Page Two January 18, 2015 Saturday, January 17 5:00 Jim McGahren / Papst Family Budget - $16,529 January 11 - $12,753 Sunday, January 18 10:00 Marie Figari / Betty Guido and Family 12:00 John J. Vargas Monday, January 19 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 Arnold Villanueva / Jim & Joan Fox Tuesday, January 20 8:00 Elizabeth T. Micklas Wednesday, January 21 8:00 Frances M. Bandy Thursday, January 22 8:00 Victor Horky Friday, January 23 8:00 Irene Liwanag / Liwanag Family Saturday, January 24 9:00 Living: Fr. Jim Brown / Charlie & Kay Maurice 5:00 Jim McGahren / Papst Family Sunday, January 25 10:00 James Anglo / Angela Holuba 12:00 Helen Falco / Sue DeSimone First Reading: 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 This powerful story describes Samuel, who at the time was the servant of the high priest. The Lord called out to Samuel, who twice thought Eli had called him. They gradually realized that it was the Lord who called for him. So the third time Samuel answered and the Lord remained with Samuel as he grew. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Paul explains to the Corinthians that their body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. He tells them to avoid lewd conduct, and glorify God by keeping their bodies pure. Gospel: John 1:35-42 John told two of his disciples that Jesus is the Lamb of God. They turned and followed him, immediately curious and attracted to him. Andrew told his brother Simon about Jesus. Simon also came to meet Jesus, who renamed him Cephas, or Peter. ©1999 Bon Venture Services, Inc. Page Three Second Sunday in Ordinary Time FAMILY PROMISE NEEDS COOKS The Parish of St. Joseph will be supporting Demarest Methodist when they host Family Promise, January 18th to the 25th. We will be preparing dinner and staying over on Saturday, January 24th. The men of the St. Vincent DePaul Society will stay over but we need volunteers to cook. If you are able to help with the cooking for that evening, please call Sue DeSimone at 201767-0342. Attention All Parishioners The Pastoral Council would like to put together an e-mail list for parishioners. This list will be for parishioners that would like to receive e-mails regarding upcoming events, special announcements, and news that concerns our parish family. If you would like to be on this list please send your email address to Christine at [email protected]. Sunday Coffee Hour Please join us in the Community Hall after the Sunday 10am Mass for ‘Coffee and…”. This weekend’s coffee hour will be hosted by Mary Jocher – Women’s Cornerstone. Please consider hosting a Sunday Coffee Hour. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board near the kitchen window in the Community Hall. First time hosts can call Marian Hayden at 768-3262 with questions or for assistance. Please help us continue this great tradition! PARISH REGISTRATION If you have not yet registered or wish to register with St. Joseph’s Parish please call the Parish Office or see one of the priests. Also if you are registered and need to update your information from the time you originally registered please inform the parish office. Registering with the church is our only means of certifying anyone as a member of our parish family. It is also necessary for the issuance of sponsor certificates, letters of recommendation and character references. Christmas Pageant The Tuesday Religious Education classes presented their annual Pageant on December 21st. The show was well attended and enjoyed by all. Stephanie Cywinski-O’Brien Scholarship Applications – 2015 For the eighth year, student scholarships are being offered by the Stephanie Cywinski-O’Brien Trust. Applications are now being accepted from parish 7th and 8th grade students attending a Catholic grammar school, as well as Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors attending a Catholic High School and continuing their education at a Catholic School. Applications and eligibility requirements are available at the parish office and available on our website, simply click on the “Notices/Flyer” tab at Applications are due April 6 with decisions to be made by April 30. Rides for Parishioners There are a number of parishioners who can no longer drive themselves to church. We would like to make a list of those parishioners who need a ride to and from church and a list of parishioners willing to take turns providing rides to those in need. If you need a ride, please provide your name, address, and phone number and what mass you normally attend. If you can provide a ride, please provide your name, address, phone number, what mass you normally attend and how often you would be able to provide a ride. The above information can be given to Christine at the Parish office at 201768-2371(M.–F., 9am-1pm after 1pm please leave a message) or alternately to Ray Cywinski at 201767-7441. Remember, "Many hands make light work". Thank you. Page Four January Book Rack Be A Blessing – This book shows how biblical texts can transform their reads into meeting places of heaven and earth, holy places from which God’s gifts flow into the world and renew everyday life. The Parish in Catholic Tradition – The structure and functioning of the local church by an eminent canon lawyer. God First Loved Us – A profound reflection on the unconditional nature of God’s love, and the difficulty we have in accepting it. Spiritual Reflection on Stewardship “Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, ‘What are you looking for?” – John 1:38 What are you looking for? Are you wasting your time looking for the material comforts of the world? Or, is your heart longing for something deeper that can only be found by spending time with God? Take time, each day, in silence and ask the Lord what it is that He wants you to do. Annual Men’s Weekend Retreat February 20-22, 2015 The Jesuit retreat house at Loyola in Morristown offers a time to relax, away from business problems and family worries; a time to reflect and get a fresh perspective on your life; a time to pray, to reawaken the sense of the reality of God, and to grow in the precious gift of faith. The men of the parishes in the Northern Valley are invited to join their brothers in Christ on retreat the weekend of February 20-22, 2015. The retreat begins at dinner on Friday night and ends after lunch on Sunday. If the weekend of February 20-22 is not convenient for you, other retreats for Men, Women, or both are also available on other weekends through May. For further information and registration, please call Ed Delaney at (201) 768-9474, or go to Check out our website! Click on the bulletin tab to view our current bulletin or the calendar tab for upcoming events, meetings, etc. event album. Support Group for Grieving Parents The Office of Family Life Ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark sponsors three support groups for Parents Grieving the Death of a Child. Groups meet year ‘round on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM (July and August at 7:00 PM) at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Center, 60 Byrd Avenue, Bloomfield, and on the third Monday of each month at St. Peter the Apostle Parish Center, 445 Fifth Avenue, River Edge. The Support Group for Fathers Who Have Lost a Child meets quarterly at Notre Dame Parish Center, 359 Central Avenue, North Caldwell. There is no preregistration for any of the groups, and there is no fee. For further information about meeting times and dates, please contact the Office of Family Life at 973-4974327 or email [email protected]. WOMEN’S CORNERSTONE The Women’s Cornerstone meeting for this month will be Thursday, January 22nd in the Parish Center conference room. ANNIVERSARY MASSES 5, 25 and 50 Years The Archdiocese will celebrate an Anniversary Mass on April 19, 2015 for all couples celebrating 50 years of marriage in 2015 and on May 3, 2015 couples celebrating 5 and 25 years in 2015. Couples are invited to the Cathedral for Mass with the Archbishop at 3:00 p.m. To make your reservation please contact Christine in the Parish Office 201-768-2371. *Reservation deadline for the Golden Anniversary mass on April 19th is due by April 8th and the deadline for the Silver and 5 Year Anniversary mass on May 3rd is due by April 22nd. FOOD PANTRY Next Sunday is the last Sunday of the month. Please bring your nonperishable food donations to the community hall to be distributed to the Office of Concern in Englewood. Foods such as cereal, rice, canned fruits, canned meat, pasta, mixed vegetables, baked beans, fruit juices, peanut butter, powdered milk, pancake mix, syrup, sugar, canned pasta and diapers, would be appreciated. Page Five Archdiocese of Newark Women’s Commission Day of Reflection Archbishop Myers, Luis Avila, Mary Borges, Clare Borland, Anthony Bulone, Joe Cerrone, Christopher Dietz, Louise Doto, Angela Guerry, Chip Hartwell, Susie Hicks, Nandini K., Elizabeth Kenny, Dolores LaPenna, Anne and Gene Lessieu, Nancy Lombardo, Rita Lonie, Alma Manfredonia, Melizza, Tess Peters, Angelo Ponte, Lorianne Roberts, Rita Rodin, Kayla Rose, Bertha Samayoa, George and Phyllis Schall, Bill Strohmeyer, Gnana Sunduram, Tony Vecchione, Grace Walsh, Ken Whitehead, Chandra Y., Charles Yates, Helen Zoppie *Please notify the Parish Office of any changes or updates to the prayer list. VISITATION OF THE SICK If you or someone you know falls ill and cannot come to Church, please call the parish office at 201-768-2371 and we will make arrangements for a priest to go out and visit. FAITH DIRECT Electronic Giving The twelve days of Christmas culminate with the celebration of the wonderful feast of Epiphany. I am thankful for all the generous gifts that you provide to our parish, but I realize that you cannot be with us every Sunday of the year. Please consider using our secure electronic giving program Faith Direct. Faith Direct will automatically process any offertory or second collection donations of your choosing. You can sign up online at using our church code: NJ415, or by mailing a paper enrollment form available in the parish office. Thank you in advance for your support. * NOTE – When you enroll with Faith Direct your regular contribution envelopes will be cancelled. Behold Your Mother A Day of Reflection Saturday, March 7, 2015 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (Registration at 8:00 am) Seton Hall University 400 South Orange Ave. South Orange NJ 07079 For more information and registration visit: or email: [email protected] or call 973-497-4545 Adults: $25.00 * College Students (18-22 years old): $15 * Seniors: (65+): $20 * Priests/Deacons/Religious: Free Continental Breakfast and Lunch Included Early bird registration is now open until February 1, 2015 ($5 off regular price – with online registration only) Archdiocese of Newark Catholic Men’s Conference Be Not Afraid…..He Is With Us! Saturday, March 14, 2015 Seton Hall University 8:00 am – 4:00 pm 400 South Orange Avenue South Orange, NJ 07079 For more information visit, email: [email protected] or call 973-497-4545 Adults: $25.00 * College Students (18-22 years old): $15 * Seniors: (65+): $20 * Priests/Deacons/Religious: Free Continental Breakfast and Lunch Included Early bird registration is now open until February 1, 2015 ($5 off regular price – with online registration only) CHURCH BULLETIN ADVERTISING If you would like to advertise your business in the church bulletin there is space available. This is a great way to help our parish and get the word out to the community about your business. For pricing and more information contact Bon Venture Services at 1-800-364-0684. The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January 19th for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
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