THE STRAND CHURCH (United Reformed) 11th JANUARY 2015 A warm welcome to everyone especially those visiting us today. Our morning service is led by Revd Roger Whitehead, our minister. At the beginning of the service, please stand when the Bible is brought in by one of our elders followed by the Choir. The service then begins with the notices and a period of silence. Tea & coffee are served after the service; we hope you will stay. Readings: Isaiah 40: 1-9 (page 723) Mark 1: 1-15 (page 1002) read by Jan Adams read by Rychard Winslade Welcome Team: Pam Mann Duty Elder: Marilyn Rigby Next Sunday marks the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Chris5an Unity. Our Morning Service at 10.30 next Sunday will be led by our minister. It is a service of Prayer for Healing when there will be an opportunity for personal prayer for worshippers or on behalf of others. At 4.00 next Sunday there is a United Service at St George’s Church, Holcombe to celebrate the week. PRAYER FOR THE PEOPLE OF FRANCE Lord Jesus Christ, you turned the hurt and hatred of the cross into a sign of hope and healing. So today we pray for the people of France, that voices will speak for calm, hands reach out to the wounded and bereaved, and communi1es learn in sorrow new ways to live side by side in respect and love. Amen. From the URC website STRAND CHURCH ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK Thursday 10.00 - 12.00 Coffee & Kids (Toddler Group); the Café is open to 2.00 § Friday 11.30 - 12.15 Prayer Mee5ng in the vestry 6.30 - 8.00 Love, Life and Praise § Sunday 18th 4.00 - 5.00 United Service St George's Holcombe To look forward to next week Wed 21st 12.30 - 2.00 Churches Together AGM & lunch † Thurs 22nd 10.00 - 12.00 Coffee & Kids (Toddler Group); Café open till 2.00 § Fri 23rd 11.30 - 12.15 Prayer Mee5ng in the vestry Sat 24th 3.00 - 6.00 Torbay URC Churches New Year Party, Torquay Each day from Monday to Friday there are prayers for the Week of Prayer Mon 19th 12.00 Co=on Wed 21st 12.00 Strand Church † Tues 20th 12.00 St Agatha's Thurs 22nd 12.00 St Gregory's 7.30 DCF Fri 23rd 12.00 Methodist Church NHS consulta5on With the recent well reported pressures on the Na1onal Health Service, it is 1mely that the local Commissioning Group is holding public consulta1ons on the future of local NHS provision. One of the consulta1ons is in the Centre on Wednesday from 1.00 to 3.00. This is our opportunity to have our say. The annual Torbay URC New Year Party - Saturday week We have been asked to make two contribu1ons to the entertainment, and to provide some food for the bring-and-share tea. Ideas for the first and offers for the second to Roger Whitehead please. Li=s are available to Central Church for Torquay for the Party - please sign the list if you are coming and you want one. Churches Together Annual General Mee5ng - Wednesday 21st at 12.30 It is our turn this year to host the CTDD AGM which follows the daily service at noon in our building. The host church is asked to provide a buffet lunch for the AGM for about 20 people. Offers of help with the catering to Roger Whitehead, or please sign the list. STRAND CENTRE NEWS The Inspire Café is open this week Tuesday to Friday for a full menu. On Monday morning refreshments are served by Oakwood Court College; there are no refreshments on Saturday. THE STRAND CENTRE’S ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK Monday 9.30 - 12.30 Knit & Natter ¤ 2.00 - 3.00 Dawlish Arts Festival Trails Group meeting § 12.30 - 2.00 Luncheon Club † Tuesday 9.30 12.30 4.00 6.00 Wednesday 9.30 - 12.30 Foot Clinic § 10.00 - 2.00 RISE meeting (¤ & #) 1.00 - 3.00 NHS Commissioning Public Consultation § Thursday 10.00 2.30 4.00 7.00 7.15 Friday 11.30 - 12.15 Prayer Meeting in the vestry 1.00 - 3.30 Home Education Group † 6.30 - 8.00 Love, Life and Praise § Saturday 12.00 - - 12.30 - 1.20 - 8.00 - 7.00 Foot Clinic § Lunch Club provided by Oakwood Court College † Dawlish Dance Studio (ballet classes) † Tai Chi § - 12.00 Coffee & Kids (Toddler Group); Café open till 2.00 § - 3.30 Keep Fit § - 8.00 Dawlish Dance Studio (ballet classes) † - 9.00 Slimming World § - 9.15 Teignmouth Camera Club Committee meeting ¤ 2.00 Strand Centre Volunteers Party § § auditorium † Strand Hall ¤ upper lounge of Strand Hall # Carey Room Cancer Research Table Top Sales resume on 20th January, Tuesdays & Wednesdays OUR THANKS We are very grateful to all those who helped to decorate the auditorium for Christmas and for the lovely café table decorations. Thanks also to Dave and Patricia Mackie who looked after the building and kept it clean during the holiday period. FOR YOUR PRAYERS DURING THE WEEK “The value of consistent prayer is not that God will hear us, but that we will hear him.” William McGill Please pray for “my girl friend’s brother who’s got to have yet another opera1on on his other hip and knee” “my dog Pippin who is having major surgery” “God to persuade Mum not to get permission from Dad and go to Worthing” The rela1ves of those killed in the extremists’ violence in France last week, and those who were injured (as prayer we can use is on front page) and give thanks that “Lilah Ramsden needs no further treatment for breast cancer: thank you, Lord, for answering our prayers.” We continue to pray our church family members who are at home; that they may continue to recover - Pam Green and Spike recovering from cancer treatment: and Stella Hughes who is slowly recovering her strength. Joan Jones is now in a care home in Shaldon; we pray for her and Elwyn. Birthday this week: Saturday (17th): Joyce Sleath This week we pray for Jan Adams’ pastoral group Marie Booth, Ivan & Nina Cartwright, Janet & Roger Garland, Pam Green, Ray Humphries, Jean Jones, Bob & Flo Ken1speer, June Makey, Emilie Osborne, Anne Pemberton, Joyce Sleath, and David & Hazel Spooner. Churches Together prayer list Sun Weech Rd, Badlake Hill and nearby roads Mon Park Rd, Old Town St and nearby roads; Dawlish Bap1st Church; Dawlish Chris1an Fellowship Tues The Mayor, Town Council, Starcross Parish Council and council staff Wed High St and nearby roads Thurs The Strand, Queen St and nearby roads; the Strand Church Fri Brunswick Place, Planta1on Terrace & nearby roads; Dawlish Methodist Church Sat Social services; home carers; community transport; Hedley Way Centre; the Open Daw
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