HW for Grade-5 - IVY World School

Session 2014-15
Taking inspiration from the lesson ‘Feast in the Semal Tree’ by Ruskin Bond, choose any plant
or tree – important to Indian culture and present a write up about it in not more than 500 words.
Here are your guidelines:
Ø Brief introduction/ description of this plant/ tree with a picture.
Ø Its significance in Indian culture.
Ø Describe any personal memory associated with it.
Submission date of your Report will be : January 20th. 2015.
Write a report on the recently occurred Natural Disasters in India / world.
• Introduction of Natural Disasters
• Map of where the disasters occurred
• What should be our role at the time of crisis.
Submission date of your Report will be : January 20th. 2015.
Create a map of your house. Write area and perimeter of each room. Draw a single storey /
double storey sketch of your house . For example:
1nd. Floor
The following will be used in determining your grade: completeness, accuracy, neatness,
organization, and presentation. This project will have the same weight as a test.
Submission date of your project will be : January 19th. 2015.
Make a project on dance and cultural activities of france .
Submission date of your Home work Assignment will be : January 20th. 2015.
I) Gandhiji dreamt of building a Museum depicting Rural India in which village scenes from
Rural India are shown.
Visit the website http://siddhagirimuseumorg/ and answer the given questions with due details
and pictures.
a) Name the Museum.
b) Where is it located?
c) Why was this Museum created?
d) Did you like the Museum? Write any two reasons why?
II) On the Map given below, are countries marked 1 to 20. All of them are members of the
United Nations Organisation. Name them. Use an Atlas. Do it in your notebook.
Submission date of your Home work Assignment will be : January 19th. 2015.
1 Apnao ima~ kao nava vaYa- kI SauBakamanaae^M donao ko ilae ek sauMdr kaDkaD^ banaae^M AaOr ]samaoM baQaa[baQaa[ p~ ilaKkr icapkae^M.
2 ik`yaa ko pa^Mca FlaOSa kaD- banaae^M.
NB: Holidays Home work to be done in the Classwork Notebooks and submitted on the
given due date.