Saint Benedict Parish 45 Radcliffe Drive, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3M 0E1 | Tel (902) 443-0725 | Email [email protected] | Web Epiphany of the Lord January 4, 2015 “Go and search diligently for the child…” VISION ~ Matthew 2:8 Saint Benedict Parish is a healthy and growing faith community that brings people to Christ, forms disciples and sends them out to transform the world. Every member is committed to worship, to grow, to serve, to connect and to give. SUNDAY EUCHARIST: Anticipated Saturday: 4pm Sunday: 9am, 11:15am & 6pm WEEKDAY MASS: 9am Monday to Friday RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3 - 3:45pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday, 9:45am - 4pm ADORATION OF JESUS IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Saint Elizabeth Seton Chapel, Wednesday following 9am Mass Chapel open daily 8am-4pm NEW MEMBERS - WELCOME! Please stop by the Welcome Booth introduce yourself and fill out a Communication Card (inside). COFFEE SOCIALS: Following 11:15 Mass in the Rev. Bernard O’Neill Auditorium & following Tuesday morning Mass in the foyer. All are welcome! NAME TAG SUNDAY: 3rd Sunday of the month Saint Benedict Parish 45 Radcliffe Drive Halifax, NS, Canada B3M 0E1 [email protected] (902) 443-0725 Twitter: @SaintBP Parish Priest Rev. James Mallon Assistant Priest Rev. Michael Grace Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. Marc Simard Pastoral Care Do you know a parishioner who has been hospitalized or is homebound? Please contact Confessions Saturdays: 3-3:45pm | Wednesdays: 9:45 - 10:15am Prayer Prayer Chapel open weekdays 8am - 4pm us through our Parish Visitation Ministry (or the parish office). Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: every Wednesday 9:45am - 4pm Community Prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament: Wednesdays 2-3pm Pray the Rosary: weekdays (except Wednesdays) after 9am Mass in the Chapel Pray the Divine Office: weekdays at 8:30am in the Saint Joseph Room Submit Prayer Intentions to the Prayer Tree: Prayer Ministry: in the chapel at the end of every Sunday Mass News & Info Subscribe to the weekly parish eNewsletter:, scroll to bottom: Marriage/Baptism For the sacraments of marriage or baptism, please contact the parish office or visit the Parish Shuttle Would you like to come to Mass on the weekend but need transportation? We have a “eNewsletter Subscribe”. Follow us on Twitter: @SaintBP. Welcome Booth (in the foyer, before or after Sunday Mass). shuttle that can take you to and from our Saturday 4pm, Sunday 11:15am or 6pm Mass. Email your name, address and phone number to: [email protected]. You will then be contacted to confirm pick-up. This initiative is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Alpha Alpha is about connecting people of similar age over dinner, a talk and fun conversation. If you have not experienced Alpha here then sign up! It is run for Youth, Adults and Seniors. 26 Million people around the world have experienced Alpha. You’re next! Contact Carol Smith, 902.457.0162, [email protected]. WOW (Wee Ones’ Word) We have ‘church for kids’ downstairs during the 9am Mass every Sunday. Two to four year olds may be dropped off before Mass and picked up after Mass. They’ll have Bible songs and stories and time for lots of fun activities - check it out! Questions? Contact Chantal via email: [email protected]. Announced Mass Intentions: January 5-9 May the Light and Peace of Christ shine Monday, Anne Stanton ! Tuesday, Duke Abbott ! Wednesday, Frank and Blanche Andrew Thursday, Jo Beaton ! Friday, deceased members of the CWL ! Financial Corner in your heart & home in 2015! Last week’s Sunday collection: $21,945 Christmas Collection: $32,189. Thank-you! 1 January 4, 2015 A WORD FROM FATHER JAMES Christmas Thanks As we head into the New Year there is so much to be grateful for as we look back and look forward. We have just come out of a very busy few weeks. We welcomed over 2,500 people through our doors on Christmas eve and Christmas morning. What a blessing to have so many parishioners ready to serve and to make our parish a place of hospitality and joyful celebration, from the Christmas liturgies to the New Year’s Day Levee. Thank you all so much. On a personal note, I would like to thank the parishioners who sent me Christmas wishes and gifts. Thank you so very much. I’d like to be able to thank everyone personally but due to the generosity of people here, the volume makes responding personally an impossibility (sometimes cards get mixed up, separated or aren’t signed, which adds to the challenge). So, with all this in mind, I would like to thank everyone that I have not yet personally thanked. Your prayers, greetings, kind words and signs of support mean so much. I am truly blessed, honoured and humbled to serve you as your pastor. Please continue to pray for me; I recognize my brokenness and need for your forgiveness and God’s grace in my priestly ministry. As we look forward to this coming year, I am so excited to see what the Lord will continue to do in our midst as we continue to strive to make His name known and to make Him known, to bring people to Him and form disciples who are ready and willing to serve him with their lives. Saint Benedict Parish Purpose To form disciples who joyfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ. 2 Zero Tolerance As many of you are aware, several years ago, the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth established the "Responsible Ministry Protocol" to ensure the personal safety of parishioners both young and elderly against possible sexual predators. For the most part, the steps taken have been successful; however, we realize that despite all our efforts, sexually inappropriate statements and/or actions may occur without our knowledge. Sexually inappropriate comments and/or actions will not be tolerated at Saint Benedict Parish. Should anyone be on the receiving end of inappropriate statements and/or actions from another, they are asked to contact parish staff immediately. Thanks for helping us to create an atmosphere where all feel safe and welcome and are treated with dignity. Saint Benedict Parish Pastoral Council Members Chair, Eileen Moore Fr. James Mallon Bev Brown Michael McAllister Fr. Michael Grace Rob McDowell Anthony Hlahatsi Sharal Riggs Ron Huntley Kate Robinson Robin Lawrence Kathy Silverstein Sheila Maguire Dcn Marc Simard Parish Staff Team (Phone: 902-443-0725) Darlene Bonang, Parish Secretary, (press 0) [email protected] Ron Huntley, Director of Pastoral Ministries, (ex 30) [email protected] Rob McDowell, Director of Parish Life, (ex 26) [email protected] Tanya Rodgerson, Director of Engagement, (ex 21) [email protected] Dinah Simmons, Director of Faith Formation, (ex 24) [email protected] Jen Ferrier, Coordinator of Evangelization, (ex 39) [email protected] Ronnie Lunn, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, (ex 37) [email protected] Kate Robinson, Director of Communications, (ex 29) [email protected] Patrick Salah, Director of Music, (ex 27) [email protected] Joanne Thibeau, Manager of Finance, (ex 28) [email protected] 3 Preparing to Receive Sacraments G.R.O.W (God Renewing Our Women) The children and families who are preparing for First Communion will celebrate on Sunday, January 18th at the 9am Mass. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers. A new group will begin preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion in early February. There are a few spaces still available in the program. To get an application form, or for more information, contact Dinah Simmons, Director of Faith Formation ([email protected]; 902-443-0725 ex 24). We are a group of women who meet out of a desire to be around other women of faith. It is a place where we develop friendships, provide support for each other, and share our journeys. Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 7th from 7:00-8:30pm in the St. Joseph Room here at Saint Benedict. Come and join us! "GROW provides the opportunity to know Christian women personally. It is a cornerstone to building a strong faith community based on our common Catholic faith. I would encourage all women to come and see.” Sharal Riggs, member of G.R.O.W. Religious Education Tuesday Faith Sharing Religious education for elementary-aged children at Saint Benedict Parish is provided through a familybased program, which we call GIFT (Growing In Faith Together). Families meet once a month, and can choose between two dates. The next session will be held on January 25th or February 1st. For more i n f o r m a t i o n o r t o r e g i s t e r, c o n t a c t D i n a h ([email protected]; 902-443-0725 ex 24). Join Deacon Bob Smith for small group sharing on Tuesdays at noon. Bring a brown-bag lunch; we'll supply coffee, tea, etc. Here's what Bob says about the Winter offering: We're beginning another Bible study as part of our Tuesday Noon-hour Faith Series. This time the biblical content will be on DVD, and this will allow us ample time to discuss the content, compare it with our Bibles (what was left out, added, changed) and how God’s Word was born through a desire by God to enter into a personal relationship, a covenant, with us. It is about back then, and also equally about today. The program will run from January 6th to mid or late March, and it should be noted that each session is complete in itself. (Come for one, or come for all!) A look at some of the content: January 6th – Abraham (Genesis); 13: Exodus; 20: Homeland; Feb 3: Kingdom; 10: Survival; 17: Mission; 24: Betrayal; March 3: Passion; 10: Courage. Contact Deacon Bob ([email protected]) for more information or to register. Tuesday Coffee Social Ministers Copies of the the new January - March, 2015 schedule are now available (in the hospitality area). If you feel called to help with this ministry serving our Tuesday morning coffee socials, please contact Eileen Bridge ([email protected]). Study on the Mass An 8-week course on the study of the Mass will take place on Wednesday evenings (7:30-9pm), starting January 7th. Cost for the course is $15 (to cover materials) and space is limited. Please contact Paul Doiron (902-876-0546, [email protected]) with any questions or to register. Society of St. Vincent de Paul The next meeting for our Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be on Tuesday, January 6th at 7pm. Becoming a Member of Saint Benedict Parish We can’t wait to meet you! In a large parish, we need to be purposeful in being personal. It’s important to us that you feel at home here! Our membership process is set up so that we can get to know each other a little better! It’s a 4 step process. Here goes: 1) "I like this church!" Complete the Communication Card. 2) "I don't know enough about it." - A member of our Welcome Team will call and arrange to meet with you. 3) "Sign me up, I want to be a part of the parish!" Attend a New Parishioner Welcome Event to fill out a formal registration card. 4) "Do they remember me?" Your Welcome Team member will check in with you periodically to see how you are doing. Please fill out the reverse and drop this in the collection basket. follow us on Twitter @SaintBP 4 “I earnestly call upon pastors and the whole community of the faithful to help the divorced and with solicitous care, make sure that they do not consider themselves as separated from the Church.” ~ Saint John Paul II “You all know divorce is a particularly painful situation. Given these people’s situation of suffering, it must be studied.” ~ Pope Benedict Saint Benedict Parish Communication Card First Name:!__________________________________________ Last Name:!__________________________________________!Best Phone #:!___________________________________!! ! home ! work ! cell Email Address:!______________________________________________________________________________________________! When would be a good time to contact you?: ! daytime ! evening ! weekend ! teen ! young adult (18-28)!! adult (29-39) ! adult (40-50) ! adult (50+)! If you have a significant other, what’s their name?!______________________________________________________!Date Submitted:!____________________________! If you have children, what are their names & age ranges? Name: ________________________________________________________!! infant ! toddler ! grade p-5 ! jr high ! high school Name:!________________________________________________________ ! infant ! toddler ! grade p-5 ! jr high ! high school Name:!________________________________________________________ ! infant ! toddler ! grade p-5 ! jr high ! high school ! I’m interested in having my child baptized.! 5 Freedom from our Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits 9 Weeks - Tuesday evenings Jan 13 – Mar 27, 7-9pm REGISTRATION CLOSES JANUARY 5TH!! The 1st night (January 13th) is a Mandatory Information Session. This is an interactive session where your questions will be answered as you are introduced to the group process and the content of the program. We've all been hurt by other people, we've hurt ourselves, and we've hurt others. As a result, each of our lives is tangled up with: Hurts that haunt our hearts; Hang-ups that cause us pain and; Habits that mess up our lives: The question we all face is: Do we have to carry these burdens forever? The short answer is, NO. Life’s Healing Choices Program offers an opportunity to make the connection between past hurts and how they can develop hang-ups, and habits which interfere with the peace we are all seeking. Life’s Healing Choices Program can transform your life with each of the 8 healing choices, which are based on the solid foundation of the Beatitudes of Jesus. These Choices are designed to guide you along God's healing pathway into wholeness, growth, and spiritual maturity. Find answers, and a future full of hope - one healing choice at a time. 6 You may register by email: [email protected], on the website:, or by calling: Paulette 902-832-3818. Alpha Alumni are welcome too, but must bring an invited guest! Early in the New Year, we will offer several different Alpha opportunities: Sushi Alpha - Monday nights at Tako Sushi & Ramen (fee to cover meals) Thursday Night Alpha Daytime Alpha (Wednesdays at noon) Plan to attend the Come & See on January 22nd and register for any of the above on our parish website in January. New Member Wine & Cheese .rA RJu nAw NJ 9ainN BAnA@i?N PariMh, 2aPA RJu bAAn aNNAn@inC BJr a whilA, buN nJN RAN rACiMNArA@, YJu arA ?Jr@iallR inPiNA@ NJ Jur 6Aw MAHbAr WinA & 0hAAMA Jn Saturda2, Januar2 24th @ 7.,. PlAaMA R9VP NJ 4aNA 1inlaRMJn, 902-240-3996 FaNABin-bAllalianN.nAN bR WA@nAM@aR, 3anuarR 2&MN. 4in@lR lAN uM FnJw iB RJu will rAKuirA ?hil@ ?arA, an@ wA will @J Jur bAMN NJ a??JHHJ@aNA. 7
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