3% and 7% discount on 2015 premiums We are giving everyone insured with ONVZ a 3% discount on premium of our Basic Health Care Plan and 7% on premiums of supplemantary Health care plans*. We have already incorporated these discounts into this table of premiums. How about another discount on your premium on top of that? Pay your annual premium in one go and you will get a 3% discount on your monthly premium as listed in the table. Prefer to pay for six months? Then your additional discount will be 2% on your monthly premium. And for quarterly payments you will receive a 1% discount. Simply calculate your premium online at www.onvz.nl ONVZ Basic Health Care Plan Insured parties aged 18 years and above have a compulsary excess of € 375. A voluntary excess is also possible. Together, the compulsory and voluntary excesses make up the total excess per year. Insured parties under 18 do not pay a premium for the Vrije Keuze Basisverzekering and have no compulsory excess. It is also not possible for them to opt for a voluntary excess. monthly premium 18 years and above monthly premium 0 - 17 years with compulsory excess of € 375 € 101,85 € 0 including voluntary excess of € 100 € 98,45 € - including voluntary excess of € 200 € 95,35 € - including voluntary excess of € 300 € 92,35 € - including voluntary excess of € 400 € 89,55 € - including voluntary excess of € 500 € 76,85 € - ONVZ Vrije Keuze supplementary Health care plans 18 years and above 0 - 17 years Vrije Keuze Startfit € 6,74 € 0 Vrije Keuze Extrafit € 8,83 € 0 Vrije Keuze Benfit € 21,39 € 0 Vrije Keuze Optifit € 36,73 € 0 Vrije Keuze Topfit € 53,94 € 16,74 Vrije Keuze Superfit € 110,67 € 22,79 ONVZ Tandfit Tandfit D only in combination with Vrije Keuze Topfit. 22 years and above 18 - 21 years Tandfit Module A € 11,16 € 8,37 Tandfit Module B € 25,11 € 18,83 Tandfit Module C € 33,02 € 24,76 Tandfit Module D € 36,97 € 27,72 * Basic premium : € 105,00 Monthly premium for insured parties aged 18 years and above, compulsary excess of € 375,00 excl. discounts. Special children’s premium You will never pay for more than two children under 18. Premium surcharge If you do not take out a Basisfit plan, but do take out a supplementary plan, Tandfit or Privé Zorgpakket, a surcharge of 50% on top of your premium will apply. A premium surcharge of 25% will apply if you take out Zó-fit without Basic - or supplementary Healh Care Plan. Privé Zorgpakket or Zó-fit plan for those who reside abroad You can choose Privé Kamer, but not the other modules, nor the Zó-fit plan. You may need to pay a parafiscal levy if you live outside the Netherlands. Please visit www.onvz.nl for more information. ONVZ Privé Zorgpakket Zorg Totaal is a combination of Privé Kamer, Zorg Luxe and Zorg Assistent 18 years and above Privé Kamer € 18,60 Zorg luxe (includes the Privé Kamer module) € 24,18 Zorg Assistent (includes the Privé Kamer module) € 24,18 Zorg Totaal (combination of all 3 modules) € 29,76 Zó-fit Get back to work quickly with Zó-fit. 18 years and above € 8,84 Risk bearer of our ONVZ Vrije Keuze Basic Healthcare Plan is ONVZ Ziektekostenverzekeraar N.V. (trade register no. 30135168, AFM Registration no. 12000633) and of our supplementary and other insurance policies is ONVZ Aanvullende Verzekering N.V. (trade register no 30209308, AFM Registration no 12001024). Both are located in Houten. Postbus 392, 3990 GD Houten. Telephone +31 (0)30 639 62 22. Fax: +31 (0)30 635 12 75. Internet: www. onvz.nl.
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