Contact Us: 1411 Upper Wellington Street Hamilton, Ontario L9A 3S9 Victory Garden Hours: CLOSED FOR THE SEASON Phone: 905-383-8315 Website: Pastor: Vacant Administrative Assistant: Marlene Knevel Office Hours: Email: [email protected] 9:00 - 12:00 Tuesday 9:00 - 2:00 Thursday, Friday Custodian: Arie Bouma Email: [email protected] Home: 905-679-8516 Cell: 905-928-7431 Treasurer: Henk Van Tuyl Email: [email protected] Home: 905-388-7748 Chairman of Council: Clerk of Council: Chairman of Deacons: Harmen Vander Meulen Mark Demik 905-383-9869 905-765-4287 Our Mission Statement Mount Hamilton Christian Reformed Church “To glorify God as a vibrant community of disciples that actively and joyfully serve one another and our community.” December 28, 2014 Rev. Ralph Koops Organist: Mr. Ed Bosveld Prelude Welcome & Announcements Gathering Songs SB #82 “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” SB #62 “Because He Lives” *Gathering *Call to Worship * Silent Prayer M: People of God, from where does our help come? C: Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth. * God’s Greeting * Hymn of Praise: #443 “Hours and Days and Years and Ages” Reconciliation Call to Confession Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon Song of Response: #446 “If You But Trust in God to Guide You” Word Prayer for Illumination Margaret Buma Scripture Reading - Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:9; 11 Corinthians 4:16-5:1 (Pages 1047; 1798) Text: Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:9 Song: #435 “All Things Bright and Beautiful” Sunday School for children aged 3 - 5, and grades 1 - 4 Sermon: “Youth and Old Age” Response *Hymn of Response: #442 “Abide with Me” Congregational Prayer Offering: Budget and Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice Offertory Prayer Year-End Reflections Sending * Closing Song: #344 “Silent Night! Holy Night!” * Benediction * Doxology: #454 “Now Thank We All Our God” * Postlude Church Duties 9:30 a.m. DUTY Today January 1 New Year’s Day January 4 Nursery Marlene Knevel Gerda Vander Meulen Trish Demik Margaret Kool Lisa Schuurman Angela Liddicoat Audio Frank Buwalda Frank Buwalda Henk Van Tuyl Visual Shae-Lynn Knevel Henk Van Tuyl Mark Demik Parking Lot Henk De Groot Doug Nagtegaal Bill Nagtegaal Library Margaret Kool Eileen Nagtegaal CLOSED CLOSED Greeters ** Doug & Eileen Nagtegaal Bill & Ann Nagtegaal Ron & Jean Postma Open/Close Setup Casey & Maryke Flokstra Henk & Ann DeGroot Marlene Knevel Coffee Duty Ge Van Engen / Tina Fennema Joan Fluit/Angela Lid- Wilma Fennema/ dicoat Coby Lammers Peter & Lydia Demik Bob & Trudy de Haan Melle & Alida Rozema ** Note to Greeters - Nametags are in the wooden box on top of the shelf in the kitchen. Please stand at the main front door entrance. Thank you! If you are unable to fulfill your duties, it is your responsibility to find someone else. Thanks. Church Calendar Margaret Buma Harmen Vander Meulen Tuesday, December 30 11:00 a.m. Announcements due to Marlene at the church office. Thursday, January 1 New Year’s Day Service 9:30 a.m. - Rev. J. Klomps Offering: Diaconal Ministries Sunday, January 4 9:30 a.m. - Rev. Ralph Koops Offering: Redeemer University College December 28, 2014 Children’s Bulletin We welcome Rev. Ralph Koops who will preach for us this morning. If needed, DVD’s are available at the audio/video station at the rear of the sanctuary. Please join us following the service in the fellowship hall for refreshments. Our Church Family Church Family: Prayer and Praise Prayer • Heb. 13:1-3 “Keep on loving each other as brothers. and sisters. Do not forget to entertain strangers for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” • Pray that we will love as God commanded us to love. • Pray also for our Christian brothers and sisters in other parts of the world. Many of whom are displaced from their homes and persecuted; their only guilt: belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. Bible League: • As Christians in Ethiopia look to their children – they worry. There are reasons for unease even though Christianity is winning out in Ethiopia, growing by an incredible 4.5% a year! The lives of our fellow Christians in East Africa are so totally different from what you know in your neighbourhood. So much rests on the children of this land where Christian history stretches back almost to Jesus’ call to “go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19) But the danger to God’s Word is real! Children are the future of Christ’s Church in a troubled land where competition for hearts is fierce and where Christians continue to be persecuted by followers of Islam. Please pray that the gospel, through children’s ministry efforts, will win these children for Christ! Announcements Community Announcements In Your Mailbox: This morning you will find a copy of the new 2015 Directory in your mailboxes. From the Treasurer: The absolute last day for any 2014 budget giving is TODAY! All donations MUST be in the hands of the Treasurer by that date or they will be recorded in 2015 – no exceptions. You MUST date any/all cheques before December 31, 2014 and place them in your black 2014 envelopes - DO NOT USE your new 2015 blue envelopes. If you have no black 2014 envelopes left, please place the donation in a regular mail envelope and indicate your name and/or your 2014 envelope number on the outside. Donation receipts for 2014 should be in your mail slot by the end of January, 2015. The deadline for final 2014 expense submissions from groups and individuals is December 31, 2014 - no exceptions. Attention Ladies of the Congregation: We usually have some goodies after church on New Year’s Day, so it would be greatly appreciated if you would all help out and bring something along with you that morning to contribute for this. You can just drop it off in the kitchen. Thanks so much! Bible Study tonight at 6 p.m. at the church - read Lord's Day 28,29,30. Thank you. From Back to God Ministries International: GROUNDWORK - Spiritual Disciplines: It’s the time of year when we naturally think about self-improvement. Tune in to Groundwork as we study scripture to discuss spiritual disciplines that can help us cultivate our spiritual lives. Join the conversation each week: subscribe for free weekly emails at or visit to find a local radio station or listen now. KIDS CORNER - To The Letter: Christian Pop Star Carrie Grace is coming to Terrene, and she’s offering VIP passes for a party with her! After each of our friends are certain they have what is needed to win the contest, Julia, convinced she has nothing, ends up with everything. Follow the adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at Find more great resources for kids and parents at FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.' IT’S COMING between Christmas and New Year’s Eve! Join us at Mountainview CRC, Grimsby tonight for an evening service of Praise & Worship focused on GETTING RECONNECTED! This service is geared towards, youth, young adults and the young at heart! There will be a time of coffee at 6:30, followed by a time of praise and worship from 7 to 8. Refreshments will also be served after! Get reconnected with friends, neighbors and students (both high school and college) that have been away. Invite people from neighboring churches and your neighborhoods. Let's come together for worship, food and fellowship and get RECONNECTED! JANUARY SERIES IN BURLINGTON - The Burlington office of the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) invites you to the Calvin College January Series beginning Jan. 7, 2015 and continuing weekdays through Jan. 27 at 3475 Mainway, Burlington, Ont. Each lecture will be shown via a "live feed" from Calvin College from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. and will cover topics ranging from the art of storytelling, the social and spiritual effects of technology, an insider’s view of global affairs and much more. The CRCNA Office is one of 45 remote webcast sites. For information about the speakers and topics, visit
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