Pastor Dan Jividen IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH November 2014

Pastor Dan Jividen
"Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers,
that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God."
Colossians 4:12, NKJV
Perhaps the greatest reason for the spiritual anemia that besets many churches is the problem of prayerlessness. A healthy
church remains healthy as a result of a consistent prayer ministry. In John 15:5, Jesus put it bluntly: "I am the vine, you
are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."
Prayer is the activity of purposefully abiding in Christ. The Colossians 4 passage above demonstrates that prayer is not a
product of spiritual passivity. Serious prayer is purposefully laboring at seeking the heart of God. It is not for the lethargic
or double minded (James 1:7-8). It is not for the inconsistent or uncommitted (Luke 18:6-7).
Perhaps that is the real reason most modern churches suffer from prayerlessness. It requires a serious, concerted and consistent effort on the part of the members. Remember, Paul spoke to the Colossians about Ephaphras, "who is one of you."
He spoke about the fact that Epaphras was, "always laboring fervently for you," in prayer. Last of all, he mentioned that
the goal of Epaphras' prayers were that the body of Christ there in Colosse might, "stand perfect and complete in all the
will of God."
The problem with the prayer ministry of so many Churches is that it is restricted to those we believe are, "in need of
prayer." Most of the time, our perception of those, "needing prayer," is relegated to those who have physical needs, ailments, or desires.
This is the great problem, because the greatest needs within the Church are always spiritual in nature. We have an enemy
who roams about, "like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8) Certainly we must recognize that such
an enemy demands that we remain constantly vigilant in prayer for, "pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity
to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
This commitment to prayer is not mamby-pamby stuff. It is serious business! Maintaining Church health through prayer
requires serious disciples with a serious commitment to see the kingdom of God advanced by aligning ourselves with
God's good, acceptable and perfect will (Romans 12:2).
This explains why so few Church members will ever be involved in prayer ministries. Nevertheless, it is not up to how
many of our members we can involve in prayer. It is up to the commitment of those precious few who recognize the seriousness of our call to prayer, "For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few." (1 Samuel 14:6).
Let me put it very bluntly: Show me a Church that no longer maintains a prayer meeting and I will show you a dead or
dying Church! Show me a Church that is not praying for spiritual power in the pulpit and I will show you a Church that is
starving for want of spiritual meat! I am convinced that when God's people pray; God speaks!
Why refuse to hold prayer meetings just because the majority of the membership does not recognize the need, or have the
desire to participate? Let the Lord God call the members to assemble themselves! Those who are in tune with the Spirit
will respond to His call. Leave the others to whatever pursuits they believe more important!
Although the prayer meeting will always and ever be relegated to the few faithful "Epaphrases," it must never be abandoned just because, "almost nobody shows up." I would rather be counted among those who do, because I still believe the
prayer meeting is the true power-plant of ministry. It is the engine from which every other ministry derives its spiritual
Blessings and Peace,
Brother Dan
Immanuel Baptist Church
It’s that time of year again! F-30
is right around the corner! Mark
your calendars, friends; F-30 is
February 27-28 this year. F-30
stands for a 30-hour fast, in which
we raise awareness, funds, and
food for Global Hunger Relief.
Additionally, all food items raised
during the event will go to Princeton Tender Mercies and the Bluefield Union Mission. During the
weekend, we will be raising
money for Global Hunger Relief. GHR is an initiative of Southern Baptists that was formerly known as the
World Hunger Fund. GHR-funded projects combat hunger in North America and around the world in a wide
variety of ways, from disaster relief to addressing chronic hunger, from eliminating urban food deserts, and
much more.
GHR is one of the most effective channels for donating toward the global hunger crisis. While most humanitarian organizations may keep from 30% to 70% for administrative overhead (buildings, salaries, advertising, etc.), GHR is able to devote resources directly to meeting hunger needs because of the unique partnership it represents through the funding of the Cooperative Program giving and special offerings. What this
means is that 100% of every dollar donated to GHR funds hunger-related issues; 80% goes internationally
and 20% stays in North America.
The weekend will feature mission projects, concerts, speakers, games, scavenger hunt, a free t-shirt, and
much more! This event is for students 6th grade and up. College students and adults are heavily encouraged
to attend and participate!
We are blessed to have Render the Hearts leading worship, and Doug Compton as our guest speaker once
again. They desire for people to see the love they have for Christ through their music. The burden God has
laid on their ministries is not only to see lives saved, but to reach the lukewarm and broken-hearted Christ
followers. Bring a friend and come join the fun! You won’t want to miss out! Fasting starts at 1:00 p.m. Friday
and ends with a break-fast meal around 7:00 p.m. Saturday. F-30 registration begins at 6:00 p.m., Friday February 27 and the event starts at 6:30 p.m. that evening. Remember, this is a lock-in, so bring your air mattress, sleeping bag, pillow, change of clothes, etc.
ADULTS 21+: If you want to be a volunteer driver and lead a team of teens this weekend, let Kyle know
ASAP. This is always an area in which we need several volunteer drivers to lead teams of students. What being a Driver entails is simply driving students to and from their destinations in the community for scavenger
hunts, as well as gathering food and monetary donations, and leading up a small mission project in our community. Just being there for these young people can make a world of difference in their lives. If you have
never been a driver for this event, it is a blessing; both for you and the students. If you’re interested in driving
or have questions about the event, please talk to me and let me know! There is also a signup sheet in the
foyer for those interested in driving. Flyers and permission slips for students are also in the foyer.
How can you help? In addition to your volunteer efforts, Pray! In order for this event to be a success, both
spiritually and numerically, it must be saturated in prayer. Please be in prayer for this event. Pray for those
participating and for those who will receive the blessing of what will be raised (both food and funds) during
the weekend. Another way to help is to be involved by leading a group of students as a driver, or by joining
with a team as an adult chaperone. Your presence and involvement will mean the world to these young people.
In Christ, Kyle Neal
Make a difference in a child’s life! Bring them to be a part of this
exciting ministry! 7 pm every Wednesday Night.
Ages 2 through 5th grade
The Youth Evangelism Conference was
an amazing time of worship, evangelistic messages and challenges, and gathering with churches from around the
state. Total attendance from YEC 2015
was 809! Praise the Lord! Experiencing
corporate worship at that level, with
hundreds of students, is truly a blessing.
We enjoyed concerts by 7eventh Time
Down and Royal Tailor, as well as having
Luminate lead in worship, and David
Nasser as the speaker. Often times we
come back from these “mountain top experiences” and repel off the mountain, or in
some cases, jump off the cliff, so to speak, when we return to our schools and workplaces. It is my prayer that our students and adults alike absorbed the focus of the
weekend; that they are “Made Different to Make a Difference” and that they are
transformed, presenting themselves as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God
(Romans 12:1-2). Thank you Immanuel for continually supporting our student ministry
and continue to pray for our students’ spiritual growth, particularly two within our
group that made a renewed commitment to Christ.
1. Marie Davidson
4. Misty Cox
Tanner Jones
5. Racheal Pitcher
Mike Barker
6.Kenny Osborne
7. Bonnie Roberts
Nicole McMillan
8. Sheila Belcher
10. Jeff Smith
Logan Sigmon
Rebecca Pender grass
11. Staci Sigmon
In Christ,
12. Connie Shrewsbury
Kyle Neal
14.Paula Bishop
New Additions to our Membership
December Business Meeting : Emmett Williams and
Janel Willis
January Business Meeting: Michael and Cathy Barker,
Bill, Holly & Katie Streit, Brandon and Elizabeth Ramsey
8 A.M.
Frances Gillespie
15.Logan Cox
Patty Miller
Carol Sexton
16.Yvonne Bane
17. Mary Forrester
Alex Richardson
18.Zachary White
19.Joey Martin
Euna Milligan
21.Bobby Worrell
22.Ariel Schulte
26.Jack Goode
28.Pearl Mann
29.Devin Shrewsbury
Immanuel Baptist Church
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February 2015
2 Deacon’s
7 pm
8 am at IBC
8 Carry in
9 SHEbrews
6 pm
11 Focus
on WMU
12 Union
5:30 pm
7 pm
16 SHEbrews
17 WMU 7
18 Business
Mtg, 7 pm
6 pm
22 Counting
23 SHEbrews
5:45 pm
6 pm/
Early VBS
Mtg. Directors
7 pm
F 30