Session 6 Newsletter - Sawtry Community College

Sarah Shaw-Wilson MA Acting Principal
Fen Lane, Sawtry
PE28 5TQ
Tel: 01487 830701
Fax: 01487 831679
E-mail: [email protected]
8th January,2015
Dear Parents/Carers
‘‘Session 6’ will start again on Monday 12th January and will continue to offer students the
opportunity to extend their school day and take part in a range of clubs, activities, coursework
development and exam intervention sessions. Students will be supported by members of staff and
will also have access to the internet and any other resources they may need. It is our belief that
engaging students for an extra hour a day will play an important part in ensuring every student
makes maximum progress during their time at Sawtry Community College.
‘Session 6’ will run from 3.30pm-4.30pm, Monday to Friday, throughout the remaining weeks of the
academic year. The timetable will change on a half-termly basis to reflect the different requirements
and priorities of that particular time of year.
In order to support parents/carers with this extra commitment, the college will provide a transport
service (Monday-Thursday only) leaving the college at 4.40pm each day. A minibus will run south,
with stops in Alconbury (Jct Spinney & Church Street) and Alconbury Weston. It will also run north to
Stilton, Folksworth, Connington, Holme and Yaxley. The cost of this service is £1 per day, with tickets
purchased from Mrs Ford in Student Services before school.
Places are limited on the transport, however, if demand exceeds the number of places, we will look
into providing extra transport.
If your child is in receipt of the Pupil Premium payment, the College is able to use some of its Pupil
Premium funds to pay for the transport home and therefore the £1 charge is non-applicable. If you
are unsure whether your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium, or think they may be eligible but are not
currently on the Pupil Premium list, please contact Miss Forrester at the College.
The college firmly believes that by extending the provision and opportunities for students across the
whole college, a positive impact can be yielded by all students involved.
If you have any questions about ‘Session 6’, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.
Yours sincerely,
Mr P Baynes
Assistant Principal
Sawtry Community College is a DfE designated Maths & Computing College