Sunday Bulletin - St. Matthew Church Corona

St. Matthew Catholic Church
2140 W. Ontario Avenue
Corona, CA 92882-5651
Phone: (951) 737-1621
FAX: (951) 737-9715
Pastor: Rev. Neil Fuller, S.V.D
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Alex Sila, S.V.D.
Pastoral Associate: Lou Ann Tannaz
Director of Religious Education: Isaura Cera
Associate Coordinator of Religious Education: Moira Fisher
Director of Youth Ministry: Mary Anne Multer
Assistant Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Rosie Gomez
E-mail: [email protected]
See phone directory/email inside
5:30 P.M. (English)
8:00 AM, 9:30 A.M., 11:00 A.M. &
5:30 P.M. (English)
12:30 P.M. (Spanish).
Wed., Thurs, & Friday @ 8:30 A.M.
CHAPEL HOURS: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Mon.-Fri.
RECONCILIATION (Penance) Confession
Saturdays from 3:30pm-5:00pm
Office Hours: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Mon.-Fri.
Please notify Parish Office so a visit can be arranged. The
Pastoral Staff depends on you to notify us as to the need.
Baptism, First Eucharist, First Reconciliation,
Confirmation, Call Parish Office for details.
MARRIAGE: Appointment with Pastoral Associate
at least NINE months in advance.
St. Edward Elementary School
500 Merrill St.
Corona, CA 92882
(951) 737-2530
Notre Dame High School
7085 Brockton Ave.
Riverside, CA 92506
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reflecting on God’s Word
Once more we stand with John the Baptist and learn from
what he does. Watching Jesus walk by, he says to two of
his disciples, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” And “the two
disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus” (John
1:36–37). One was Andrew, who, in turn, goes to his
brother Simon and brings him to Jesus. And Jesus gives
him a new name, Cephas, which means “rock.”
A new life begins for Andrew and Simon, and most likely
for the other disciple as well, possibly either James or
John (both were fishermen with Peter and Andrew). It
was clear to Jesus that they were searching for
something: “What are you looking for?” They answered,
“Teacher, where are you staying?” implying that it was
going to take more than a few minutes to answer that
question. Jesus took them in immediately: “Come, and
you will see . . . And they stayed with him that day” (John
As we return to Ordinary Time, which comes from the
Latin ordo (“numbered”), we count the weeks off by
numbers: Second Sunday, Third Sunday, and so on. But
“ordinary time” is lived in a world touched by God’s grace.
God continues to come into our lives, if we would notice.
Like John pointing out Jesus to his two disciples, the old
priest Eli helps Samuel to understand that the Lord is
entering the boy’s life and tells him to respond, “Speak,
LORD, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:9). We
bring each other to God, to Jesus Christ, by being
attentive to how God is at work among us. God continues
to work through each of us, and that is what makes
“ordinary time” continuously extraordinary.
—James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Living God’s Word
Our prayer can be full of words, giving voice to our plans,
our needs, our desires. We can bring a lot of “help, help,
help” or “gimme, gimme, gimme” to prayer. Try just
SATURDAY, January 17
5:30 p.m. Edgar Zoll - †
by The Novak Family
SUNDAY, January 18
8:00 a.m. Barbara Mosten - †
by Rosemary McMackin
9:30 a.m. Rev. John P. Mc Sherry - †
by Lolita Eakle
11:00 a.m. Parishioiners
12:30 p.m. Mario Chavez - Birthday
by The Chavez Family
5:30 p.m. The Novak Children - Special Intentions
By Mom & Dad
WEDNESDAY, January 21
8:30 a.m. Bud Ruth - †
by The Ruth & Short Families
THURSDAY, January 22
8:30 a.m. Alexander Topete - Birthday
by The Topete Family
FRIDAY, January 23
8:30 a.m. Maria Batoon - †
by The Batoon and Short Families
Ministers to the homebound
Please check for any Pyx you may have forgotten to
return to the parish office. Also, please remember to sign
in the Ministry Book. Thank you for your dedication to this
very special ministry.
Congratulations to Fr. Bob Fisher, SVD who on January
9th celebrated his 50th anniversary of ordination to
priesthood. In his retirement, Fr. Bob continues to help
us at St. Matthew, as well as St. Thomas, Riverside, St.
George, Ontario, Christ the Redeemer, Grand Terrace.
To help you prepare for the next week’s
Masses, we encourage you to read the
Scriptures ahead of time.
1Samuel 3:3b-10, 19
1Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20
John 1:35-42
Notre Dame High School Open House
Bring family and friends, come tour our campus meet
faculty and Riverside community members.
7085 Brockton Ave. Riverside CA 92506
January 17, 2015
Sunday Catholic TV Mass 9:00am on KDOC Channel
56 Also on cable/satellite TV. Check listing for “KDOC”.
Please pray for those names
in this list, and remember to
call the office when the
intention can be removed.
[A] Shannon Adams [G] Luis Alberto Gonzalez-Orbegozo
[J] Karen & Scott Jones [K] Monica Kent [M] Jennifer
Martinez, Bob McGinnis [S] Barbara Saldana, Fabrizzio
Denise Bradley, Victor Flores, Scott Laidlaw,
Thomas & Linda Laidlaw, Colm & Ann Ford,
Primitivo & Evelyn Trinidad, Ivan & Elizabeth
Ortiz, Pedro & Hildeberta Hernandez, Steven
& Emma Wendt, Francis Sanyo.
We rejoice with the parents, and
godparents and families of Nola Gutierrez,
Cohen Zero and Delaney Zero who were
baptized at our parish on Sunday, January
11, 2015.
This Monday January 19th the
office will be closed in observance
of Martin Luther king Jr. Day.
It is not necessary to wait until the last moment
before asking for anointing: a serious illness, any major
operation, or simply the onset of old age, are reason
enough to receive it in faith. Please notify the Parish
Office so a visit can be arranged. When a person has
been anointed within a few months of becoming gravely
ill, it is not necessary to be anointed again as the person
is dying.
Please make sure your family is registered in
our parish. We need registration paperwork
for your enrollment in our programs.
Registration forms can be found on the credenzas in the
Church, on line, and in the parish office. Thank you
BIBLE STUDY NEWS: The next Bible Study session
will be starting soon. We will be studying "Spirituality of
the Gospels." We will meet 7 consecutive Thursdays
starting February 12 at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center. This
will be a wonderful opportunity to look at the Gospels in a
different way and apply the spirituality of the early church
to our church today. The cost per book set is $20 and
this study is appropriate for beginners as well as those
more experienced with Bible Study. Watch for more
information in upcoming bulletins, or contact Pam
Fischer (951-205-3353) for more information.
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School
Welcome All! OPEN HOUSE!
Sunday, Jan. 25th 9:00am-1:00pm
Preschool—8th grade
Yorba Linda 714-695-3700
The Eucharist is the most essential focal point of Catholic identity. It is the highest form of Catholic prayer and
spirituality. For this reason it must be formed with great reverence and beauty.
The Eucharist is one action consisting of four parts: 1) The greeting that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is with us. We
then recognize God’s mercy (compassion) on us in our journey of life. It is the recognition of God’s loving forgiveness,
the Confiteor (“I confess”) and the “Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy.” We then praise God in the Gloria in which
God’s mercy (compassion) is mentioned four times; 2) The second part of the Liturgy is the proclamation of the Word of
God. God speaks to us about our salvation and redemption and teaches us the way to live in our relationship with God.
This is followed by the Creed “I believe”) which is a recognition of our identity and our Baptism into Christ. The Prayer of
the Faithful is the prayer of the people. It is a response to our calling in Baptism – to care for the sick, to remember
those in our community who have died and to be mindful of the needs and suffering in the world; 3) Part three is the
Eucharistic Prayer (the prayer of Thanksgiving to God, the Father. We remember God’s love for us through the Death
and Resurrection of the Son, Jesus Christ whose presence is offered to us in Communion; 4) The fourth part is the
dismissal and going forth in our lives to proclaim the Good News of God’s salvation and redemption. “Go in peace and
glorify God by your lives.
All four parts of the Liturgy is one action. Contrary to opinion and what was said in the past, the Consecration is not the
most important part of the Mass. They are all important for the meaning of the Eucharist from the beginning to the
dismissal, the sending forth.
To call the priest, the celebrant of the Mass is actually incorrect. The priest is the Presider over the Liturgy. The
celebrant of the Mass is the people, the community of followers of Christ, celebrating with Christ his sacrifice for the
salvation and redemption of the world.
I wish to thank all who participate in our Liturgy, our ministers and all our parishioners who make this action of praise
and glory to God one of reverence and beauty. I wish to thank all who show respect to the place we offer this action to
God. I know there are still those who need to improve on their behavior during this very important time of worshipping
the Lord. Respect for our church property is very essential along with our behavior. It is our respect for the Lord and his
presence and a respect for the community of our brothers and sisters.
“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the word and the spirit of grace. And may
the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all.”
Fr. Neil
Please pray for our Military
Please pray for the brave parishioners, relatives
and friends of our Parish family who are serving
their country in the Armed Forces especially
those deployed abroad:
Christopher Camire.
We ask the Lord to keep them safe from harm.
We pray for their families while they are far from
home. Please contact Moira Fisher at (951) 2723521 or [email protected]. We would like a picture
of your loved one for Our Heroes Board in the Church.
Social Concerns Ministry
You are invited to join us – the commitment is only
one night a month
Come once and try us!!
Next meeting January 20th at 7:00 PM in St. Matthew’s
Parish Center
We invite you to get involved!! Many events are
planned for the coming months. For more information
call 951-279-0078 or contact the parish office
Your prayers are requested for the repose of
the soul and the intentions of Ginny Quint of
our parish.
Catholic Charities Assists With Calfresh Food
Benefits and Medical Health Insurance
Did you know that a family of four with an income under
approximately $2,400 per month may be eligible for food
assistance? There are thousands of eligible people in
our diocese who are not receiving Calfresh Food
Benefits (formerly known as food stamps). The maximum
food benefit is $668 per month based on household size,
income, and expenses. Calfresh benefits are available
on EBT cards and can provide significant relief to a
family’s food budget. Catholic Charities staff can assist
with screening for eligibility and Calfresh applications.
Catholic Charities is also offering free assistance to
apply for medical health insurance, such as: Healthy
Kids and MediCal insurance applications. Call (909)3881239 for more information.
Jr. High - 7th and 8th
Monday 7:00-8:30pm
Session 10 Jan. 26, 2015
High School Confirmation Class
9th thru 12th
Monday 7:00-8:30pm
Session 10 Jan. 26, 2015
Wednesday 7:00-8:30pm
Session 10 Jan. 28, 2015
Citizenship Classes
will began on Jan. 28 from 7-8:30pm
in classroom # 4 registration will be
held the first day off class.
Healing with Hope
Grief Survival Series
All Sessions are from 6:30-8:30pm
Held on Tuesday Nights
at Riverside Community Hospital
In the Administrative Conference Room
This requires an eight weeks commitment.
To R.S.V.P. or for more information call:
It’s much easier for our volunteer counters to count your church
contributions if you use the envelopes mailed to you every two months.
They have your complete information—name, address, amount of
contribution for you to fill in—to help us keep accurate records for your
end-of-year statement. We appreciate your help.
January 3-4
Attendance …………………………………………...2228
Families receiving envelopes……………………...2640
Plate collection……………………………….....$3,164.77
Weekly envelopes collection………………....$9,554.50
Weekly envelopes received………………………….372
Average per envelope……………………………..$25.69
Online Giving……………………………………$2,617.00
January 10-11
Attendance …………………………………………...1934
Families receiving envelopes……………………...2640
Plate collection……………………………….....$2,467.67
Weekly envelopes collection…………………$9,419.50
Weekly envelopes received………………………….358
Average per envelope……………………………..$26.32
Online giving this week………………………..$1,712.00
* Please use your envelopes
We invite all youth (7th and Up) to be
part of the Youth Choir. Please call the
Youth Ministry office for more
information. 951-272-3520.
Religious Education
The registration for children grades preschool-6th
continues Mon-Fri in the Parish Office. Please continue
making payments on your registration balances from the
2014-2015 Religious Education year.
Tuition Balances for:
Religious Ed. $2,974.00
Youth ministry $2,465.00
Total: $5,439.00
We are in special need for
Commentators to read the Prayer
Intercessions and Announcements
at all Masses. Please call the Parish
Office to help this ministry.
Classes, Retreats and Workshops are offered at
Old Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside. For
more info check out
Round Trip Bus fare to San
Francisco, CA
*$75 Round Trip
St. James Catholic Church
269 West 3rd Street
Perris, CA 92570
We also have several pickup locations
throughout the Inland Empire!
Departure: Friday, January 23, 2015, 5:00 a.m.
Return: Sunday, January 25, 2015, 7:30 p.m.(approx.)
*Additional fee for hotel accommodations
Contact: St. James the Less Church, pro-life director
Jose Gomez
(951) 943–7799
Evenings are best,
if no answer, please leave a message
and we will gladly return your call.
Space is limited......Reserve your seats
Donate your old Car –Help Needy - Receive Tax
Deduction of $500+
Cars for help, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit charity, is
working to strengthen individual churches and various
Catholic charities through vehicle donations. The process
is fast, easy and requires just a phone call or visit to our
website. If you would like to donate a vehicle in any
condition, even severely broken or crashed, or just have
questions, please call us at (630) 595-9272 or with mention of this bulletin, 50%
of your vehicle donation proceeds will go directly to Saint
Matthew Church.
♦Parish Office General and Bereavement Needs
Phone 951-737-1621 Evelyn Sobrino
Email [email protected]
♦Rev. Neil Fuller (Pastor)
Phone 951-272-3523
Email [email protected]
♦Rev. Alex Sila, S.V.D.
Phone 951-737-1858
Email [email protected]
♦Lou Ann Tannaz (Pastoral Associate)
Phone 951-737-1004
Email [email protected]
♦Susie Chocek (Financial Records)
Phone 951-272-3522
Email [email protected]
♦Isaura Cera (Religious Education)
Phone 951-272-3521
Email [email protected]
♦Moira Fisher (Religious Education)
Phone 951-272-3521
Email [email protected]
♦Jonathan Machado (Office, Baptism)
Phone 951-272-3524
Email [email protected]
♦Mary Anne Multer (Youth Ministry/
♦Rosie Gomez (Youth Ministry - Jr. High)
Phone 951-272-3520
Email [email protected]
Parish website is:
Youth Mass is Celebrated
On the First Saturday of every
month at 5:30 pm.
Please come and join us!
A Message from the Diocese of San Bernardino
and The State Bar of California
The Diocese of San Bernardino is working with the State
Bar of California in an effort to protect our parishioners
and local immigration communities from fraudulent and
predatory immigration and naturalization service
offerings tied to federal Immigration Reform.
“Please be aware that at this time there is no Immigration
Reform. Do not give your hard-earned money to a
lawyer, notary public, or anyone for this purpose. It is
against the law for them to take money for Immigration
Reform because it does not exist at this time”
If you have given money to a lawyer or notary public,
please report them to The State Bar of California and we
will work to get your money back. You can file a report by
calling toll free 1-866-879-4532 or visit us at:
Our parish is experiencing tremendous growth and
we are inviting you to join us in providing services and
ministries to those who need them. If you are interested
or would like more information regarding any ministry
please call the Parish Office at 737-1621. The following is
a list of the many ministries we offer:
♦ Altar Linen Care
♦ Altar Server
♦ Baptismal Ministry
♦ Bereavement Ministry
♦ Children’s Liturgy of the Word
♦ Children’s Sacramental Programs
♦ Church Environment/Flowers
♦ Commentators (at Mass)
♦ Communion To The Sick & Homebound
♦ Corona Norco Interfaith Association
♦ Eucharistic Minister
♦ Gardening
♦ Hispanic Ministry
♦ Readers (at Mass)
♦ Men’s Club
♦ Music Ministry-Singer, Play Instrument
♦ Office Volunteer
♦ RCIA—Support Team and/or Sponsor
♦ Religious Education-teach, aide, baby sit
♦ Repairs/Maintenance
♦ Settlement House-Monthly Food Drive
♦ Social Concerns
♦ Fund Raising Organizing Committee
♦ Train Altar Servers
♦ Ushers
♦ Corona Seniors Center
♦ Weekly Communion—Vista Cove Care
♦ WINGS (Women’s Spiritual Group)
♦ Women’s Club
♦ Young At Heart (Senior Group)
♦ Youth Ministry—teach, teachers aide
If you have anyone that you would like to add to our
prayer column please complete the following form. Then
the form can then be placed into the collection basket.
You may also call the Parish office at 737-1621 with your
prayer request.
Person requesting prayer
Pray for
Prayer request or intention
Please remember to call the office when the prayer
intention can be removed from the list.