining & family by Dick & Jane Walz In Honor of Becky & Charlie Russell by the Weekday Preschool Staff Holiday Share: 9:30a - 12:30p Fourth Sunday of Advent Flowers Ends TODAY The Chancel Flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of W. Casper Holroyd, Jr. by his wife, Mary, and all his family. Holiday Share donor cards are again available as gifts to your friends and/or family. Donations can be made in honor or memory of a loved one. Donor cards can be obtained for a donation at the front desk on Dec. 14 & 21 from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm. When you “purchase” a donor card, your gift can be made in any amount to one or more of the following worthy charities that HB, through the Outreach Pathway, has supported during 2014 to help those in need. You may also “write in” a different charity if you wish. See the newsletter for a description of each charity. The Center for Volunteer Caregiving Centro Internacionale de Raleigh (CIR) Communities in Schools Community Success Initiative The Encouraging Place The Green Chair Project Hearts and Hands for Haiti Meals on Wheels of Wake County Methodist Home for Children Partners for Humanity (Seeds of Hope) Society of St. Andrew (SoSA) StepUp Ministry Stop Hunger Now Urban Ministries of Wake County Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network (WIHN) Wee Care Children’s Enrichment Program ZOE Ministry For questions, please contact: Jamey Motter at [email protected] The Christmas Greenery in the Chancel is given: in loving memory of their granddaughter, Abigail Oliver Dargan, and their parents, Elizabeth Oliver & Benjamin McClamroch and Kathleen & Charles Veasey, by Gail & Bob Veasey. in loving memory of her parents, Ollen D. McLeod & Christie Maynard McLeod, who was at one time our organist and choir director, and her sister, Katharine Wilson, by Dr. Neill McLeod. The Wreaths at the Back of the Sanctuary are given: in honor of LuAnn Charlton by Julie Gilbert. in honor of Jim & Becky Perry and in memory of Diane Hollenden by the Shoaff family. The Wreath on the Balcony is given in loving memory of Nicholas M. Perry, Sr. by Nancy, Martha, Carlson, Brandon, Nick Jr., and Chesson. The Large Wreath over the Stone Street Entrance is given in loving memory of David King Witt by the HBUMC Family. The Wreaths on the Stone Street Doors are given in loving memory of her husband, Frank; her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gill; her sister, Helen Gill Keasler; and Frank’s parents, Mr. O. L Scott & Mrs. Hetter Mae Scott Byrd; by Nancy Scott. The Wreaths on the Fairview Road Doors are given in loving memory of Tom & Madelyn Lindley and Alex Drozeck by Tom & Michelle Lindley. The Wreaths on the Back Foyer Doors are given in great appreciation of our ministers, Rick, LuAnn, and Jesse, by the Ken Crockett Family. The Wreaths on the Preschool Doors are given in loving memory of our parents, Gilbert & Virginia Darden Hay and Charles & Corinne Nunnery, by Charlene & Gilbert Hay. The Large White Poinsettias in the Chancel are given: in loving memory of Dr. & Mrs. Don F. Cathcart, Mr. & Mrs. John L. Shipp, and Mr. William J. Cathcart by Ann, John, Lynn, Scott, Jenn, Lowry Ann & Peyton Cathcart. in loving memory of Dr. Henry Ligon, Jr. & Mrs. Anna G. Ligon by their family. in loving memory of Walter Ashe Wall & Rebecca Doub Wall by their family. in loving memory of Emma Rhumel Templeton & Kyle Templeton by The Phil Templeton Family. Christmas Poinsettias 2014 In Memory of Ganny and Metts by Harriet In Honor of Cale, Cheryl, Meg, Jackie, Betsy and Susan by Harriet In Honor of LuAnn Charlton by Ken & Ann Barnes In Honor of Mary Catherine Benson by Ann & Dale Benson In Honor of Ann & Dale Benson by Mary Catherine Benson In Memory of Lauren Thompson by Mary Catherine Benson, Katie Sebastian Fader and Anna Martin In Honor of Rev. & Mrs. James M. Ball, Jr. by Julia & Bill Berry In Honor of Trey Ball by Bill & Julia Berry In Memory of Casper Holroyd by Meb & Gene Bowers In Honor of our daughters, Debra, Diane & Jenny by Jo Ann & John Bradsher In Memory of our parents, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Revis and Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Brown, Jr., by Frank & Becky Brown In Memory of Rev. John A. (Jack) Buckley by Shirley, Betty Ann & John Buckley In Honor of Jean Hughes by Ann & Kent Burns In Honor of Frank Burns by Ann & Kent Burns In Loving Memory of Sara Burroughs by Iggy, Joe & Tommy In Honor of Louise Dail by Iggy, Joe & Tommy Burroughs In Honor of Joe & Tommy by Iggy Burroughs In Honor of Barbara & Dave Dickey by Chancel Choir Members In Memory of son, Eason Randolph Clarke, by Debbi Clarke In Memory of father, Gordon Randolph Yarber III, by Debbi Clarke In Memory of Donald & Mildred Smith by Denise, Seth & Amelia Cline In Memory of Anne Fortier by Perry, Kelly, Cameron, Casey & Paige Currin In Memory of Ginger Rogers by Perry, Kelly, Cameron, Casey & Paige Currin In Memory of Liz Leach by Pat & Joe Donaldson In Honor of Janice & Kelly Donaldson by Pat & Joe Donaldson In Memory of Carl Baker Rankin by Margaret & Rans Douglas In Honor of Betty Hefner, Robert James Douglas & Ann Futrell Rankin by Margaret & Rans Douglas In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. K. Ray Torrans by Ms. Betsy T. Douglass In Memory of Winn Flythe by Jane & Berry Fitzhugh In Memory of Winn Flythe by Tootie, Skip & Todd Flythe In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. E. E. Flythe by Tootie, Skip & Todd Flythe In Memory of Anne Fortier by Elizabeth, Katherine & Genevieve In Honor of Mike & Lori Constantino by Curtis & Barbara Freeze In Memory of Richard Glassford by Anne & Joanne Glassford In Memory of Tommy Glassford by Anne & Joanne Glassford In Memory of our parents, Tom & Jane Hines, by Tom & Larry Hines In Memory of our parents, Buck Young & Isobel Craven Young Drill, by Tom & Larry Hines In Memory of W. E. Debnam by Bette Debnam Hunt In Memory of Stella Debnam by Bette Debnam Hunt In Honor of our pastors: Rick, LuAnn and Jesse, by Lin & Mary Ellen Jordan In Honor of our children & their spouses & our grandchildren by Lin & Mary Ellen Jordan In Memory of Sally Davis Comer by Lily & Sidney Keyes In Honor of Joelyn Harrington by Lily & Sidney Keyes In Memory of Eddie Lambeth by Buena Lambeth In Honor of Tony Lambeth by Buena Lambeth In Memory of Dean & Eddie Lambeth by Buena Lambeth In Honor of Bill & Melissa Ferrell by Buena Lambeth In Honor of Michelle Lindley by Tom Lindley In Memory of our son, Tucker Rives Mann, by Karen & Tucker Mann In Honor of our daughter and family, Elizabeth, Drew, Rives & Julia Smith, by Karen & Tucker Mann In Memory of Ginger Rogers & Todd Rogers by Karen & Tucker Mann In Memory of my parents, Page & Wharton Separk, by Marcia & Jay Martin In Memory of Lauren Thompson by Lynn & Joe McLeod In Honor of Cindy Jones, our leader, by Members of Circle 11 In Memory of Nancy & John Hutchings and Joe Moss by Mary & Bill Moss In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Newsom by Bill & Lanier Murr In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Murr by Bill & Lanier Murr In Memory of Anne Carson by Bill & Lanier Murr In Memory of Ruth Muttillo & Helen Anderson by the Muttillo Family In Memory of Edward Speed Noell, Jr. by Lee Noell In Honor of our grandchildren: Haley, Sydney and Jack; Alex and Cameron; Allie, Grace and Harrison; by David & Nancy Palmer
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