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Dear Friends,
Being the last editorial for the year I thank you for your support for the College
and for those in leadership here. Not only do we deeply appreciate the good
will of the College community, we also know it is an essential component in
any measure of success. It is a great privilege for us to formally assist families
with children’s education and to do so within a Christian perspective.
I congratulate families on gracefully making it to the end of the school year,
and especially students who have achieved their best and given their finest
effort. We have loved having you here and look forward to a continuing
relationship next year. To those students leaving Plenty Valley Christian
College, we do wish you the very best for your ongoing development and
wisdom for living life in this era. We will of course welcome many new families
next year and I take this opportunity to alert and invite our community to two
important events. Our College Service of Dedication for the New Year will be
held at Greensborough Baptist Church, 9.00am on January 29th. And, our
Dinner for parents new to the College will be on February 10th at the school.
A number of staff will be leaving Plenty Valley this year and I thank them for
their contribution to the College whether that has been over a short or lengthy
period. In particular, Liz Mackinnon and Julie MacDonald have announced
their resignations after 22 years and 28 years of service respectively. A great
achievement in anyone’s language! We have appreciated the achievements
and collegiality of all our staff members this year.
Our prayer for families and staff is one for safety, rest and shalom over the
Christmas – New Year break. Shalom is a biblical concept centred on ‘peace’.
It points to a quality of wholeness and completeness of relationship that
speaks of being very much at peace with oneself and others. It recognises the
quality and condition of being at peace with the foundation and the
culmination of life, especially as that is embraced and cradled in a Christian
perspective. Shalom points us to healing and forgiveness in those
Calendar Events
Primary Students Finish Term 4
VCE Results
Yr 7-9 Presentation Night
Yr 10-12 Presentation Night
Staff Lunch
circumstances where it is needed. Shalom points us to the holiness of God,
and for us a concept that is evocative of ecclesial overtones. However,
holiness is more than candles, incense and priestly clothes. It is being set
apart from the distractions of this season to spend time with God, to be in a
place where we ponder the words whispered to an apostle 2000 years ago:
Teaching Staff Finish
God so loved the world that He gave His only son …
Christmas Day
That act of love is one that offers healing, holiness and shalom. May
Christmas provide such a time for you.
Boxing Day
Douglas Peck
New Year’s Day
What a busy week it has been to finish off 2014.
Orientation Day was held on Tuesday and children had the opportunity to visit
with their new class and meet their new teacher. I spent considerable time
wandering through classes and I am delighted to report very happy
environments were evident in every class visited!
It can be unsettling for some children making the transition, but experience
would suggest that sometimes, time is required to adjust, so if your child is
feeling a little anxious, by all means chat with their teacher but please keep in
the back of your mind, that on all observations, this week’s Orientation was a
huge success.
I advise parents that there will be a slight restructure of our Coordinators for
2015. As such, Mrs Susan Phipps will be Coordinating Prep to Year 2 and Mr
Roland Gardiner, Years 3 to 6. I am excited with this change and I am sure
parents will find both Coordinators easily accessible and keenly interested in
the welfare of every child in their care.
The following outlines teacher placement for 2015:
Prep CS
Prep K
Year 1FB
Year 1PS
Year 2B
Year 2T
Year 3 G
Year 3H
Year 4B
Year 4N
Year 5B
Year 5CB
Year 6M
Year 6W
Mrs Tonja Craig/Mrs Rachel Scordo
Ms Brianna Kent
Mrs Christine Finger/Mrs Regina Brownley (Wed)
Mrs Sue Phipps/Mrs Rachael Scordo
Mrs Beverley Brown
Mrs Amy Theuma (Terms 2-4); Mrs Laura Oakes (Term 1)
Mr Wayne Gillie
Mr Darren Horton
Ms Sue Bezemer
Mrs Fiona Naccari
Mrs Dolly Bain
Mrs Eleanor Collier/Mrs Regina Brownley (Fri)
Mrs Rebecca Matthews
Mr Lee Watson
I am very excited with these teams for 2015 and look forward with great
anticipation to another wonderful year in the primary school.
Australia Day
Public Holiday
27.01.2015 − 28.01.2015
New Staff Induction
Staff Commence
College Dedication Service
Yrs 7 & 12 Commence
Best wishes are extended to Year 6 who will participate in their Graduation
ceremony this evening. We trust that this will be a memorable night and one
that provides a final step in their transition to secondary school. I know the
children are very much looking forward to their special night.
In again thanking the PVCC community for their warm welcome in 2014, I
extend every prayer and best wish to those children for whom tomorrow will
be their last day at the school. We will miss you all and trust that God will
continue to hold each of you, in the palm of his hand.
To the many parents and friends who have helped out in the primary school
across the year, I also extend our heartfelt thanks for your involvement,
interest and enthusiasm in supporting the College in this way. Please know
that your efforts have gone a long way in making the primary school such a
happy place to be.
I wish all families a very happy and blessed Christmas. Being the last edition
of College Connections for 2014, I leave you with the following as something
to think about as we approach this important time of the Christian calendar:
that we
shall always
see, God's
gifts upon our
Christmas tree.
You cannot touch
them with your hand,
yet they are there at your
command. There's joy and faith
and hope renewed. There's laughter
for a happy mood. There's gratitude for
each new day; a time to think a time to pray.
The Christ has come with holy light to shine and make
your pathway bright. All these are there if you can see
God's gifts
upon your
Christmas Tree.
Guy Mason
Head of Primary
On Monday the 8th of December all year Prep 1/2 students came to school
excited and dressed in their sports colours. The students spent the afternoon
playing 6 different minor games that focused on their fundamental motor
skills; throw, catch locomotion, kick, bounce and strike.
Thank you to the sports and house captains for their amazing leadership and
all family members who came to support the students!
Sally Park - Primary Sport
Click here to view the Summer Holiday Program.
Bookings are now open for December and January school holidays.
Angela Jones - OSHC Coordinator - 0412 146 340
Uniform shop hours for January 2015:
Wednesday, 21st January
Thursday, 22nd January
Monday, 26th January
Tuesday, 27th January
Wednesday, 28th January
Thursday, 29th January
Saturday, 31st January
Monday, 2nd February
10:00am - 2:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
Normal trading hours commence:
Tuesday, 3rd February
8:00am - 2:00pm
Our direct telephone number is 9717 4996
Lydia Ross
Term 4 - 2014
Josh Young
Hannah Ciacia
Jordan Chickwe
Elizabeth Hynes
Jayden Randell
Isaac Devincentis
Olive Wood
April Somerville
Jacob Davidson
India Rhodes
Dylan Wright
Esther Abram
Bethany Fothergill
Aaron R
Lily Dixon
Amelia Bartoli
Laura Dawood
Meenakshi Deepak
Chelsey Sabawo
Anique Tandora
Kai Elbers
Ben Kaldas
Jennifer Gad
Delandt Prinsloo
Bethany Amor
Basma Saweres
Thomas Ciacia
Hannah Annosike
Jett muse
Kynan Mason
Gordon Ruddy
Nina Theron
Cameron Costin
Mark Griffin
Tamara Hall
Ben Eberbach
Mark Griffen
Matthew Scordo
Aiden De Fazio
Bethany Fedele
Zac Ciacia
Daniel John
Edvard Kan
Isabella Dahiya
Thomas Christofi
Kelby Pitman
Abigail Walker
Amy Barrass
Sophie macRaild
Jacob Younan
Daniel Mitchell
Brooke Mason
Shannon Macneil
John Zacharias
Sarah Green
Tapu Nicol
Phoebe Deovic
Paige Leitch &
Thomas Sobol
Samuel Whitely
Tanaya Spratt
Zali Vanderwert
Paige Kelly
Madison Sohnle
Josh Paine
Thomas lambert
Ayden Chapple
Ayden Chapple
Grace Leather
Oliver Smith
Danielle Spiropolous
Mikayla Craig
Katelyn O'Grady
Caitlin K
Hannsley Ernest
Ned Welsh
Molly Evans
Daniel Thompson
Nicola P
Hollie Ellis
Jye Winston- Harvey
Lauren Dunstan &
Lachlan McGinty
Freya Hutton
Phoebe McKenna
Zac Forster
Jonathon Len
Anna French