Liturgical Ministers St. Anthony of Padua, Centreville: Christmas Eve 4:30pm -Dec 24 | Christmas Day 8:30am-Dec 25, 2014 Lector Trina Kelly Susan Gustavel Gifts: Doug & Anne Kerr Aevon & Doris Whalen A Lavoie (Extra) Ordinary Eucharistic Minister Deacon Daniel Trina Kelly Annunciation Parish/Enterprise: Christmas Eve – 8:30pm –Dec 24, 2014 Ushers Gerard Dwyer & Ron Kidd Lector Leslie Rines Ordinary Eucharistic Minister Deacon Daniel Lavoie Erinsville/ Assumption Church: Christmas Eve 6:30pm Dec 24| Christmas Day 10:30am-Dec 25, 2014 Lector Joe/Bonnie O’Neill Marg Allore (Extra) Ordinary Eucharistic Minister Deacon Daniel Lavoie Patti Garrett Gift Bearers James, Taralynn & Julianna Richmond The Donohue Family St. Anthony of Padua, Centreville: Saturday 5:15 pm | Dec 27, 2014 New Year’s Eve Dec 31 2014 Rosary Noreen Mallen Lector Mimi Clancy Jim Latham Gifts: The Hartman family Theresa Asselstine & girls Ordinary Eucharistic Minister Deacon Daniel Lavoie Deacon Daniel Lavoie Vocation Cross Christina Perry Annunciation of Mary, Enterprise: Sunday 8:30am | Dec 28, 2014 New Year’s Eve Dec 31 2014 Ushers Leigh Breen & Ron Dillon Guy Giddy & Raymond Dube Lector Karen Dillon Mary Anne Dube Ordinary Eucharistic Minister Deacon Daniel Lavoie Bernie Kelly Church of the Assumption, Erinsville: Sunday -10:30am| Dec 28, 2014 New Year’s Day January 1, 2015 Lector Paul Burns Joe/Bonnie O’Neill (Extra) Ordinary Eucharistic Minister Deacon Daniel Lavoie Patti Garrett Gifts Brian & Mary Buck Joe & Sheila McMullen St. Anthony of Padua, Centreville Rosary Lector Gifts (Extra) Ordinary Eucharist Minister Vocation Cross: Annunciation of Mary, Enterprise Ushers Lector (Extra) Ordinary Eucharist Minister Church of the Assumption, Erinsville Lector (Extra) Ordinary Eucharist Minister Gifts Saturday January 3 at 5:15pm Theresa Lott Maggie Whalen Mary Sanders & Zita Lynch Deacon Daniel Lavoie Christina Perry Saturday Jan 10 at 5:15pm Susan Gustavel Susan Gustavel Joachim & Noreen McNichols Trina Kelly Jo Sutton Sunday January 4 8:30am Andrew Dillon & Bill Shepherd Gord Murphy Deacon Daniel Lavoie Sunday January 11 8:30am Joe Breen & Dave Soudant Guy Giddy Hugh Dowling Sunday January 4 10:30am Paul Burns Deacon Daniel Lavoie Don & Alison DeMarsh Sunday January 11 10:30am Joe/Bonnie O’Neill Tom Dewey Joan & Harold Way Confession: During the days leading up to Christmas, I will be available at different times in each of our churches for those of you who want to go to confession. Please watch the bulletin for times and places. This week: Centreville Sunday Dec 21 – 3:00 – 3:45pm Office hours Christmas & New Year’s– No office hours Christmas week Monday Dec 29: 1pm – 3 pm; Tuesday 10am -3pm to Wednesday Dec 31 from 10am – 3pm Thursday January 8 and Friday January 9 from 10am -3pm December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Pastor: Fr. Charles McDermott 613 358-2986 Deacon: Daniel Lavoie Mailing address for all parishes: P.O. Box 239, Tamworth, ON K0K 3G0 Parish Office: 6056 County Road 41, Erinsville, ON 613 379-5637 Fax: 613 379-5592 Web page: Assumption of Mary 6046 County Rd 41 Erinsville, ON St. Anthony of Padua 4116 County Rd 4 Centreville, ON Annunciation of Mary 659 Church St., RR 1 Enterprise, ON 613 372-5923 Email address: [email protected] Baptism – Please contact parish office Confession: During First Friday Holy Hour or by appointment Marriage: Requires a marriage preparation course. Please contact the Pastor one year in advance., Deadline to submit information for the Bulletin is Wednesday of each week. Email, fax or drop off at office Bulletin contact: Eleanor 613 379 5637 Susan 613 378-6185 Carol Anne 613 379-2330 Funerals: In the event of a morning funeral the10:00 am Mass for that day will be cancelled & rescheduled The next bulletin will be on January 11, 2015 Mass Intentions St Anthony’s, Centreville Sat Dec 20 5:15 pm For the people of our parishes Annunciation, Enterprise Sun Dec 21 8:30 am Mary Eilbacher (Ilona Foder) Jake & Donna Gilmour (the Garrett family) Assumption, Erinsville Sun Dec 21 10:30 am Monday and Tuesday Dec 23 No Masses Christmas Eve St Anthony’s, Centreville 4:30pm Jake & Donna Gilmour (Helen Barrett) Christmas Eve Assumption, Erinsville 6:30pm Keith Fisher (Taralynn & James Richmond) Annunciation, Enterprise Christmas Eve 8:30pm Mary Dillon (Michael Mulroney) St Anthony’s, Centreville Christmas Day 8:30am For the people of our parishes Christmas Day 10:30am Assumption, Erinsville Gwen & PJ Donohue (Donohue family) Friday Dec 26 No Mass St Anthony’s, Centreville Sat Dec 27 5:15 pm Ferd & Hope Hartman (Hartman family) Vince Dowling (Gerry & Susan Boutilier) Annunciation, Enterprise Sun Dec 28 8:30 am Assumption, Erinsville Sun Dec 28 10:30 am For the people of our parishes Monday Dec 29 & Tues Dec 30 No Masses Bernadette Kelly (Eugene Kelly) Annunciation, Enterprise New Year’s Eve 5:15 pm New Year’s Eve Mark & Elsie McNichols (Zita & Ken Lynch) St Anthony’s, Centreville 7:00pm New Year’s Day Assumption, Erinsville 10:00 am For the people of our parishes st Mark Dillon (Marg & Duane Johnston) Annunciation, Enterprise 1 Fri Jan 2 10:00am Ed Evans(Dieter & Janice Eberhardt St Anthony’s, Centreville Sat Jan 3 5:15 pm Annunciation, Enterprise Sun Jan 4 8:30 am For the people of our parishes Floyd Tuepah (Kate & Pat McDonald) Assumption, Erinsville Sun Jan 4 10:30 am St Anthony’s, Centreville Annunciation, Enterprise Assumption, Erinsville Sat Jan 10 Sun Jan 11 Sun Jan 11 No Masses this week Eileen Condon & Elizabeth Atkinson (Denis Condon) 5:15 pm 8:30 am 10:30 am For the people of our parishes Darlene Keech (Stephanie, Courtney & Bronwyn O) To all of you: May the blessings of our heavenly Father's greatest gift, his Son, Jesus Christ, bring peace and love to your hearts and homes this Christmas. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, 2015! Father Charles Centreville Christmas decorating - If anyone would like to help please come to the church Mon Dec 22 at 9am. Christmas Flowers –We are still accepting donations for Christmas flowers. A list of donors and their intentions will be in the next bulletin Jan 11, 2015 Anyone who has purchased items, approved by Fr. Charles, for one of our churches and needs to be reimbursed please drop your original purchase bill off at the office by Dec. 29, 2014. If you wish to make a donation based on your purchase – A cheque will be issued to you and you are to give your own cheque to the Parish to receive a tax receipt. All donation cheques must be received by Dec. 31 for 2014 tax receipts. Any that is received after that day will be used for 2015 receipts Please remember in your prayers all who are sick especially: Nora Pierce, Yvonne Taugher, Brian Gaffney, Cathy McNichols, Bob Breen, Donna Smith, Christopher Miller, Theresa Antaya, David Warner, Donna Drew, Jessica Boomhower, McKalya Huntley, Joan Connors, Mary Huffman, Larry Lott & Irene Murphy. Please pray for our deceased relatives & friends especially Allan Allore, Wanda Munro (daughter of Alice Clarke) We will leave the name of the individual who is ill, on the prayer list for one month. If at the end of the month prayers are still needed, we ask that a family member contact us to request prayers to be continued for another month. Please contact Eleanor at the office 613 379-5637. OFFERTORY: Thank you for your generosity. Dec 14, 2014 St. Anthony of Padua: Sunday $780, Loose $25.25, Fuel $85, Christmas Flowers $100, Chalice $ .50, Building Fund $1,005. Annunciation: Sunday $985, Loose $65.35, Christmas Flowers $25, Insurance $20, Building Fund $45.00. Assumption: Sunday $1,182, Loose $30, Chalice $5, Insurance $20, Christmas Flowers $50, Building Fund $240, Catholic Women’s League to Building Fund $500.00 Bible Study: Deacon Daniel will hold a Bible Study. The focus will be on the introduction to scripture and will go on for seven weeks starting Jan 21, 2015 - with a break due to Ash Wednesday. We will use the book entitled "Introduction to the Bible; A Catholic Guide to Studying Scripture" by Stephen J. Binz at a cost of approx $11. If you are interested in this study and book, please let Deacon Daniel know: 613-372-5923/ [email protected]. Centreville Food Bank – Thanks to all who contributed to the food bank drive. 21 bags of groceries were delivered to St Vincent DePaul this week. Note: egg cartons are no longer needed. Catholic Women’s League: Please pray 3 Hail Marys’ each day for the living & deceased members & Spiritual Advisors. Centreville: CWL have set up a prayer line; please call Jean Brady at 613-354-4408. Centreville: CWL Membership Drive- There will be CWL members at the entrance to the Church to accept renewals and new memberships before and after Mass Jan 3, 10 & 17, 2015 Cost is $20.00. Anyone 16 and over may join. Fees may also be put in the collection basket also. Centreville: CWL meeting January 14, 2015(tentative) at Susan Gustavel’s house Enterprise: CWL Membership Drive is on and we will have envelopes at the back of the church, kindly put your name on the front and the $20.00 inside and place the envelope in the collection basket. Enterprise: Effective immediately, there will be a $5.00 per person charge for Funeral Lunches served in the hall by the CWL. Merry Christmas to all Marjorie Murphy Chalice: “Pocket Change for Change" Please encourage your children to come up during the offertory procession with loose change and drop their coins in the Chalice container at the front This money helps Sushil & Tuoro and their families to provide food, shelter, medical care and education. Erinsville is sponsoring Sushil from India (Berhampur). SANCTUARY CANDLE: For a suggested donation of $8.00 the candle will burn for your intention for 1 week. Contact: Centreville-Susan 613 378-6185|Erinsville-Eleanor 613 379-5637. Centreville: Dec 20- in memory of Madonna Dillon & Rosie Byrnes by Aevon & Doris Whalen Dec 27 – sanctity of life from the moment of conception until natural death by CWL Jan 3, 2015 in memory of Leo Ingoldsby by Rose Ingoldsby Jan 10, 2015 in memory of Bernard & Mae Hopkins & Jean McKenny by Rose Ingoldsby Erinsville: Dec 21 -for the intentions of Bob Breen by the Gaffney Family Dec 28 – for a special intention Prayer for Priests: especially Father Charles: O Jesus, Saviour of the world, sanctify your priests and seminarians. Lord Our God, in order to govern your people you willed to unite yourself to the ministry of priests. Grant them the grace of accepting your holy will so that, in their ministry and in their life, they may seek only your glory. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Prayer for Deacons, especially Deacon Daniel: Heavenly Father, since the time of the Apostles you have inspired the Church to commission certain members to assist in a special way in the pastoral mission of Christ. Bless the deacons that they may be humble and faith-inspired in their service. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Prayer for Vocations: O God, who has chosen the Apostles to propagate the faith & to establish Your Holy Church throughout the world, we earnestly beseech You to choose from amongst our people many priests, deacons, religious brothers & sisters and lay persons who will gladly devote their entire lives in making you known and loved by all. Through the intercession of our Blessed Lady, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen . St. Patrick’s Catholic School Corner The St. Patrick Catholic School Eco Squad is taking off! We are collecting old markers, pens, high lighters etc, as well as Kool Aid jammer and Lunchable packaging and batteries. These items will be sent to a company who pays the school for them—and who then go on to recycle the items into different consumer goods. There will be a container at the entrance of the church in Erinsville for anyone who would like to dispose of these items and help the Eco Squad make a difference! Centreville is sponsoring Tuoro Kaaripuo from Africa Ghana (Wa). . Due to increasing international developments of war and violence, it is crucial to pray for peace immediately. We are invited to pray the rosary and to pray for peace throughout the world and Canada. Canada is divided into five sections (Thursday: Ontario) so that the rosary can be said each day in at least one section: Begin with the Prayer to St Francis, pray the rosary and end with the Memorare. There are sheets available in each church with these prayers. A Day for Men with Fr. Chris Keenan, Chaplain, New York City Fire Dept. at Edith Rankin Memorial United Church, 4080 Bath Rd, Kingston– Sat Jan 17 2015: 9:30am to 2:30pm. $35 per person (includes lunch) Contact: 613 389-2530 – [email protected]. Calling all teens in Grade 8-12! Join youth from all over the Archdiocese of Kingston in attending a dynamic high school youth conference called" Steubenville Toronto" this August 7-9, 2015 in Toronto. Going to be an amazing experience! For more info please contact Nadia Gundert at [email protected] or download the registration and information package from the Archdiocese of Kingston's website under the YOUTH tab. Registrations due by January 10. More winter coats needed for Coat Drive -Clean, gently used winter coats are still urgently needed for the coat distribution now taking place at St. Mary’s Parish Hall. Women’s and men coats (sizes large and extra-large) are in particular demand, plus winter boots, mitts, scarves and hats. Items can be dropped off at the Parish Hall (corner of Brock and Clergy Streets) from 1-4 pm, Monday to Saturday, until Dec. 22. Details: Ann Lyng, 613-546-5521, ext. 3 or 613-542-7612. Be the help kids need: There is an urgent need for foster homes for teens in Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington. To find out how you can help, go to
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