RESIDENTIAL WEEKEND EVENTS From Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Cost for each weekend in 2015: Per person, single room £188 (£132); shared room £162 (£112) unless otherwise indicated. [Figure in brackets is the concessionary rate] Watching with our Transforming Lord Shaun Lambert 2015 January 9th – 11th An opportunity at the start of a New Year to take time out for a fresh look at our lives through watchfulness, a lost aspect of the gospel of Mark. Finding Sanctuary Responding to BBC’s ‘The Monastery’ Monastic Team 2015 January 16th – 18th 2015 October 9th – 11th An emphasis on learning to pray and using personal time creatively. Reserved for those who have not been on such a retreat before. Silent Retreat: Individually Guided Prayer (IGR) Monastic Team and Spiritual Guides 2015 May 1st – 4th (3 days, Fri. to Mon.) A silent retreat over a long weekend using prayer with scripture and opportunities to reflect each day, one to one, with an experienced prayer guide. Per person, single room £282 (£198) Time to Listen, Space to Grow Jo Eaton and Mary Watson 2015 June 19th – 21st Recommended for those who have not been on a retreat before and for those wanting to explore their own spiritual journey in a contemplative environment, leading to a deeper awareness of God, self and others. Seeking God’s Face in the Psalms Br David Jarmy 2015 July 24th – 26th An opportunity to engage with the Book of Psalms, used so frequently in liturgical prayer. These ancient texts – although very human – have the capacity to draw us deeply into the mystery of God. Finding Silence - Responding to the BBC series “The Big Silence” Monastic Team 2015 September 4th – 6th Retreats for those who would like to experience something of monastic silence. An opportunity to reflect on our relationship with God and to explore the gift of silence and stillness as the “gateway to the soul”. PSG/Time & Space Follow-on Weekend Jo Eaton and Mary Watson 2015 September 11th - 13th (in Compass House) For anyone who has completed the PSG Course or a Time & Space Weekend (like the one above) and who would like to explore further the themes and topics. Writing in Gold. Icons of Christ Br David Jarmy 2015 September 18th - 20th Looking prayerfully at icons enables us to engage an age-old tradition, which draws us into the Mystery of Christ. Wisdom of the Desert Michael Woodward 2015 November 13th – 15th The goal of the desert fathers and mothers was continuous prayer. We look at the main features of desert spirituality, listen for the voice of God, and reflect upon how to sustain that spirituality in our daily lives. RESIDENTIAL WEEKDAY EVENTS Cost for each three-day event in 2015: Per person: single room £252 (£177); shared room £219 (£153) unless otherwise indicated. Living Sanctuary (Monday - Thursday) Monastic Team 2015 November 9th – 12th From late afternoon on the first day (Monday) until after lunch on the last (Thursday) These - mostly silent - retreats are for those who have already experienced a retreat and who wish to experience ‘living sanctuary’ for a longer period, enabling participants to explore their own faith journey through silence, reading and prayer. There is an opportunity to speak with a personal prayer guide. RESIDENTIAL INDIVIDUAL RETREATS We welcome individuals, families or small groups to come and stay in Compass House, to join the monastic cycle of prayer and liturgy and spend time in prayerful silence and holy reading. We provide Bed and Breakfast and self-catering facilities on weekdays. Alternatively, men may stay in the Monastic Guest House and join the Monastic Community for meals. Contact the Monk Guestmaster: [email protected] RESIDENTIAL EVENTS FOR YOUTH TEENAGERS ‘New Chapter’ Cost for weekends: £82 per teenager Older Teenagers: Ages 14-18 (Yrs 10-13)* Mary Hunt, Youth Team & Monastic Team 2015 February 20th – 22nd 2015 October 16th – 18th Prayer, reflection, discussion, time for sport, creative activities, relaxing and making friends are all part of the weekend to provide a space for them to engage with their faith. For Younger Teenagers: Ages 11-14 (School Years 7–10)* Mary Hunt, Youth Team and Monastic Team 2015 December 4th – 6th These fun packed weekends offer the chance for spiritual and personal growth through the experience of friendship and community, including a healthy balance of reflection, sport and creative activities. Teenagers and Young Adults Summer Activities Week* Youth Team and Monastic Team 2015 August 9th – 16th (7 days) Three separate groups for different ages, organised by the LCSB*: A) Teenagers aged 14-18 (Years10-13); B) Young Adults aged 18-24; C) Adults 25+ These retreats provide opportunities for young people to spend a longer period of time together exploring the call of the Gospel, including formation, creative activities and prayer with the monastic community. Cost: to be announced. OUR ACCOMMODATION is particularly suited to retreats for families. RESIDENTIAL EVENTS FOR YOUTH YOUNG ADULTS (AGED 18-24-35) Donations per young adult between £60 and £100 for a weekend in St Brunos. ‘Dying and Rising in Christ’ for Young Adults (aged 18-35) Monastic Team & Wellspring Community 2015 February 13th − 15th A weekend to prepare for Lent, reflecting on our journey of transformation in Christ through the Easter mystery. An experience of the Benedictine way of life and inspiration for Christian living. ‘You are the Light of the World’ For young professionals (aged 25−35) Monastic Team and Young Adults 2015 June 5th – 7th Talks from professionals whose work life has been influenced by their faith. Retreat aimed at young professionals and those entering the world of work. Run by the Lay Community of St Benedict. ‘Transfigured in Christ’ Young Adults Summer retreat (aged 18−35) Monastic Team & Wellspring Community 2015 August 26th (Wed.) – 30th (Sun.) Exploring monastic ways to discipleship, with talks from monks of Worth including Fr Christopher Jamison, and members of The Wellspring Community. Costs £120 unwaged £150 waged. Called By Name – Exploring the Call of Christ, Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Vocations Retreat 2015 October 23rd – 25th With speakers from various walks of life reflecting on how we can discover and live out our unique calling. ‘The Dawn from On High’ (for ages 1835) An Advent Retreat for Young Adults Wellspring Community & Monastic Team 2015 November 27th – 29th Reflecting on the themes of Advent: the coming of God to us in Christ, the Dawn who breaks upon us from on high. Weekend Retreats for Young Adults* (aged 18-24) in Compass House Monastic and Youth Teams 2015 September 4th – 6th These retreats, based in Compass House, offer a space for reflection, fellowship and deepening faith. Donations per person between £46 and £60 The Wellspring is a Catholic community seeking to live the Gospel with the Rule of St Benedict as a guide. Living a common life of prayer and service, they witness to the Kingdom of God in the city of Brighton. RESIDENTIAL EVENTS FOR YOUTH UNIVERSITY CHAPLAINCIES Chaplains and Monastic Team 2015 February 6th - 8th (Essex & Imperial College London) 2015 February 27th – 1st March Southern Universities 2015 March 6th - 8th (Goldsmiths and South Bank) 2015 March 13th – 15th (Newman House) 2015 March 20th - 22nd (Cambridge) 2015 November 20th - 22nd (Sussex, Brighton & Portsmouth) Students and Chaplaincies welcome! For over forty years Worth Abbey has offered hospitality to student groups. If you are interested in finding out more or booking a weekend, either for a chaplaincy retreat or as an individual student please contact The Open Cloister. Donations per person between £60 and £100 Some Chaplaincies offer further subsidies. DAY EVENTS Quiet Fridays - Monastic Team 2015: (see calendar) once a month, normally on the second Friday: Take time for stillness and solitude; enjoy the attractive grounds and Quiet Garden. Join the monastic community for Midday Prayer in the Abbey church, followed by the opportunity of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. Shared tea and coffee available. Please bring your own packed lunch. Arrivals from 10:15 a.m. for a 10:45 a.m. start, until 3:30 p.m., based in the Day Centre of Compass House. Per person £12 (£8) Deposits not required but N.B. Pre-booking is essential EVENING EVENTS Personal & Spiritual Growth Led by: Jo Eaton with Brenda McGinn and Mary Watson Applications are invited for 2015 Sept. - 2016 July (see calendar) Each Wednesday evening for 10 weeks during term time: 19.30 - 21.30; & one Saturday per term: 10.00 - 16.00 A one year ecumenical course, held in a contemplative environment, leading to a deeper awareness of God, self and others. Not a taught theoretical course, but experiential, using a ‘creative listening’ method, related to our lived lives. Each person considering the course will need to have attended one Taster Evening: 2015 July 8th 2015 September 2nd Applications to be in by 2015 July 1st. Cost for 2015 - 2016: £154 per term; - in addition to the deposit of £23, which includes the Taster Evening. PSG – Going Deeper Monthly on Thursdays (see calendar) 2015 January - December Jo Eaton, Brenda McGinn and others For those who have done the one year PSG course and wish to continue exploring their relationship with God, others and self. Meeting usually on the 3rd Thursday of the month between 19.30 and 21.30. Cost for 2015: £209 for the whole year (or £118 Jan - Jul and £102 Sep - Dec) GROUP SUPERVISION FOR SPIRITUAL DIRECTORS Supervision in a group setting (maximum 8 per group) for those working as Christian Spiritual Directors. Meeting about every six weeks for two hours during the day, on Tuesday mornings (Wednesdays from September 2015). See calendar for dates Cost: Per person per session £24 or £165 (or 2 x £88 instalments) for annual series of 8 meetings BERMONDSEY HUTS CAMPING SITE Open May to October. “Camping for softies” in the SE corner of Worth Abbey Estate in two huts with kitchen, WCs, showers and hot water. Ideal holiday in the countryside for large families, parish groups, special needs or friends. Sleeps up to 10 in one hut; up to 80 in tents. £5.50 per person per night. Deposit and minimum charge of £55 on booking Programme 2015 photo: © Edmund Sumner RATES All our rates are inclusive of V.A.T. We like to think that our rates do not prevent anyone from benefiting, hence we are aware of the need for concessions. CONCESSIONS The figure given in brackets after the normal rate is the concessionary rate that applies to those who are unemployed, senior citizens, students and associates of Worth Abbey (i.e. Employees, Lay Community of St Benedict, Parish, Worth Society). In any case, cost alone should not prevent anyone from attending our events. Please inform us of any such special needs or applications for subsidy from our St Bruno Fund. DONATIONS TO THE ST BRUNO FUND We ask those who can afford more than our rates to donate to this Fund to enable us to continue to provide these subsidies. RESIDENTIAL ARRIVALS Please plan to arrive at St. Bruno’s from 4:00 p.m. onwards. The first formal event is the church liturgy, usually at 5:30 p.m. Please let us know when to expect you. ECUMENICAL All Christians are welcome to take part in our events which are offered from a Roman Catholic perspective in the tradition of monastic hospitality. EUCHARISTIC LITURGIES The monastic prayer and liturgy is open to all who visit but it is not possible to offer Communion to non Roman Catholics who attend Mass within Worth Abbey. Those not receiving Communion for any reason are warmly invited to come forward to receive a blessing. To reserve a place on any of the events listed, please complete a Booking Form, which is enclosed and available from our web site: or by contacting: The Bookings Secretary The Open Cloister Worth Abbey Paddockhurst Road Turners Hill CRAWLEY West Sussex RH10 4SB t: 01342 710318 e: [email protected] f: 01342 710311 The Open Cloister invites you to seek God within the tranquillity and beauty of Worth Abbey and its church (above). Cloisters are usually ‘closed’; this one is open, in the sense that all retreatants, both men and women, are invited to experience the rhythm of the monastic day, liturgy and prayer. Worth Abbey Registered Charity number 1093913 Company number 04475556 Worth Abbey Projects Ltd Company number 04523776 If you are searching for God or seeking to deepen your relationship with the Lord, you are most welcome to spend time with us here at Worth Abbey and The Open Cloister. The Open Cloister 2015 Calendar of Retreats Other dates may be available to book our Conference and Retreat facilities 2015 Residential: weekends Residential: weekdays and Families Events for Teenagers and Young Adults 9-11 (Individual Retreats 2-4 Parish Confirmation Group a vailable in Compass all 23-25 Parish Confirmation Group year when other bookings allow) Day Events Evening and for Spiritual Directors † Saturdays 10:00 – 16:00 9 Quiet Friday 20 Group Supervision 14, 21, 28 Personal & Spiritual Growth (Term 2) 15 PSG Going Deeper 13 Quiet Friday February 6-8 (Essex University, Imperial College) 13−15 ‘Dying and Rising in Christ’ (age 18-35) 20-22 Teenagers (age 14-18)* 27-1 (Mar) Parish Confirmation Group 27-1 (Mar) Southern University 4, 11, 25 Personal & Spiritual Growth 19 PSG Going Deeper March 6-8 13-15 13-15 20-22 3 Group Supervision 13 Quiet Friday 4, 11, 21†,25 Personal & Spiritual Growth 19 PSG Going Deeper 21-23 School Group 10 Quiet Friday 21 Group Supervision 16 PSG Going Deeper 22, 29 Personal & Spiritual Growth (Term 3) 1-4 Guided Prayer (IGR) 8-10 Parish Confirmation Group 29-31 Wellspring Community 8 Quiet Friday 6, 13, 20 Personal & Spiritual Growth 14 PSG Going Deeper 5-7 LCSB Speakers Weekend 12-14 LCSB* 19-21 Time to Listen, Space to Grow 5-7 Young Professionals (18-25) 12-14 LCSB South* 12 Quiet Friday 2 Group Supervision 3, 10, 17, 20†, 24 Personal & Spiritual Growth 18 PSG Going Deeper 24-26 Seeking God’s Face in the Psalms 13-2(Aug) ‘School of the Lords Service’ (in Compass) 3 Quiet Friday 14 Group Supervision January Watching with our Transforming Lord (led by Shaun Lambert) 16-18 Finding Sanctuary 30-1 LCSB Scripture* April May June July August 14-16 LCSB Summer Meeting* 9-16 LCSB Scripture * 9-16 Summer Activities Week (age 25+)* 4-6 Finding Silence 11-13 PSG Follow-on(in Compass) September 18-20 Writing in Gold. Icons of Christ October November December 9-11 Finding Sanctuary 30-1 (Nov) LCSB Scripture* 13-15 Wisdom of the Desert 9-12 Living Sanctuary 11-13 OMV (Goldsmiths and South Bank University) (Newman House University) Parish Confirmation Group (Cambridge University) 8 Personal & Spiritual Growth Taster Evening 16 PSG Going Deeper 9-16 Summer Activities Wk (age 11-18,18-24)* 21-23 Project 20-30 26−30 Young Adults Summer Retreat (age 18−35) 4-6 Young Adults in Compass (age 18-24)* 11 Quiet Friday 2 Personal & Spiritual Growth Taster Evening 17 PSG Going Deeper 23, 30 Personal & Spiritual Growth (Term 1) 16-18 Teenagers (age 14-18)* 23-25 A&B Vocations 9 Quiet Friday 21 Group Supervision 7, 14, 21, Personal & Spiritual Growth 15 PSG Going Deeper 20-22 (Sussex, Brighton & Portsmouth University) 27−29 Advent Retreat (age 18-35) 13 Quiet Friday 4, 11, 14†, 18, 25 Personal & Spiritual Growth 19 PSG Going Deeper 4-6 Teenagers (age 11-14)* 2 Group Supervision 11 Quiet Friday 2 Personal & Spiritual Growth 10 PSG Going Deeper Worth Abbey, Paddockhurst Road, Turners Hill, Crawley RH10 4SB Events printed in BLUE are run by organisations other than The Open Cloister telephone: 01342 710318 | e-mail: [email protected] Events marked * are presented in partnership with members of the Lay Community of Saint Benedict
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